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Aratheon - Wolf and the Giant Killer

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Human gets enslaved by an orc futa.
10.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/27/2020
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Hey all. All characters involved in sex are 18 or older. Because someone has tried to copy my work and post it online elsewhere, I must state my all my work is protected by copyright laws. That being said, I hope you enjoy.




The smell of the fresh pine mixed with bullberries. The soft breeze that makes the trees talk. I can hear the grass whisper and the creatures of the forest as they scurry about, scavenging for sustenance. I smell their scent. The forest speaks to me as I venture through without leaving tracks in my wake; I am a ghost.

As I hunt a scream echoes through the air. I chase the sound until I come upon the edge of the woods. Orcs set upon a caravan. Dead men litter the ground as the orcs tear apart the carriage. A woman gets tossed aside. She seems to be the only survivor. three of the five orcs drag the woman out into the grass. She screams and kicks, completely helpless to them. My fist clenches in anger as I watch the marauders rip the woman's clothing off her body as she begs them to stop. I simply do nothing but sit, as anger boils inside me; the orcs defile the defenseless woman. Every shred of dignity she has is destroyed. I know full well to interfere would be my death. I must do something; I just have to be patient.

Another traveler walks up upon them. I cannot tell if they are a man or woman. The orcs spot them. The traveler cowers before them as they take the traveler's weapon from her. As they strip the traveler, they force the traveler to put on a small dress. Another orc comes out from the woods, and then shouts at the others. They straighten up, grab the two humans and all the items they can carry before following the spotter into the woods. I follow them. Far away. Quietly.

They continue through the woods as the sun travels through the sky. They run at a pace no normal human could match, but I have no trouble keeping up. Even so, the trail they leave anyone could track. At least any wolf.

As the sun starts to fall, they reach a pass through cliffs. I fall back, but continue to follow them as they go into the orc territory, through the narrow pass. Out into orc land, trees are few, the dark copper dirt is all the eye can see. I must keep my distance; I do not have the cover of the forest to hide me.

However, as the day creeps into night, the dark masks my sight. As they continue on, a pack of orcs on beasts much larger than wolves ride upon them. An orcess leads them. They circle the other orcs cautiously, as though they were potential enemies.

I watch as the orcess takes the humans and pillaged treasure from the raiding group. The other orcs are afraid of her. She takes one of the humans for herself, the other human goes with a different orc. Then they take the marauders and bind their wrists with iron shackles, making them follow on foot as they ride. I cannot keep up with the beasts, but I can track them. I find that they made camp not too far from where they had their meeting..

I watch carefully from afar as the orcess leaves one human tied up to a stake and takes the other with her into the tent. As the green ones sleep and slumber with only a few left awake, this will be the only opportunity to sneak in. I move as silently as the wind, past narrow-sighted guards and into the camp. I find myself in front of the woman from earlier. She was the one defiled by the other orcs. They gagged her. I put my hand on her cheek as she stirs awake. Her eyes go wide before they look upon me. I give her the sign to be quiet as I cut her loose from the stake. I manage to lift her above my shoulder and sneak back into the darkness.

We make it a ways away from the camp before I set her down. I unbind her and take out the gag. "Thank you! You rescued me from those hideous monsters!" She sobs, with tears running down her eyes like rivers in a flood, evidently eager to finally do so.

"Shhh. We are not safe here. We are still in their territory and they can track your scent with the wargs. We have to keep going," I tell her.

She nods. I take off my rawhide coat and give it to her to wear, and she takes it gratefully. We continue to run into the night. My heart sinks as I hear the canine growls accompanied by the beat of their paws on the ground. A horn blow conquers the sky. There are many of them coming. "Hide!"

"What?" she asks.

"Wargs. Many of them." I look around for cover. This land does not offer much. I grab the woman and lead her north as far as we can go. But in the distance, fire travels our way. With comes that pack of wargs. "We might have to stand and fight."

I pull my bow and notch it as I push the woman behind me. I take in a deep breath to steady my hand as I wait for the oncoming danger. The cacophony of the soft ground punching up into their padded feet reaches a crescendo, as the fire they wield burns brighter the closer they get. Their howls let us know that they smell us.

