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Awakening Eve Ch. 01

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New in town, Eve gets a warm welcome.
3.7k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/26/2022
Created 01/21/2006
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Eve had lived in a suburb of Madison, Wisconsin all of her life. She was shy and had been rather sheltered until her parents were killed in a car accident driving home from her graduation from a nearby women's college. With neither family or job prospects there any longer, Eve drew upon all of her courage and decided to start her life all over again in a new city. She deposited her small inheritance safely in the bank, bought a ticket for San Francisco, and made a reservation for an indefinite stay at an affordable hotel.

Looking out the airplane window, Eve bid a silent goodbye to Wisconsin. She wiped away a tear, but not quickly enough for it to escape the notice of her seatmate. A distinguished looking man in his late 40s or early 50s; he patted her hand and asked gently "Leaving good memories behind, I hope?"

His sympathetic tone was all that Eve needed to begin weeping openly. Between sobs, she explained her situation to the man, who introduced himself as Claude DeBoise and graciously handed her his handkerchief. As she talked about the pain of her loss and the fear of moving to a city where she knew no one and didn't even have a job, Claude listened sympathetically.

"You are very brave to strike out on your own. I'm sure that with your intelligence and charm, you'll have more friends and job offers than you'll know what to do with before very long. The fact that you're a lovely young woman should also open doors for you."

Sarah blushed at the compliment. She had always compared herself against the more glamorous or flashy women she met, and inevitably found herself lacking. Where observers saw a fresh, wholesome beauty, Eve saw plain, unsophisticated and unappealing.

"Well," Eve admitted, "I've never been one to make friends quickly." In fact, she was surprised that she was speaking so openly to a stranger. "I worked in my parents' business, and I lived at home while I went to college."

Her timidity and unspoken fear of being lonely were evident to Claude. "Perhaps I can help. I've lived in San Francisco for more than twenty years, and I've been fortunate to make many good friends, several of whom own businesses and are always on the lookout for bright young employees. It just so happens that I'm having an informal get-together for some close friends at my house this Friday. I'd be delighted if you would join us. I'll send my manservant for you, since you don't know the city."

And so, early Friday evening, Eve found herself deciding what to wear. Claude said that the gathering would be informal. Since that meant different things to different people, Eve decided to go with a knit camisole and a fuzzy wrap sweater over a simple mid-calf skirt.

Promptly at seven, just as Eve finished twisting her hair into a knot, the doorbell rang. She jumped slightly, causing a tendril or two to escape and trail down her graceful neck.

Claude's driver was waiting at the door. An attractive and sturdily built man, he introduced himself as Thomas and led her to the car. He wasn't what Eve expected. The word manservant conjured up someone who was refined and diffident. Thomas appeared to be neither. Although perfectly polite, a day's growth of beard and a hint of impertinence in his striking blue eyes gave him a somewhat coarse, sinister appearance.

Fortunately for Eve, the drive wasn't a long one. Her attempts at talking about his employer were politely but deftly deflected, and Eve was too intimidated by Thomas to attempt any other conversation.

Arriving at a secluded mansion, Thomas escorted Eve to the door, where Claude waited to greet her. He led her into the house. To Eve's surprise, there were no other guests.

"Am I early?" she asked.

Claude smiled and replied. "I made a slight mistake. The party is tomorrow night. Since I told you it was tonight, I thought we could enjoy a quiet dinner."

Claude offered Eve a cocktail and showed her around his magnificent home until Thomas found them and informed them that dinner was ready.

After a wonderful meal served by Thomas, Claude took Eve's arm and led her to the drawing room. He poured two glasses of vintage port, handing one to her. She took a sip and enjoyed the sweet warmth gliding down her throat.

Eve said in appreciation "Claude, dinner was wonderful. And this whole evening was just lovely. You're very kind."

"The evening isn't over, my dear. In fact, it's just beginning," he said enigmatically. Eve looked at him in confusion. "I don't understand,"

Claude cut her off by placing a finger over her lips. "Allow me to explain. Ever since we met on the plane, you've intrigued me. You are intelligent, attractive, and delightfully unspoiled. As a newcomer in town, you have certain needs – a job, a place to live, new acquaintances. I, too, have needs, needs that I have chosen you to fulfill." Eve, now alarmed, could only stare at him as he continued.

"You will be my companion – in conversation, travel, and most of all, in sexual pleasure." He paused to allow her to have her inevitable say.

