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Ashley's Internship

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Attractive coed goes to work for a dominant female exec!
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This story takes place in the immediate aftermath of 'Bath Night Revisited Ch. 04,' but it's not necessary to read that story first in order to enjoy this one, as they include a mostly different cast of characters!


Ashley Turner paused at the entrance of the building. She knew that she could still change her mind and return to campus if she so chose. The attractive, slender, 21-year-old blonde college-senior really didn't need this internship, as her major at San Francisco State was Behavioral Science and NOT business or finance. Yes, her academic advisor had already approved it, explaining to Ashley that the Nelson-Morgan Securities firm was highly respected internationally, and that completing an internship with a powerful woman like noted stock-market analyst Anita Nelson would look very impressive on her resume following graduation in the spring.

"I'm frankly quite puzzled as to why Anita Nelson even agreed to meet with you, Ashley," the advisor informed her. "The people in the business school are really quite vexed!"

"Vexed? With me?"

"Well, yes... I mean, they're not angry or anything like that. But for a number of years they've repeatedly tried placing student-interns at Nelson-Morgan... always unsuccessfully... and now here's a pretty girl like yourself... not even a business student... getting an invitation... and you've never even expressed an interest in finance!"

"Yes... I suppose that's all true."

"So how did you swing it?" the female advisor inquired. "Is there somebody you know on the inside?"

"Well, kind of..." the pretty blonde responded, hesitating to reveal the complete story behind the invitation she had received three days ago with a phone call from a Mrs. Ketterling, who claimed to be the executive secretary to Ms. Anita Nelson, the powerful 45-year old Associate Director & CEO of the well-known brokerage firm, inviting young Ms. Turner to apply for an internship.

"Come on, girl... dish," the advisor begged. "Did you meet some big-shot from that firm at a conference or something like that? You know what I mean... some rich exec wanting to impress the pretty blonde college hottie?"

"Well, not exactly..."

"So what was it? You got a relative there?"

"Not at all... you see... I mean, I have a sorority sister who knows this woman... and this woman has friends with whom she socializes... anyway, they apparently know a lot of the same people..."

"OK... I get it... you just got really lucky, or so it would seem. Still... what an awesome opportunity for you! I hope you take advantage of it, Ashley!"

"Yes, ma'am... I intend to!"


Ashley was certainly a very attractive young woman, with a tall, slender build, and stylishly-cut short blonde hair. And while she wasn't entirely sure what caused her to want to meet with this powerful female executive at Nelson-Morgan Securities, she felt that she had come too far to turn back now. She walked through the entrance and straight to the reception desk out front.

"I have an appointment with Ms. Anita Nelson."

"Yes, Miss," the attractive receptionist replied, smiling at her. " She's in Nelson-Morgan Securities... 21st-floor... the elevator is right over there to your left."

Ashley thought she could feel the girl's eyes following her as she walked away. And as she approached the elevator and pushed the 'up' button, she could actually see the girl's reflection in the polished bronze elevator doors. It seemed as if she really was staring at her, almost wistfully.


The middle-aged secretary picked up her phone and pushed a button. "There's a Miss Turner here to see you, Ms. Nelson. She says she has a three o'clock appointment." The woman then motioned Ashley over to the comfortable sofa.

As the pretty blonde sat down, she glanced at her reflection in the glass wall opposite her... she looked good... very professional... While staring at herself, a thought was triggered in her memory of the series of events that had brought her here, involving one of her young sorority sisters and the woman who had befriended her... no, more than just befriended her...

Ashley had witnessed the two women in what was clearly an active & ongoing dominant/submissive lesbian relationship. It was this experience that had lured her now into wanting to explore more of this... into wanting to experience her own relationship involving submission and surrender to a forceful, dominant older woman.

"You may go in now," the secretary's voice suddenly cut into her train of thoughts.

As she slowly entered the luxurious corner office, the first person Ashley noticed was a very pretty, very young, red-haired girl in an extremely short schoolgirl skirt and a ruffled white blouse. The blushing girl had on in long white stockings and was shoe-less... and was now busy smoothing-out her clothing as though she had just been caught making-out with her boyfriend in the back seat of his car.

