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Awaken Your Inner Slut-Power Slut

Advanced self help for women.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/20/2017
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Advanced self help for women

Authors Note: This article uses self hypnosis techniques to help you improve your own sexuality. It is offered as both an audio file and a text file, there may be minor differences in them due to the performance of the reading. You will not be surrendering yourself to anyone, except to your own imagination.

The Induction used here is loosely based upon the one used by "master_passion1900" in the "Hypnosex" series of stories and "Hypnotic Initiation to Slavery" series of stories (// ), however the one used here does not give up control to anyone else

Every night, when you go to sleep, you pass through a natural induction into a hypnotic state, the free form version of which we call dreams. Artificially induced versions of this mental state can help people to focus their entire mind, both conscious and subconscious, into making improvements in their lives.

Before you start make sure that you are prepared for my commands. Be sure you will have privacy for the next little while, that your doors are locked and that you will be undisturbed. Turn off anything that could be a distraction. This includes your computer, television, music, your phone. Turn off or dim any bright lights. You want to focus all your attention here on what I am telling you. Remove all clothing you might be wearing if possible when you are in a private area. Lie down comfortably, or sit in a comfortable chair, you will not go to sleep. Clear your mind focusing on my voice.

Forget about any distractions. Let go of your hesitation to experience this fully. Trust me and yourself completely so this will work. You clear everything else from your mind. Focus on my voice. Imagine the rest of the world does not exist, does not matter. Any other thoughts drift away, they are not important now. Forget everything else around you. Except for my words, all other thoughts drift away. Nothing matters but you and I. Focus on your breathing, breathe deeply and slowly, in and out, in and out. Relax and keep going, in and out, in and out. Let your body relax, let the tension slip away from your muscles.

Imagine a soothing red light, like a heat lamp at just the right distance, sweeping over your body, taking all the tension away. The soft, warm, pleasant, red light sweeps over you, one part of your body at a time. First over your toes and then they relax. All the tension fades, everywhere the light touches. This warm light travels up your legs, everything it touches relaxes, up your fingers, into your hands. The warm light seeks out any tension in your body, relaxing you wherever it goes. It scans over your thighs, your groin, your stomach, relaxing you like a heat lamp. It fills your back and chest, up to your neck and shoulders with this warm pleasant light. The warm, comforting light engulfs your eyes, covering your face, as the feeling of relaxation travels through every part of your body, from your hair to your toenails. It caresses you, growing to fill your entire body. You are so relaxed, you are feeling quite heavy, quite sleepy, quite relaxed. Your whole body should now be feeling true relaxation. Take a moment to enjoy the soothing feeling, this relaxing feeling.

Imagine I am tying balloons, filled with all your worries, plus enough helium gas to overcome them, to your wrists, first to your left, then to your right. Your arms start to lift, despite your worries. I tie more balloons to your wrists. All your worries pull away from your body, lifting your arms up to your shoulders. You feel comfortable in giving yourself completely to letting your worries lift away.

Imagine I am placing buckets, colorful children's buckets like you might take to a beach, the first bucket in your right hand, then a bucket in your left. Every time I say a word, I put some sand in each bucket. Every time you feel the weight of the sand get heavier, you feel the weight of your objections dragging you down. Your worries have been lifted, but your objections try to overtake you. Your arm strains against the buckets, but they are too heavy. They are making your whole body feel heavy. So heavy, so tired, fighting against objections and worries. They pull your arms so hard it almost becomes painful. So I cut the strings of the balloons, and your worries float away. I tell you to open your hands, before the buckets crash into the surface you are resting upon. The buckets disappear and all of your objections with them. You are free now, from any worry or objections when I tell you to do anything. You are safe, all you need to do is focus on my voice, listen carefully to what I tell you, and open yourself to the experience.

The state in which you exist now has the warmth and safety of a summer night. Zero your mind. You are now in a pure state. You are now in your true state. You are ready to receive and obey any command I give you. Softly say to yourself that you are in control, you are focused on my voice, you are willing to receive. Take a moment to embrace this condition. Remember this state of being. You will return to it each time you hear my voice, and only my voice, say the phrase "Magenta Chipmunk". You will fall deeper into the state of focused relaxation each time you return.

