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Avril Lavigne - Hush

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A punk rock girl pulls Avril Lavigne.
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This story is entirely fictional and is in no way connected with the subject. This story contains adult material and is only suitable for people over the age of 18. If you are under 18 please stop reading now. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over 18. Do not use this without my permission. (c) Copyright Viper_Noj 2002 onwards. Now, on with the story!

* * * * *

Walking along the darkened street with her friends, Avril's heels clicked and clacked sharply at the pavement as the diminutive Canadian headed for a night out. She hadn't been particularly in the mood to go out, feeling a bit down and frustrated, just seeking a quiet night in before her friend Abby had cajoled her into going out for a few drinks. With a somewhat exasperated sigh she had finally agreed, much to her friend's enjoyment, and got herself ready for the night out. Despite not being in the mood, she'd cheered herself up with some sexy underwear, opting for a sexy purple set with a balconette bra and a small, mostly sheer thong. With a quite subtle fitted black dress sporting a loose skirt and a pair of black high heels, it was simple but temptingly sexy.

Not that that mattered however; her friend Abby was a lesbian, and had chosen their venue that night as a local lesbian bar. It was apparently fun and enjoyable, there would be music so they could dance and not be harassed by guys, leaving Avril more relaxed to just have a fun night out. She'd met her friend years earlier through the music business, working in production, and whilst she'd come onto Avril a couple of times she'd gently pushed her back and they had settled into a close friendship with clearly understood boundaries. And so they were heading into the club her friend had chosen, with a couple more of Abby's friends that Avril knew loosely, though she wasn't sure which way they swung; it was none of her business really.

They headed inside easily enough and checked their coats, getting into the place; it was still a bit early and the music was soft by rhythmic, just purring along as they went to the bar to grab a couple of drinks. Abby grabbed them all a round of cocktails and waited for them as they settled themselves into a booth seat near the front window, having a view out over the bar and the sparsely populated dance floor area. They all made small talk and had another couple of drinks as the club began to fill up, gradually becoming a bustling scene as other women came in for the night to have fun. The music began to pick up, getting louder and more energetic as the ladies filled the dance floor. Her friend Abby and the other girls were happily eyeing up the talent as they joined in, evidently thinking of getting themselves a piece of the action for the night as Avril just glanced around, taking in the other women, noticing how pretty or sexy some were but in a disconnected way, not intending to take it up at all.

And then she locked eyes with a girl through the crowd; it was just a fleeting moment, the crowd parting at that second to reveal her standing there. She was punk looking, with dirty blonde hair with a pink streak in it that was shaved down one side of her head, dark make-up and a clear attitude. She was in a white top with her black bra clearly showing, a pair of denim shorts and fishnet tights finished with a pair of sexy little ankle boots. Avril was transfixed for a moment, eyes widening as her brain absorbed every detail of her in the momentary glimpse before the crowd closed again and she was gone. The girl melted back into the crowd, her heart squeezing in rapid beats as she turned away from Avril, staring her down with a certain hunger from her booth. She'd looked great with her snug black dress on, gorgeously smooth bare legs leading down into her heels, elegantly long blonde hair draping over her shoulders to frame her dark, piercing eyes. She gave a smile and little shiver to herself as she contemplated what she could do with that.

"Avril?" a voice said, breaking through her daydream and snapping her back to reality. Her friend Abby was talking to her, making her shake her head a little and take another sip of her drink as she felt the flutter of alcohol getting into her petite body.

"Sorry, I was miles away," she mumbled, hoping they hadn't seen her staring at the girl for what felt to her had been ages.

"You're really distracted lately," Abby continued, sliding up close to her on the leather sofas of the club, able to talk over the noise of the music and rabble of people.

"Yeah I know," Avril said, giving a sigh. She had been, just feeling like things hadn't really clicked into place for a little bit.

"You need a holiday or something, really change things up for a bit, bring you out of your funk," Abby said, draining her cocktail.

"Yeah? Like what?" Avril replied, sipping at her drink, enjoying the fruity blend.

"Well, you're in a lesbian bar," she said with a smirk, teasingly reaching over to squeeze at her thigh, making Avril jump a bit.

