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Aspen and the Auditor Ch. 01

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A Young Federal Slave Meets Her New Master.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/26/2023
Created 07/17/2023
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Author's Note: This story takes place in a similar universe to the 34th amendment stories by Carl-Bradford, Gentlemanmariner, Joe Doe among many others. I got to thinking as I read their stories, "what happens to the slave traders and handlers that break the law. How are they regulated? From that I came up with Slave Auditor Arthur Frost who you will meet soon. This is a short, introductory story to his role in an America that has legalized non-hereditary, penal slavery and indenture for monetary purposes. We'll see where the story of Mr. Frost and his new possession goes.

Aspen & the Auditor Ch 1

Part I

Federal Slave 01101001101513180 was suspended from the ceiling of the transport bus. She was secured, facing backwards where there was a large, safety glass window so her naked, hairless body was on full display to any vehicles behind the bus. Her legs were spread and manacled to the bus seats on either side of her. The other slaves on the bus were allowed to sit, but not 01101001101513180. She was special. She had been convicted three days ago of sedition and conspiracy against the United States government.

513180 was something special in the way of slaves. She was a virgin and per her new owner's instructions she was fitted with an unbreakable clear plastic chastity device to protect her cunt and ass but allowed her genitals to remain on display. Slaves did not benefit from modesty.

All of 513180's body hair had been removed, including that on her head. 513180's body was slight and at first glance she appeared to be younger than her 21 years. Her small breasts and prominent labia were on full display to any who wanted to see. The bruises on her back and buttocks, however, were hidden from the public. Her skin tone was very light, so light that the silver collar around her neck was barely visible at a distance. The only evidence of it was a blinking green light.

513180's device had an extra feature. It contained electrodes and small, powerful motors that were attached to her clitoris and her anus. They were controlled by the same slave control device that controlled her shock collar. They could be set to vibrate to give pleasure or set to shock to deliver punishment. Currently, they were set to "edge" 513180 and had kept her at the painful cusp of an orgasm for the entire journey from where she was convicted in Washington, DC to the home of her new owner in Philadelphia. Just north of Wilmington, DE the transport bus encountered heavy traffic. After an hour of no progress her guards had to gag her to silence her incessant begging.

Just after 2:00 PM on June the 1st, Federal Slave 01101001101513180 was delivered to the home of Slave Auditor Arthur Frost. It was Auditor Frost's responsibility to audit and verify that all penal slaves and involuntary enslavements in the U.S. were conducted properly, with all due diligence and adherence to the law.

Five days prior, Frost had requested an assistant from the Bureau of Slavery due to the increased enslavements in the United States. As each state adopted penal slavery Frost's work had become more and more hectic.

Frost was told by his superiors that they would not increase his head count but he could purchase a slave and expense it as long as he kept it under $60,000. The amount was a joke. No slave with any decent skills would be purchasable for less than a quarter of a million dollars.

Combing the federal cases, Frost came across the case of 01101001101513180. Her case was a slam dunk; she was certain to be convicted of sedition and conspiracy. Nobody would want to buy a slave convicted of such serious crimes. Frost reviewed her skills and her school records. She was well above average IQ and was known for an attention to detail that he found impressive.

Frost put in an early bid for 513180 and handily won, even though a slave of her attractiveness and the fact she was a virgin normally would have brought in an astronomical amount of money.

The transport bus pulled up to Auditor Frost's home. The guards looked at each other with a fair amount of trepidation. Auditor Frost was known to be a stickler for protocol and fanatical about following the laws. If anything was amiss with this delivery it was possible, likely for the guards to wind up in a collar themselves.

The guards released 513180 from her restraints and she immediately collapsed. The strain of her bondage and the constant edging had robbed her of any lucidity. They dragged her into Frost's home and propped her up for inspection.

Arthur greeted them in the foyer of his home with a servant in tow, an older lady with a severe-looking dress and an even more severe-looking smile. Arthur pointed to the guard with corporal stripes.

"Why is she like this," he asked.

"She'd just tired, Auditor," the corporal responded, "we had her in the 'treason seat' from DC to here and we had her on 'edge.'"

"Remove the gag," the Auditor ordered.

As soon as the gag was removed 513180, she began to beg for sexual release and a chance to rest, "Please Masters, please let me cum."

"Was this necessary," Arthur snapped at the corporal.

