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Another Lake Fantasy

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After an extended heat wave, visiting the lake early made practical sense when riding a motorcycle. Slowly gliding through the unpaved parking area to keep dust from billowing, it was a surprise to see only one car, and a further surprise to see an inflated pink flamingo raft and gym bag in front of it with no around. Parking in the same section of shade, though not close, I quickly got off the bike, opening my helmet, taking off my gloves, and unzipping the jacket.

Looking over, the driver's door was open. A man in a t-shirt, loose shorts and sandals was standing up, then moved a bit past the door. A certain familiar scent reached my nose, one that last smelled just 15 minutes ago, smoking a bowl right before leaving. A fact that helped explain why my gaze was drawn straight to the sight of the head of his downward pointing cock peeking out beneath his shorts.

It had been more than year since my last visit to the local bathhouse, and seeing a quite erect cock was a thrill that had a powerful effect on my own now stirring length. I saw another man get up and close the door, unconcerned at how obvious his erection was beneath his shorts. It was easy to imagine that my arrival had interrupted their fun, leading to imagining that the fun may not be over.

The license plate showed the car was from a couple of hours away, making me wonder if they were first time visitors unable to resist taking advantage of an opportunity in a new place. Putting my gloves in a saddle bag after taking out my things and blanket, they picked up the raft and started walking my way. Then changed their minds, several times, clearly not sure where they should be going, along with clearly being stoned.

I said hello as they walked towards me, getting their attention before they shifted direction again. Neither was as obviously turned on as before, but they both noticed the outline of my cock against my jeans. I asked if they were looking for the nudist section, or the other major beach area. They seemed a touch confused at the option, making me wonder if they knew about the textile free area at all.

Telling them that I was heading to the nudist area, they agreed that sounded like a good place to enjoy the morning. As we began walking together, I recited my normal warning to non-nudists about making sure they used enough sun tan lotion in all the places that were normally covered. Adding that normally the emphasis was on the importance of that to women, as sunburned nipples are very unpleasant, though men did not need that specific warning.

They laughed, saying that women were not really something they thought much about. By now, my cock was making my jeans leg taut, so I asked if they came to this region often. They said no, though they had heard about a nice sauna which they did plan to visit at some point. Asking if they meant the 125 year old or large new one, they looked at each other before saying the name. A name that just happened to be the one of my favorite male only sauna.

Enthusiastically, I said it was a fantastic place, one of the best saunas I had ever experienced. Their interest was obvious, as was the hand that brushed against my ass. For the first time, starting to discuss a bathhouse with men who were not inside one. I have talked to two women about the baths, but neither really seemed to understand just what makes the baths so incredible for a man.

The first thing explained was how the place itself was really very nice, equal to any public sauna I had ever visited. Second, the age range was broad, most definitely including people of our own age. By now, both were stroking my ass, just before reaching the main lake path, requiring crossing a fairly deep dry ditch then turning left.

After that interruption, we walked together, keeping the path somewhat clear for any bicyclists. After exchanging names, Bill asked how I dealt with the riding gear in the summer. Partially through long term practice, and partially because when riding, clothing was not a problem, adding that soon enough, it would all be stripped off anyways. Tom chuckled a bit, saying he was certainly curious about public nudity outdoors. Making Bill add that nudity was not the only thing to be enjoyed when outside, though maybe not exactly in public.

By now, mutual horniness was driving our discussion on, my pointing out an advantage of the raft, since in the middle of the lake, you were not really in public. Tom joked that made it the opposite of a dark room, even if you could play the same way with a willing stranger. Bill had gone slightly ahead, making his observation that willing was not a problem quite accurate, all three of us quite hard by now.

For the first time in my life, I reached out and slid my hand over an erect covered cock in public, making Tom sigh and slow down, his expression dreamy. We stopped briefly to fondle each other a bit, though carrying things limited our freedom. As did the fact we were in the middle of the path, which luckily remained empty.

