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Answering the Siren's Call

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The bitch gets her deserved comeuppance.
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Ch. 1 The bitch gets her deserved comeuppance

"Grandma, how did you meet Grandpa?" Mia's six year old granddaughter Michelle asked.

"A dog brought us together." Grandma answered.

Mia pulled her youngest granddaughter onto her lap and gave her a big hug. Michelle had on her best dress because this was a party celebrating Grandma and Grandpa's 50th wedding anniversary.

The child fingered the septuagenarian's poodle shaped brooch and innocently asked, "How did you know he was the one?"

"It just felt right," Mia replied and smiled.


"Do I have too?" Zoey whined.

"No." her fiancée Mac replied.

"I feel like I'm coming down with something." she said standing in the bathroom wearing a matching black thong and bra.

The demi cups tried to uplift and create cleavage out of her little breasts, but it was a hopeless task. Zoey's breasts were no more than chicken cutlets with dark brown nipples attached. The thong hung loosely on her boyish hips and flat ass.

Mac wished she still had the curves she possessed when he first met her. Zoey had become fanatical about dieting. She was determined that her 5' 6" frame never carry more than 110 pounds even if that meant she had the androgynous figure of a twelve year pre-pubescent child.

Zoey pulled a Christmas sweater over her head and put a short skirt on. She grabbed a hair brush to fluff up her dyed blonde hair and continued complaining, "Oh, yes I have to go. It's for charity. We've already bought the gift. We are also meeting my kid sister's train."

"Well, we don't have to stay at the party long if you don't feel up to it dear." he said.

That statement grated on Mac's ear. He hated himself for having uttered it. He sounded so pussy whipped. Where was the man he used to be?

"Phif," Mac said under his breath. That was the sound of his tiny shriveled up balls falling off.

Mac used to be 'the man'. He was the captain of his high school football team. He dated lots of girls in high school and in college. When he and Zoey hooked up in their senior year at Lehigh he was really happy about it. She was a fun loving sexy brunette. She was a tight package who showed off her hot body wearing form fitting jeans and low cut tops. He had no complaints. She was smart, attractive, treated him nice and the sex was great. The worst he could say about her was she got anxious at times and was a little controlling, but who doesn't want things their way?

Zoey began to change after they graduated. Her anxiety increased with each of the big changes in lives. Leaving college, a new apartment, moving in together and starting their new jobs. Zoey was no longer a cool, fun loving girl. She decided she needed to be thin, fashion model thin. She dieted and exercised until all hints of womanliness were erased. Her round ass and chest peaches disappeared.

Her personality transformed as well. She went from nice to nagging, from friendly to bossy. His once sweet girlfriend now brandished a sharp tongue. And sex, well good sex was a distant memory.

When Mac mentioned that their relationship had changed, Zoey said, "Of course, it's different. School's over. It's time to get serious and put your beer bong away. We need to work hard and get ahead. We'll need money to get married, have nice cars and buy a house."

Mac was a laid back, easy going guy engaged to a type 'A' woman. He wanted nice things, but not as it was becoming obvious as much as Zoey did. It's funny that Mac was having problems with her strong drive to succeed because it had been one of the characteristics that he had initially found attractive in Zoey. He admired her 'go getter' nature because he lacked it.

Lately, he had been wondering if he was up to the task of holding a tiger by the tail. He had given her a pass for her recent behavior because six months ago when they were in college things were so great.

Mac was slow to angry and even slower to initiate change. He contemplated breaking up with her, but then he felt like such a dick for not being understanding about all the life changing events they had recently experienced. Also, he hated to give up on her because Zoey could suck cock with all the skills and enthusiasm of Jenna Jameson.

Zoey gave him a look of total exasperation for having to explain the evolution of relationships.

"Relationships go through phases." she explained, "Initially, all relationships are 'Hot'. Once the infatuation phase ends, you enter into a more mature 'Warm' phase."

She gave him a condescending smooch on the cheek. This peck on the cheek was what passed as physical intimacy for them today. Hot, sweaty, nasty sex was off the menu. Mac understood that relationships evolved, He was just upset that their relationship had changed so drastically. Mac didn't think that expecting sex more than once or twice a month was asking too much at age 23. "One more week..." Mac mumbled to himself, giving, but not announcing to Zoey's her deadline to shape up.