"I beg your pardon! And just what in the world makes you think that I would go along with this plan?" Eve fumed. "You may be pretty sure of yourself but I don't want any part of it."

She tried to stand, but Claude held her hands and kept her in her seat. "Eve, dear, I am afraid that you have no choice. You are in my home, with no way of returning to your hotel. I've made sure that the phones aren't available to you and that the doors are locked. If I'm not mistaken, no one will wonder what became of you when you don't return to your hotel."

Terror replaced anger in Eve's eyes. Claude sought to reassure her and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, which caused her to shudder. He continued, "Please understand that I intend you no harm. In fact, I plan on giving you as much pleasure as a woman can have. You will live here with me and Thomas, under my patronage and care. You'll have no need to find employment because I will take complete care of you. We'll attend cultural events, give parties, travel, and certainly buy pretty things for you. And you will entertain me. You will satisfy my every sexual whim, and I'll see to it that yours will be satisfied provided you are compliant in all that I ask of you." He paused, and then went on. "My friends, by the way, think that you are charming and they'd love to see more of you." His words, particularly the implications of his last sentence, left Eve too stunned to speak.

Finally finding her voice, Eve demanded "Just what makes you think that you can force me to go along with this insanity?"

"Eve, darling, I hope that force will not be necessary. If it is, it will be pleasurable force, and I will be assisted by Thomas. But we can both be very persuasive, and I'm sure you won't be dissatisfied," he replied.

Eve jumped to her feet and started toward the door. "It's going to take more than the two of you to keep me here, mister!" Before she reached it, Thomas entered as if on cue. He closed and locked the door behind him, pocketing the key. He had removed his black blazer and appeared very imposing in snug fitting black jeans and T-shirt.

"Ah, Thomas, right on time, as usual," Claude greeted him. "It appears that I haven't convinced Eve of the mutual benefits of our arrangement. Now that you're here, we can demonstrate."

Eve's heart pounded inside of her chest. Surely this wasn't really happening! The look in Thomas's eyes and the feel of his grasp on her wrists, however, assured her that she wasn't dreaming. She tried to pull away but wasn't surprised when his grip held firm. He tied a silk cord around her wrists so that they were bound loosely but securely behind her.

Meanwhile, Claude tended to the music. He selected a classical piano concerto – was it Mozart? – That was seductive in its timeless beauty.

Returning to Eve, he raised his glass of port in a toast and said "To new beginnings!" He removed the sweater from her shoulders and let it hang behind her caught by her bound wrists. Next he stroked her cheek and trailed his fingers down her throat and across the skin above the neckline of her camisole. Eve flinched and stepped back, only to bump into Thomas, who held her against his rock-solid chest and clasped his hands around her waist.

Claude took in Eve's physical response. Goosebumps covered her arms, her breathing became labored and, despite her best efforts, her nipples constricted into taut nuggets. He ran a finger across one of the stiff tips and nodded approvingly.

"Mmmm, lovely. A very sensual woman," he murmured as if to himself. "The combination of fear and arousal produces quite a remarkable effect, Thomas. Let's make her more comfortable and, er, accessible, shall we?"

The younger man reached under Eve's camisole, unhooked her strapless bra and tossed it aside. Eve's generous breasts were now perfectly molded by the silky knit of her camisole. She realized that her nipples protruded brazenly through the fabric, and she felt both mortified and angry at her inability to control her body. This was so unlike her. (Although, in truth, she had never before found herself in circumstances remotely like these.) Fighting back tears, she tried to make her mind a blank.

Thomas reached around and cupped her breasts in his large hands. He smiled as he strummed her nipples through the camisole. Rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers, he gently twisted and pulled. A shock of pain – and something else – ran through Eve.

Claude didn't appear to be offended at all by Thomas's forwardness. The pleased expression on his face made it clear that he was, in fact, pleased.

"Sir," Thomas addressed Claude, "she is very responsive. Watch her rub her ass against my cock while I play with her tits."

Eve was humiliated to realize that she was, indeed pressing herself against a very large, very solid piece of male anatomy. Her eyes grew round when Claude said to Thomas "Proceed, please."

The low growl that Thomas made told Eve that it would be his pleasure. He slipped the straps over her shoulders and pulled the camisole down to her waist, exposing Eve's breasts completely to view. Then he unfastened her skirt and yanked both it and the camisole down over her hips, letting them fall to her ankles.