Many people come to this lake by bicycle, so it was a relief when we reached my preferred section that no one was there yet. I put down my blanket and stuff, took off my helmet, then went to hang my jacket on a hanger under a shady tree. Turning back, I saw the pair had already put the raft in the water, and were kissing openly at water's edge. Sitting down on the blanket to take off my boots, I had a perfect view of how their kissing deepened as they began to grind against each other.

Standing again, I unbuttoned my shirt and jeans. Checking a final time to make sure no one was around, I stepped out of my jeans, cock jutting in the open air. The open shirt provided a last bit of privacy for anyone arriving, yet hid nothing from the pair in front of me. I could not resist starting to stroke while watching, the bowl I had recently smoked making the sensations extremely seductive, do something never done here before.

Breaking their kiss, they looked towards me. Bill immediately pulled down his shorts to show his own lovely erect length, as Tom commented on my all over tan. Bill was naked when he grinned and suggested it was time to go out on the raft together. Shrugging off my shirt, I quickly went down to the water's edge, rod bouncing, amazed at what I was doing in public, in a certain manner of speaking. Since no one was around, no one could see how openly I was exposing my stiff length to them. Or how hungrily I was looking at their hot cocks.

Part of what was happening was simply shared male lust, just like at the baths. There, everyone is interested in having sex with other men, even if not necessarily with any particular person at any particular time. But once the horniness starts to grow, giving in to desire becomes irresistible. This effect is the reason everyone goes, a truth known to all those inside, indulging in the addictive freedom to get off with other naked men.

Another part was knowing how good it felt to be hard in the water with another person, enjoying the exquisite sensations of warm skin and swirling currents, drifting weightless under the shining sun. This would be the first time with men outdoors, but after a decade's worth of bathhouse experience, the pleasure would be just as wonderful.

The surprising part was knowing this must be what public cruising felt like. An intense sensation of letting go, losing all caution in wanting sex with other men. Walking by them to the water, my hand played with each available cock briefly. Bill bent down to their gym bag as I turned in the water, backing up to give Tom space to steady the raft. Aware of still fully exposing myself while looking at them, not quite inviting myself into their likely sex session. Anticipation kept rising, all of us sharing the same undeniable interest in sex with other men.

Seeing Bill get into the water, it appeared as if he was holding a lighter and something hand rolled. Tom said they planned to smoke a joint, and would I want to join them? I of course agreed, remarking that the scent in the parking lot had been delightfully noticeable, but out in the middle of the water no one should notice. Adding that was at least my experience getting stoned and having sex in the water here over the years.

Bill lay on the raft carefully, then Tom pushed him gently past me. After getting a couple of yards away, he began to lazily use his legs to keep the raft moving. Tom and I swam behind, slowly positioning ourselves on each side, near Bill's head. I thought we would need to wait for our hands to dry, but I saw the joint was in a clip, much the same way with my friend and I when smoking.

As we kept slowly moving out to the middle of the lake, we returned to talking about bathhouses. This was only my second occasion talking with other men about having male sex. The first time was at a gay leather shop buying poppers, enjoying the freedom to openly discuss this sexual kick with equally experienced men. Now, cock delightfully hard as cool water flowed over it, I extolled the various attractions of the local bathhouse.

Plus its most glaring weak point, the amazingly uncomfortable sling. It turned out that we all had experienced the pleasures of a good sling, sitting and standing. Mentioning that the bathhouse only acquired its sling fairly recently, compared to the other slings I had enjoyed when traveling, such as the one in another city involving my first non-local baths visit, explicitly to have sex with other men.

Discovering that they had also been there, we started exchanging information to find out what other bathhouses we had in common, so to speak. The conversation entered a natural pause after Bill lit the joint, took a long hit, then passed it to me. I savored the scent while taking a nice drag, then saw how Bill turned his head to kiss Tom. I have often enjoyed getting stoned that way, though generally not with a joint.

When he turned his head back to me, I handed him the joint, which he then passed to Tom, who exhaled before taking his first hit. As Bill offered me the next hit, he leaned closer, lips parted. Of course I pressed my lips against his, breathing out as he breathed in, taking the clip from his fingers.