"Whoa, I don't think I need anything like that," Avril said with a laugh, downing the last of her drink.

"How do you know huh?" her friend teased, making Avril roll her eyes. She'd tried to get Avril to try pussy for years now, hers or anyone else's, and she just casually enjoyed the joke of it now.

"I'll get us some more drinks," she said with a smile, standing up to go to the bar.

"It's never too late to try you know," her friend called after her as the other girls giggled with her. Avril just smiled and walked to the bar, squeezing her slender figure through the crowd easily and up to the bar, where she caught a break and got served quickly by the girl working through the busy shift. She ordered another round of cocktails, asking for random ones since her friends wouldn't mind either way and could enjoy the surprise. She was the one that got a surprise however, as someone moved in closely beside her as she waited for the cocktails to be made after paying.

"Hey," she said, shouting somewhat over the noise around them. Avril was a little startled, as much at how fast the girl had appeared beside her like that as anything else, turning to see the punky looking girl from earlier that she'd locked eyes with. She'd obviously taken that as a come-on and used this opportunity to go for Avril as she got away from her friends.

"Oh, hey," she replied, unsure how else to respond in that moment as she got her bearings.

"I'm Lily," she said, just nudging across slightly to push Avril with her shoulder.

"I'm Avril," she replied, giving a polite smile, noticing how he hair was shaved down the left side of her head, similar to something she'd rocked a few years before.

"I know," she said, smiling a little bashfully before her confidence came back.

"Do you wanna get that drink and come sit with me for a bit?" she asked, just reaching out to let her fingers brush over Avril's on the bar. The singer was taken aback slightly at the girls boldness, though she had to admit she appreciated the direct approach.

"Sorry, I'm just here with my friends tonight," she replied, gesturing back towards the booth with a nod of her head.

"They can spare you for a little while," Lily persisted, now giving Avril's hand a soft squeeze with a smile. Avril looked down at her hand, up the girls tattooed arm and back to her, noticing how big her blue eyes were, staring hopefully into hers.

"They might, but I'm sorry, I'm not interested tonight," she replied, giving a warm smile to let the girl down.

"Maybe another night though?" she said with a smile, trying to tempt her to bite.

"I'm straight, I'm just here for a bit of fun tonight," Avril said, opening her hand to signal the girl to let go as her drinks were finalised on the tray before her.

"Catch you later," Avril said casually, picking up the tray and turning to carefully manoeuvre her way back through the crowd.

"I hope so," Lily said with a purr to her voice, just teasingly reaching out to let her fingers graze across Avril's bum as she stepped away. Avril was a bit shocked by the brazen move, but also felt a little tingle spread through her alcohol-buzzed body as she cautiously got through the throng of people to get back to her booth with her friends, who greedily grabbed up the cocktails for a fresh sip. Avril edged her way into the booth and sat back down, taking a fresh cocktail in time to have one sip before Abby moved in on her again.

"Made yourself a new friend up there I see, ambushed by a fan?" she said with an edge to her voice that suggested far more was going on.

"Not quite," Avril said, giving a look. Her friend just looked back, waiting for more.

"She's after something I'm not giving," Avril replied, giving a playful roll of her eyes.

"She's hot, you should be flattered," Abby said, eyeing her carefully across the club with a smile as she still stood at the bar waiting for her drink.

"Yeah I guess she's hot, so what, she's not my type you know that," Avril said, letting her own eyes wander up again to check out Lily as she took her drink and a shot for good measure, immediately downing the shot and standing the glass back down on the marble top of the bar.

"You don't want a hot 20-something to warm your bed up tonight?" Abby teased with a smile, nudging Avril playfully.

"Even if I do, I'm not going for that," Avril said with a laugh. "Anyway, you're single, go for it if you like her," she retorted, giving Abby the clearance to make a move.

"I do like her, but she's only got eyes for you tonight I think," she said, nudging Avril again and discreetly pointing up towards the bar where Lily was standing. She was staring across at them again, at Avril, her eyes unwavering for a moment as she took a sip of her drink and smiled, giving a wink and then turning to disappear into the crowd again. Avril was silent for a moment, taking another gulp of her cocktail which seemed to be disappearing rather quickly and then looked away, feeling the faintest hint of curiosity.