Before he could answer, Arthur took the control device and turned off the vibrations. He then disengaged the chastity device allowing it to fall to the floor. 513180 collapsed in a heap at his feet.

Frost leaned down to her, taking a hold of the device he said, "I'm taking this off. Behave and it will stay off."

"Thank you, Master," she replied weakly.

"Mrs. Strain," Arthur addressed the servant, "please see to our new arrival. See that she is bathed and that she received any other...aid as she may need. Bring to my study in one hour."

"Yes, Mr. Frost," the servant replied and picked the girl effortlessly off the floor. She took her up the stairs.

Frost turned on the guards.

"What you did was cruel," Arthur said to the corporal. Frost signed the delivery forms glaring at the corporal the whole time.

"C'mon, sir," the corporal said, "she's a slave. No better than an animal, after all."

"Would you torture your pet, Corporal?"

The corporal turned ashen and began to stutter.

"Get out. All of you." Wisely the slave guards followed instructions.

Part II

The young slave waited while the older lady drew a bath. Mrs. Strain tried to engage 513180 in conversation, but the girl was just too overwhelmed. Once the water was ready, Mrs. Strain helped the girl into the water before pulling a chair next to the tub and taking a seat.

"I know your scared, girl," Mrs. Strain said in a mild British accent, "but Master Frost is a good man. He'll take good care of you."

513180 looked at Mrs. Frain in terror. "Poor girl," the servant thought, "she's so young to be going through this." Looking her over, Mrs. Frain saw numerous bruises on the girl's lower back, buttocks, and legs. She made a mental note to tell Mr. Frost. He would be...upset.

"How old are you, girl?"

513180 timidly answered, "Twenty-one, Mistress."

"Oh, far too young. I am so sorry this happened to you. I'm not your Mistress, you may call me Mrs. Frain."

513180 nodded her head and she began to relax in the soothing, hot water.

"Come on, girl. Get to washing up or I'll have to do it for you. My, I bet you're pretty under all that sweat and grime."

513180 blushed and crossed her arms in front of her breasts.

"I'm betting nobody but your mum and your doctor ever saw you naked until a few days ago. Don't worry child, I raised a few girls of my own. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I suspect you are a lot prettier than I was at your age."

Mrs. Frain began to run a soapy cloth on 518180's back and shoulders. She sighed sadly at the young girl's bald head. She fervently hoped Mr. Frost would punish the monsters responsible for this girl's unnecessary condition.

"They went a little overboard on your hair removal, didn't they, dear?" Mrs. Frain made a "tsk, tsk" sound. "I hope they didn't use the growth inhibitor on your head."

"No, Mrs. Frain," 513180 answered, "only on my body. They said I didn't deserve any hair being a s...slave." 513180 began to sob.

Mrs. Frain comforted the girl as best as she could while continuing to bathe her. When she was done, she reached down and picked up a velvet bag from the floor. From the bag Mrs. Frain produced a small device that looked like an egg. She gave it a twist and it began to hum and vibrate in her hand.

"Here you are, sweetheart. All that way in that plastic monstrosity you'll need this. Don't worry, it's waterproof."

513180 looked at the vibrator and then at Mrs. Frain in horror. She turned beet red and began to shake her head no.

"None of that, girl," Mrs. Frain scolded, 'you could barely form a thought when you got here, they had you so worked up. Use it girl. As a slave you never know when you'll get the chance again. Your Master has given you permission and your body is no longer yours anymore."

513180 took the egg and held it under the water. She looked pleadingly at Mrs. Frain, "I can't do this with you here."

"I'm not leaving," Mrs. Frain was beginning to lose her patience, "and I'm not making a request. You'd better get used to orders before you meet with Master Frost. Now do it, or I'll do it for you."

Horrified at the idea of Mrs. Frain touching her genitals, 513180 touched the vibrator to her clit and shivered.

"That's a good girl. Come on now, sweetheart, cum for Mrs. Frain and we'll get you ready to see the Master."

"Are you a slave, Mrs. Frain?"

"I was, dear. Master Frost's father owned me and my husband. When we were freed, he allowed us to stay and work for him and remarry. He's passed but I'm still here for Master Frost." Mrs. Frain began to rub 513180's shoulders in a motherly fashion.

The slave's head fell back and her mouth opened in a cute "oh" shape. Between her earlier torment and how good the vibrator felt against her clit it wasn't long before 513180 gave a great gasp. She uttered a single, sharp, "eep," and her eyes rolled back as her orgasm rolled through her.

