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Asking a Friend for a Loan Ch. 01

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A woman asks a friend for a loan, of her husband.
6.8k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 06/02/2023
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This story is broken down into four parts. It could have fit under numerous categories including erotic couplings, romance, anal and voyeur. I thought loving wives was the best fit, but it's not the only fit. Love is complicated, and doesn't always color inside the lines, just like this story. Enjoy, vote, comment.


Mattie had only been at work for a few hours when she got the text. She wasn't supposed to look at her phone at work but the reception area was empty. She was caught up on paperwork and had one of those rare moments when she could sit back and take a breath. Blessed with a free moment she checked her phone and saw the strange message waiting for her.

Can I buy you lunch? - Valerie

The message was unusual for several reasons and Mattie was trying to organize them in her head. Valerie had never texted her before. In fact, she wasn't even sure how Valerie got her phone number. Valerie was a coworker of her husband, and more his friend than hers. Mattie had met her at work functions over the years, but they had never done anything social together. Valerie was single, and had been as long as Mattie had known her. She was tall and brash and that seemed to put off most of the men. The fact that she was highly intelligent didn't help, as most men didn't want a woman smarter than then. Mattie got along with her just fine, and admired the way she walked through life taking no shit.

The invitation to lunch was intriguing; and filled her head with a dozen questions. Mattie rationalized that the only way she was going to get some answers was to meet for lunch and ask them herself. Besides, she liked Valerie.

Sure, my lunch is from 12-1, what cha thinkin? - Mattie

Acapulco Grill, good food and a full bar. - Valerie

Sounds good, see you there a few minutes past noon. - Mattie

Mattie got back to work but spent the rest of the morning thinking about Valerie, lunch, and the unusual invitation. Noon couldn't come soon enough.

When Mattie walked in, she saw Valerie waving from a table along the back wall. She had secured them a table away from the main dining area, and already had a drink in front of her. As Mattie approached the table, she saw the drink was already empty. Curiouser and curiouser. Valerie jumped up as Mattie approached the table and gave a hug in greeting. Mattie took the seat across from her and got her coat and purse situated on the chair beside her. A waitress had followed her in and now asked if she wanted anything to drink. Mattie was not going to get a drink, knowing she had to be back at work in an hour. However, after seeing Valerie's empty glass, she decided she might just need it. She ordered a margarita and the waitress gave them time to look at the menu.

"Thanks for meeting me here today, especially on such short notice," Valerie said.

"Of course," Mattie said, "Your invitation was so out of the blue, I was instantly curious and couldn't wait."

The waitress came back with Mattie's margarita and another drink for Valerie. The two women ordered food while the server was there; before she collected the menus and rushed off.

"So," Mattie said looking at Valerie, who suddenly looked worried.

"I uh...I tried practicing this a few times but never found the right combination of words that didn't make me sound like an idiot," Valerie said, taking a big slug of her drink. Her cheeks were pink and it looked like she was overheating.

"Well, if it's bad news, just come right out with it. Rip it off quick like a band aid," Mattie said.

"It's not bad news, it's just that..." Valerie stopped again, and blew out a breath.

Mattie was starting to think she had a terminal illness, and was looking for a way to share the news. She reached out and grabbed Valerie's hand for support, to let her know it was ok.

"I also made a contingency plan in case I chickened out," Valerie said, pulling a letter out from under her plate. She started to push the letter across the table and Mattie was torn between grabbing it or running from it. She decided to not be a chicken today and reached for it only to have Valerie flatten her hand on it.

"Rules first," Valerie said, taking a breath, "this is going to shock you, but please just hear me out. I have given this a lot of thought, agonized over it. I don't want you to hate me, and I don't want to get Rolland in trouble. I'm just...asking for a loan," she finished, before letting go of the paper.

Mattie took the paper and opened it up while Valerie took another big drink. She was blushing pink on her ears, cheeks, and neck. This is really getting interesting now. Mattie unfolded the letter and saw it had been typed out in advance and was nearly a page long. Her name was at the top and it was signed by Valerie at the bottom. She really had planned all this out in advance. Mattie took a sip of her drink to fortify her and dove right into the letter.


