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Ashley's Homecoming Ch. 01


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That's about the best I could come up with given my current state of mind.

"So my, erm, scent doesn't gross you out?" I gave a hearty laugh somehow comforting her momentarily.

"Exactly the opposite, in fact, I find it truly stimulating. If my evaluation of your mother's past 'performances' are correct it does the same thing to her."

Now Ashley was half smiling "Well that explains why two of my friends ended up pregnant shortly after that party."

Just then the dryer buzzed, interrupting our breakthrough. Ashley got up to swap the clothes out of the washer.

"Thank you for this," I said holding her panties out for her to take, " but as much as I want to hold on to these that just wouldn't fly with your mom."

She said she understood and grabbed them as she walked away to tend to her clothes. This day had just been so emotionally draining that I slipped up, pulling out a hitter box that was stashed in the recliner I fired up some nice medical grade dank buds.

"Now that's a smell that turns me on" Ashley quipped from the laundry room.

Fuck, last thing I need is it getting out that I smoke pot, it's not something that I was ever secretive about. I knew Ashley knew I smoked, I used to hook her uncles up before I got busted 4 years ago. I had managed to build up quite the clientele during the time I was dealing, never little nickel and dime stuff, usually I wouldn't leave the house for less than a quarter pound of high grade pot, so I didn't have constant traffic. I just slipped up once and ended up on probation for 10yrs. Lost my job over the incident also, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise as I started my own legitimate business and was making a killing working for myself doing tree trimming, usually making between $120-180/hr. I never quit smoking but reduced it to very little and only when no one was in the house, I just needed the relaxation the gonja offered me.

"This is a huge secret I need you to keep ash, OK?"

"Ha! I have seen you sniff and lick my dirty underwear and you're worried about a little bud? You are a piece of work Dre..Daddy".

"Well one could result in your mom leaving me, the other in your mom leaving and me being sent to prison for probation violation. Given the fact both result in your mom leaving of course I'm more worried about the weed."

"Well uncle Jerry already blabbed your secret, don't know how many times he smoked me up on the shit he got from you, I kept it quiet this long so I don't think you have anything to worry long as you let me hit it every once in awhile that is."

Funny, I was thinking the same exact thing.

I pulled out a small bubbler and loaded a bowl, we smoked as she got the next load into the washer. I couldn't have asked for a better ending to that situation, well one that didn't involve my cheating on my wife anyways.

The next day i slept in having been thoroughly worn out, both mentally and physically, from the day before. As I made my way down to the main floor I saw a note from Lori:

Ran Ash to the store before I have to go to work, love Lori.

Glancing at the clock I saw it was close to 10am, Lori had to be to work at 3pm and I figured as much as they both liked to shop even a quick trip to the store could easily last a couple hours. Perfect time for a wake and bake I thought and I was quickly kicking back in my recliner in the basement. I reached into my hiding spot to grab my hitter box, I found it but something wasn't right. My heart was racing, had Lori found my stash? Was I totally fucked? I pulled out the box and realized it was wrapped in a pair of panties. To my disappointment they weren't soaked, though they had definitely been worn. The smell I longed for was right there in my hands, and no one else in the house, why not... I pulled my cock out and started to slowly stroke it, working myself into a frenzied pace I was lost in pure fantasy. Pumping myself harder and harder I soon reached the precipice of my Jack session when once again I realized I hadn't prepared myself for this and just like the last time used the panties as a cum catcher. I unloaded everything I had into the crotch of the red pair of undies in my hand. This time I didn't feel like a perv doing it, she had obviously left them for me, and no doubt knew exactly what I would do with them. Now my only dilemma was what to do with evidence. I didn't have enough dirty clothes to start a load, I couldn't leave them in the laundry room or my bathroom.

Maybe I could tuck them away somewhere, but I didn't want to risk forgetting about them and having to try to explain away a pair of cum filled panties that didn't belong to my wife. I glanced up at the clock and almost shit my pants, it was 11:25 already. I guess time flies when you're jacking off with your step daughters panties. I had a job to be at by noon so I really didn't have time to figure out the best solution. I grabbed my keys and headed for my truck, as I passed the door to Ashley's room I figured it was best for her to figure out disposal, I open the door and slipped in quickly, trying to find the best place for them.

