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Auto-Genesis Pt. 01

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A troubled futanari teen gets help from her mother. Kind of.
8.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 01/06/2015
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Author's note: The universe/world this story is set in was not of my own invention. It was originally created by an author known as "cuteycindyhoney" on another website dedicated to Futanari erotica. For those who don't know, futanari (also known as "futa") are fully-formed hermaphrodites. I initially wrote this story as part of a contest, with CCH's permission to use her universe with the provision that I create unique characters. Since then, I've been slowly working on a Part 2 for this, which I will post soon.

I KNOW that there are some biologically impossible things in this story. If that's a turn-off for you, then please feel free to back away and go read something else. This is pure fantasy and sci-fi that is meant to play on the imagination and has absolutely nothing to do with reality. It's supposed to be FUN and if you can't have fun with sexual themes then, really, what's the fucking point, right? So sit back, turn off your inner biologist/scientist/skeptic and please ENJOY this decidedly weird romp!


Auto-Genesis, Part 1: Shawna and Eve

Ever since the Dryden Disaster, life on Earth hasn't been the same. Billions of women went to sleep one day feeling like they had a bad cold and woke up the next day feeling much better and very different- they'd all grown penises literally overnight, while they were sleeping. Of course, these women didn't all change on the SAME day, but each woman who was affected told the same story- went to sleep normal, woke up with a massive penis. At any rate, these new appendages were far superior to anything a human male could possess. These phalluses were longer, thicker and the seed they produced was infinitely more virile- a single drop was certain to impregnate a woman. These changed women were healthier, stronger and longer-lived than anyone could have imagined. And their offspring proved to be every bit as enhanced and endowed as their progenitors. Eventually, such endowed women were commonly referred to as "futanari", which is a Japanese word that basically means hermaphrodite.

This magnificent change in the world was brought on by a virus that had been created by a Doctor Mary Ellen Dryden. She was a highly gifted geneticist who was, at the time, working on a way to virally immunize Humanity against all forms of disease and sickness. She was also, as far as history can ascertain, the first real human futa and, as such, lived in loneliness. She didn't really fit in anywhere and had to keep her dual-sexed nature a secret. She was so lonely, in fact, that when she created her wonder-virus that would save Humanity, she keyed into it pieces of her own DNA. Her intent was to have other human beings who were genetically predisposed to sharing her genetic code catch the virus and become like her. She'd made a mistake, however, and what she thought would affect only a handful of people on the planet ended up affecting 100% of the Human female population- those who didn't grow cocks of their own had inherited, via the virus, an elasticity in their bodies which would allow them to accommodate the massive futanari phalluses. This mistake came to be known as the "Dryden Disaster." Despite the best efforts of every qualified scientist on Earth, there could be no cure; the damage was done. Humanity was healthy, but it came at a cost.

Men soon became obsolete as the generations wore on with more and more futanari being born and fewer males. By the year 2230, no males were being born at all and the men of the Human Race became extinct. Futa women now carried on the species. "Mono" women were still being born, but their numbers, too, were dwindling as years wore on. It was a foregone conclusion that, eventually, the dual-sexed futanari humans would be the only representatives left of our species.

With such a fundamental shift in social and sexual mores across the globe, nothing could be expected to stay static. Sex became such a pervasive and integral part of everyone's daily lives that very little was considered "off limits." Young futa getting pregnant by their own sires or impregnating their own mothers, sisters marrying each other, midday siestas meant solely for fucking as a way to relieve sexual tension... things that would have sent any average person from a mere hundred years earlier into apoplectic fits were now considered so normal that no one could imagine living any other way. Families were tighter and the bonds between them were stronger than ever before, due largely to the fact that sexual taboos had all but disappeared.

