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Aquata Cove Ch. 97


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"Wow..." Adam picked up the first thing that caught his eye - a golden array of ornate metal that formed an elaborate formation that led to a wing-like arrangement mounted on a black wood stand, all around a large red heart-shaped jewel, "What in the world is this, it's beautiful."

"That's your trophy. The Golden Lover Award." Merrick smiles.

"Oh, it's mine?" Adam smiles, rather appealed to have this very neat thing.

"It was when we were on the LGBT Cruise. They had 10 trophies to give out to specific people who were being watched and attended. One was for donating a lot of money, one was for spending the most time at the bathing areas. And this one," Merrick rubs Adam's arm, "We had a fight during the cruise, and we didn't speak for a few days. Finally, you got up on stage in front of everyone, and you sang. You apologized, and you sang 'Your Heart', by Damien Dawn." Merrick chuckles, "Everyone loved you... But I was the one who got to run up there to hug you."

"And this," Merrick said with a smirk as he picks up a silk strap elegant person-like, half-helix shape with a curve arch both on the upper and lower sides, "Is my silver medal from the Graceful Gogo contest. I was second place."

"Graceful Gogo?"

"I'll tell you later." Merrick digs into a box, and brings up a photo album, "This is our Gay Pride scrapbook." Merrick opens the cover, showing Adam and Merrick in a picture with a woman in a sparkling white and platinum swimsuit, and huge rainbow wings, "A few years ago, this singer named Lady Gaga was a guest star for the parade, and she liked the way I had my back painted with a rainbow. Hahahah..." Merrick chuckles, "You gushed so much when we met her. She was so nice, she gave you a book of pictures of almost all of her outfit designs, which included several CDs, and autographed it."

Merrick opens a different section, "This is one of my personal favorites." Merrick said as he opens up a page that featured a picture of him, Adam, Nick, and Jamal wearing some skimpy outfits, accessorized with feathers, furs, tied crystals. An amethyst shard is tucked inside the plastic on one side with a couple of small feathers to resemble angel wings, with a few pretty leaves arranged to look like fairy wings behind a mancala marble. There are a few other pictures of them here and there, along with mystic-looking décor, "This is when we went to a Faerie Gathering. It was a camping trip with a handful of other gay men. We do all sorts of spiritual exploring, getting in touch with nature, sharing some of our most deepest thoughts with other like-minded individuals."

"On one of our favorite TV shows, two of the characters went to a Fairy Gathering too. And on that episode, they had to come up with magic nicknames for themselves, so we kinda did the same." Merrick smiled cutely, "I called myself 'Moonlight', so you went with 'Sunrise'. Jamal thought this was going to be a non-stop orgy, and when he found out it was just kind of 'hippie-gig', as he called it, he just wanted to hit the nearest bar and hotel until the weekend was over. None of us would go with him, so he had to stay."

"Hahaha, why did he not like it?"

"He just didn't like getting all deep and personal with other people, said it makes him feel weird."

"Heheh... So what nickname did Jamal and Nick come up with it?"

"Well, after a lot of urging, Jamal finally went with 'Black Magic'." Adam scoffed and chuckled from hearing that, "You laughed a lot at that, and I couldn't really understand why until you explained it for me. Nick came up with 'Wood Nymph-O'. He likes a lot of sex, and I guess a 'nymphomaniac' is some kind of word for a person who likes to fuck all the time. Jamal was a wet blanket half the time during the trip; not a lot of the men there were interested in sex, and they were kind of put-off by his attitude about the whole thing. Nick practically had to blow him everyday just to get him into a better mood."

"Was it that bad?"

"Jamal got over it more often than not, it was only for a few days. You and I had a very opening experience." Merrick said softly, "It seemed strange and mystical at the same time. You and I still go year after year, even though Jamal and Nick lost interest after the first time."

"Oh, speaking of that TV show," He turns the page, and smiled as they see a few more momentos, as well as a picture of several people with Adam and Merrick, "The year after that, we actually met some of the cast from Queer As Folk. You swore up and down that me and Randy Harrison could be twins. I still don't see it, he had a thin beard at the time, and I'm a little more muscular."

After a couple of pages of looking at LGBT images, cards, photos, Merrick laughed as they come to a picture with Merrick in the middle, with Adam on his right side, and another man right next to him, looking a lot like Adam, but with thicker eyebrows and thicker facial hair, "This was just from last year, we met this guy named Chris Salvatore. He's a singer and an actor, and he looked almost exactly like you. He was on vacation at the time." Merrick's face feels a tingle, "And Sasha - she's a friend of ours who LOVES gay men - and, as usual, she just had to make things weird."

"What do you mean?"

