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Another Night in the French Quarter

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The Sex Party.
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For those who haven't read the earlier stories in this series, Patrick, Jeff, Matt and Peter have a loft apartment in the French Quarter in New Orleans. They were all gay, and had only bareback sex with each other and only those who had been tested very recently for STDs into their beds. They believed sex is for breeding, so condoms were never used.

All the characters in this story are over the age of 18.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Part 1 -- To the Party

It had been over a month since I had met Patrick and the guys in the French Quarter when I finally lost my virginity to Patrick and Jeff. I still got hard when I thought how good it had felt when a cock entered my ass and stroked my insides. It was utterly amazing and I wanted to do it again and again.

Anyhow, as I was leaving their place after that night, Peter had said they were planning one of their occasional parties and they would like me to come. He said he would call me when it was arranged to see if I would be available.

Finally, after about 5 weeks, the phone rang and it was Peter on the line. "Hey Mark, how have you been doing?"

Fortunately, none of my roommates were around, so I could talk freely. "Peter, is this you? I still get hard thinking about you guys and what we did. I've been pretty busy and my classes have been going well, but I could use some 'relaxation' if you know what I mean. After that weekend with y'all, jacking off just isn't good enough for me anymore."

He chuckled, "I know exactly how you feel. Fortunately, living with these guys, that's not a problem for me. Anyhow, we've been working at arranging that party I told you about. We're going to have 3 guys over plus you. They're all hot, but there's one in particular that we think you'll like. He's on the baseball team in college in Virginia -- and he's only 19, even younger than you, and he's experienced -- having started having sex at 18. Jeff met him at the clinic he volunteers at a few months ago. Jeff brought this guy, his name's Ryan, over here a few weeks ago. I'm sure you'll like him a lot!"

"Now," Peter continued, "have you thought any more about the gangbang I suggested?"

I laughed. "I actually thought you were kidding when you suggested that. Me, who has only bottomed twice in my life getting screwed by maybe 7 guys in one night -- seriously??? Now if you want to be the bottom, it's OK with me," I answered with a chuckle.

"Very funny, Mark, but no, I want to be able to walk the next day. Now, we're all free next Saturday night until early Sunday morning too -- does that work for you?"

"Yeah, sure, that'd be great!!! What time Saturday?"

"It'll start around 9 pm -- and hey, I've got a ride for you so you won't have to take the streetcar. This 19 yo guy I mentioned, Ryan - it seems he lives close to Tulane and is willing to pick you up and give you a ride -- and take you back too."

"Terrific! Where will he pick me up and when?"

"I'll have him call you and give you the details. In the meantime, there's a couple of things you need to do. The most important is to get down to the clinic Jeff works at and get a clean bill of health. Can you do that this week?"

"Sure, I'm free most afternoons, so just have him let me know when I should come."

"Secondly, on Saturday, in the late afternoon or early evening, be sure to use an enema before you come over. You need to be 'clean' for our 'activities'. Sorry you can't use the douche here, but the guys get sort of squeamish about others using it."

"Simple enough, yeah, I'll do that."

So I went and saw Jeff on a Thursday and got tested. No problem of course.

On Friday, the phone rang, "Hey, is this Mark? This is Ryan - our friend, Peter, told you I'd call." Ryan had a low baritone voice and he had an accent like a native. "I'll pick you up about a quarter to 8. Where do you live?" I gave him my address. "And say," he continued, "I'd like to take you out to breakfast the next day so we can get to know each other better. Is that OK with you?"

"Sure, that sounds great, but you don't have to do that."

"I know, but after the night before, I'm sure we'll be starving. The place I want to take you is sorta upscale, so can you bring a nice shirt and some slacks? I think they might frown on shorts and a t-shirt."

I wondered what kind of guy this Ryan was, but agreed to bring the clothes.

On Saturday around 6, I used the enema and was out in front of my apartment with about 5 minutes to spare. I was wearing just shorts and a Tulane t-shirt, and had a bag with my change of clothes.

In a few minutes, a silver Porsche 911 pulled up and this very fit young guy got out and walked over to me with a broad smile on his face. He was very tanned and had sandy-blond hair. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt too, but his shirt only covered half of his chest, leaving his mid-riff bare, showing off his ripped abs.

"You must be Mark. God, you're hot!!! I never expected to be picking up the cutest and sexiest guy I've seen in a long time."