But not all of them. Or, rather, some NEW sexual taboos had been created. One in particular: self-impregnation. Futanari were able to impregnate themselves with incredible ease. Most who suffered this indignity would do so accidentally, usually during masturbation sessions wherein semen got inadvertently introduced to the vagina, either by careless fingers or errant shots of extremely potent cum being shot in unexpected directions. Sometimes, and there were only a handful of these cases, the use of portals came into play- some futa, most of them very young, actually used these micro-transport devices to have sex with themselves and lost control of their faculties at the wrong moments. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective), futa sperm is considerably more potent than normal semen from a human male and futa ovum are also considerably more susceptible to insemination. It's a true miracle that auto-insemination doesn't occur more frequently, considering how prone a futa is to procreation. Nevertheless, self-impregnation is generally considered a true failure of common sense amongst most people in the world these days. If you somehow managed to get yourself pregnant with your own sperm, then surely you aren't bright enough to get along in the world- that's the subtext of the ridicule that greets virtually all futa who knock themselves up. Of course that's not always true, and most people recognize that on an intellectual level, but people being people, ridicule often has very little to do with logic.

Doctor Shawna Stiles, a brilliant geneticist and inventor, was the recipient of such ridicule. When she was merely 18 years old, while masturbating feverishly in her bathroom before going to bed one night, young Shawna had made the mistake of closing her eyes during her orgasm. She knew she shouldn't have; she knew the consequences of carelessness, but the feelings she had at the time were so intense, erotic daydreams featuring herself and her incredibly well-hung mother, that she couldn't help herself. Just as her large, 19-inch crotch cannon started to fire off its virile load, 18-year-old Shawna, the class president and straight-A student, closed her eyes and succumbed to the bliss exploding within her loins. It only took a moment, a mere 60 seconds, for the damage to be done. She didn't notice until it was far too late, when she opened her eyes after her particularly exquisite cum jamboree, that some of her sperm had shot straight up into the air while she was thrusting her hips uncontrollably, the cum had arced high as her hips tilted at just the right angle, and that cum had fallen down, its trajectory as true as a lawn dart's, right into the opening of her spasming pussy. She had been so enraptured by her orgasmic conflagration that Shawna hadn't even felt it when her own sperm-ridden seed had fallen right smack-dab into her pussy. Truly, it was a million-to-one shot and never to be repeated, but when she opened her eyes and felt the unexpected warmth tingling at the entrance to her pussy, when she looked down to see what was the matter, she was simply struck dumb by what she saw: a gigantic, greasy glob of her own seed pooled around her pink pussy lips. That futanari breed true is a well-known fact and Shawna knew, at that very instant, that she'd shot herself down and there was no stopping the freight train that was headed her way.

Shame! Ridicule! Jokes! She endured them all, never liking it but always using it to drive her ambitions harder. She gave birth to her daughter Eve, also a futa (no big surprise there!), while she was on Christmas break, so she didn't miss any school. Her mother, bless her, had been kind enough to help support her and baby Eve by staying at home to take care of the baby while Shawna continued her studies and got her education. Every jibe and barb she suffered at the hands of her fellow classmates only inspired Shawna to push harder and study longer than everyone else. Her efforts allowed her to graduate top of her class, get into a spectacular college and take the world by storm with her brightness and innovation. While high school had been hell for her to endure, hardly anyone at her college seemed to inquire or even give a damn that she'd gotten herself pregnant. In the field of genetics and micro-electronics, such details about a person's life were perfunctory and useless. Most people responded to the news with irritation rather than scorn, often saying, "Okay. So what?"

Shawna rocketed through college and earned her double-doctorate in genetics and micro-engineering by the time she was 32. Her daughter Eve, now 18, was a true vision of beauty, as far as Shawna was concerned. Of course, that Eve was practically a clone of Shawna, with only the slightest of differences, probably accounted for Shawna's assessment, but in terms of personality they were very different indeed. Shawna had done her outright best to raise her daughter well. She'd taught the young girl everything she'd need to know about life and then some and Eve had soaked it all right up. The girl was smart, insightful, beautiful and every bit as dedicated to her studies as Shawna had been at that age. But where Shawna had been quiet and withdrawn, mostly due to the ribbing she got from her peers about getting herself pregnant, Eve was outgoing and engaging, even though she was still just as much of a homebody as her mother was. Shawna didn't know for certain if her daughter was dating yet, but she wouldn't be surprised if she was. Not surprised, but perhaps a little jealous by the idea of it. And she'd be jealous of Eve, not of any of the girl's suitors. Eve was, for all intents and purposes, what Shawna would and should have been if not for the accidental pregnancy. She loved her daughter dearly, but Shawna always held just the tiniest bit of resentment that Eve was enjoying the life that Shawna had always wanted but never could have. She kept that resentment hidden deep within herself, never letting it out or examining it or letting it affect the relationship she had with her daughter, who all but worshipped the ground that Shawna walked on, but it was always there, quiet and simmering.