"She's more perverted than Jamal. Before Sasha could make things extremely awkward, Yuri was at least quick enough to gag her mouth and drag her away. Later, I found out that she wanted me to put a blindfold on, and feel yours and Chris's dicks, and see if I could tell the difference.

"Whoa, ahahahah, what?"

"I know. I may be a bit of an exhibitionist, but even I thought that would have gone too far if she even got to say it. Still, Chris was such a sweetheart, he's so nice and bashful, and both of you were so great doing karaoke together on that day."

Merrick closed the album, and put it back into the box, "Wait, what about this year?" Adam asked, "You know, before I was in a coma?"

"... There is no 'this year'." Merrick answered after his smile disappeared, "Gay Pride went by when you were in the hospital. We missed it."


"You were in no shape to go anywhere, and I was dealing with so much anger to even think about it. Even if I was ok, there's no way I'd go without you."

"I get it..." Adam says as he rubs Merrick's hand. Merrick smiled as he leans in and kissed him, before turning back to another box. "Huh, what's this?" Adam asked as he picks up one of Merrick's sharktooth belts.

"I used to have a hobby," He lied, "Every now and then, I like to make things out of seashells, kelp, sharkteeth, and so on."

"Wow..." Adam says as he looks at all the things inside these boxes. His life in a few containers and pages. "I... I wish I can remember this..."

"I know... And at this point, I need to leave..." Merrick says as he kissed his cheek, and stood up.


"You're going to tell me that you need time to process this, and I have to leave, maybe wait a day or two." He gives a weak smile before he turns to get his harpoon.

"W-Wait, Merrick!" Adam stands up and grabs his hand, "You can't leave now! I-I-I feel like I just met you!"


"Merrick..." Adam held his hand with both of his, "I need you. You can't leave now. Why would you ever think that I have to time to think about this?"

Merrick turns around. Adam looks with sad surprise to see Merrick's eyes to be... Hollow and sad, "Because it's so hard to be with you and to be without you at the same time."

"What... Does that mean?" He asked, a bit bewildered by the almost sudden apathy.

"You don't know me anymore, Adam. But I know everything about you. I just keep thinking that we can never be the same. You will never love me like you did before you forgot me. And it's killing me every time I look into your eyes."

"Merrick... That's not true..."

"I can't take the sentiment... I thought I could be stronger..." Merrick takes one step from him, "But this is the limit... I can't even try to hope right now... There is only so much I can say and do for you without breaking..." Just as he turned around, Adam pulls him back over. "A-Ahh."

He stumbles, and came to Adam's arms. Adam holds him by the shoulders, looking him in his eyes, "You're not being fair though." Adam tells him, "I have feelings for you, Merrick. And I want them. I need them, Merrick. Because if you leave now..." Adam shakes his head as he puts his hands on his shoulders, "That's just going to make me feel more alone... And you know I hardly know why that should hurt me, so you need to stay and let me know why that would break my heart." Adam's voice cracks at the last word, sniffing as he looks at him.

"Just don't go..." Adam says to him as Merrick sniffles and wipes his eyes covering his eyes with his hand, "Please stay..."

Merrick stands there, refusing to turn around, his chest feeling so heavy with sullen emotion. He can feel Adam get close to him from behind, wrapping his arms around him and holding him tight. Adam puts one arm around Merrick's chest, and the other on his lower torso.

"Please just stay with me..."



Dear Diary,

Oh my god... Last night, something happened. Merrick and I... It's been about a few weeks since he told me we were boyfriends. We started going out after he told me, and... Since we started, I just, I can barely recognize myself when I'm near him. I keep doing all kinds of things with and to him. Thinking about it makes me feel kinda embarrassed, but not in a bad way.


-Over The Past Few Days-

Adam huffs as he sits down on the bench at the beach, smelling much like fish after all the hauling he's been doing with the tank-cart, having to restock all of the fish stands at the Fish House.

"Hey handsome." Says Merrick as he comes around the bend. Adam turns and grins.

"Whoa-ho-ho there." Adam eyes Merrick up and down. He's only wearing a white fishnet tank top and very short shorts, "You sure you should be wearing that?"

"Why not?" Merrick says as he strolls by, and spreads his legs over to sit on Adam's lap.

"Wh-Whoa, hahah," Adam blushes as he holds Merrick's hips, "I'm on a 15 minute break, Merrick."

"Minus 14 minutes of heaven~" Merrick says as he puts his arms onto Adam's shoulders. Adam can already feel a boner coming on from under his rubber overalls.

"But I smell like cold fish."

"So? I don't care." Merrick moves his face in, and locks his jaw with Adam's.