There was a wooden box sitting on her bed, about 8"x8"x16" with a hinged lid that had a small ornate clasp on the front. I instantly recognized it as the one she had made in a required shop class. It was walnut with routered edges, a heart inlay on the lid, it was lined with a pink velvety fabric. She had been so proud of her box when she brought it home from school, telling us how even the teacher had been impressed with her box saying it had been the prettiest one he had ever seen. It was well put together, much better than anything I could have assembled, and had been truly impressed that she built it by herself.

I stepped forward and opened the lid, completely empty, perfect! As I was placing the cum filled boy cut panties in the box I took notice of the lining, it was still the same shade of pink I remembered, it was stained in a couple spots but was still as soft as the first time I ran my fingers over the fabric. I closed the lid and clasped it shut, backing out of the room and shutting the door behind me. I grabbed my boots from their spot beside the front door and ran to my truck with only my socks on figuring I would save what little time I could by getting them on in the truck.

I arrived at the job sight thinking only of the panties in the box, wondering if they would drip and leave a new stain. Then being scared that Ashley would be freaked out by my leaving them. Hoping Lori didn't happen to go in her room for some reason and open the box, being the only man in the house it would be impossible to deny having been the donator of the specimen. But mostly wishing I could see her face when she opened the box and discovered my contribution to her underwear.

I had bid the job for 8hrs just to be safe, figuring it would only take me 7 to drop the trees, cleanup and load all the wood and brush. I must have been really hauling ass though because as I was making my last rounds, checking for any sticks or leaves left behind I glanced at my watch for the first time and noticed it was only a few minutes after six. I spoke with the homeowner for a little bit, collected my check for $960, double checked the tarp covering the trailer full of brush and headed home.

I realized I was speeding through the streets but it was supper time and our small town was all but void of traffic, I made it home by 6:30, parking in front again I left the trailer hitched so I could dump it at the landfill first thing in the morning when it would be much cooler outside.

I entered the house quietly, not really sneaking but just following my normal post work ritual of getting to my bathroom ASAP and getting into the shower. I did this to minimize the amount of sawdust and dirt I tracked into the house. The hot water felt good cascading over my tired muscles. Even though it felt wonderful I exited quickly and began drying off, I hadn't had anything to eat since the night before and was getting a bit on edge because of my low blood sugar. Once again I had been in too much of a hurry and failed to grab any clean clothes, not wanting to put my work clothes back on I just wrapped the towel around my waist and headed up the stairs from the basement. Stopping quickly in the kitchen I opened the fridge to find a saran wrapped sandwich on the middle shelf, my lucky day! I quickly removed the stretchy plastic and tossed it in the garbage, beginning to devour the snack as I moved quickly for the stairs that led to my room.

That's when it hit me like a freight train, That smell!

I made my way down the hallway a little further and could now see Ashley's door wide open, I approached slowly. Straining to hear something I leaned forward as I slowly walked the last few steps. A familiar squishing sound was all I heard, I peered cautiously through the doorway. There she was in all her natural beauty, completely naked and spread eagle on the bed, her head furthest from the door giving me a perfect view of her pussy. Her left hand squeezing her breasts, her right rubbing her clit, she had her head slightly tilted back and her eyes closed. Soon she began inserting her fingers into her dripping pussy, every time she withdrew them they glistened in the dim light, the squishing sound returned as she started pumping her fingers in and out faster, rotating and bucking her hips, literally humping her hand. Her hand left her breast and disappeared off to the side of her body, returning with the red panties I had found earlier clutched in her grasp, my cum, now much thicker than when I initially expelled it from my body, was oozing between her fingers. She dropped them on her stomach, which to her credit and my satisfaction was surprisingly slim and smooth, she had a few stretch marks from the pregnancy but had definitely gotten her pre pregnancy body back. She lifted the cum coated fingers to her face, first smelling them and then brushing one of them across her lips.