Shawna, after she'd gotten out of college, was immediately picked up by the Cake Is A Lie corporation. Their Independent Sciences division had all but tripped over themselves to hire Shawna almost as she was coming off the stage at her graduation ceremony. They'd offered her a package deal that no one could turn down- astronomical pay, open-ended hours, little oversight, her own home lab, access to R&D and an insurance package that fell just shy of guaranteeing eternal life. All of her hard work and driven determination through school had finally paid off in a big, big way, and Shawna couldn't have felt more grateful. Her new home was paid for by the company as a sort of graduation "gift" and they'd spared no expense in making it a truly awesome home of the future. And the only thing that CIALIS (Cake Is A Lie, Independent Sciences) wanted her to do? Put all of her training and education to work by coming up with anything that might make life for all futanari better.

It was a tall order for Shawna to fill! With Futa-Pause and portals, Shawna was stumped as to how she could help to improve the lives of futa everywhere. Those two products alone enabled futanari to fuck themselves senseless without the risk of self-impregnation. Oh, sure, it still happened every once in awhile- there was a case she'd heard of where a young futa had fastened portals to a mannequin, rode the mannequin like a mad lover and subsequently gotten herself pregnant because she'd rolled over unexpectedly- but the rates of self-impregnation were down by a wide margin from when she was a young girl. CIALIS had given her a lot on the long-shot hope that she could somehow, some way, and sometime soon, figure out how to make those rates drop down to flat zero. The first two years working there, Shawna spent learning everything she could about how portals worked. And when she wasn't doing that, she spent the rest of her time trying to better understand the futa reproductive process on a genetic level. By the third year at CIALIS she announced to her superiors that she'd finally had a brain storm and that she may soon have a working prototype of a device that, as requested, might change the world once again for all futa-kind.

Shawna was at home, working on some designs for an embryonic cryo-stasis chamber, when she heard her daughter cry out in alarm. Shawna dropped what she was doing, her pulse quickening as she ran out of her lab and up the stairs. The last time she'd heard that kind of desperation in someone's voice was when she'd... but, no! That couldn't happen! She'd taught Eve better! She got upstairs and followed the sounds of sobbing to her daughter's bathroom door as a sense of dread filled her very being. She tapped gently on the door. "Eve, baby? Are you okay?"

There was a pause from behind the door and then an uncertain, muffled, "...no."

Shawna placed her hand on the doorknob. "Can I come in, baby? Do you need my help?"

Again, there was another pause. "...I think you'd better, Mom."

Shawna opened the door and, as it slid open, she could see her fears being made manifest, as though she was looking into her own past from a different perspective. Before she could even see her daughter, she saw the evidence of disaster. Cum was everywhere on the bathroom floor. Some of it, she noticed with surprise, actually dripped with loud splats on the linoleum tiles, but she couldn't identify where it was dripping from. As the door continued to reveal the devastation inside her daughter's bathroom, Shawna felt her heart begin to beat forcefully within her generous bosom. Finally the door was all the way open and revealed her daughter, who was stark naked. Eve sat on the bathroom floor, her legs spread and feet tucked beneath her ass, and tears of panic ran down her face. The young futa girl looked up at her mother with pleading eyes, but was silent. There was nothing to be said, as the scene spoke for itself. As much cum as might have been sprayed around the bathroom, young Eve was thoroughly coated in her own spunk and some of it had clearly gotten into her own pussy. The white fluid dripped off the futa girl's baby-smooth, shaven vulva in large, thick droplets and the stiff nipples of Eve's large breasts also dripped of the pearly-white stuff.

Shawna's eyes were simply transfixed on her daughter's cum-drenched body in a mixture of pride and horror. Prideful because ANY futanari woman would be overjoyed to be able to produce such a copious amount of seed, and horrified because that very seed might be getting her daughter pregnant that very instant. Just a drop will do, and boy will it do in spades! No creature on Earth was as fertile nor as virile as a futanari in heat, especially a young one in the throes of puberty!