If you're reading this, I chickened out, and couldn't say the words. Please read the whole thing before you speak, and know this is the hardest thing I have ever done. I won't be upset if you say no, in fact, I'd be shocked if you said yes. Despite all that, I made a promise to myself that I would try. So here goes.

My next birthday ends in a zero; it's one of the big ones. Every year I save up enough money to go somewhere tropical for two weeks. This is my treat to myself that allows me to work so hard at my job. I can get through just about anything, knowing that a tropical vacation is waiting for me. I love going to new places and seeing new things, and have been doing it by myself for nearly twenty years now. My mother is a travel agent and helps me book the best places and the best deals. She has long since given up on me finding a husband and giving her grandchildren. That doesn't stop her from pestering me about finding a man. This year she got a bee in her bonnet and bought a second ticket to accompany mine. She refuses to go, and has been telling me to find somebody to go with me. She started her campaign by saying it had to be a man, somebody I could share the adventure with. Then she raised the stakes and hinted that it could be a romantic vacation, and I could get my ashes hauled, as she calls it. I tried to tell her I wasn't seeing anyone, and didn't know the first thing about finding a booty call at my age. Finally, she cornered me and told me I was in danger of becoming an old bitty. I would be an old spinster soon and I didn't even have enough sex stories to put in a coffee can and bury in the backyard. She wants me to make some sinful memories before it's too late, and I slide into regret as well as retirement.

I made a list. Actually, I made three lists, trying to analyze the problem. There was a list of men I wanted to sleep with or was at least interested in sleeping with. There was a list of men I enjoyed talking to, and thought I could take on vacation without killing them. Finally, there was a list of men I could trust; both with my heart and this opportunity. I needed to find a guy who understood this was a one-time deal. This would be a two-week vacation from reality; without emotions, false promises, or sticky entanglements. He can't be a blabbermouth, and must be willing to keep this a secret. There was only one name that was in all three of my columns.


Mattie looked up and made eye contact with Valerie at this point, not believing what she was reading. Valerie whispered 'o fuck' and picked up her drink and took another big pull while looking away. Her color had returned to normal but now the blush came roaring back with full force. Mattie shook her head and went back to the end of the letter.

I am trying to be painfully honest, because I know how big of an ask this is. I am looking for a lover to accompany me on my vacation. It will begin and end with this trip, nothing more, and never again. I would never do anything to harm your marriage to Rolland, ironically that is one of the reasons I am asking you. Your marriage is one of the strongest ones I know.

You can think about it, or refuse right now. You can tell Rolland about this, or not. I will not hold your refusal or your anger against you. I realize you must be furious. I appreciate you reading this far, and at least allowing me to keep a promise I made to myself. After this, I can honestly say that I tried.

Hopefully still your friend. Valerie.

As Mattie finished the letter, the waitress came back with their lunch and set the plates down in front of them. She asked if they needed anything else and Mattie realized her margarita was empty. She asked for another. She never understood what constituted a two-drink lunch before today. When a friend asks to fuck your husband, it's a two-drink lunch.

"Say something," Valerie said softly.

"I'm thinking," Mattie said, "eat your lunch."

Valerie picked up her fork and Mattie saw her hand was shaking.

"Well, you didn't throw your drink in my face, slap me, and storm out, I guess that counts for something," Valerie said with a weak smile.

"Have you mentioned this to Rolland yet?" Mattie asked.

"O God no. I think we both know this is your decision," Valerie said.

"My first inclination is to scream no. I can't imagine sharing my husband with anyone," Mattie said.

"I understand," Valerie said.

"I don't think the sex worries me as much as intimacy would. The holding hands, the cuddles, the pillow talk. That stuff scares me," Mattie said.

"I get it," Valerie said, "I could promise to just treat him like a piece of meat, but he is one of those romantic kinds of guys."

"What happens if I say no? Do you have a backup plan?" Mattie asked.