"So, doesn't mean I have to go home with her," she said a little dismissively.

"This is a bit different, she's really into you, she seems cool to me," Abby said.

"Maybe but I'm straight, she's not what I'm looking for," Avril said, aiming to put the question to bed. Her friend had pushed the idea of giving girls a go a few times before but she felt like this was a tad more pushy.

"So what? It doesn't mean you can't even try it. Just have fun, explore yourself and all that, there's a whole world out there to enjoy," her friend blurted out, throwing her arms out slightly, sloshing her drink a little as the alcohol soaked into them both. Avril just gave a non-distinct mumble in reply as she looked down into her glass, unable to argue that there was a whole world out there to explore and maybe she was missing out on something fun, but also figuring she was still straight and it really wasn't her thing.

"Besides, you said you've been feeling sexually frustrated lately. Maybe this is what you need; a beautiful stranger, something new and lots of fun, help you break that pattern," Abby continued, gesturing towards the crowd where somewhere Lily was dancing.

"Well yeah I might need to get fucked but this isn't exactly what I had in mind," Avril exclaimed, motioning to the gay bar with a wave of her almost empty glass. Abby's friends, who had been in a conversation of their own at the other end of the seat, heard this and looked over to them in surprise, Avril's volume higher than intended.

"What do you have to lose, really?" Abby said more calmly, offering it as food for thought. Avril couldn't help but think about that as she took the last drain of her drink and stood the glass down onto the table, now littered with empties as she felt the swim of it through her body.

"I guess you're right," Avril said quietly, realising she had little reason to argue with that point. The music changed up, loud and thumping with a cheer from the enthused crowd that drew people to the floor.

"Come on, let's go and dance," Abby said, standing quickly and pulling Avril with her, their friends following as they swiftly got onto the floor and were swallowed by the pulsating crowd. Avril laughed as they slipped into easy, fun dance moves, the drink hitting them harder now, warming and loosening them up to just get captured by the music. They managed not to fall off their heels as they partied in the mass of people, so many other girls around them wrapped up with one another as they did. Avril was surprised Abby hadn't got herself in with another girl as she knew she was single, but she seemed set on lecturing her all evening as much as anything else. Just as another song kicked up, the thumping beat lifting the crowd once more, Lily appeared again, emerging from the crowd.

"Do you mind?" she shouted to Abby, dancing with Avril.

"Not at all," Abby said instantly, sliding back and offering Avril with a wave like she was a prize on a game show, grinning widely and looking to her Canadian friend as Lily slid easily into place before Avril could protest. Avril scowled at Abby past her new dance partner, Abby blowing her a kiss and mouthing "have fun" as she turned to melt into the crowd, leaving her with the rather lustful Lily.

"Hey again," she said with a sly smile, melting easily into the groove with Avril as they were caught up by the new song.

"Hey," Avril said, giving just a little twitch of her eyebrow as she couldn't help but notice Lily's dark bra showing clearly through her tight white top.

"Hope you're having fun," she said, close to Avril in the hot, dancing crowd.

"Yeah it's good fun, I don't appreciate you touching my ass though," she said, wanting to call Lily out on it and push back a little against her overflowing confidence. Lily smiled, pausing a moment.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, just you've got a great ass," she said with a fake, bashful expression.

"Thanks, but buy me a drink first," Avril said with a smile, just baiting her a little bit.

"I did try," Lily said cheekily.

"No you didn't, you just invited me to bring my drink along," Avril said with a smile as they danced.

"Well I could buy you a drink now instead if you want?" Lily offered, making another advance on Avril to try and tempt her into yielding.

"I'm good thanks," Avril said with a knowing smile, able to see the approach a mile away.

"I used to have my hair something like that," she continued, reaching up to just brush her fingers through it, a little surprised at her own boldness as Lily gave a suppressed shiver at the contact.

"I know you did. I love it, to be a little different," Lily replied, dancing closer to Avril as the Canadian star looked into her eyes.

"Are you sure I can't buy you that drink?" she asked again, hopeful that Avril might give in.

