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Ariana's Dirty Mouth


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"You're not supposed to say that, the girl said on a murmur. "I was only showing you because it's been driving me mental. All this pussy-footing around. I thought, if we saw one another naked–"

"Naked?" I asked as desire slithered and slid deep inside. "Take your knickers off then."

She studied me for what felt like a very long time. My step-daughter's eyes stayed fixed on my face while whatever she thought went through her mind.

"I ... I don't know if that's a good idea," she informed me in a very small voice.

I gulped and replied with, "Why not? It was yours."

"Because you'll have to take off that towel. If I'm nude, you have to be too."

"All right," I nodded, something dark and illicit clamping my guts.

"What are we doing?" Ariana mumbled, her thumbs in the waistband.

I pulled a face and said, "I don't know."

We stared at each other, time and space meaningless all of a sudden. Experience condensed. Nothing else mattered except us in that moment.

"This is dangerous," my step-daughter moaned, slipping her underwear down.

I boggled at her bare vulva, all that remained of her bush was a precisely sculpted triangle at the apex of her cleft.

A shimmy and her knickers were down at her feet. "Your turn," she said, kicking the scrap of cotton aside.

"Wuh-we can't do anything," I mumbled, not quite believing I was about to unveil.

Ariana nodded and breathed, "I know," her stare set on my cock.


Time stretched, turning elastic as we just looked at each other.

Then, with a great effort of will – which was probably aided by the fact I'd just come – I gulped and said, "Well, we've got that out of the way ... Shall we get dressed and go to the pub?"

Ariana blinked a few times. She sucked on her lower lip, her expression doing nothing to ease my torment.

I was on the verge of rushing in to grab at her body. I thought about tumbling the girl onto the bed and spreading her thighs. I had an idea to get in between her legs and gaze at her sex, then give it a lick just to listen to her moan as I tasted her essence.

But, before I could act, the atmosphere cooled when my step-daughter shrugged and mumbled, "Yeah, I suppose we better..."

We were both silent as I moved into the room, making my way to the opposite side of the bed to the girl while she squatted to retrieve her underwear. I kept my back to her as I pulled on my boxers, selecting light cargo pants and a tee-shirt to go out in. When I turned, Ariana was covered again, her breasts covered by a bra and the filmy bootlace top, legs bare beneath a short denim skirt.

"I'll leave my hair loose," my step-daughter said, avoiding my eyes, the awkwardness a lead weight in the pit of my stomach.

I couldn't think of anything to say beyond a simple, "Okay," then watched as the girl tightened the straps of a pair of high-heeled shoes round her ankles.

The effect of those heels on her legs was outstanding. The brevity of the skirt exaggerated their length, the girl's thighs all lean and tanned dragging my attention to their shine and their shape.

A quick pout at the lip-gloss and Ariana was ready, my cock already thick when I took in the blouse and the skirt and her innocent looks. I recalled the pale outline of where her bikini had covered her body on some recent blue-sky holiday. Her tits had been so succulent and tempting, her neat vulva a torment to a step-father's gaze.

"Will I do?" giggled the girl, striking a pose, cocking one hip, a hand on her pelvis as she tilted her head and gave me a wink.

"Lovely," I said, not daring to say what was really on my mind. "Let's go before it gets busy."

It was a short walk to the rejuvenated dockside, the old warehouses I remembered being so busy when I was younger now demolished, the whole area face-lifted into hipster bars, a cinema complex, and myriad chain-eateries.

I caught my step-daughter getting a few looks, hungry-eyed males of all ages giving her legs and swinging hips the once over. There were a few appreciative glances at her little boobs and delicate face, the jealousy curdling inside me when I thought about any of them touching her body.

"You're quiet," the girl said after we found an outside table, sitting ourselves into tubular aluminium seats.

"Sorry," I said, what would you like to drink?"

My step-daughter didn't answer the question. Instead she asked one of her own: "Is it because of what happened?"

Caught on the hop, I paused to gather my thoughts. "A little," I told her, "but most of it is to do with blokes perving at you."

Her yes went round when I said it. Ariana looked at me for a second or two, then chuckled and said, "Are you going all protective over me now, Damien?" Her eyes twinkled, cheeks dimpling when she grinned and added, "Is daddy looking after me?"

She must have seen something in my expression after she'd said it. I felt the clutch of something taboo, a deep, visceral need that made me want to lean in and kiss my step-daughter's mouth. It was such an intense feeling I think I might have even let out a low moan of desire.

