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Artists: Let's Pose Together!

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Art model figures out how she can have public sex.
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My wife Angeline had had plenty of sex partners before we met, sometimes with several lovers in her stable at the same time. Normally she slept with several different men every week, swapping them in and out as she pleased, always informing each about the others. That's how she explained things to me after adding me to her line-up. It took a couple of years before she dropped all the others and we became exclusive. But after some years, she realised that monogamy just wasn't a good fit for her and started looking for ways to have other partners yet not imperil our marriage.

A solution was close at hand: we were both artists, and one of our private drawing groups met weekly, alternating ourselves as models to keep expenses down. Angeline is one of the eight or so women in the group who take turns posing nude for us. (The dozen or so men also pose nude.) The women range in age from their mid-twenties to late forties, except for Angeline, now 62. The men, including me, are twenties to 66, my age. She's exceptionally attractive, and her maturity carries with it that certain elegance highly prized by artists. We model sometimes solo but often with a partner of the opposite sex.

As the senior and founding members of the group, the other artists look to us for direction and trust our judgement. So about ten years ago, on an evening when it was her turn to model, Angeline, after stripping off, addressed the assembled members of our group, suggesting that we push the boundaries a bit by making the male/female poses more explicit. (Standing there as the only one naked, she could probably have talked anybody into agreeing to anything she wished.) She explained her idea: she would like to do intimate poses involving penetration, one pose with each of the men who would be willing. She explained that to pose that way with just one might lead to complicated feelings, but by taking multiple partners for the evening any feelings of emotion or jealosy would be minimised. And since I'd have full knowledge, this would not be cheating on me, her husband.

The assembled artists gave tentative agreement, with the proviso that the scheme could be altered after trying it out. Of course, being already naked, she put herself forward as the first to take this bold step of posing with penetration, and asked for male volunteers to pose with her, and why not start this evening? There was no shortage of volunteers, as every male there had been visually enjoying Angeline's sexuality for several months by then.

We started the session with the usual one-minute solo gestures. After about twenty minutes, it came time for the first long pose, so whilst her first volunteer was disrobing she reclined on the divan in the center of our rented studio, knees apart and slightly raised. So far, this looked like just one of her regular poses. Until forty-year old Malcolm, now nude, positioned himself between her legs and aimed his cock into her as we other artists directed them into the pose to hold for about ten minutes. When the timer sounded Malcolm withdrew his cock from my wife's vagina and the two stood up. (Of course I'd seen Angeline in coitus with many different men, but that had been many years earlier, but this was here and now, and every bit as beautiful as before. And I was getting even more of a rush!) Malcolm donned his robe and took his place at his own easel while Dave, a twenty-eight year old grad student, undressed and took his place beside Angeline. She got on all fours and asked Dave to spread her cheeks and enter her from behind, making it clear that she did not mean her anus. Once in, he was directed to withdraw by a couple of centimeters to afford a view of their genitals connecting. Trying to hold this pose, Dave became excited and announced that he couldn't help that he would soon ejaculate, and asked how to handle the situation. First glancing at me, Angeline looked back over her shoulder and told him to stay inside her and just let it happen, as there was no chance of pregnancy at her age. Dave went off just before the timer did. He then withdrew, leaving a strand of white silvery cum leaking out of my wife. One of the artists asked her to remain in position while he made a quick pastel sketch of her with the fluid running out.

When she finally stood up, then turned to all of us and asked for a few minutes before going into the next pose. She wanted us to discuss how things had progressed thus far, and to assess if we should continue. All agreed that we were on to something special, and that by all means we should carry on. With that settled, she looked me straight in the eye and, still dabbing the sticky mess of Dave's cum from between her thighs, asked how I felt seeing her once again penetrated by other men, indeed for the first time in our nearly thirty years together. I told her I loved, her, as always, and that I respected her for pursuing what she wanted, and mentioned that she looked even more beautiful having sex and that the resulting drawings would be really successful. Then I got to the real matter at hand: I sheepishly admitted that I got a sexual thrill whilst seeing other men admiring her naked body, and that seeing her fuck a succession of men just heightened the thrill. For her part, she explained that she hoped that the resulting art would be successful, but mostly that she was really happy to get back into having sex in public. She thanked everyone for not looking away as she was having intercourse, and reminded us that as artists it is our task to carefully study every visual aspect of the nude models set before us. Then she said to me that as each of the two cocks was sliding into her she tried to catch my eye as an assurance to herself that she was still mine. She thought it might help her if for the remaining poses I would either talk to her, hold her hand, or perhaps catch her eye, at least while the other man's cock was sliding in, then I could get back to my drawing. I agreed to do this, and walked to her and gave her a big hug and a loving kiss. It was good to feel her warmth and wetness against me, and to smell the sweet scent of her arousal.