Smoking like this, our kissing grew more intense as the weed began to make itself felt. This is a great way to enjoy getting high with a willing partner, knowing that kissing is just the start of the fun while getting high. Tom's legs and mine had started touching, drifting together naturally. Bill took the final hit, sharing half with Tom and the other half with me before slipping off the raft.

Our conversation resumed with a certain relaxed intimacy concerning the obvious sexual direction. I guessed that they were probably cock sucking when I arrived, because it feels wonderful to get sucked right after getting high. Or during, Tom laughed, especially with a talented cock sucker. The feel of water and skin grew increasingly sensuous as our legs began sliding over inner thighs, seemingly at random.

Bill slid through the water to my side, where he could see Tom's face as my foot slid over his willing cock. I told them about the first time two men had sucked me off, one of the first times without a condom. Going to the a new bathhouse in a foreign country first, then after a couple of hours going to a coffee shop on the corner to smoke a big joint. Luckily, having already gotten familiar with the place, meaning getting so wonderfully stoned was not a major challenge having learned the layout and not needing to deal with paying.

Bill's body was against mine, leading to my leg going over his thigh, brushing his erect rod. Continuing the story lazily, I said that the large darkroom had deceived me in a way, thinking it would be possible to watch the hot group sex without being noticed. Bill sounded amused when he said it never really works that way, does it? No, but I pled to a certain lack of experience, particularly in regards to the weed's effects, and the fact that the darkroom really was quite big, still the largest one I had ever been in.

Tom's hand was sliding over my foot as it floated against his silky taut skin, heel on his sack. He sighed before saying he thought he knew the bathhouse, because it really did have a large darkroom, along with the coffee shop they had visited before entering that sauna. Certainly a larger dark room than the local one I remarked, feeling Bill's hand now floating over my inner thighs. There had never really been any doubt from the first mention of a male only sauna that we would enjoy having sex as a group, yet this natural progression is always a deeply satisfying part of becoming stoned in water.

This sort of 70s style remains deeply attractive, in a way that is basically timeless. Going naked into a lake with a raft, getting stoned and horny, then letting nature run its delightful course with someone is lovely to share, as I had with several women over the decades. Those times had always been extraordinary, but they always involved just two.

Occasionally I have seen pairs in line before the bathhouse opens, some of whom resembled attached couples. None of those pairs remained exclusive inside, the baths being a playground for having sex with multiple partners. I let my hand begin to move over Bill's chest, soon starting to concentrate on a hardening nipple as his cock rubbed against my thigh. The raft covered the motion, but Tom was familiar enough with his partner to know something delightful was being done to him.

Bill asked me about doing something like this before, his lips running over my ear. When I answered sort of, he pulled back a bit, saying sort of? I explained about a friend and I having sex here much like this, though never having sex here with two just met men. Bill grinned, saying he hoped that wasn't a problem as his hand started to slide over my horny length. My expression made Tom grin as my eyelids began to flutter.

Getting stoned like this on a gorgeous day in the middle of lake is never a problem, especially with naked people who enjoy weed for the same reason I replied. Tom grinned wider at that, pressing my foot more firmly over his shaft. Bill's touch changed when Tom's foot reached his cock, all three of us connected in the best way as we kept talking about sex.

Some of my first orgasms involved jacking off with a friend, though never touching. Listening and talking to each other was a major part of those jack off sessions, looking at Playboy and Penthouse. Most of my female partners have been equally vocal, but it is quite rare among men. The way someone sounds when turned on is always wonderful, just like their expression. That a man is aroused is never a secret, but adding to the pleasure through speaking is a level many men never seem to appreciate.

Tom said he never had sex with a woman, but knew that Bill remained interested in women. My observation that floating and touching like this had nothing to do with male or female, it was blissfully primal was followed by Tom shifting his floating body, foot starting to slide along my thigh. My contented sighing matched his, saying that he could imagine what I meant, but men are so much simpler once they were introduced to having sex with other men.