We explicitly give you permission to become a Powerful Slut.

When you listen to this recording, you will relax more quickly and more deeply with each session. Each time you listen to this recording you will go more easily and more deeply into relaxation with every session. You are now so deeply relaxed, you just drift down deeper with every breath. As you exhale, you relax. You are so very sensitive and completely aware of every word I'm saying. You allow everything I say to penetrate you deeply. My words penetrate into your very core, the most powerful part of your mind. Your inner consciousness is completely open to me, completely penetrated by my every word, completely taking every inner part of your mind. Your permanent memory records everything I say to you. You have such a deep and lasting impression there, so powerful that nothing will eradicate it. All these ideas, concepts and impressions that we together put into you, into your dynamic powerful mind, exercise a greater and greater influence over you every day. Over the way you think. Over the way you feel. Over the way you act. This is true. This now defines you.

You are now very deeply relaxed. You are so deeply relaxed that during this deep relaxation you are feeling physically stronger and better in every way. You are more alert, more energetic. You are much less tired, much less easily fatigued, much less easily discouraged, and much less easily depressed. You have stamina and confidence. Each day you are so deeply interested in whatever you are doing and whatever is going on around you that your mind is distracted away from yourself. You no longer think nearly so much about yourself. You no longer think nearly so much about what others think of you. You are no longer dwelling so much upon yourself and your difficulties. You are now letting go. You are now less conscious of yourself, much less preoccupied with yourself, and your own feelings about social constraints.

Every day your nerves are stronger and steadier. Your mind is calm and clear. You are less nervous, more placid, more tranquil. You are also more excited, more playful, more openly erotic. You are now much less easily worried, especially about what other people might think. You are much less irritated, much less fearful and afraid. You are much less easily upset. You think more clearly. You concentrate more easily every day. You are emotionally much, much more settled and confident. You are much less easily distracted. You are now more relaxed, at ease with being yourself. You are less tense every day.

You are more confident in yourself. You live without fear of failure. You live without fear of consequences. You live without unnecessary anxiety. You live without uneasiness from any of these sources every day. You feel more and more independent. You are able to stick up for yourself, to stand on your own 2 feet, to hold your own. Despite external difficulties, you now have a greater feeling of personal well-being. You have a greater feeling of personal safety and security. You feel better than you have felt in a long time.

All of these things are happening now. You know they are happening inside you every day, more and more rapidly, powerfully and completely. More and more your way is the right way, the best way. You now feel happier and much more content. You are much more optimistic in every way. You are now relying upon yourself, relying upon your own judgment. Your own efforts, your own judgments prevail. You trust your own opinion. You now feel much less need to have to rely upon, or to depend upon other people for your own sexual satisfaction. You are becoming more and more independent sexually, every hour day week month and year that passes. You are a sexually powerful person. Each day in every way. You are becoming really hot, exciting, and passionate, just by being sexually independent. Each day in every way. You are becoming really cool, calm, and serene, just being sexually independent. Really cool and calm thinking, even in the heat of passion is your new primary characteristic.

You say to yourself 'I am proud to be a sexually independent person. I now rely on myself for sexual satisfaction. I keep myself completely satisfied much more often. When I need people, I have them. When I want people, I find them. I feel it. I want it. It feels so good to be on my own more and more. I feel free. I feel great. I feel fantastic. As a matter of fact, I feel absolutely wonderful, completely and frequently sexually satisfied.'

Taking control of your sex life is the most important thing that you will ever do. You are in control of your sex life, there is no limit to your freedom of mind, body, and spirit. It's your destiny to feel good and to control your life in all areas. When and if you allow remarks to be made about you directly or indirectly that are negative or intended to put you down or keep you from a particular level in your life you are giving control of your life to others. There is no 'slut shaming' for you. You do not allow it. Your choices are exactly that, your choices.

From this moment on you are now allowing all of the strong positive feelings about yourself to become stronger and stronger. You know your strengths and celebrate them. The successes of the past, present, and now cause you to be able to see future successes and achievements. They become your reality. This is your sex life. This is your time. From now on you are moving ahead towards your independent destiny, thinking and saying to yourself: I enjoy being in control of my sex life; I enjoy being my own person; I'm committed to making decisions that directly affect me; I live my life now. Part of living your life now is making decisions and deciding what's good or bad for you. All of us need a little help once in a while. You and only you will decide when and if it is needed, and who may be of help. You work hard and You are determined to hang in there.