The woman panics behind me. I can smell her fear. I'm sure they can too. As they close the distance, I am prepared to fight to the death. As they reach us, I can sense their hunger. And the orcs that ride on them. They are thirsty for blood. I ready my bow. There are many of them, too many. We will not survive this fight. A different orcess leads the pack. She is their alpha. I can sense that much is true. I hold my bow up ready to attack as they come upon us. The woman tenses up behind me before then releasing and relaxing, she's given up hope.

I get ready to fire as they get into range, but I hold back. I can sense the alpha's intent. I bring down my bow as they reach us. It wouldn't have done any good anyway. If I had fired, it'd surely have guaranteed certain death.

They circle us, predators that have found their prey. The woman clings to me as if she is holding onto life itself. I stand up straight as their pack leader approaches us on the warg who I can sense is also the alpha of these animals. It growls a warning as it prowls up to me. I look into the wargs eyes without fear as it gets close enough that I feel the raging heat of its breath.

Silence falls upon the orcs and wargs as they watch to see what happens next as the warg and we look into each other. After a long silence, the warg bows its head and takes a step back.

"Impressive. Never have I seen this in all my life. A human without fear—if you're even one," the orcess says. I look up at her and am struck with awe by her stature, for he, too, is without fear. She dismounts and walks up to me, and stands a full head taller than me up close. "Who are you?"

"Emeris was the name given to me," I say.

"And why are you in my lands, Emeris?" she asks.

"To recover what was taken from my lands."

"If it was taken, it no longer belongs to your lands," she says.

"But... We... We had a truce. Orcs cannot attack us," the woman finally speaks up.

"And when have the humans ever held up their word? You have entered my land as well, do we not have a right to justice?"

"And to what end?" I ask. "Did this woman attack your people?"

"It matters not. A life for a life. What is taken is ours," she says. "And you are now ours as well. Take them and bind them. I will claim both of them."

The orcs come forth and bind us with their rope. I am thrown over the leader's lap as she rides on her warg. "You will be mine," she says as we ride off. It does not take long before we are back at the orc camp.

They bind us to stakes as the leader embraces the other orcess that took the other girl. Then they come to us and speak in Orcish, unaware I can understand it. The leader tells the other orcess that I was the one who snuck in and freed the woman. She is hard-pressed to believe her.

They both look down at me, the leader has a smile filled with possession. "You will make a good prize," the leader says to me. Then both walk away. They head back into their tent.

As the night reaches its darkest point. Only a few watch as I sit and wait patiently. My patience is rewarded when Nedru, my blood sister, prowls past the watchers. She gnaws at my bindings and tears them up. I go to free the woman, but Nedru tugs at me. I can hear the watcher approaching. "I will come back for you," I whisper in her ear, before sneaking away with Nedru.

Once we get a safe distance away, I stop and rest. Nedru paws at me. "We must go back for her and the other," I tell her in a calm, quiet tone.

She twists her head at me. But why, she is human?

"So am I," I retort .

Nedru gives me a low howl. You are part of the pack, she is not.

I sigh. "You do not understand. Go back to the pack and let the others know."

She barks at me. I will not leave you.

"Fine..." I sigh.




I arise from my sleep to find Mazoga cuddled up with her new pet. Even though the human is weak and pathetic, I can see the appeal of having such a pet. Only if she can get the thing trained. I, on the other hand, prefer the wilder ones. I look forward to breaking in my new pet. Such a prize is he. One that shows no fear. I look forward to having him worship me, but I can tell I will need a lot of patience with this one. So strong and defiant.

"High mother," Wauktug suddenly shouts as he barges into my tent.

"What is it?" I growl as I get up and grab food.

"One of the humans has escaped," he says.

"What! How?" I demand.

"I... I do not know," he says, hiding his face in shame.

I put on leathers and boots before barging out of the tent. As I walk to where the humans were being held, only one sits there tied up. The woman looks up at me, stinking of fear. I see the leather straps used to bind him have been torn. Not a clean-cut, they were shredded. Like with teeth... Strange. Then I see the tracks.

I pull the gag from the woman's mouth and ask her what happened, despite it being obvious I already know the answer.

Tears fall down her eyes as she looks away. "A... A wolf came and helped him escape."