With all this settled, she took the next pose, with a third male model, Kevin, a forty-six year old, who was already lying on the divan. I held her hand as she lowered herself onto Kevin's upright cock, her eyes locked with mine and I felt a flood of her love coming to me. Once she was in the cowgirl position, they shifted slightly to get so they could hold still for half an hour. Then her eyes shifted away and I took that as the signal that I was free to sketch. The view of her labia enrobing Kevin's cock, along with her clitoris very much on display, made for some very explicit drawings.

Our son and daughter and their respective spouses, all artists, were attending that evening. Even though our son had seen his mother nude on previous evenings, and indeed tonight he'd watched as she fucked, she now told him that if he noticed her clitoris wet and extended out of its hood he was to move his easel to where he wouldn't see it. (He quietly relocated to one side for just this pose.)

At the end of being with Kevin, Angeline came over to say that locking eyes with me helped her a lot, but she thought that maybe for the next pose I could come over and kiss her as she took in the next cock.

It was time for the break, so she pulled on her robe and walked around amongst the other artists and their easels to see their work, and to visit the loo.

The break concluded, she handed me her robe and set up for the next pose. George, who was half her age, was lying on the divan and Angeline positioned herself over him. She asked me to come and kiss her as she maneouvered George's cock into herself. We held the kiss until she slid completely down, then she brought his hands up to cup her small breasts, but not before offering me one of her nipples to kiss. She smiled at me as I returned to my easel to start yet another drawing of my wife fucking another man.

I was next in the rotation of male models, so as Angeline lifted herself off of George, I quickly shed my kit and stood proudly nude facing my wife. I asked her what pose she'd like us to do, and she said we should try something really intimate. I suggested a modified missionary position, with her legs wrapped about me. As I knelt between her legs, I could see copious amounts of mens' cum mixed with Angeline's own juices, all flowing from the opening that awaited me. It was beautiful! Getting a thumbs-up from our son, I slid effortlessly into their mother's warm wetness, the hot cum from the three previous men gushed out around the base of my cock. She wrapped her legs around my waist. As I played with her nipples, somebody produced a cushion to tilt her bottom up a bit to afford a better view of her perineal area and the base of my cock at her entrance. She then was able to shift her legs higher, crossing her ankles behind my neck. The timer was set for thirty minutes, and when it went off, Angeline asked me to make a few small thrusts. She knew that if I felt as pent up as she did, we both needed some relief. The second or third "small thrust" put her into a long, silent orgasm, and the fourth one had me cumming with her. Spent, we lay there an additional couple of minutes before uncoupling. As soon as we were disengaged and standing up, a round of applause went up from our small but friendly audience. Apparently we hadn't fooled anyone! Our daughter came over and kissed each of us.

Let me explain a bit about Angeline's background: she's always been very wild sexually. She labels herself as 'promiscuous' for the time before we met, but I don't think she was; she wouldn't fuck just anybody; in the hundreds, but she chose very carefully. On the dating scene she would meet a guy and fuck him as soon as possible, preferably with others around, as she was secretly assessing his willingness for public sex. If all the parts fit and they both reached orgasm, there might be a second date, but no more sex until she got to know the guy, which might take some time of hanging out, even though they'd already had a fuck.

Part of her selection process was for the new guy to watch her having sex with another man, to see if he could set jealousy aside. Eventually she met someone who fucked well and who she thought would make a good husband. They had an open marriage, but with her enjoying most of the openness. She took numerous partners while he took only a few. When he started becoming jealous, they parted but she continued, with dates rather than with a husband. Many women in this situation swing due to lack of self-esteem. But not Angeline! She was well educated, successful in a management career, thought highly of herself, didn't smoke or drink, but just liked to fuck. A lot. And with her good looks and refined manners, men liked to fuck her. And to see her naked.

I first met her at a beach party, and was taken in by her wholesome beauty and her engaging smile. I also noticed that she was the only one naked. And that she was busy with what I counted to be three or four guys, pulling their shorts down to fuck them, one after the other, right there in the open. This fascinated me, so I introduced myself between her fucks, and sure enough, within the hour she fucked me. She termed this our first 'date'. Then she invited me on a second date, but we didn't have sex again until after we'd hung out together for about a month of getting to know each other. Meanwhile, she was openly fucking six other guys, four she already knew and two new ones, but soon turned them all loose and settled in with me. After we married, she tried being monogamous, but missed the swinging. So we tried that, but by then she was a bit older and felt she'd outgrown that stage so no more outside partners. For nearly thirty years. But then after starting certain age-related medications, the hormones kicked in again and she wanted more partners. That brings us up to the present, and her idea for the erotic poses with our art group.

She's maintained her elegant good looks and her sparkling personality. That first evening when she proposed her ideas, we finished the drawing session with three more poses after she posed with me. For the final one, I kissed my wife as she was paired with a young stud named Steve, less than half her age. It was the final pose of the night and everyone else would soon be packing their gear to leave. When the timer sounded she allowed him to go ahead and pound her without restraint, all the while keeping her eyes locked with mine, right through her orgasm. Steve and the others left, I helped her clean up, and we left for home.