Zoey spoke in her 'I'm such a martyr' voice, "I need to at least put in an appearance at my boss's Toys for Tots party. Maybe I'll have a chance to talk with Michael about transferring to his unit. That's where the real money is being made."


Mac drove them to Penn Station so they could pick up Mia, Zoey's 18 year old sister. She was a freshman at NYU and had taken the train to Philadelphia. They all hugged and kissed, Mac grabbed her duffle bag. Tomorrow they would all drive to Zoey and Mia's parent's house for Christmas day.

Zoey had insisted that they pick up Mia and take her with them to the party even though she would not know a soul.

Zoey had said, "It's efficient. Her train is getting in at 7:30 and the station is on the way to my boss' house." She wouldn't listen to any alternative plan.

"So what's new," Zoey asked her sister perfunctorily. Mac suspected the two weren't that close. He couldn't remember the last time Zoey had talk to her on the phone. Maybe it was because Mia was four years younger or maybe it was because that Zoey was now so focused on herself that she didn't make any effort to keep up with Mia.

"You know, the same....school," Mia replied coolly. She was annoyed that she couldn't take a cab to Zoey's apartment and just chill.

"Are you still seeing, uh, Charles?" she asked.

'"No." Mia replied briskly.

"Another one bites the dust," Zoey sang.

Mia gave her sister an annoyed look, but remained silent. Zoey said to Mac, "Mother called Mia a social butterfly because she flitters about from man to man never staying with one for very long."

Zoey turned to her sister and said, "Maybe you'll meet someone interesting at the party."

"Yea right!" Mia snorted, "At your office party? The only thing this party has to offer me is a free bar."

Mia gave her sister a knowing stare. "I guess I'm lucky the train station was on the way to the party or you'd be have me hitch hike my way home."

"Sweetie, we're family," Zoey cooed insincerely.

"Yea, right." Mia repeated.

Mac drove the sisters to the Main Line address. The house was full of neighbors and workplace acquaintances and their kids. Everyone brought a gift that the Marines would pick up for the Toys for Tots program.

Zoey seemed revived once they arrived. She brightened up and she worked the party hard chatting up her work associates and bosses. Mac drifted and settled in with some other men drinking beer and watching the football game. Mia was not surprised to find that no one her age was at the party. When she got tired of fending off advances from men older than her father, she started hanging out with the kids.

There were about 30 children at the party from age three to thirteen. Mia actually began enjoying herself. The kids were cute. They were excited about the big day tomorrow, and were making and eating Christmas cookies.

Periodically, Mac would cast an eye in Zoey's direction worried that he was going to get in trouble for not mingling. Zoey didn't seem to mind that he spent most of the evening drinking beer and watching Florida play Alabama. In fact, she seemed quite happy as she spent most of the evening with Michael, the head of the coveted acquisitions department. She was laughing and leaning into him. Occasionally she touched his arm and chest.

What Mac couldn't see, was that Michael was grabbing his girlfriend's ass and slipping his hand up her short skirt. Michael tugged on her thong wedging the string high inside Zoey's butt cheeks. He also shoved a finger into her honey pot and swirled it around. Michael sniffed the slippery, pungent fluid that covered his index finger. He then offered it to Zoey making her licked it clean for him.

Mia saw Zoey and Michael slinking away down the bedroom hallway as she, a couple of five year old girls and Emily, a thirteen year old girl, came into the great room. They started playing with Benji, a large black poodle. The dog was very playful and friendly. Mia and the girls tossed his favorite stuffed animal around and Benji fetched it. The adults watched the dog and kids play, the football game or just talking amongst themselves.

Mia and the girls started crawling around the floor on their hands and knees pretending to be dogs. They barked and chased each other and Benji.

Benji went back to bounding about. He accidentally undercut Mac causing him to fall. Mac stumbled backwards tripping over the dog Mac sought to regain his balance by grabbing hold of Mia. He ended up behind her on his knees clasping Mia tightly around her narrow waist.

Mia felt his grip as a controlling force. She was filled with a sense of tranquility. A Zen-like stillness descended upon her, and she no longer heard the kids or the party. All that she was aware of was that she was being subjugated, dominated. She found this state comforting.

"Oh my..." cried one woman seeing Mac fall.

Everyone turned to look and saw that Mac was on top of Mia.

One man snickered, "I'd mount her too, if my wife weren't in the room."