"Ashley... so nice to meet you at last," the attractive older woman sitting behind the desk announced, rising to greet her. "I'm Anita... Anita Nelson... and that pretty little thing is Nicole... she's my secretary-in-training who will soon be graduating from high school..."

The red-haired girl nodded to Ashley before then bending over to put on her shoes. The older woman's eyes narrowed approvingly as she took in the girl pretty behind. Ashley noticed her licking her lips as she paused to watch.

"Nicole comes here once a week to get a feel for what it's like to be a real secretary... isn't that right, Nicole?"

"Yes, ma'am, Ms. Nelson," the pretty young red-haired-girl replied, once again smiling, red-faced, at Ashley.

"You may leave us now, Nicole," the older woman said. "Perhaps Mrs. Ketterling could use your help filing papers."

"Yes, ma'am," the pretty red-head responded before hastily departing the room.

"Such a lovely little thing... she just turned eighteen two months back... her high school teaches courses in secretarial studies... but I've explained to her that spending actual time in an actual corporate office is much more instructive than time spent in a classroom."

"Yes, ma'am... she's certainly a very pretty girl!"

"As are you, my dear... come in... and sit down."

"Thank you."

The older woman boldly ogled Ashley's comely figure as she sat down across from her.

"That dress doesn't do you justice, Ashley... but I suppose you wanted to appear all 'professional' for our interview."

"Yes, ma'am... it's a business suit for women."

"I suppose it is... that skirt is too long, though... I really hate seeing a pretty girl hiding her body... especially her legs... I imagine that your legs are long and lovely..."

Ashley looked down, uncomfortably. "You look very nice, as well, ma'am."

The older woman laughed. "I suppose I do... this outfit I'm wearing costs over fifteen-hundred-dollars, so it had better look nice," she laughed before licking her lips and eyeing Ashley's legs before continuing.

"I've been here twenty-years now, and I suppose I once thought like you... that being prim & proper is everything," she sighed. "In any case, I imagine I'd look ridiculous today in a short skirt like the one Nicole just had on... what did you think of her demeanor, by the way?"

"She's... she's very pretty!"

"Yes, she is, isn't she," the older woman smiled. "She'll make somebody an excellent secretary someday... I may even hire her myself after Mrs. Ketterling retires."

"She's very young, though, isn't she?"

"Exactly... she's young, beautiful, and has a luscious body," the older woman mused aloud. "And, most important of all, she's obedient."

"Yes, but does she have the necessary skills or experience to be a corporate secretary for a woman such as yourself?"

"No, not yet," the older woman smiled. "But she'll learn, with time... do you know what she was doing before you came into my office?"

Ashley guessed, but she shook her head no.

"She was sitting here on my lap, with my hands running up & down her gorgeous legs."

Ashley didn't know how to respond to that.

"Nicole will make an excellent secretary someday."

Again, Ashley didn't know what to say.

"That's one lesson that I doubt any of your college professors have ever taught... that a pretty young woman such as yourself already possesses everything that she needs to get ahead... if she's intelligent and knows how to take orders, swiftly and without question."

"But ma'am... isn't what you're saying... doesn't that fit right in with the stereotypical male practice of enslaving the female and turning her into a sex object?"

"Who said anything about 'males?' - I'd never allow a male executive in this building to touch Nicole," the woman insisted. "If her body's going to be enjoyed by anybody it's going to be by me!"

"Yes, ma'am... I understand."

"Do you?"

"I... I think so."

"I'm not sure you do."

Ashley shifted uncomfortably in her chair.

"I'm not... I'm not exactly sure how I should answer that, ma'am."

"Well, first of all, you need to relax. If you intern with me, Ashley dear, I'll teach you everything you need to know... and we can both benefit from each other... how does that sound to you?"

"I'd like that, Ms. Turner."

"Excellent," the older woman said, rising from her seat. "Welcome aboard!" She reached out to shake the younger woman's hand.

"I'll have Mrs. Ketterling get you a name tag and key-card to get you into the building," she said, walking Ashley to the door of her office. As the pretty blonde waited for it to open, the older woman patted her on the behind, smiling. "Good-bye for now, Miss Turner!"