Eve stood before the two men in only bikini panties, heels and thigh-high stockings. Her exposure to the air, combined with the complete indignity of her situation, caused her nipples to pucker even further. She sobbed openly "Please don't do this! Please! I just want to go home!"

Thomas whispered "Shhh, It's alright, sweetheart. You'll see," and stroked her breasts softly.

Claude, meanwhile, gave a sigh that expressed his enchantment at the sight of Eve in her near-naked splendor. This was perfection in a woman – soft, supple skin, full breasts that made the mouth water, a precious little thatch of curls that showed through her thin panties, and an unassuming shyness that was completely without guile or conceit. The thought of bending her to his will, of seeing a cock between her full lips, tasting her musky dew, brought him close to ejaculating.

He paused to collect himself, then took her nipples between his fingers and pinched them just to the point where pleasure met pain. As sensation shot from her breasts to her pussy, Eve closed her eyes and let out a soft moan. She felt moisture seep from her slit. Although she had never really examined her sexual side, she was aware of what was happening and appalled at herself for allowing herself to react.

"Your breasts are so very lovely," Claude said almost reverently. "And your nipples – so hard, and yet soft as velvet."

He gestured to Thomas, inviting him to enjoy Eve's charms.

"You're too kind," Thomas smiled at his employer. Standing in front of Eve, he nuzzled his face into the hollow between her throat and her shoulder, and then began a trail of soft kisses from her neck downward. As he neared her breasts, he cupped their fullness in his hands. He brought them together, raising them to meet his lips. The cool moistness of his tongue sent shivers down Eve's spine and caused the muscles of her vagina to constrict.

Shamed, she felt her juices spilling from her pussy. She writhed, telling herself she was trying to evade Thomas's touch but knowing in her heart that she savored every stroke and nip on her raw, swollen tips.

Rolling her head back, she whimpered halfheartedly "Please, no . . ."

Claude merely smiled. Taking his glass of port, he tilted it above Eve's breasts and allowed the dark red liquid to slowly trickle over them. Thomas then lowered his head and licked the port from each breast, starting on the soft underside and circling until only the nipple remained. Then he took his time cleaning her now aching tits.

Thomas sipped at Eve like a connoisseur sampling the finest champagne. Every nerve in her body quivered as his tongue flicked and caressed. Noticing her reaction when his rough chin grazed her nipples, he rubbed the stubble back and forth over the throbbing tips, causing the most delicious discomfort that Eve could imagine.

Eve could not help herself and moaned "Oh, God!" With a shudder, her body bucked and her head tossed from side to side. Claude was mesmerized by her reaction.

"Come," he ordered, and he led Eve to a full length mirror in the corner. She was too stunned to do anything but follow. Standing in front of the mirror with Claude behind her, Eve was astonished at the sight before her. Instead of the meek naïve girl she was when she left Wisconsin, she saw a wanton, sexual woman, a woman needing to be fucked. She flushed beneath her own gaze.

This is so wrong. Don't look. How could I have become such a tramp? Thank God Mom and Dad will never know. These thoughts raced through Eve's mind. She shook her head, trying to dispel them, trying to awaken from what surely was a crazy dream.

But she heard Claude murmur to her seductively and couldn't deny what was happening, or her reaction to it. "Look at the image of pleasure," he whispered. "Your lips are open. Your eyes are heavy with lust. Your breasts, well, need I say anything?" She watched him stroke the downy skin of her breasts and pluck at her aching nipples. "Do you like what you see, my dear? Would you like to watch yourself come?" And he reached around her to dip a hand into her panties, sliding back into her silky folds.

"Ah, you are so wet! Your juice is virtually flowing into my hand." He moved the panties away from her slit found her swollen clit. Stroking and pinching it, he whispered excitedly. "Watch! "Watch as you come."

As Claude stroked her, Eve cried out while tremors overcame her. Had Thomas not been there to support her, she would have fallen into a quivering heap. But Claude wasn't about to give her a rest. With a signal to Thomas, the two men laid Eve on a backless chaise lounge. Thomas untied her writs and re-tied them to one end of the chaise. Then he took two more cords from his pocket and tied her ankles, spread apart, to the other end. If Eve was frightened before, she now felt complete panic.