Just as I thought.

"Preposterous," Wauktug growls. "We should beat her for her insolence."

"She speaks the truth," I say. "Just look at the signs. The paw tracks, the way the bindings are torn. It was a beast that aided in his escape."

"Humans can't control beasts," Wauktug says.

"Why not?" I ask. I have to say, I am impressed with this human. He is unlike any I have come across. Now I want him even more and I will have him.

"They are humans. They are weak," he says.

"That means nothing. Underestimating them will lead to your own downfall," I say.

"I apologize, high mother," he says.

"Don't apologize, learn!" I snap at him.

"We should hunt them down," he says.

"No need," I say.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"He will return for the others," I say.

"How do you know?" he asks.

"He did it once, he will do it again. He is a human with resolve," I say. Next time I will be waiting for him and I will be ready. When I capture him again, I will not let him escape.




We followed the orcs all the way back to their den. Their den is huge, with huts scattered throughout. Nedru and I wait outside of the town for nightfall to give me protection. As darkness falls upon the tribe, I tell Nedru to wait here. She reluctantly agrees, even though she thinks I am being foolish for risking so much for these humans.

In the blanket of darkness, I slip into the camp. Making my way through the shadows. I sneak into what must be their keep at the center of the den. The hut is as big as one of the human castles. Inside, it is dead quiet. Only a few guards about. It is not hard to slink in. I find the first human girl in the largest room. She is in a cage next to three large chairs, one bigger than the other two at the center of the room.

I make my way over to her and tug at the lock. This will be difficult. I must find a way to get the lock off. "I knew you'd show up."

The room suddenly lights up as the giant orcess leader walks in. "And you didn't disappoint."

She has a sadistic grin on her face as she walks up unarmed. Orcs come in through all the exits. "So, human... Nowhere to run. Are you going to fight?"

I shake my head no. "I wouldn't be able to defeat you in a fight. What is it you want?"

"I'm impressed, you are not as stupid as most humans," the orc leader says. Her eyes look me over. "What do I want? I want you. You're going to be mine."

"Strip him of his clothes, collar him, bind his wrist around the prisoner post outside. Make sure everyone knows he is my prize." She smiles as her orc men grab me and drag me away.

I'm dragged outside of the hut as they strap a metal collar around my neck and bind my wrists around a post in the middle of their den. It is not long after the leader of the orcs comes out. "Listen, human, you will submit to me willingly and become my pet. Until you submit, you'll stay here, where all my clan can see you. They love to humiliate fresh new meat."

"What will happen to the other humans you took?" I ask.

"Don't worry about them," she says. "You should worry about yourself."

She takes one last look at me before walking away. It is not long after, the sun rises and the orcs come out. Some stare. some point, and whisper to their fellow companions. Others walk up and laugh.

"Looks like Sharogg found herself a new pet to break in," one calls out .

Some came up and spit on me, while others even took out their cocks and pissed on me. "Thirsty, human? I'll give you something to drink," one says as he takes out his big cock and let loose his stream on me. All this while the orcess leader watches from afar.

Through it all, I give no sign of emotion nor do I speak a word. As day gives into the night and their den becomes silent with the only orcs about are the guards, I make my escape as the last guard walks out of sight. Keeping the bindings tight against the post and climbing up it, pulling against the post with the bindings for support. I make quick work of the post and manage to free myself. I slip through the den-like a shadow in the night.

However, I can't make it out before the alarm gets raised. An orc cries out that I have escaped. I look up to their large building as their leader bursts out, eyes as sharp as daggers as she scans the village for me. I continue on, as I slip out of the walls. Nedru is still waiting outside for me. I must find water and wash the stink off before they release the wargs.

But these chains will be a problem. Nedru can't chew through them like with the rope. I hear footsteps in the distance. I look over to see the orcess leader coming after us. Nedru charges at her. No!

She leaps up at her but is swatted down like a pup. I hear a crack Nedru yelp out in pain as the orcess stomps on her front leg, snapping it as she pins Nedru to the ground. The orcess goes to pull out her dagger as she grabs her.

"No!" I wail as I charge her, "stop!"