"Mmmff, mnnnn..." Adam's eyes flutter closed as he wraps his arms around Merrick's waist and back. Merrick pushes his face inward as he really digs into Adam's mouth. Their tongues push onto each other as they Merrick adjusts in his seat.

They break the kiss, leaving Adam panting. Merrick smirks as he takes Adam's FH cap off his head, and goes in for another wild kiss.


Adam scrubs under his arms with the abrasive body pad with his pomegranate-scented body wash, spreading pink and white suds around his fuzzy body under the hot shower.

He doesn't even notice the glass door opening behind him until it clicks closed again. "Ah! Hey!" He turns, and sees Merrick as naked as he is, "M-M-Merrick! I-I'm in the shower!" Adam says as he covers his privates.

"I noticed." Merrick says with that angelic smile. "You started without me."

"W-What? Uh, I..." He stammered before Merrick kisses him playfully, nibbling his lower lip and hugging his flustered lover. "H-Hohhh..." Adam groans while his face turns red as Merrick's genitals push against his.

"Saw your hot bod steaming up the place, and I just thought I'd slip in..."

"O-Ok..." Adam nodded. Merrick puts a hand on his hairy chest, and shoves his back onto the cold tiled wall, "Mmff!" He grunts as Merrick comes in close, his cupped hand holding a large glob of body soap. His hands dips down, and then grips onto Adam's balls.

"OOoo!" Adam's hands slam onto the walls, seizing the metal support bar, his legs spreading as he staggers. "O-Ohh! Ghhhh, ahh" Adam huffs and whines as his sac is rolled in the cold gel, his soft penis inflating above Merrick's wrist. Merrick sneaks another handful of chilled shower soap behind, and digs his hand into Adam's buttcrack.

"OooHH! Oh my gosh, Oh fuuhh," Adam squirms as his taint and sensitive crevice is scrubbed very thoroughly by Merrick's hands, his testicles dripping with thick foam as well as his round, twin buns getting cupped and rotated, "I-I-Ahhh~" Adam moans as his cock is already pointing directly in front of him, "I already cleaned there..."

"Heh, you don't need to be clean to get dirty." Merrick snickers, before he starts to stroke Adam's bubble-layered meat up and down.

"Ohhh my God..." Adam moans, his chest almost jumping up and down as his dick is gripped and teased.


Adam and Merrick hold hands as they walk through the huge barn of the county fair, on its last day. Merrick smiles as he looks at the colorful roosters and the clucking hens. They walk over and check out the fluffy rabbits nibbling on their vegetables.

Merrick feels his fingers through the soft coat of one of the bunnies, before he feels Adam's arm drape down his hips. Merrick smiles as he leans onto Adam, before he feels his butt being groped. Adam chuckles as he kisses Merrick's ear, making him clench his eyes and giggle. He leans up and gives a kiss to his mouth. Adam nods his head to a corner, where Merrick looks. He grins as Merrick grips his hand, and leads Adam there.

They find that secluded spot, making sure no one can see them, and pulling a few boxes to cover them from sight. Adam huffs deeply as they clue their mouths together. He breathes harshly though his nose as they make out in their private corner. Adam feels a sense of danger and excitement as he feels Merrick clink his belt buckle.

Merrick breaks the kiss as he gives a very hungry smile to his boyfriend, "Ready for your first blowjob~?"

"Huh?" Adam gives him a strange look, "What's a blowjob?"

"Hahahah, this is." Merrick then lets Adam's pants lower to his knees before pulling his tight briefs down past his ass. Merrick gets on his knees and puts Adam against the wall. Adam's eyes widen as Merrick opens his mouth.

"Wait what are you gonna- HHHH!" Adam gasps out loud. His sensitive flesh enveloped in the wet velvet confinement as it drives down onto his member, and pulled back. Merrick bobs his head up and down, his lips pulling on the semi-soft cock as he holds Adam's bare hips. After 2 or 3 dips down onto Adam's wiry bush, that rod is iron-hard.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," Adam panted out his legs weakening fast as his hands try to hang on to the wall behind him. "HHFFF!" He covers his mouth with both hands as Merrick's face buries into his pubic patch, deep-throating him completely. Merrick grinds his lips into that rough, musky pit before he pulls back just as easily and swerves his head back down again several times again, tasting a sample of Adam's precum.

"Mnnhh~! Mnnh~!" Adam pants and as he tries to keep himself quiet. Merrick stops sucking his dick for a second, before ducking his head down and licking onto Adam's thick nuts. "HHHH! Hoohh my balls, aahhh~!" Adam's feet slide below as he whines out loud. His balls have ALWAYS been a severe weak point. It really doesn't take much time with a mouth to his orbs to make him start wailing out.