While Mia was being embraced in the living room, her sister was stripping in one of the bedrooms. Her flat-chested, emaciated body looked like a Halloween skeleton. Her shaved crotch completely exposing her vagina. However, instead of being sexy it was disturbing.

Seeing Zoey naked was a view that would only appeal to a child molester, but Michael didn't care about her body. He was only interested in humiliating the bitch. In the office, she behaved as if she was so smart, so hot, so going places. She made him sick and she was a big pain in his ass constantly begging to join his group. He had tried to break the news to her gently and then more explicitly as in "the answer is never and over my dead body", but she wouldn't accept it. He was going to fix that. He dropped his pants.

"Suck me," he ordered. He wasn't the least bit hard or aroused.

Zoey dropped to her knees in front of the most flaccid penis she'd ever seen. She took the whole thing, all two and a half inches, into her mouth. 'I'll show him I'm a team player', she told herself as she swallowed his unit and swished it around her mouth.

Michael had to close his eyes and think about his wife to get any lead in his pencil. He grabbed her head and used her harshly, fucking her face. Zoey was dreaming about her promotion as she serviced him.

When he was finally engorged to a hard six inches, Michael said, "Get on the bed."

He directed her onto hands and knees and got behind her. She had the most pitiful ass he had ever seen. Pale, flat and joyless to behold. He grabbed his cock and shoved it in her pussy.

"Ouch," she cried. She almost began to reprimand him for his thoughtlessness, but bit her lip instead and decided to accept his rough treatment. He was her boss...well future boss. Michael chuckled and drove his weapon into her relentless.

"Oh yea. Mumm! You're so big," Zoey moaned as she pretended to be a woman of passion.

When her talent-less pussy had liberally coated his dick, Michael pulled out and re-aligned his prick and drove it hard into her ass.

"Oh my God!" a surprised Zoey called out this time with real passion.

Her butt had never been penetrated before, not even with a finger. She thought she was being split in two. Michael had gained a foothold. The crown of his penis was inside her.

"Breathe baby. Try and relax. You're going to love it, I promise," Michael lied so easily to her.

He held himself still in her ass. She breathed heavily like a newcomer in a Lamaze birthing class. He wasn't completely heartless and fingered her clit. Zoey tried her own coping technique. She visualized herself in a better place...a private office with a window. Michael gave her a moment of rest and then re-started the assault.

He drove steadily into her. She gasped as his hard prick went where no man had gone before. She was getting use to the penetration. The problem was Michael's dick was tapered. It got thicker at the base. It was the increasing girth of his cock as he bottomed out that had her howling.

When his thighs touched her ass, he withdrew his cock and slammed it back in. He buried himself in her virgin ass. He did it again and again and again.

"Ohhh. Ohhh!" Zoey cried out as tears welled up in her eyes. She hoped she sounded like a woman in rapture when in fact she felt as if he was scouring her insides with a Brillo pad.

'Oh God,' she said to herself, 'Let it please be over soon...and never again...never again.'

Michael slapped her bony ass and exploded in her bumm. She felt his dick jerk and spurt cum.

"Oh dear God," she cried out one last time, then she collapsed on the bed.

Michael pulled out and let the last couple of streams land on her ass and thighs. He wiped himself off on the back of her legs and got dressed.

"Marvelous Zoey. If you end up joining my group, we'll be doing this all the time," he promised her.

"It's probably best if we don't leave together. I wouldn't want to blemish your sterling reputation. I'll see you Monday." she said.

Michael strolled out leaving a devastated Zoey lying on the bed. She crawled over to the night table and grabbed the bottle of champagne she had brought to celebrate their tryst. She drank half the bottle as she waited for the pain in her ass to subsided. It felt like a red hot poker was still in her butt.

Answering the Sirens Call CH 2 The sisters have a cat fight

Zoey dressed herself and went looking for her fiancée. She walked slowly, moving cautiously so as not to aggravate the pain she felt down below. Her hopefully future boss, Michael, had shown her no mercy when he had fucked her mercilessly in the ass. She had executed her 'get ahead at work' plan by having sex with him, but it hadn't gone exactly as she had expected.


Mia was tired of hanging out with a house full of strangers. After chugging a beer, she found Mac and said, "Can we go home? I'm so bored."

"I'll check," Mac said as he scanned the room for Zoey. He spotted her talking to a woman from work. Zoey's hair was disheveled. She was slumped into the wall. She obviously had had too much to drink tonight.