I agreed, then Bill said he was the one to introduce Tom to the bathhouse experience. Tom smiled as he explained that smoking a joint and going to an adult cinema was his idea, and it was only after that visit that Bill told him about something even better. The weed was making our cocks feel fantastic as we openly shared experiences, such as how it was at an adult theater that I first saw men playing with each other, and what a thrill it had been.

Shifting so that I was at the head of the raft, with Bill and Tom to each side. Tom moved closer as I explained that it was at that theater I had first kissed a man, each of them now touching my cock. Turning my head, I began kissing him, hand pumping his cock as my tongue explored. Bill's hand left my cock to play with a nipple, further proof of how well he understood having sex with men.

Women seem to have a wide range of response when it comes to their nipples, but all men are helpless nipple play sluts in my experience. As Tom broke our kiss, Bill leaned close, lips ready to meet mine. Tom played with my other nipple, making me moan as Bill's tongue went into my open mouth. Floating in paradise, I wondered how often they played as a pair like this. With spread legs, each man rubbed his sexy cock against my skin, a delightful contrast of warm and cool, flowing and solid.

This time, I ended the kissing, sighing that this was even better than a whirlpool. Adding that now was also hotter than the other times I had done precisely this with a woman after getting stoned. Tom asked why as his hand began fondling my balls. Bill answered quickly by saying three was better than two, with me adding that men understand what other men cannot resist.

When Tom asked what couldn't be resisted, his fingers were starting to move downwards from my balls. Everything was my response as he started touching my ass, just like women. I knew that my words were not precise, but Bill seemed to understand the meaning.

It isn't a secret what men enjoy he told Tom, and women get just as turned on, but men get off on things women don't understand. I agreed as a finger pressed against my soft yielding hole, saying that my friend and I love ass play just like this, but that she would never get off the bike with me and then have hot sex a half hour later with a stranger or two. Even though weed did exactly the same thing to her that it did to me, making playing with each other's asses outside on a summer day feel like we were floating in paradise.

My hand had also begun exploring, making Tom moan about how good it felt. Bill said Tom had become a total slut for group sex after his first bathhouse visit, just like everyone else. The double meaning was clear to any regular bathhouse visitor, describing pretty much anyone who has ever gotten lost in the delights of sex with other men there.

Outside was different than a bathhouse I observed, adding this was a quite different and unexpected thrill doing this with them. Bill asked if I had ever done any gay cruising outdoors. He could feel my response when he said gay, before I replied never, just places where you knew men went to have sex. He laughed a bit, saying that it was not that hard to find a place to have sex with other men.

I sighed agreement as Tom and I fingered each other, letting the gentle motions of the water and raft provide the rhythm, noting that at a bathhouse, you are always completely certain that the other men are also there for sex. It was Tom who said by this point, no one had any doubts, another double layered remark. Generally, one area where men are lacking as a group is in talking while enjoying sex. Making today resemble other times getting high under the warm sun with my friend, even including talking about bathhouse sex with her.

We had become entwined in the water, bodies in close contact. Bill pointed out this was even more relaxing than a whirlpool, making me say relaxing was only a part of the heavenly feeling. Causing Tom to say that Bill's idea of relaxing was getting hard with the other men in the whirlpool at the same time, just like now.

Making me add one other tidbit about the local baths, saying that the central jet was far too powerful and splashing to be relaxing, though it was not bad enough to stop people from playing anyways. The lake water today was typically clear, and it had been clear we all enjoyed seeing what we were doing, but sometimes it seemed men did not want to play in still water, as if embarrassed to be seen, something I said made no sense to me.

They both nodded about the idea of watching being a turn on, Tom moaning how he loved to see men having sex. Definitely a pleasure of mine too I said, knowing that at the baths, watching was completely acceptable. Bill added that being watched was also fun, making me agree that everything at the baths was perfectly suited to getting off in so many ways, even if not in all ways.

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