Ashley's first couple of days as an intern were uneventful. She really didn't see all that much of her new boss, as Anita was in meetings for most of those days.

But that was to change.

On Ashley's third day on the job, the older woman took her out to lunch, and then suggested they go clothes' shopping.

"You look very pretty today, my dear, but that doesn't mean we can't do better. We can ALWAYS do better, am I right?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

She then escorted the pretty younger woman to an upscale clothing shop, one that she regularly frequented, explaining to the solicitous saleswoman exactly what she was looking for.

"Ashley here needs a business suit or two that better emphasizes her positive attributes," she explained. "What she has on now would be better suited to a woman twice her age, don't you agree?"

"Oh, yes, ma'am, Ms. Nelson," the saleswoman concured. "I know exactly what it is that you're saying."

The saleswoman then went into the back room and returned with several business suits designed for professional women, having already ascertained Ashley's heighth and size-proportions, with the younger woman then directed to try them on in a nearby private fitting room, with her boss joining her.

"As I am picking up the tab, I think it's only right that I get to see exactly what it is that I'm purchasing."

If Ashley felt awkward changing in front of the older woman, she was careful not to show it. After all, free clothing was an enormous perk, and this amounted to an expensive clothing allowance of sorts, a very rare benefit to bestow on a new intern.

Nevertheless, as she stripped out of her clothing she was well-aware of her boss's appreciative gaze. It made her uncomfortable, being ogled almost as if she was on a stage, taking it off for money. Ms. Nelson's comments didn't help.

"Mmmmm... such gorgeous legs... very lovely... turn around, Ashley, dear... I want to get a better look at that beautiful butt of yours... you know, while we're here we might as well get you some sexy new undergarments to match your new wardrobe... sexy little things that will do a much better job of showing off your curvy little behind..."

The skirts on the suits that her boss selected for her were all considerably shorter than anything AShley would ever have selected for herself, but again, it wasn't her decision.

After her employer had chosen three business suits with matching mini-skirts, she then suggested that they get a couple more outfits, for less formal occasions.

"You need some frilly dresses to wear just for fun, Ashley dear... I'll have the saleswoman bring a few in so you can try them on..."

If the pretty blonde thought that the business suit-skirts were short, then the 'fun dresses' were nothing shy of scandalous. If she bent over even the slightest bit, her underwear would be showing.

"Please, Ms. Nelson... I could NEVER appear at the office in something like this!"

"Of course not, dear... you wear these when you and I are working informally at my home, or perhaps after hours on a business trip... you know, should I plan on taking you along with me!"

"Oh... those sounds wonderful!"

"Oh, there are... and I travel a lot... places like Tokyo, Honolulu, Sydney, Hong Kong, Ibiza..."


"Sure... it's not always hard work... sometimes I like to play... and when you're having fun you need to dress accordingly... which reminds me, do you own a swimsuit?"

Before they were finished, her new boss had bought her a tiny new thong bikini, several sexy new bra & panty combinations, and an incredibly skimpy nightie that looked like the kind of thing a new bride might wear on her honeymoon.

"I can't thank you enough for your generosity, Ms. Nelson," the girl gushed. "These items are all so beautiful... and so expensive!"

"Think nothing of it," the older woman responded, casually squeezing the girl's behind. "I'm looking forward to seeing you wearing all of these lovely things when we get to spend more time together."

It was clear to Ashley that this woman intended to seduce her the first chance she got, and the pretty college girl was resigned to the prospect, perhaps even looking forward to it a little bit. After all, how many women had she known who were seduced by a lesbian boss?

"Oh my... look at the time... is it already five o'clock?" the older woman asked, glancing down at her expensive watch. "Hmmm... if you don't have any other plans right now, Ashley, how's about you join me at my club for a drink?"

"Yes, ma'am... I'd love that!"


Their next destination was only a few blocks away... another high-rise commercial building in the business district. As they entered the lobby Ashley saw no indication whatsoever that this building housed any kind of a nightclub or bar. The older woman read the uncertainty in her face.

"There's a private club... it's on the fifth floor... and you need a special key just to access it," she explained to the girl, "like this one!" She held up a small golden key and then inserted it into a slot on the elevator panel, taking the two women to their mysterious destination.