"Um, not really. I had two other guys that made two of my lists, but each of them had some kind of mark against them. One can't hold a conversation, and the other was sure to brag about having sex with me. I decided I would ask you, give it my best shot, and then move forward with no regrets. I can tell my mom I tried, and apologize about the wasted ticket," Valerie said.

"I'm sorry Valerie, I just don't think I could do it," Mattie said.

"Hey don't worry about it, I expected you to say no, remember. I can't imagine a wife saying yes. They would have to be crazy. I just...wanted to try...just once...for me," Valerie said.

"I understand," Mattie said, giving her a weak smile.

"Don't tell Rolland about this, I don't think I could look at him again if he knew he was on my list," Valerie said.

"Are you kidding, his ego would be so inflated we couldn't fit his head through a doorway," Mattie said.

"Thanks for listening and not freaking out," Valerie said, relieved to move on.

"Thanks for lunch," Mattie said back, and took another drink.

They talked for another forty-five minutes before Mattie had to leave and go back to work. She nursed the second drink and the food helped keep her head clear. It was eight blocks back to her office, and she had been willing to walk if she was still feeling the alcohol. When it was time to go, they both stood up and hugged at the table, before Valerie sat back down.

"Aren't you leaving?" Mattie asked.

"I thought I would stay and have one more drink, and then call an uber to take me home. This was a really hard day for me, and I'm still shaking. I'm glad I went through with it, despite my fears," Valerie said and then laughed a bit, "you want to talk about a bucket list item, I never thought I would do this."

Mattie went back to work but found it impossible to concentrate on her job. Her mind kept going back to the lunch, the letter, and the conversation. This had been a hard day for her as well. The afternoon dragged and she was exhausted by the time she headed for home. She was looking forward to forgetting about the lunch date, and enjoying the weekend.


Rolland took his wife out to dinner on Saturday night. It was a place Mattie had mentioned she wanted to visit; and Rolland paid attention to the little things she said. They enjoyed the evening together, holding hands and kissing often. On the way home Rolland said he had a surprise for her but wouldn't tell her where they were going. Mattie was excited but nervous, most of Rolland's surprises involved getting her naked. He pulled into the parking lot of a sex toy shop and Mattie laughed while shaking her head.

"I knew it, you are so predictable," she said.

"So are you, that's why we're stopping," he said, getting out and taking her hand. They walked inside together with Mattie holding fast to his hand. She didn't want to be left alone for one second in this store.

Mattie was a confident person in most areas of her life except one, the bedroom. She was content to let Rolland take the lead, and do the work in the bedroom. She had not admitted it to herself; but she was too embarrassed to ask for anything sexual. She was not the kind of girl who suggested anything in the bedroom. She didn't know what kind of girl that was, but it wasn't her. She squeezed her husband's hand tightly and tried not to look embarrassed and guilty for just being here. Rolland led her around the store, looking at things here and there, before stopping in front of the lubricants and lotions. Mattie let out a sigh of relief. The wall of videos was embarrassing. The aisle of toys was mortifying. She couldn't even look at some of them. Some of them were so confusing, she didn't even know what they did. She could not bear to look at them, much less read the instructions. She just wanted to get out of here before she hyperventilated. Rolland pulled a bottle off the shelf and was reading the back, while Mattie tried not to stare at anyone or anything. When she eventually looked at the bottle he was holding, she let out a squeak and knocked it out of his hand. Luckily, the bottle was plastic and did not shatter on the ground. Rolland picked it back up while giving her a confused look. Mattie thought she was going to die of embarrassment and figured everyone inside the store was staring at her now.

"What are you doing? Put that back!" she whispered way too loudly.

"What is wrong with you?" he asked, putting the first bottle back and then selecting the one next to it.

The name of the first bottle had been Anal-eze, and Mattie thought she was going to die of embarrassment. The new bottle he was reading was just as horrifying. This one was called Tush Cush, and Mattie had a brief sensation of lightheadedness before her vision cleared.

"That's gross!" she whispered forcefully, "we are not using that stuff!"

"We will be next month," Rolland said calmly. He returned the second bottle to the shelf and picked up a spray can labeled Back Door. Mattie felt her dinner start to roll over and look for a way out.