Ever since that first trial with penetration ten years ago, the explicit poses are on our regular schedule. Most Wednesday evenings we're back in the studio, and Angeline's number comes up about once every two months to be the model. If one of the other women can't keep schedule, she's the first to volunteer as a sub. But if one of the others does model, it's to take only her husband or a very close acquaintance as her partner. Happily for me, I'm close enough to three of the women that I get to pose with them, or, in other words, I get to fuck them, except that I won't pose with my daughter. And of course she doesn't pose with her brother.

Angeline's cunt is as beautiful to look at as it is comfortable to fuck. Her vulva is smooth and clear of any hair, as is the entire area under her bottom. Her labia are supple and well defined, resembling rose petals that stay open naturally, affording a good view through the gap between her inner lips and, with the proper lighting, directly into her vagina. This, along with her smallish breasts and pointy nipples, make her the model of choice for most of the artists. Certainly the one I most enjoy fucking! Especially if I fuck her toward the end of the evening and she's smeared with the wetness of her arousal, the sweet aroma of primal sex, and is filled with cum.

One evening as she was displaying her inner folds to some new artists who'd recently joined, some of us wondered aloud if two cocks could fit in there, and what sort of painting would result. Overhearing the discussion, Angeline said there's only one way to find out, but she'd have to do a few preparatory poses to loosen up and lubricate her vagina. So, following two more poses she said she felt slick enough with cum to try for the two cocks--those of the newcomers who were ready with erections since admiring her cunt! At first she lay on her back atop one fellow, and after she worked him up into herself she had the second guy enter her from above. Sure enough, she was able to accommodate both. But, being on her back she couldn't move. So she and the upper guy got up, she flipped over to face the bottom fellow and take him in again, then spread her legs so the upper guy could work himself in from behind. In this configuration, both cocks stayed in long enough for the drawings to be completed. But before letting them out, Angeline wanted to see if she could orgasm with both cocks inside her. One guy kept falling out, so he was replaced by another fellow. So there was my wife, naked and sandwiched between two naked blokes, all three sweating and writhing and humping so she could climax. It took a while, but they finally did it! When the three eventually got to their feet, her inner thighs were slathered in their cum and her juices. She continued flowing even as we completed the session with three more poses and got home hours later and I entered her in our bed.

Angeline is the only woman who gives each of the men (except our son!) an equal chance. Usually by the conclusion of her night, she'll have posed with at least six of the men. If those didn't include me, we have a good fuck together when we get home. But that's not fucking; it's making love.

We talk a lot about what we happens on those Wednesday evenings. Angeline is delighted to once again have a reliable group of men she can count on to fuck in a safe and supportive setting. If we're out somewhere and she takes a fancy to a new fellow, she might invite him to take up art and join our group.

Are we using her as a slut for the sake of art? Looking at the situation objectively, she comes in, and under bright lights fucks a bloke long enough for drawings and paintings to be made, lets us watch them climax together, then we make more drawings of his cum dripping from her gaping cunt, then this repeats with five or six more fellows, all in an evening, to be repeated a few weeks hence. The resulting paintings and drawings are truly magnificent, which justifies what we do as artists dedicated to our craft. She doesn't feel used in any way. She's the one who suggested this departure from conventional modeling, and certainly the most ardent supporter.

At the end of each evening she's not exhausted. Her wide smile as each cock enters her is apparent. You can tell by her cheerfulness and her demeanour that she's invigorated. She's glowing with satisfaction and pride. Since it's all out in the open, with her husband and her children fully aware of her needs and how she meets them, she's happy. And if my wife's happy, I'm happy.

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RamseyMacDonaldRamseyMacDonald4 months ago

Wow. I wish the life classes I go to were like this! Excellent story!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Exciting woman! Perhaps the author could explore how Angeline feels about stripping and fucking up to 6 men every evening, in front of family and friends. This would be beyond the outer limits for most women, esp. an apparently refined and cultured one. What goes thru her mind as she publicly fucks multiple men while her husband and grown children watch? And the display of her clitoris goes way beyond normal art modeling or even exhibitionism. How does her husband feel about her behaviour?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

(commenting on Anonymous's observation about erections): yes, some groups don't tolerate hard-ons, but my experience has been that the more progressive ones recognise that erections are a natural function, along with vaginal discharge or a clitoris coming into view. All of these offer artists new material to incorporate into their artwork. Models are human, and thus sexual, and their natural responses to being nude should be respected.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

As a member of a life drawing group myself, I am always interested in how other groups operate. There seems to be various tolerances for sexuality in the poses, for example with regard to male models having erections. Some groups would fire the model, whereas others might be amused by this and want more. The group in this story has certainly taken things to the extreme!

JustplainjeffJustplainjeffabout 1 year ago

Why on earth doesn't this slut let her son fuck her? What a hypocrite!!

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