"There you are, missy," Mrs. Frain said, "don't you feel better? My, that was the cutest orgasm I have ever seen. Master Frost is going to love you."

513180's blush deepened but she had to admit that she had to admit that she did feel better. She dunked herself under the water to rinse off and then stood up in the bath and got out, into a towel held by the waiting Mrs. Frain. She allowed Mrs. Frain to rub her dry and the old lady gave her a gentle hug.

"Let's go," Mrs. Frain said, "he's waiting for you."

Part III

Mrs. Frain led 513180 back downstairs and to the door to the master's study. "Wait right here, dear. Don't do anything unwise," she said and tapped and 513180's collar. Mrs. Frain went into the study.

Mrs. Frain reported to Arthur all that she had observed during the girl's bath starting with the girl's obvious terror and her bruises.

"One more thing, sir," she said, "she may physically be 21 but they're already broken her. I think they conditioned her."

"Thank you, Mrs. Frain," Arthur said, "Please arrange a slave psychologist to visit her as soon as possible. Show her in."

513180 was ushered into the study by Mrs. Frain with her eyes downcast. She stood in front of Arthur in the Inspection Position, with her legs spread and her hands behind her head which caused her small breasts to push out.

Arthur continued to write in a ledger for a moment before looking up. "I see they've taught you slave positions," he said finally.

"Yes, Master," she responded.

"Sit down," Arthur said, pointing to a chair.

513180 looked nervously at the chair and then back at her master.

"Sit," he said firmly. The girl sat down and shivered.

"Are you cold?"

513180 nodded and Arthur pressed an intercom button, "Mrs. Frain, please bring a robe."

513180 looked surprised. Arthur explained, "In this room you may wear a robe."

"Thank you, Master."

"What do I call you, girl? What is your name," Arthur asked.

"01101001101513180," she answered.

"No, that is your serial number," Arthur corrected, "01 means you were sold a virgin. 101 means you are a felon. 001101 means your primary crime was sedition. 513180 is your identifying number. What is your name?"

"I have been instructed, Master, that you as my master will name me."

"Young lady," Arthur said firmly, "I want to know your name. Don't make me ask you again."

513180 touched her collar and looked at Arthur. "Aspen Myers, Master. I was Aspen Myers."

Arthur picked up the salve control device he received from the delivery guards and thumbed a button on it. "Be it known that as of this date and time that Federal Slave 01101001101513180 will be designated, 'Aspen Frost' for the duration of her servitude."

Aspen looked at Arthur gratefully. He had given back her name, albeit with a little modification.

"First thing's first, Aspen," he said, "In this room you are free to speak your mind. It may not change your situation or any decision I have made, but nothing you say here will be held against you. Do you understand?"

"Thank you, Master. I understand."

Mrs. Frain came into the study with a fluffy, white robe for Aspen. The slave took it gratefully from Mrs. Frain and stood up to put it on. With a shy smile she said to Mrs. Frain, "I'm Aspen."

"That's a lovely name," the older lady smiled.

"Thank you, Mrs. Frain," Arthur said, "That will be all for now."

Mrs. Frain filed from the room and Aspen sat back down, more at ease now that she was covered.

"Do you know who I am, Aspen," Arthur asked?

"You're my master."

Arthur chuckled, "yes, but more specifically my name is Arthur Frost. I am the Federal Slave Auditor for most of the Eastern United States. Do you know what that means?"

"No, Master."

"It means I have the authority to review and investigate every slave transaction, processing establishment, induction center, and sales facility as well as individual slave owners as I see fit for my region. I make sure that everyone is following the law."

"That sounds very involved, Master."

"It is. And that is where you come in. You will be my assistant. More importantly, in cases where I am investigating abuse, you will be my eyes and ears."

"How so, Master," Aspen asked.

"Slaves won't speak to me openly. They tell me what they think I want to hear. But I believe they will speak freely to another slave."

"I understand, Master. May I ask why you picked me? Everyone thinks I'm no better than a traitor."

"I paid close attention to your case, Aspen," Arthur said putting a file on his desk. "Your parents were clearly guilty and they fled the country. They left you behind to be a scapegoat. What they did against the Country was unforgivable. What they did to you was monstrous. I don't believe for a moment you had anything to do with the crimes your parents committed. Frankly, I think your conviction is bullshit."