I blushed, "I'm just ordinary."

"Hell, hardly! I don't know what you've got under those clothes, but you could easily be a model just the way you are. I can't wait to see you naked!" Ryan exclaimed with a grin. "Peter said you were 21, right?, but you look more like 18 or 19."

"Yeah, I hear that a lot." I looked him up and down. He looked very athletic and in great shape. "You're pretty hot yourself!"

I tried to change the subject. "That's some great car you have, Ryan. I never could afford something like that."

"Well, yeah, let's just say my family's got lots of money. It's not a big deal. Get in, we can talk on the way to the party."

As we drove off, he asked how I met Peter and the others.

"Well, I'd been closeted prior to coming to New Orleans -- I grew up in Los Angeles -- I didn't do much of anything for sex there, with the exception of jerking off and the occasional blowjob in a restroom somewhere. But now that I'm a long way from home, I thought it was time for me to come out some. I'm still closeted at school, but I felt it was time to really experience what it meant to be gay. So, a little over a month ago, I went down to the French Quarter and wound up in a bar called 'The Cajun' -- that's where I met Peter, Patrick and the others."

"Peter told me you lost your cherry that night?", he asked with a smile.

"Yeh, I did," I answered flustered.

Ryan patted my leg, "Hey man, we all have to lose it sometime. Wait 'til I tell you how I lost mine."

"So tell me about you, Ryan. Where do you go to school and what are you studying?"

"I go to UVA. I'm only a sophomore but I'll be pre-law next year. I'm also on the UVA varsity baseball team, 2nd base. That's about it."

"Do you go to parties like this very often?"

"No, never, so I'm really looking forward to it."

"What about at UVA?"

He laughed. "Would you believe I'm totally straight up there? -- in fact I'm known as quite a cocksman with the girls up there. I do all the gay stuff down here -- and only with people I can trust, who are clean, and who will keep it quiet. You see, I'm actually bi, but I have to be careful who I do the gay stuff with -- so I'm sort of closeted too. I'm told Patrick and his buddies only let clean guys play -- and they assure me they and their friends won't out me. So, I'm really looking forward to tonight!"

Peter said you're experienced. How many guys have you been with?

"Not really very many -- only about 5. I'm a top. I'm just not into bottoming."

"Well that's certainly more than me. I bottomed for Patrick and Jeff and topped Peter, so I'm really new to this, but I love it!!"

As he drove, Ryan reached over and rubbed my crotch. I laughed and slapped his hand away. "You're just going to have to wait until later, Ryan. You can rub more than just that -- if you get lucky!" I told him.

By the time we reached the Quarter, it felt like we were old friends. I was completely comfortable with him and - I think he was with me as well.

Ryan pulled into the entrance of the Royal Orleans Hotel and got the valet to park his car. He explained, "I can't leave a car like this out on the streets, so I use the parking here -- it'll be safe here and it's only a few blocks that we'll have to walk to get to Jeff's place."

I got my bag with my slacks and dress shirt out of car and Ryan pulled out a similar one so that we could change before we left the next morning. We chatted the few blocks it took to walk there, climbed the stairs and knocked on the door. It was almost immediately opened by a shirtless Patrick.

"Hey, welcome back, Mark - and Ryan, it's really great to have you here again, Ryan. We really enjoyed having you over a couple weeks ago, so I'm very glad Jeff invited you over for our little party." He gave both of us a hug. "And I'm sure glad you came tonight too, Mark. I feel I didn't do quite right by you last time since I needed my sleep. I understand Josh took over for me -- I wish I'd been awake to see it," he said with a smile. "I hope we can do some more together tonight." He patted me on the ass when he said that.

"Ryan, I'm sure you're still having fun at UVA. How's the baseball going up there? In particular, how's your 'stroke', as strong as ever?"

"Maybe you'll find out again tonight for yourself, Patrick -- if that's what you'd like." Ryan laughed.

"I loved your 'bat' last time, so I'm more than willing," Pat grinned. "Now come in and join the party. You're the last two to arrive. Why don't you get a drink and some snacks from the kitchen and I'll show you around and introduce you to those you don't already know?"