The orcess looks up at me as she holds the dagger in her hands, ready to bring it down at any moment. I drop to my knees before her and plead. "I submit. Just let her go."

Her eyes narrow. "You would sacrifice your own life for this wolf?"

"She is my blood sister. I would lay down my life for hers just as she would for me," I proclaim.

"Do I have your word? Honor is everything here. Breaking one's word is punishable by death," she says.

"I do as I say. But only if you promise not to hurt my pack," I say.

"Pack? There are more wolves?" she asks.

I nod.

She looks at Nedru then back up at me. "You have my word, no harm will come to your pack from my kin as long as you are mine and they do not attack us."

"Deal," I say, gritting my teeth. She releases Nedru. Nedru growls at her, but she backs off and limps over to me.

I look down and look at Nedru's leg, it's broken. "Never have I seen such a thing. A man who would lay down his life for a wolf," the orcess says. "You are strange. Strange indeed."

"I was raised by them," I say.

"You sure are a catch, now come. When we get back I will heal the wolf," the orcess says. I honor my word, lifting Nedru into my arms and follow her. Once we get back to camp and into her giant hut, she has me put my sister down before she attaches a chain to my collar and pulls me by it to her quarters. She binds the chain to another lock attached to a post. The warg she rode on stirs awake in the corner. He looks up at me and then at my wolf sister before going back to sleep. The ground is covered in furs. She bends down to Nedru as she growls at her. She puts her hand on her paw and a light shows from her hands. Nedru whimpers, but when she is done, my sister can walk without the limp.

"You healed her..." I gasp. Never have I ever seen anything like it.

"Of course. Did you not listen when I said our word is everything. I told you if you came back and be mine, I would heal your pup. I have done what I said I would," she says.

"How did you heal her?" I ask.

"I am the High Shaman of the orcs. Healing a pup is as easy as breathing," she says. Now that we are alone in her room. I get a better look at her. Her long dark hair runs wild with several braids. Her ears are pointy.

Her body is lean and hard like iron. But her hips are wide and her thighs are thick. She turns away and starts to undress. Her ass is appealing, so round and so thick as well. She turns to the side and I watch as she takes off her leathers, revealing breasts like melons. As she unstraps her girdle, I am surprised to see a cock dangle between her legs. It isn't just a cock, it is bigger than any I have seen. Even bigger than the orcs that pissed on me. Thick and long. I swallow what nerves I have left.

"Like what you see, human?" she asks, eyeing me closely.

I do not answer her question. "What is it you want with me?"

She smiles at the question. She walks up to me as that cock swings like a hammer back and forth between her legs. "What is it I want with you? Oh, a great deal many things."

She circles me. I can feel her eyes on my body. "I want that perfect body to use at my pleasure. Especially your perfect ass. I can only imagine what it'll feel like when I fill it with my cock. I want you to worship me. I want your mouth to pleasure me and take my cock. I want you in my bed every night as I fill you up with my seed and you'll beg me for more. I want your complete and total submission to me. I want absolute obedience. But above all, I want your loyalty. The same loyalty you gave to that wolf. I want your love and adoration. I want all of you."

"You say you want my loyalty, love, and adoration, but you have a strange way of earning it."

She smirks and chuckles. "You are not afraid to speak your truth. I like that."

"The only reason I haven't dragged you to my bed and blundered the depths of that ass is because I know I will lose any love you will have for me. The reason I didn't kill your wolf and the same reason I will not kill your pack is because I know I will kill any loyalty you will give me. I am patient. I know these things will take time. But one day you will see, being mine is its own reward."

"So instead, you chain me and hold me, prisoner, to your will," I say.

"It is late, get some rest. You can sleep on the floor until you have earned your place in my bed," she says as she collapses on the bed.

I let out a sigh and lay down on the floor. Nedru snuggles up to me. The rug is much more comfortable than what the forest has to provide.


The Next Day

I awake to the eyes of what could only be another human. No. She has pointy ears and very dark amber skin. I have never seen eyes like hers. Burning red as if they were on fire. She could not possibly be a human. "He is interesting," she says. "Ironfang. That is what Nedru calls you. She's is now my friend and has told me much about you. You are her blood brother, that is what she says and you raised her. I like you."

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