I unconsciously let a moan escape my lips, she responded by jamming her pinky and ring finger into her mouth and sucking all of my slime off of them. That did it, I grabbed my dick through the overlap of the towel and started to stroke my cock to the same rhythm as her fingers that were still pistoning past her engorged pussy lips. As her left arm dropped down she pulled her right hand away from her little honey hole and slowly traced her own skin slowly upwards, snagging the red material from her stomach she pulled it upwards, using one finger she traced the outline of her areola then pulled the fabric over her nipple and released her hold. She brought her right hand up higher while moving her left lower, simultaneously placing the fingers from her right hand into her mouth, tasting her own pussy, and her first two finger on her left hand, that still glistened with my seed, into her obviously wanting pussy. There was a beautiful symphony of sounds, the squishing, the sucking, the moaning, soon I added my own grunts and moans to the mix.

That's when I noticed she had raised her head up and was now watching me jerking off while watching her masterbate. She kept sucking her owns juices from her fingers while she rubbed mine into every square inch of her fuck hole, her thumb working her clit faster and faster until it was just a blur. I heard her moaning deepen, the sucking getting faster and sloppier as drool ran down her hand, I could tell the finishing act was very close.

The smell was overpowering now, the sight before my eyes was one that I had imagine on more than a few occasions, her pace somehow quickening more than the blur it was before, all of it was too much and I felt myself losing control. Thinking quickly, somehow, I covered the end of my throbbing cock with the towel and began to cum.

"Ashley!" I cried out as I closed my eyes and emptied my balls all over the towel that was wrapped around my body. I opened my eyes to catch the beginning of her orgasm which, I'm guessing, was earth shattering because her movements looked spastic and uncontrolled. Her right hand now gripping the breast covered by her spunk filled panties, her left now with 3 fingers plunging into her pussy. Not as frantic as before but much harder and with a purpose almost as if she was punching her own coochie.

"Daddy!" she cried out, with a slight catch in her voice. She was back to frantically rubbing her clit with her thumb while still trying to fuck herself with her fingers. "Oh. My. God. Oh yeah, mmmmh" I had complete tunnel vision at this point, the only thing in focus was her hot little twat, everything else was pushed aside. The sounds, the smell, the rest of the world. I was lost in her pussy as I just stood there and watched her fingers slide in and out, her thumb working the clit like a joystick. The sheer beauty of what I was seeing was amazing, what happened next floored me.

"Mmmh oooohhh, uh huh mmmmh yeah, yeah, oh Drew, mmmh" When she said my name I almost fell forward. My mind went into hyperdrive and everything around me seemed to slow to a crawl. Making a split second decision I made my way to the foot of her bed and leaned between her legs, kneeling on the bench just in front of her bed I was able to get my head right next to her pussy without alerting her to my close proximity.

I stuck my tongue out and started to draw upwards, first making contact with her taint causing her to jump with a startle, her hand instinctively rising to protect herself from any potential danger, leaving her pussy wide open and unguarded. As I moved ever so slowly up through her lips the taste was ten times better fresh than it had been on her panties. As best as I can describe she tasted like strawberries and cream cheese, sweet yet slightly tangy, a perfect combination. As I moved over her tunnel I let the tip of my tongue enter her just a little bit eliciting a quick rise out of her hips, trying so hard to find something to be pushed inside, a slow circling of my tongue around the entrance then resuming my upward motion I move along her vulva up to her hood. I apply some pressure and flatten out my tongue, I do a few circles this way then flick against her clit with the tip of my tongue, but just couple times and starting back down to work on her lips, going up and down each side, switching back and repeating, randomly returning to her clit and repeating my original pattern. Only a few minutes in and she already has her hands clasped behind my ears trying to shove my head into her vagina, which I understand as a sign I'm doing something right. I insert my first two fingers and start sliding them back and forth, curling the tips upward I gently but firmly brush her g-spot over and over. Then I return my tongue to the bottom of her pussy, tracing her lip along the way, playing with her taint then back up the other side to start really working her clit as I pick up speed with my fingers.