"No I'm good, let's just dance," Avril replied, wanting to just keep Lily at arms length right now. Lily pouted a moment, before a slower, more intense song came on, breaking Avril's intent to lessen Lily's ambition.

"Oh I love this song," Lily purred, sliding forward on her toes to Avril and putting her arms around her neck to begin swaying a little, her fingers flicking out to play with her long blonde hair. Avril was taken aback again, suddenly out of her comfort zone despite the alcohol, unsure quite what to do.

"Come here, put your hands on me like this," Lily said, leading Avril's hands to her waist, sliding them onto her and rather sensually down onto the flare of her hips and pressing them into the top of her denim shorts to help guide and follow the sway of her body. Avril couldn't deny the feel of Lily's warm body in her hands was inviting, the rough waistband in her grasp tempting, sexily beckoning to her despite her preferences. Lily returned her arms around Avril's neck as they started moving, letting her foot slide between Avril's legs to press her sexy fishnet tights to the singers bare skin, an illicit thrill as they danced, feeling her legs tremble a little at her touch before just moving open a little more to let her in. They moved together for a few beats before Avril spoke up.

"Look Lily..." she started, but the dirty blonde bombshell cut her off.

"I know I'm not entirely your thing, but it doesn't mean we can't have some fun does it?" she said, breaking the tension of it all.

"No it doesn't, I'm just new to this and all," Avril admitted, moving more comfortably with Lily now, the pair of them entwined in amongst the other lesbian couples on the dance floor. Avril gazed into Lily's gorgeous blue eyes, seeing only restrained want in them.

"I get that, we all have to start somewhere. I can help you...and you might just like it," she said persuasively. Avril didn't say anything in return and they just danced together for a few minutes, their hands changing places as Lily slid her hands down to Avril's hips, the singer just automatically sliding hers up around Lily's neck instead of pushing her away. Lily let her hands play, taking in the curve of Avril's hips, teasingly pulling her skirt up a bit and then reaching round to take a handful of her ass in a proper squeeze this time. Avril didn't mind at all, though she wasn't sure of herself to admit it, she liked the way Lily touched and teased her, pulling her closer in that moment.

It was all the encouragement Lily needed, sensing Avril finally giving in to her advances and temptation, and pulled herself close to her. She just gave the briefest pause, the tiny opportunity for Avril to break from it, but she didn't, and Lily went for it and laid a light kiss on her soft lips. It was just the barest graze, which Avril didn't flinch at, and then they melted into one another, Avril actually pushing forward to initiate the hot, hungry snog that followed. Their lips pushed firmly together as they kissed deeply, Lily's tongue delving deeply into Avril's mouth before she returned the favour, pulling one another closer to each other in a heavy moment that the singer absolutely gave in to, feeling Lily's hands pull tightly on her ass as she pulled their hips together. Their kiss remained lustfully entwined for just a blink more before Avril broke it and pulled back, putting her hand onto Lily's chest.

"No, I just..." she said, unable to finish her sentence, lost in her confused sensations.

"Come on, you like it, it's alright," Lily said, not wanting Avril to get away from her. She reached up and pulled Avril's dainty hand down straight onto her breasts, encouraging her to squeeze and tingling deeply when she felt her do so, even as she protested.

"It's just...I'm not sure if I can," Avril said, feeling conflicted, not wanting to let Lily go but also not wanting to just give in to the feelings she had. Lily paused, knowing she needed to give Avril a chance to take all this in through her somewhat drunken mind.

"Ok, look; Avril, I want you, I think you know that. Just think about it, please. Do what you really want," Lily said, pulling back and squeezing her hand. Avril gave a smile and squeezed her hand in return, then broke away to escape the crowd, feeling breathless and needing a drink, head spinning with possibilities. She got back out of the heaving crowd and past the bar, heading back to her friends in their booth by the window, sliding into her seat as Abby made way for her and reached out to pour her a drink. In the time she'd been dancing with Lily, Abby had got them a couple of bottles of champagne and was filling a flute for her, passing the slender glass to Avril who immediately took a couple of good slugs of it, practically inhaling it as her confused heart fluttered.

"Good dance then I see," Abby said with a teasing smile as she sipped her own champagne.

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