Adam's cock throbs as it oozes precum like crazy, as Merrick slurps underneath that scrotum, slurping around either ball, even suckling one into his mouth, and then the other, before both is slurped into that hot mouth. Merrick resumed to taking Adam's cock into his mouth, bobbing up and down on that hot, fat dick.



Whenever we're alone together, we're either cuddling, kissing, other things. He just makes himself available so much, he lets me explore his body a lot, and he is so sweet and nice. Is this what being romantic is about? Whenever we do those things, I feel intimidated and good at the same time.

Last night though. Last night


"Mmmhhh..." Adam adjusted in his seat. His sphincter is still sore from last night, but it's a good sort of hurt. Feeling that dulled sting inside him actually makes his flaccid penis twitch a little in his underpants.

-Last Night-

"Ssss... Hahhh..." Adam slowly lowers his red trunks into the boiling Jacuzzi, sighing as he gradually lowers himself down, and into the hot water. He looks around, and smiles as he sees Merrick walk out wearing a towel around his waist, and onto the wooden stairs and platform. "Hey, babe."

"Hi, hottie." Merrick says with that charming smirk. As soon as he's right next to the tub, he removes his towel, revealing to Adam that he is completely nude.

"A-Ah, Merrick!" Adam chuckles with disbelief, "Y-You aren't wearing anything??"

"None of my lingerie is safe in hot water."

"Y-Yeah, but you don't have any swimsuits??"

"None that I really wear for practical use. I always soak naked." Merrick says as he steps onto the mount beside the illuminated Jacuzzi, and wades into the hot frothing spring.

"Eheheheh, even with other people around?" Adam said with a weird chuckle. Merrick just grins and lowers down until his shoulders wash with the bubbles.

"They all know I grew up in a Nudist Community, they're cool with it." He drifts by, and snuggles up to Adam right next to him. Adam blushes as he breaks a small sweat while Merrick nuzzles his cheek. Adam shifts a bit as he feels his member hardening in the net-like confines of his trunks.


"Long day at work?"

"Yeeaaah." Adam groans.

"A" Merrick kisses his cheek and puts his arm over Adam's fuzzy torso, "I need to take better care of my man."

"Heheheheh, yeaaaah~" Adam smiles flirtatiously as Merrick shifts to cuddle closer. "Mnnhh" His lips pucker as Merrick's presses against his. Their lips lap and part again and again as Merrick puts his hand onto Adam's shoulder. His leg brushes against his as they start to make out.

Under the water, Adam puts his hand onto Merrick's naked hip, rubbing along the smooth skin and tenderly circulate one of those buttcheeks. Merrick's hand dips into the water, and then sneaks under Adam's swimming trunks. Adam huffs between kisses as Merrick's hand creeps into the netting of those shorts, and start to cradle his balls.

"Oooh... Fuhhh~"

"Like that~?"

"Mmnnyyeah..." Adam nodded, his cock getting hard at a quick pace as Merrick rolled those testicles around, tracing that velvet sack with his fingers, gently tugging at them and massaging them with his thumb.

Adam's fingers rub into Merrick's pristine crevice, his middle finger pressing onto Merrick's pucker. "O-Ohh!" Merrick moaned as his own dick twitched under the hot water.

"Mnnhh..." Adam pushes the tips of his middle and ring fingers onto Merrick's pink bud, rubbing in circles and massaging the outside ring.

"Oh, ohhh, oh, nnhhh..." Merrick moans as he arches his back and pushes his butt at an angle, his rod standing at full attention. Adam decides to get braver, and sinks his index finger into Merrick warm, tight hole. "A-Aahhh." Merrick grips onto Adam as he angles his leg up to allow better access. Adam bites his lower lip as he attempts to push a second finger into Merrick's ass.

"Ahh, ohhhfffuhh... Ohhhh~" Merrick's raging boner pokes at Adam's thigh as Adam pushes two full fingers into Merrick's sphincter. Adam pulls his fingers back, and shoves them back in, over and over into his very tight entrance. "Don't stop, please Daddy don't stop..."

"Hah... Daddy~?" Adam bites his lip again as he pushes his fingers into Merrick again and again. Merrick has always been partial to the bottoming position, and he hasn't even touched the dildo in months.

Adam fingers Merrick for several minutes until he stops to rub Merrick's perfect rump. Merrick moans as he kisses Adam indirectly, not even caring about where his lips were going. Adam sighs as he relaxes, despite the throbbing tent under the bubbling hot spring. He doesn't know if it's the long day of work or that heavy meal he's had about an hour ago, but feels he can just stay in the hot tub all night.

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