Standing over Eve, Claude took in the delectable view. He slipped two fingers beneath her panties and into her dripping slit. He circled them, and Eve writhed to his manipulations. Probing, he pushed his fingers deeper within her, then stopped suddenly, delighted at his discovery.

"Well, Thomas! She is a virgin!"

"And that, sir, is just one of the reasons I enjoy working for you," Thomas replied with a devilish grin. His eyes met Eve's and held them. She trembled at the feral desire she saw in him.

"I know you are eager, Thomas, but we'll allow her to remain a virgin for one more day. Tomorrow night would be a much more special time. For now, let's help Eve to discover herself." Then Claude motioned for Thomas to join him.

Thomas stood across from Claude with Eve between them. He grasped one side of Eve's bikinis in both hands and easily tore it apart. He repeated this on the other side and tossed the ruined garment aside.

The two men took their time exploring the dazed young woman. She lay before them like the idealized sacrificial maiden. A small waist accented her full breasts and curved hips. Her dusty pink nipples puckered into taut pebbles, and the small delta of hair at the apex of her thighs beckoned as if to say "Come see what treasure I hide."

The men's scrutiny was so intense that Eve could sense the heat emanating from their eyes and the pulsing of the blood in their veins. "Let me go!" she pleaded. "I don't do this kind of thing"

"Oh, but you will," replied Claude. He drew a chair and sat facing by Eve's side to get the best view of her charms and of her initiation at Thomas's hands.

Thomas began by spreading Eve's vulva and stroking her lightly. "Ohh!" Eve couldn't keep from crying out.

"That's good, baby," Thomas said to her. "You're starting to find out what your cunt is for, aren't you?"

"No! I don't want this," she cried.

"No?" he responded with a smirk. "Let's just see." He plunged a finger into Eve's wetness, crooked them slightly, and rotated it slowly within her. At her quick intake of breath, he asked her "Is this what you don't want?" He increased the speed of his finger until Eve felt a sudden rush of electricity followed by a feeling of release.

"Oh God!" she whispered in despair. Removing his finger, Thomas dabbed Eve's juice on her lips. "Taste yourself, sweetheart. We're about to have dessert."

Eve was thoroughly repulsed at the thought of tasting her own fluids, but her tongue sneaked out to clean her lips nevertheless. The taste, the aroma – as disgusted as she wanted to be, she nevertheless found oddly fascinating.

Before she knew what was happening, Thomas untied her ankles and pushed her legs open as wide as they would go. He then sat between her outstretched thighs. Claude, in the meantime, took his place in a nearby chair where he had an excellent view of the coming activities. Forcing himself to be patient, he clasped his hands together to keep them from seeking out his cock.

When Thomas spread Eve's lips with one hand and lowered his face toward her pussy, she was appalled. While she was inexperienced, she wasn't ignorant, and she knew exactly what he intended to do, and she didn't think she could bear it.

Thomas lapped lightly at her glistening lips. Finding her clit, he touched it lightly with his tongue, sending a jolt through her. He then started to nibble and suck on it, thoroughly enjoying the way her hips squirmed.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Eve's pleas would have gone unheeded, but Claude raised a hand and motioned for Thomas to cease.

"Stop what, Eve?" he asked her.

She was silent, unable to say the words. But Claude persisted. "Stop what? Eating your pussy? Licking your cunt?" He emphasized the crude words, knowing full well that she would never utter them of her own volition.

"Say it Eve. Say 'licking my cunt, licking my sweet, juicy cunt," he tormented her.

Eve just shook her head stubbornly.

Without any warning Claude grasped Eve's nipple and gave it a twisting pinch. The stinging pain brought tears to her eyes.

Again he demanded "Say 'licking my sweet, juicy cunt.'"

Claude silently counted to five and when she remained silent he took both nipples in his fingers and twisted sharply. By now, Eve was sobbing.

"Are you enjoying this so much that you won't say it?" Claude taunted. "I wouldn't have taken you for someone who enjoyed pain."

As he reached again for her inflamed nipples, Eve cried out. "No! I'll say it!" She struggled with the words but finally said "L-licking my (sob) sweet j-juicy cunt. There! Are you happy?"

"Delighted, my dear. And do you like it when Thomas licks you?"

"No! Of course not!" she retorted.

"No? Then why are you so wet? Why are your nipples erect? And why do you squirm so sweetly while he is doing it? Do you know that you were actually pushing your pussy into his face?"


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