Ryan and I went into the kitchen and Ryan picked up a can of sugar-free Red Bull. "Have you ever had this with vodka, Mark? It's great if you're going to have a lot of sex. It lowers your inhibitions and at the same time gives you a lot of stamina for all the sex you're going to have," he said chuckling, merriment in his eyes -- and maybe just a little lust as he gazed at me.

I shook my head, no - because I wasn't a big drinker - but then what could it hurt, so I decided to let him fix one for both of us. We clicked our glasses together and took large gulps at the same time. I also took some Viagra that was on the counter, knowing I'd probably need it to get through this evening. Then we each got a plate and picked up some of the appetizers that Peter had made for us and went out to meet the others. Since everyone was shirtless, we peeled ours off too and threw them on a pile by the door where everyone else's shirts were and added our bags to the pile as well.

I stared in amazement at Ryan -- he was ripped and had the sexiest chest I'd ever seen on a guy. His chest was hairless except for a delicious amount of hair leading down into his shorts. He had large aureoles around his nipples and I almost ached to suck on them. He had muscular arms although the muscles weren't bulging - and he had large hands with long fingers. This guy was clearly made for sex. His legs were strong looking too. I longed to see what he had in his shorts and hoped I wouldn't have to wait too long find out!

Hs face wasn't conventionally handsome though. It was just a plain honest strong face that frequently lapsed into a cheerful smile. His eyes were a piercing gray and somehow exuded sex. As I said before, he had sandy-blond hair which was cut short, not quite a butch but close to it.

When we stepped out of the kitchen, Ryan saw Peter and Josh and walked over to chat with them.

Patrick stepped back from me, looking me up and down. "God, you're beautiful, Mark. I really meant it when I said I hoped we'd get together tonight. Just looking at you makes my dick harden! But now, let me show you around the room, since you haven't been to one of our parties before. As you can see, we have a number of vinyl covered mattresses with bolsters and pillows around on the floor. The tall covered bench there is one on which the bottom can bend over to get fucked from behind and on which he can be spit-roasted. In the middle of the room, we have a massage table which can be moved into different positions to do whatever the guys using it want to do. And lastly," he pointed over to a corner, "this is an honest to goodness sling. If you don't know about them, it's basically a swing. A person sits or lays on the seat. If he's sitting or laying back, then with these ankle and hand cuffs on the chains, his legs and arms can be strapped up and apart, making his ass open and easily available. And obviously it can be swung back and forth, letting the fucker just stand and let the sling actually do the work. I've tried it and I love it! What do you think?"

"It looks amazing, Pat. I can't wait to try some of these things out. But what are all these benches around for?"

Pat was amused, "Most of us, when we're not otherwise occupied and want to rest, like to watch what's going on. Let me tell you, it's way better than porn! You'll see."

Turning around to the group, "Hey everybody, listen up. This is Mark, he may look 19, but he's a 21 yo grad student at Tulane that we met at the Cajun bar a little over a month ago. He was a virgin when he came to our place and spent the night. Needless to say, he didn't go home as a virgin!"

(loud cheers and hoots, embarrassing me)

"I'm proud to say I took his cherry! -- and I understand he had sex with both Jeff and Peter before he left the next morning."

When he was done introducing me, Patrick took me over to a guy who looked latino and was probably an inch or two shorter than me. He had a nice smooth lean body and a friendly smile with a thin mustache above his lip. "This is Diego, Mark. He's a Spanish teacher at one of the private schools in town. He also happens to be the oldest one here at 29 -- so believe me, he knows what he's doing when it comes to sex!"

"Hola, Diego," I said, "I'm glad to meet you," reaching out to shake his hand. But rather than taking mine, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on both cheeks."

"Maybe not as much as I am to meet you, Mark," he answered eyeing my body. "You have a very sexy body, Mark -- and you're extremely cute. I'm really glad you're here tonight. Do you happen to speak Spanish?"

"No, I'm afraid not."

"Well then, I'd be glad to teach you. I'd even give you private lessons -- for free of course. And then, since you're new to this, I doubt if you've enjoyed the delights of Spanish cock. I'm sure I could teach you many things," he said licking his lips. "Maybe you will 'learn' something from me tonight," he said, rubbing his package.

I gulped -- I didn't expect him to be so forward. "That would be great, Diego -- we'll see how things work out."