When the elevator doors opened, Ashley immediately noticed the darkened entrance foyer, very plush & expensively furnished. The word 'Red Lips' boldly announced the name of this exclusive private establishment in large red neon, all in the shape of a sexy woman's mouth/lipstick mark.

An Oriental woman in a men's suit greeted Ashley's employer by name.

"Ah, Ms. Nelson... so good to see you again... and I see that you have brought a beautiful young guest with you... come right in..."

"Thank you, Mrs. Chang."

As they were escorted into the main room, Ashley's eyes slowly adjusted to the light... there was slow-dance-music playing... loud, but not too loud... and there on the dance floor two couples could be seen slowly moving to the music...

It was then that the girl realized that everybody here in this club, customers & employees alike, were all women!

Ashley noticed what appeared to be several nude young girls walking about... no, not entirely nude... they were topless but were wearing tiny g-strings and little silver collars... all of them very young, not much older than herself.

Then she noticed that the other half of the assembled women, the customers, were all older women, in their forties & fifties, not unlike her employer. The two couples she could see on the dance-floor, for example, each included a mostly-nude younger girl slow-dancing together with a fully-clothed older woman.

Ashley also noticed that each of the younger women appeared to have been 'branded' on her bare behind with a lipstick-mark, much like the 'Red Lips' neon-logo she had seen upon entering the establishment.

"Is this some kind of an all-girl stripper club?" she whispered to her employer.

"No," the older woman laughed. "This is a private club for wealthy women like myself who like to unwind in the company of beautiful nude younger women like those you see around you."

"But why are all of the girls naked?"

"They're not completely naked," Anita pointed out, motioning at the tiny g-string of a pretty girl walking past. "See, she's dressed... but only just barely!"

"But why do they all have that lipstick mark on their butts?"

"Because it's the club logo... we're in the 'Red Lips' club... that's their trademark... a woman's red lips... and all of these pretty young women are club-hostesses, nothing more! Come along, Ashley... let's be seated."

They were both escorted to a large plush couch, and very soon after a pretty young 'Red Lips' girl was there to take their order.

"Hello, Lexie... you certainly look delicious tonight!"

"Thank you, Ms. Nelson... and welcome to the 'Red Lips' club... would you care to look at a menu?"

"Not necessary... we'll have two house specials," Anita told the girl, ogling her pretty ass as she walked away. "You'll want to consume this drink slowly," she warned Ashley regarding the order. "The house special here packs quite a punch if you try chugging them down too quickly."

"I'll be careful, ma'am," Ashley answered, gazing mesmerized at the collection of women around her... several older & very-wealthy-looking ladies, perhaps nine or ten of them... and an almost equal number of pretty, mostly-nude 'Red Lips' girls there to serve them... and, in some cases, slow-dance with them.

"How do you like it so far, Ashley dear?"

"I'm... I'm not entirely sure," the girl responded. Her eyes watched two of the women slow-dancing together... the pretty girl with the lipstick-mark on her bare behind had her arms languidly around the neck of the fully-clothed older woman, while the older woman's hands were casually gripping at the girl's beautiful curvy behind, squeezing it contentedly while the two women moved to the music and stared into one another's eyes.

Their own pretty 'Red Lips' waitress... I'm sorry, make that 'hostess,' returned moments later with their drinks, with Anita then gently stroking the girl's leg after she asked if they needed anything else. "No, Lexie... we're fine for now... how is your mother?"

"She's doing well, ma'am... of course, she's still bugging me to get my cosmetology license, but I'm really in no hurry to do that anytime soon."

Anita laughed.

"I'm glad to see that you're taking care of yourself," she said, motioning for the girl to turn around so that she could look at her ass. This, the girl immediately did, even bending over slightly to allow the older woman to gently stroke and fondle her behind.

"May I offer you a private lap-dance in one of the private rooms, Ms. Nelson?" the girl said, looking coyly over her shoulder. "I'd be more-than-happy to entertain you," she added with a smile, as the older woman slowly traced her index finger along the lipstick mark on the pretty girl's lovely ass.

"Yes, Lexie... that sounds like something I'd enjoy," Anita responded, rising from her seat. "Will you be alright alone, Ashley dear?"

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