Whatever it was the girl saw or heard, she blinked a couple of times, her eyes siding away at the same time as her grin.

"That was a silly thing to say, wasn't it?" she mumbled.

Lust surged through me, my cock going hard despite my recent masturbatory pleasures. I was just about to gurgle that she could say it again, that I wanted to watch her face as she called me daddy, that I wanted her to shout it out later on when we got back to the flat and I fucked into her cunt, but the obscenity never got uttered because a cute, ebullient girl arrived to take our drinks order.

The moment has passed by the time Ariana ordered her vodka and lemonade, a pint of pale-ale for me. We sat there and made an attempt at normal conversation. I asked about Sarah's return and told Ariana about the flow of business in and out of the factory I owned.

The drinks arrived and we sipped and soaked up the midday sun, the girl's legs outstretched a distraction for me.

We avoided any references to what we'd done or said or seen since my step-daughter's arrival at my front door. With both of us playing it safe to avoid any further embarrassment.

Two drinks later however, things loosened up.

And that's when it all fell apart.


I felt the two-beer buzz, my step-daughter grinning at me, eyes glittering with devilment.

"Let's go back to the flat," Ariana suggested, to which I agreed.

I had a twinge of doubt at the back of my mind, knew we were playing with fire, but the warmth of the day, the ale and the recklessness I felt growing inside me when I saw the girl's grin blew any caution aside.

"That was nice," my step-daughter purred, hooking an arm through mine as we walked along the bright streets.

"It was," I agreed, disturbed by the physical contact, unwilling to break away despite the discomfort I felt.

"You know what I'd like to do when we get home?"

I'd sensed this was coming, and there was a catch in my voice when I replied, "No, what?"

"Drink more vodka," she said. Then, after a pause: "...and look at some porn."

It was my impression the girl didn't mean to do the usual thing – to take the laptop into the bedroom and go at it in private, and, as it turned out, as she moved to the kitchen to mix the drinks, my step-daughter told me to set up the computer through the TV.

"Pick something filthy," she said, ice dropping into two glasses.

I gaped at Ariana as she poured in the spirit, an over-generous measure by a long way, with barely enough space left at the top for a splash of lemonade.

I knew there and then it was likely to get silly. That much alcohol mixed in with porn...?

Yes, it was bound to turn nasty.

"You mean you want to watch it in here?" I asked her, my cock getting hard.

My step-daughter shrugged, grinning at me. She came into the lounge and gave me a drink.

"Cheers," the girl said, raising her glass before taking a sip. "And yes," she went on, "let's watch it together."

"I don't know about that." I might have been aroused, but doubts still assailed me.

Ariana laughed and shook her head, expression filled with pity. "Why not?" she asked, a challenge in her tone. "You scared, or something?"

I was struggling to maintain my sense of morality – the idea of watching people fuck on screen while in the company of a very attractive young woman wasn't exactly without some appeal. But, the fact was I'd been married to her mother; I'd known Ariana since she thought Barbie was queen. It simply wasn't the right thing to do.

"You're my daughter," I groaned, resolve slipping away as I looked at the girl's face.

"Not exactly," she said, rolling her eyes. "We're not blood ... And, anyway, I'm only asking for us to watch some dirty movies together. Nothing weird is going to happen."

I couldn't believe she'd just said that. Wasn't it weird enough looking at porn together?

"Don't kid me on, Ariana," I said, deliberately harsh in my tone. "You're playing with me. How do you think this is going to go? We have another drink, watch porn ... What happens when we get turned on?"

"We have a nice little wank," my step-daughter said. She gulped at her drink, swallowing a hefty draught before adding, "I don't care if you watch me playing with my pussy. I'm not embarrassed about you seeing me do it."

It was a watershed moment, a pivotal comment my step-daughter uttered. My response to the direct reference to us masturbating in front of one another was crucial. A fork in the road, so-to-speak.

"Ariana," I groaned, my cock pulsing with need. "Are you mad? I can't sit there and watch you do that?"

"Why not?" the girl asked, eyes full of scorn, lip curled with contempt. She really was pushing the issue.

I blamed the drink as she went on with, "We do it behind closed doors. We both know what's going on. You've seen me nude, I've seen your cock..."

"Oh Jesus," I breathed, shaking my head, incredulous down to my toes. "We can't," I croaked as the mind-reel rolled. "Ariana, think about what it is you're saying. Just think about all the things that could happen."