I soon felt the walls of her vagina constricting on my fingers as her hips started gyrating profusly, I took my opportunity as always and extended my pinky finger. The next time she bucked her hips the tip of my finger was pushed against her ring, coating the tip with the fluid that was flowing from her pussy and continuing down the crack of her ass. The fabric beneath her was soaking wet, but to my surprise I realized it was the bed cover we had bought when her son started potty training. The second rotation of her hips caused the tip of my finger to push inside slightly encountering very little resistance. The next few thrusts from her hips had allowed most of the digit to be accepted in her anus. I slowly begin pushing my hand towards her until the middle knuckle of my ring finger was digging into her taint bringing forth a primal scream from Ashley's mouth.

I resumed licking where her pubic mound opened, teasing her clit, then pushing on it, sucking it, blowing on it. I picked up the pace of my hand plunging until my knuckle hit her taint then just a little farther, sometimes wiggling the fingers in her vagina. In no time she had one hand pulling my face into her, the other massaging her breast and playing with her nipple, biting her lower lip she arched her back and suddenly my face was being coated in a torrent of girl cum.

"Fuck me daddy, fuck me!" She kept crying out while lifting her hips and pulling my head down at the same time. I just kept flicking her clit and wiggling my fingers. It wasn't long before I was treated to another shower as she came again, somehow managing to produce even more liquid than the first time, a few seconds later after I had eased up on her sensitive nub I withdrew my digits from her body triggering a moan signaling she wasn't ready for them to leave. Dropping my head I started licking around her asshole, savoring the sweet honey that covered everything in the vicinity, and worked up laping up every drop I could find, stopping just short of her now overly sensitive clitoris. As I was pulling away what I had just done started to sink in, watching someone was one thing but actually participating was another.

"Ash, I'm really sorry, I mean I didn't mean to..." I started to plead but she interrupted me with a kiss, our first sensual kiss. It seemed to last forever and was over way to soon somehow, as she started to pull away she licked the end of my nose and let out a sigh that could only convey Nirvana, then laid back on the bed and her body seemed to go completely limp. I just knelt there not wanting to disturb her tranquility nor to cause the sight I was taking in to change.

"I would have made you another sandwich if I would have known you were going to be that hungry," she said in a tone that made me instantly regret everything I had just done. My jaw dropped and I just felt like crying, what had I just done to my stepdaughter. "Jesus christ! I'm just fucking kidding, that was exactly what I was fantasizing when I was doing it, gotta say that you do a much better job at that than I was giving you credit for." She was just staring at me with a huge shit eating grin on her face when suddenly her phone starts playing some ringtone.

"Fuck that's mom," she hisses as she jumps out of bed fumbling through her clothes. "Hey!...yeah...whatever you want is fine... Yeah, I heard him come in a little bit ago... I think he's in the shower...ok, love you too" she listened a few more seconds then turned the phone off. "She got off early and is grabbing some dinner on her way home, you might think about hopping back in the shower" she said reaching a finger out and scooping up another glob of her cum and sucking her finger completely into her mouth.

I took that as my queue to do as instructed. While rinsing off I wondered what would happen now, one and done? Every chance we get? Just me eating her out or will she return the favor? Would we fuck? I must have spaced out because soon the water was cooling down and my fingers were pruning up pretty good, I took one last scrub over my entire body to remove any trace of what had just happened, and stepped out grabbing my towel from the rack. Luckily I remembered I had cum all over it before I tried to dry off with it, once again I was left screwed over by myself. I noticed a stack of clean clothes and thank God another towel. Dried myself off while thinking at least Ashley seemed to be covering my failure to prepare, I quickly applied deodorant and a little cologne and got dressed as fast as I could heading upstairs to find Lori portioning out the Chinese food she had picked up, gave her a long kiss and told her what a nice surprise it was that not only was she home early but had grabbed supper to. We all are in the living room and watched some cheesy comedy. As soon as the movie ended I offered to take everyone's plate on my way to my man cave to have a cigerette, dropping the scraps in the trash I rinsed the plates off quickly and dropped them in the bottom rack of the dishwasher.

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