Patrick next led me over to Matt and a very big and very black guy who had been chatting with him. "Mark, you've already met Matt of course, and this big guy is Big Sam. He's a physical trainer at the gym I go to. Not only is he a great guy, but he can give you one of the best fucks you'll ever have - I speak from experience!" Both he and Sam laughed. Sam pulled me to him with his strong arms and turned me around all the way around, rubbing my ass and then moving behind me, rubbing his crotch against my ass. My dick hardened as I felt his large rod on my behind. "I love cute boys like you, Mark. I think you'd really enjoy my big cock inside you," he said in a deep and very sexy voice.

Matt reached out to me, "I'm really glad you were able to come tonight, Mark. I missed out on having sex with you last time. I hope you'll let me make it up to you tonight," he said graciously. "What about it, Mark, do you think I could have a little fun with you tonight?" He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer.

I looked at him nervously after what Peter told me about him last time about how rough he could be. "I've heard you like rough sex, Matt. I don't think I'm ready for that -- maybe when I'm had some more experience?"

"With you, I'd try to control myself, since you're so new to this. Think about it," he said leering, while at the same time rubbing my crotch.

Sam laughed -- interrupting - a big belly laugh. "You're scaring the kid off, Matt. He's basically new to all this, being a virgin just a few weeks ago. He needs someone kind and gentle to do him - like me. "How about it, Mark? I'd love to give you a ride on my big pole. You ever had a black cock breed your ass? No, of course not", he said, amused with himself. "Tonight will be your chance. I can guarantee you you'll love it!"

I laughed too. "All of you guys are giving me too many choices. We'll just have to see what happens tonight."

"Well, that's about it, Mark -- you've met everyone here now, so it's finally time to have a little action."

Pat, pulled me away and we faced the rest of the group. "Listen up everybody! Now that Mark's met everyone -- and since he's pretty new to all this, I'm going to give him his choice on the person -- or persons - he'd most like to partner with first. The rest of you can pair up as you like or just watch for now if you want."

I immediately walked over to Ryan who had been talking to Jeff. "Ryan, will you do me the honors of being my first for tonight. I've been so turned on by you since I saw you standing by your car."

"Same here, Mark. You are so deliciously sexy. I'd love to be your first."

Patrick immediately headed over to Sam and Diego to Peter. That left Matt and Jeff together, but they decided to just sit and watch for awhile.

Part 2 -- Mark & Ryan

I pulled Ryan over to one of the mattresses. "This is making me a little nervous, Ryan. I haven't had that much sex -- and certainly not in front others."

"I can understand that, Mark, it must seem weird for you, but just relax. Most of them will be too busy to pay much attention to us. I'm a bit of an exhibitionist myself and I find it exciting to have others watching me having sex." With that, he hugged me and kissed me.

As I kissed him back, I slowly lost my self-consciousness about making out with him in front of the others. My right hand slid down the smooth skin of his back, my left reaching down and rubbing the hard rod in his shorts. I loved his smooth tan body.

Ryan pulled me down to the mat and kneeled over me. We continued to kiss as he began rubbing my crotch through my shorts. "God, I've wanted you ever since I saw you standing on the sidewalk. You're so incredibly sexy!"

He next kissed and licked my sensitive nipples, pulling my shorts down at the same time and stroking my hard rod. Looking up at me with a grin, he moved down and took my cockhead in his mouth. I groaned and thrust up past his lips.

"Easy boy. Let's take it slow and easy and enjoy every second."

"OK, Ryan." I rolled him over so that he was on his back and looked down on him. First I licked and sucked on his neck, making him moan and then moved down to his nipples, biting each of them lightly and then licking and sucking on them until each was hard and erect. I kissed further down his hot ripped body, sticking my tongue into his navel, making him squirm. Finally I got down to his shorts and pulled them down letting his rampant dick free to pop out. His stiff erection flopped against his belly, looking like it was already leaking pre-cum. I reached under his balls and massaged his perineum as I began kissing up his hard shaft until my tongue reached his glans. His cock looked about 8" and it was thick.

(In the mean time, Matt and Jeff had sat down on the bench near Mark and Ryan in order to watch them. I was concentrating on Ryan, so I was completely oblivious to them.)

I was just about to take Ryan's cock into my mouth when Ryan pulled me up. "Let's take our clothes and shoes all the way off, Mark, and get them out of the way. I just want to eat you up," he whispered in my ear.

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