"Don't worry," the girl immediately shot back. "There's no chance I'm going to do anything bad. It isn't like I'll let you touch me, or anything like that."

I stared at her, anger a scalding hot wave. "You arrogant bitch," I hissed at the girl. "Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"Just set up the telly," she said. "I'm going to watch people shagging. I'm just in the mood. You don't have to join me if you don't want to..."

I thought about it for a single beat, looking at Ariana, mixed emotions battling inside me.

"You want to watch porn with your step-father?" I asked her.

"It'll be fun," Ariana replied, a grin splitting her face.

"You're mad."

"You're scared."

"All right," I said, swigging down half of my drink.

Insanity gripped me, a reckless wave of ire and lust. It was an insane thing to be doing, but I wasn't going to let the smug little cow get the better of me.


"You sitting here?" my step-daughter asked. She patted the seat alongside her, the laptop and TV flicking to life in lewd synchronisation.

I glanced at the space on the two-seater, shaking my head in refusal.

"No," I said to the girl. "I'll just stand for a while."

She looked at me, a frown wrinkling her brow. Then Ariana shrugged and said, "Up to you," before settling back to watch the proceedings.

I'd purposely chosen a clip featuring a man in his 50s with a girl in her late teens. He was quite well presented in a shirt and tie, grey hair trimmed short. He looked like a well-to-do businessman, stylish spectacles, his manner confident and engaging, a quick, pleasant smile.

The man spoke to the camera, a woman operating the equipment bantering in reply as they had this little to-and-fro, introducing the girl as Marissa from Poland.

The girl sauntered in, fully aware of her sexual allure. They'd dressed her up in precipitous heels and hold-up stockings, the rest of her bare. To say she had a superb physique would be an understatement: Marissa was nothing short of stunning, the word suiting her perfectly.

"Bloody hell, she's gorgeous," my step-daughter breathed. "And she's going to fuck that old man!"

"Less of the old," I said in response, watching Marissa and the old geezer kiss. I wished I was him – damn but wouldn't it be sweet to have the girl's taut flesh under my palms, her tongue exploring my mouth.

"He's older than you," Ariana shot back.

"Not much," I replied, my eyes fixed on the screen.

"I love it when they start talking dirty," the girl said after a minute of watching the girl wanking the man's considerable size. "It makes me all gooey. The dirty stuff really gets me hot, you know ... daddy."

My step-daughter threw me a glance, her eyes flicking to the bulge in my trousers.

She grinned at my face and then purred, "Horny, are you?"

I thought I'd stick the knife in by saying, "Look at her, she's bloody lovely. Isn't she gorgeous, and what a body."

Ariana's eyes went back to the screen. She pouted and nodded and said, "Fake boobs. I don't have much, but at least they're mine."

"And they're exquisite," I told her, the compliment coming out on a rush of desire.

"My tits?" Ariana replied.

I gulped and croaked out a, "Yes."

The girl smirked and, while Marissa sat on the edge of an armchair to suck on the man's cock, peeled off the bootlace blouse, her hands going back to unclasp her bra.

"I don't know about you, but I'm getting naked." my step-daughter said as she thrust her chin at the screen to where Marissa gommed and slurped, the man smirking and smug, his dick in her face. "I'm gonna watch these two and play with myself."

"Oh Jesus," I moaned when the girl rose to her feet and unzipped the skirt, the denim and her underwear going down to her feet.

"I'll keep the shoes on," my step-daughter informed me. "It makes me feel even more horny this way. I feel like I'm one of those girls getting dicked in front of a camera."

Then she flopped back onto the sofa, leaning back while spreading her thighs, her hand going down to her sex.


Carnal overload took me. I looked at the screen and saw the man was down on his knees, his tongue splitting labia all shiny with need. He smiled at the girl's clit and winked to the camera, his operator making a lewd comment, speculation about how Marissa would taste.

"She's sweet," said the man after sucking the nub through his teeth and probing her core with his tongue.

He dabbed at the opening, the girl's tummy tensing as she gasped and stroked his hair. I don't know how truthful she was as she gazed down at the man lapping her sex and told him it felt so good, but it looked like adoration in her expression to me.

Marissa was bent up in her seat, her bottom hanging over the precipice while the man had her knees shoved back to her shoulders. The woman operating the camera spoke to the girl, with Marissa's hot-eyed stare going to the lens.