"What are you talking about?" she whispered, looking around to make sure nobody was watching them.

"I'm talking about your promise, the one you conveniently forgot about and were hoping I would forget about," Rolland said, putting that tube back and picking up the first one again.

"What are you talking about?" she hissed at him.

"Ever since we got married, I have been asking to have that beautiful ass of yours. At first you just said no and never, but after a few years, I wore you down by asking why not and when. Eventually you caved and told me I could have your ass for my fortieth birthday, kicking the can down the road a few decades. It probably seemed like it would never get here for you, but I have been counting down the years. Next month is my birthday, and it's time for you to pay up," Rolland said.

Panic hit Mattie and she almost couldn't speak. She was not into butt stuff. The thought did not repulse her, it just didn't interest her. The bigger problem was her husband's size. Rolland was stocky, and consequently had a thick cock. Some days when he pushed inside her, she felt like she was being stretched to her limit, and that was the door they used regularly! Rolland had girth. Mattie had a brief image of him trying to push his fat cock into her ass and shuddered with apprehension. She knew some people enjoyed it. She knew some people claimed they could even orgasm from it. Mattie could not get past the thought of how painful it might be.

"You can't be serious about that," Mattie tried.

"I am serious, that's why we stopped tonight. You are so predictable; I knew you were going to try and weasel your way out of it. You have been making promises for almost twenty years now Mattie, and for once, I expect you to keep your promise," Rolland said.

"But I don't like it," she said softly.

"How do you know, you've never even tried it," he answered back.

"It scares me," she said.

"I know, that is why I wanted us to stop here tonight. I want to find something to help. I want you to be able to relax and enjoy that night," Rolland said.

"I don't think I can," she said.

"I promise to go exceedingly slow, and give you time to relax and enjoy yourself," her husband said.

"No, I mean I don't think I will be able to go through with it," she said.

Rolland watched her waiting to see if she was being serious or not. It looked like she was.

"You have been promising me this for our entire marriage," he said with a touch of anger.

"It's my body, I have the right to change my mind," Mattie said, hating herself for using that particular excuse. Yes, she had been promising him that thing for more years than she could count. She just believed this day would never come.

Rolland looked at her a few more seconds, eyes going cold. He put the bottle back on the shelf and turned for the exit. He released her hand and walked away without a word. Mattie hurried after him, not wanting to be left alone in the store. He didn't open the door for her this time, and the ride home was mostly quiet.

"I'm sorry, it's just not my thing," Mattie said to her husband.

Rolland just nodded, but didn't say anything. The good mood they shared over dinner was gone.

When they got home, Rolland said he was taking the dogs for a walk. This was something he liked to do in the evenings, and Mattie said she would stay awake until he got home. The route they walked took between fifty fifty-five minutes. Tonight, it was closer to ninety. Mattie was dozing on the couch when he got home, and waited while he took off leashes and made sure they had water. She followed him back to the bedroom and hoped she could rekindle some of the romance from earlier that night. When she reached for Rolland in the dark, he said he was tired, and asked for a raincheck. She understood he was upset, but also thought he was being a jerk about this. Mattie rolled over and gave him her back, settling down to get some sleep. This was not her fault. It took a long time for her to fall asleep.


It was a bit icy around the house for the next few days. Mattie let it go until Wednesday when she confronted Rolland about it and told him he was being an immature child. It was her body and her choice and she didn't want to do it. Rolland just nodded and said that was fine, he was over it. His face and lack of smile would seem to indicate otherwise.

"Then why aren't you talking to me? Why aren't you hounding me for sex?" Mattie asked.

"I just have a lot on my mind," he said.

"O yea, like what?" she asked.

"I don't think I want to go on that cruise next year," he said.

"What?" she said too loudly, "since when?"

"Well finances are tight right now and I think the money would be better spent if we stayed closer to home," he said.

"Rolland, we've been planning on this for years. I've been dreaming about it and I know you would love..." Mattie stopped. Her eyes got big in understanding and then narrowed with anger. She was pissed.


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