"Ooooh, baby," Shawna groaned with dread, "What did you DO?"

Eve's words came out in a panicked rush, but every syllable was perfectly coherent, which was a trademark of the teenaged futa. Her mastery of the English language, even at such a young age, had earned her high praise from all of her teachers with good reason: Eve could talk like a sea-worn sailor one moment and then switch to perfect grammar in the next, making it all sound lyrical and poetic if and when she wanted to. "I lost control, Mom! I didn't mean to, but I did! I took the Futa-Pause like I do every week, but it's Friday now and I have the whole weekend to cut loose and it's been an especially rough week with some new girls at school who are unbelievably hot and I've been having fantasies like crazy, but with the Futa-Pause in my system, I couldn't jack off at all, so it's been backing up and I didn't realize it, so when I realized that it had finally worn off and I started masturbating, like I always do just before dinner, my cock got really, really big and full and sensitive and, before I knew it- KABLOOIE!- the fucking thing went off like Mount Saint Helens on steroids and I couldn't stop it! Look, Mom! IT'S FUCKING EVERYWHERE!!! I mean," and she put emphasis on each syllable of the word, "EV-ER-Y-WHERE! In the sink, on the toilet, on the walls... fuck, Mom, I think I got some on the fucking CEILING!" As if perfectly timed to punctuate the sentence, a large dollop of dick-juice dripped down from the ceiling and landed right on Shawna's nose, which made her flinch in surprise, but she couldn't divert her attention from her hysterical, naked daughter whose 38-DD breasts bounced as she waved her hands around dramatically. "My hips had a mind of their own, Mom, and my fucking dick was spraying all over the place like a goddamned fire hose! And, yeah, I fucking GOT SOME IN MY PUSSY, GOD DAMMIT!" Eve clenched her fists in frustration and bellowed, "I FUCKING KNOCKED MYSELF UP, JUST LIKE YOU!"

Shawna snapped back to her senses at that. "That's not necessarily true, Eve," she said reasonably as she started to wipe the cum that had dropped onto her nose with her hand. "You don't know-"

Eve shouted back, not in anger but in desperation, "Mom! THINK! What time of the month is it?! We're perfectly synched, Mom. YOU tell ME that I didn't just shoot myself down!"

Without even thinking about it, Shawna clapped her hand to her mouth in shock as she realized that her daughter was right. They were BOTH at their most fertile time of the month! Unfortunately, it was the hand she'd used to wipe her daughter's cum off her nose, and a rather large amount of it went straight back towards her taste buds. Shawna reflexively swallowed the thick, juicy seed and suddenly realized what she'd just done. Both mother and daughter were mortified at the fact that Shawna had just unwittingly swallowed her daughter's cum. The terrible thing was that Shawna actually liked the taste of it, but she wasn't about to say that out loud. It was sweeter than her own seed by just the tiniest bit. But as Eve was just opening her mouth to admonish her mother, Shawna charged ahead. "Okay. Stipulated. You MIGHT have just impregnated yourself. Look, Eve, it's not the first time in history that something like this has happened and it probably won't be last. We'll figure something out and fix this, okay?"

Eve rolled her eyes in disbelief. "Like what, Mom? Abortion is illegal now! And there isn't a doctor on the planet who'd do it anyway. We're not in the Twentieth Century anymore! And there's no 'might be pregnant' about this, Mom! I'm pregnant and we both know it! Now just how the fuck do you suggest we make me UN-pregnant WITHOUT breaking the law, huh?" With that she bowed her head in shame and began to sob again, covering her face with cum-drenched hands. Her 21-inch dick, unsurprisingly, was still hard and, after a few seconds of helpless crying, she suddenly grabbed her own stiff shaft as though she might strangle it to death. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! AFTER ALL THIS TIME, NOW YOU DO THIS?"

Shawna moved swiftly. She knelt down in front of her daughter, not caring that doing so got her knees covered in spent cum, slapped her daughter's hands away from the helpless cock and embraced the girl as any concerned and loving mother would. "Eve! It's GOING to be okay! I don't know how yet, but I PROMISE I'll help you fix this! SOMEHOW I'll figure out a way to... I dunno... undo it. Just... try to relax, baby." She tilted Eve's face up so that she could look into the girl's eyes. "I promise."

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