"Can we leave now?" Mac asked.

"Sur...sure," she slurred.

Zoey walked stiffly and she was unsteady. Mac helped her keep her balance as they gathered their coats. Mac drove the sisters home in silence. No one felt like talking.

A tipsy Zoey went to her bedroom, undressed and put on her flannel nightshirt. Then she carried blankets and a pillow into the living room for Mia.

Zoey giggled and said, "I understand you made a new friend tonight... Ruff! Ruff!" She then laughed and fell against the sofa.

"Yea right." said Mia, repeating her favorite response, "Speaking of paws, who was the guy with his all over you tonight?"

"Mind your own business!" Zoey retorted sharply.

Mac entered the room and saw Zoey sprawled out on the sofa and bed linens on the floor. He said to himself, 'Zoey's drunk. I should be able to get laid tonight.'

He helped her up saying, "Someone has had too much to drink. Mia, do you have everything you need?"

"Yes Mac." she answered.

"I'm putting Zoey to bed. Good night."

Mac copped a feel as he led Zoey to bed. Her small breast was topped by a firm nub of a nipple. He pinched it.

"Michael! Didn't you get enough at the party," Zoey said giggling as she reached up and knocked his hand away.

"Michael?" said Mac.

"Uhmm sorry honey...I meant Mac," Zoey blushed.

Mac had brushed his teeth, gargled and put a couple of condoms in the pocket of his robe. He re-entered the bedroom expectantly only to find Zoey in bed and snoring.

"I guess that's a 'no' on us having sex tonight," Mac said annoyed at the prospects of yet another night without sex.

He flipped the tube on and watched some television with the sound down very low.


Mia couldn't sleep either. Her mind was racing. As she lay on the sofa in her tee shirt and boy pants underwear. She thought about how she was always on edge when she was around her older sister. Tonight she was further aggravated by seeing her sister making time with another man.

"Mac doesn't deserve to be treated that way," she told herself.

Thinking about her sister's fiancée reminded her that she hadn't had a serious boyfriend for over three months and that was a long time to go without sex. Mia closed her eyes and lay on her back, her hand reaching between her legs as she casually stroked her slit and rubbed her clit through her panties.

She thought, 'Damn I'm horny. I must be ovulating.'

She recalled Mac grabbing her. She had liked that. As she masturbated to the memory of his touch, she began to carry on a conversation with herself. "The experience was ...comforting. Why was that? Everyone likes to be held, but it was more than that. I had this wonderful serene feeling. Sometimes it's nice to let someone else be in charge."

Mia was young and she hadn't had a lot of sexual experiences. Her mother had been very strict with her. She had often warned her about boys and sex. A high school boyfriend had once grabbed her wrists and held them above her head while his mouth ravaged her bare breasts. She had broken up with him the next day. He thought it was because he had been too aggressive. The truth was she broke up with him because it scared her that she had enjoyed the experience so much. She had had all the pleasure without any guilt over behavior her mother had told her was wrong.

Part of Mia's pink underwear darkened as a large wet spot developed. Her nipples hardened. They were visibly poking against her cotton shirt. "Could I like being dominated?" she wondered.

She slipped off her top and underwear. She pulled her eyelids down tight and got down on her hands and knees. Mia began to fantasize that she was in a dark, unfamiliar place, naked and vulnerable. He was behind her, directing her.

She backed her ass up against the corner of one of the sofa cushions and rubbed her vagina against it. The corded corner parted her lips and scratched the inside of her wet cunt. If she moved her hip's just right, she was able to make the coarse fabric caress her engorged clit.

Her teardrop shaped breasts dangled and swayed stretching towards the carpet. The tips were covered with hard cherry colored nipples. She sighed, "Ooohh" as she dragged them over the cold top of the nearby glass coffee table.


Mac slipped his robe on over his boxers. He was extremely quiet as he closed the bedroom door so as not disturb Zoey. She could be a real screaming bitch when her sleep was disrupted.

He headed to the kitchen to get a Coke, walking gingerly in order to keep the noise down so he wouldn't wake up Mia, who he fully expected to be asleep on the sofa. But, as he entered the living room, he spied a nude Mia. Her generously proportioned body was lit through the window by the moonlight. He stopped, startled to see her. Her naked body blew him away.


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