Aspen stared at Arthur in disbelief. He had literally just told her that he believed she was innocent. Aspen stared for several more seconds before bursting into wracking sobs. Arthur passed her a bottle of water and allowed her time to calm down. She slowly pulled herself together.

"Master, are you going to free me?"

"If I can, Aspen, yes. That is my intention. If I can exonerate you, I will free you and help you regain your life. Until then, I have bought you. When I read your case, I knew a slave with your convictions would most likely have found herself in a brothel in the best of circumstances or a work camp as nothing more than a receptacle for the workers. You would have been left to be raped at the whim of the men and most likely the women."

Aspen sniffed a few times as her tears finished abating. "Are you...are you going to...fuck me, Master?"

Arthur sat back in his chair and regarded the girl for several moments. He couldn't deny Aspen was very attractive, even with her shaved head, but he had a code of ethics that he had no intention of breaching.

"Do you want me to fuck you, Aspen," he asked.

"I have to serve you, Master. It is no longer my choice."

"If you were in a prison instead of here would the guards be able to assault you at will?"

"No, Master. At least not according to the history books."

"This is no different. You may not be behind bars but you are still a prisoner. I know the 34th Amendment says you are my property but you still have to be able to look yourself in the mirror in the morning."

Aspen was taken aback by Arthur's kindness. "So, you won't fuck me?" She almost sounded sad as well.

"I'm going to have you see a slave psychologist. When they can certify that you aren't under duress or conditioning and when *you* want me, we'll talk. Until then, no. I will never take an unwilling woman, slave or no."

Aspen looked at Arthur with gratitude. She began to tear up again and Arthur approached her and patted her on the shoulder.

"That's enough of that, Aspen. I will help you if I can."

"Thank you, Master. Thank you for believing me."

"Here," Arthur said, handing Aspen an e-reader. "Study the information on this pad. It is what you'll need to pass a test to become my agent. Once you pass that test, you'll find more freedoms will come your way. Learning this information is your first assignment."

"What does that mean, Master," Aspen asked, "to be your agent?"

"Read the information and you'll learn."

Aspen took the reader and began to look over the documentation on it. The text was dry but easy to understand. Being Master Frost's agent would mean that in certain situations she would speak with his voice. Even some slave handlers and overseers would have to do what she said. Master Frost was putting a great deal of trust in her. The part of Aspen that still thought of herself as Aspen Myers recognized this as a real path to a future.

The pair worked in silence, Aspen on her e-reader and Arthur at his files, for two hours. Shortly after 5:00 there was a knock at the door.

"Come," Arthur commanded.

Mrs. Frain entered the room just as Aspen gave a small shudder. Observing this, Arthur gave a deep, annoyed sigh.

"Aspen," he began, "did you have an orgasm just now?"

Shyly, Aspen admitted, "Yes, Master. But it was just a small one."

"Were you masturbating, Aspen?"

Aspen was mortified by Arthur's question but she knew she had to answer. "Oh no, Master. The induction center made it very clear that slaves that masturbate without permission can be flogged or put in a chastity device like what I had on, before."

"You orgasmed when I ordered Mrs. Frost to come in the room, didn't you?"

"I think so, Master."

"Come," Arthur ordered and Aspen shuddered again.

"Dammit," Arthur swore, 'I wonder what other commands they have programmed into you."

Aspel looked dismayed and asked Arthur what he meant.

"As part of a Federal Slave's induction you've received some hypnotic conditioning. I was hoping that since I bought you after your verdict that it was soon enough that you avoided it. No such luck."

"What else does it do, Master?"

"We'll talk about that after I'm able to review your logs from the induction center. In the meantime, Mrs. Frain, did you need something?"

"Yes, Mr. Frost," the older woman said, "Dinner will be ready soon and I was hoping that Aspen could help me get things ready.

"Of course, Mrs. Frain," Arthur said, "this is a good break point from your reading, Aspen. Please go with Mrs. Frain and help her."

Aspen turned to leave and Arthur cleared his throat. "Leave the robe, Aspen. It is a privilege of being in this room."

Aspen turned and said, "I don't understand, Master. You said that you believed I was innocent."

"I do," Arthur assured her, "but until I can exonerate you, you are still a slave. And the guidelines do indicate that except on special duty or when in public slaves are naked. I do have supervisors, Aspen and if they show up unannounced, I must be in compliance."


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