Winner thinking is your thinking. You say to yourself 'I can do this. I can do this now. I can do it.' You now only absorb positive words and ideas from the past. It makes you a more positive person. You are thinking and saying to yourself I'm sexually strong and sexually powerful. I enjoy being in control of my sex life and growing more and more every day. In every way, I am better and better. More enlightened, more constructive, more positive every day. Right now you accept the responsibility of directing your own sex life. You enjoy controlling your life in all areas and being able to function on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Being able to go the extra mile. Caring enough about yourself to take the time for yourself, whether taking the time to appreciate mother nature or whatever your pleasure. You especially take time each and every day for sexual pleasure. Every orgasm is a win, and you are a winner.

You now move towards making your dreams come true. You notice how good you feel just holding your ground in situations where before you may have pulled back. You're strong, you're tactful, you're a person deserving of the best. The best is in you. You feel great and do not have to prove anything to anybody. This time it's not for him, not for her, not for them, this time it's for you. It is your sex life, not theirs. You are willing to give advice when asked. You are now able to stand your ground when necessary. You are developing your sexual abilities. You continue to move your life in the directions that are most successful and pleasurable for you. You like being in control of your sex life. It's your turn. It's your time. It's your sex life and you are in control of your sex life.

Now being able to make the first move makes yourself happy. You do not rely on others to make you happy, you make happiness happen. You find true happiness within yourself and it comes out more and more every day. You feel happy, thinking and saying to yourself: 'My powerful mind helps me to move closer to my sexual destiny. I feel good. I look great. I feel great. I love myself, and like others looking at me. I like what I see in the mirror, I like and I love what I see. My success continues. My sexual success continues throughout my life, from now on.' You are now feeling the freedom of truly living your sex life. Control of your sex life, feeling your feelings of self worth and value flowing from every pore of who you are and what you are, even how you walk.

There are many people who wish they too could control their sex lives. Perhaps they come to the point as far as you have for readiness and willingness for change and this time it's for you. This time it's your thinking and saying to yourself, being in control of my sex life is a natural way of life for me. I live, I love, I enjoy, I have great sex often. I truly do have it all this time. For me this time is always and always is a long time. Now each of these ideas has penetrated your core. These ideas make a vivid, deep, and permanent impression on your inner conscious mind. Each day in your daily life you become more and more aware of the full, powerful, and creative expression of these ideas.

From today onward, you can claim to be a Powerful Slut if you so choose. Only you determine the amount of your sluttiness. Only you determine with whom you share your inner slut. You now have the power, the control of your own sex life, and as your desires increase, your pleasure in satisfying them will increase too.

You are now in your true state of being a complete Powerful Slut. You return to this state each time you hear my voice say the phrase "Gravity Well Chipmunk" and each time you return here you experience even deeper, more intense orgasms. You now realize your body, your sex life, belongs to you. Your body will respond fully to give you orgasms like these whenever you choose. Every night you go to bed alone and are feeling good, you will become aroused. Your breasts will swell, your nipples will become hard, your pussy lips will expand, your channel walls will engorge. Your legs will spread, craving for a cock to fill you. You will masturbate to an intense orgasm, and fall asleep easily. When you awake you will feel happy and satisfied. You will repeat our commands and permissions to yourself each morning, without having to say a word out loud.

Each time you repeat this session, the intensity and duration of your orgasms will increase.

You are now certified to have completed the Power Slut level of your training.

When you wake up you will remember how good this felt. Remember the waves of pleasure you have felt, completely satisfied and happy, you will want to do it again.

As I count up to 10 you will gradually awaken. One, you remember the orgasms and how good they felt. Two, you remember all the permissions we granted you. Three, you remember the commands you were given. Four, you are becoming almost conscious now. Five, you feel satisfied and happy. Six, you want to do this session again tomorrow. Seven, you will send feedback to the author. Eight, you are becoming fully conscious now. Nine, you will get the best night's sleep of your life tonight when it is time to go to bed. Ten, wakey-wakey, you are wide awake now and you feel great.

Thank you.

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