Marissa nodded and gulped, sucking a deep draught of air as she groaned and rolled her eyes. "He licks me good," she mumbled, her accent slanting the words. "I like it. I like it when he licks my pussy."

My step-daughter moaned, taking my focus from the Polish girl on the television to where Ariana was robustly fucking two fingers into herself.

"Damien..." she mumbled, pausing to let her mouth hang open, a gasp issuing forth. "...Daddy," my step-daughter added, groaning and sighing and spreading her thighs. "I want you to lick me like he's doing her. Please," she went on with a squeak. "Just come here and lick me right here."

She flaunted her cunt, a finger pointing to the scarlet flesh of her tight little clit.

"Taste my pussy," Ariana said on a moan. "I'm so fucking horny..."

"Ariana," I gurgled, "I can't ... I'm sorry," I gasped, I shouldn't be here."

My step-daughter grunted and slid three fingers into her body.

"You know what I did in the shower before?"

I gaped at the girl, my attention set on where her body squelched and farted around those probing digits.

"Nuh-no," I moaned in response, knowing I should get out of that room, out of the flat.

"I fucked onto that big dildo and wished it was you. I thought about you fucking me, daddy. I know you were hard in bed the other night. I wanted to climb on your cock and just fuck until we both came..."

The daddy came out on a sigh, her use of the word sending a huge rush of almost uncontrollable lust surging through me. I actually pawed at myself, my hand squeezing my cock when I heard it, the look on her face bringing a moan from my throat.

"No more, Ariana," I whispered. "Please, don't say anything else."

To which the girl simply smirked, the fingers coming out of her pussy. She sat up, her body so tempting, the fingers outstretched.

"Suck them," the girl purred, slipping the middle digit between her own lips. "Taste me," she cooed."

And, weakened, I did. I couldn't take any more. I couldn't resist.

"Oh, daddy," the girl murmured, her fingers in my mouth. "Now you've just got to lick me."


Thoughts and impressions tumbled and swirled, senses competing for my attention. I heard Marissa squeaking and moaning, the woman behind the camera making some comment about the man's cock as he fucked into the girl's body.

"I wanna do that with you," my step-daughter squawked. "Oh shit, he's fucking her, daddy! Look at that. She's letting that old bastard shag her."

The guilt rushed away when I turned my head to see just what it was that had excited the girl: the sight of the man – faintly ridiculous in his socks and shirt and tie, his skinny thighs exposed – with his big dick sliding halfway out of Marissa's body.

The Polish girl was still scrunched up, Ariana's position mimicking hers. Marissa's chin was on her chest, her eyes upturned so she could look at the man's features contorted with whatever it was he was feeling as he fed the long shaft back into her cunt.

"I wanna fuck that way, too," Ariana moaned, her gaze set on the screen, her fingers working her bean.

"But you said there was no way you were going to let me touch you," I said, looking at my step-daughter's face.

"I lied," Ariana told me, two fingers scissored either side of her clit. "I was always gonna fuck you ..." she said with a gasp, her boobs barely trembling as her body spasmed with pleasure. "I've thought about you pulling your dick ... And I thought about the time I picked up your shorts ... I've been thinking about you and mum fucking, I've heard you shagging before, you know. I thought about you fucking her and decided I'd try to seduce you. It was just so bloody dirty finding those shorts dripping with spunk.

"I wanted you to burst into the bedroom when I was fingering myself. I thought you'd try it on if you knew I was looking at porn and wanking ... But you didn't," the girl said with a pout.

"Ariana," I mumbled, confused by it all.

"I left that dildo stuck to the wall on purpose. All that other shit was just me pretending ... Oh, daddy..." she moaned, lower lip between her teeth as she gazed at me for several long seconds, her finger inside her body. "Isn't it kinky," my step-daughter added, dropping an eyelid onto her cheek in a slow, lascivious wink. "Calling you 'daddy' ... Isn't it just so fucking nasty."

"You shouldn't–" I started, then gave it up. In truth, her use of the word had me bursting with need.

Ariana chuckled and levered upright so she could reach out and grab my belt. She lifted her rump off the seat and pulled me in closer, a hand hooked at the nape of my neck.

"Kiss me," my step-daughter murmured, a hand mauling her breasts. "I want to do everything with you," she added, her stare holding my gaze, her fingers tight on the back of my neck. "I want to suck you; I want to fuck...

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