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Awakening Sarah Ch. 01

Story Info
David kidnaps Sarah & forces her into submission.
11.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/31/2007
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This is a non-consensual story with a male dom/master and female sub/slave. It is purely intended to be a fantasy..


"She's too fat," David's boss asserted as he glanced down at the surveillance photos spread across his cluttered desk.

"If she loses a little weight she'll be hot. Besides, you think all women should be anorexic." David said in Sarah's defense. Sarah was short, only about 5'4" and a little heavier than she should be. However, she was blessed with long auburn hair and flawless porcelain skin. Her weight was well proportioned and David was determined that she would be his.

David's boss quipped, "And what if you decide you don't like her. Then what do I fucking do with her?"

David hated this man. He was such a scumbag, from his greased hair to his pinky ring.

"She'll lose weight and you'll have a beautiful girl for sale." David begrudgingly pointed out. He knew he would never allow this to happen to Sarah, but he had to convince this asshole that she was worth the effort and expense.

His boss gave in, "I suppose you are one of my best employees. Okay, she's yours... Happy retirement." He slid the photos back across the desk to David. David carefully tucked them back into the tattered folder.

David couldn't help but grin as he walked out of the office. It was almost three years ago since he first saw her. At the age of 26, he made a feeble attempt to return to college after being in the Army for eight years. The first class he attended was freshman English. It also happened to be where he met Sarah. She was 18 and was very shy. She rarely spoke or made eye contact with anyone. Most men would look at her and see only a snob, but David saw her as a potential submissive. He was convinced he was right when he read her story.

Sarah was a talented writer and the professor took the liberty of making copies of her work for the class. It was around Halloween and they had received a creative writing assignment to write a short horror story. Sarah's story was about a girl that was stalked by an obsessed man and forced to confront him. The story was not erotic, but it had BDSM undertones that captured David's full attention.

He tried to talk with her a few times, but she always scurried away from him. He supposed he probably was intimidating to her. He was just over 6 feet tall and had dark brown hair with steel grey eyes. Even at that time, he had several tattoos on his slightly muscular arms that enhanced his imposing appearance.

On the last day he attended class, before starting his current line of work, he cornered her in the hallway.

"Hi, my name's David. You're Sarah, right?" David offered his hand to her. He was born with the ability to charm. He had a warm smile and a slight southern accent that melted even the iciest women.

"Yes." Sarah replied too sharply and ignored his gesture.

"Listen, I know you don't know me very well, but I'd like to change that. Would you like to get some coffee?" David asked in his sweetest tone.

"No, I'm late for class." Sarah literally turned her nose up at him and walked away.

David was incensed. He had never been rejected so harshly. David tracked her for the rest of the day and followed her home. Something stopped him from doing anything to her that night. He sulked home and continued to think about her.

Over time, he found himself continuing to watch her from afar, and he began to notice that she did not visit any family or seem to have any friends. His curiosity got the best of him and he began to delve into her past.

He continued thinking about these things as he walked back to his room to continue his plans to soon capture Sarah. He knew she was going to be a challenge.


David awoke several hours before dawn on Saturday, May 20th. This would be the day of Sarah's abduction. After crawling out of bed, he went to his closet. He slipped on a pair of old jeans and a black t-shirt. Next, he went into his bathroom to shave and brush his teeth. When he was finished, he hastily called the two men that were going to help him. In his line of work, he found that the quiet ones usually gave them the most trouble.

It was about 5am and Sarah was asleep in her bed. Her only other companion, Perseus, a large gray cat, was sleeping by her feet. Yesterday was Sarah's last final for the semester. She slept peacefully knowing she had the next two weeks off before she started her summer job. Suddenly, the serenity of their slumber was interrupted when Perseus jumped off the bed upon hearing the living room window being pried open. Sarah remained motionless and unaware of the impending danger that loomed, as the cat searched for a place to hide.

Sarah jerked awake to find two pairs of strong hands pinning her legs and shoulders down. Her heart pounded in her ears as she struggled to get free. Sarah started to scream, but a hand was placed over her mouth. The hand was covered by a leather glove.

"Shh...It's okay." A third person spoke to her in a calm voice. She could only see his towering silhouette in the dark room. He moved towards her from the foot of the bed and she felt his hand grab her arm. Sarah tried to pull it away.

"Don't move, honey. I don't want to hurt you," the voice drawled.

Skillfully, the man inserted a hypodermic needle into Sarah's arm. She felt her arm start burning as the contents of the syringe were injected into her. She continued to struggle as her ears started ringing. Soon, the room was enveloped in darkness.

Sarah awoke from her nightmare in a strange bed. She was lying on her stomach still dressed in her pajamas. As she lifted her head, it started pounding. Her ears were ringing a little. She struggled to think clearly. She managed to flip herself over and tried to look around. She was not in her house. This place did not look familiar to her. She saw a few doors, a small refrigerator, and a dresser with a television on it. There was one small window near the ceiling, but she could only see blue sky from the bed. In an alcove, she saw some exercise equipment. There was also a small desk with a computer and a clock. It said 10:12.

Tentatively, she sat up. Her head pounded even harder in rebellion and she noticed that she was also nauseous. She willed herself to try to stand. She slid to the edge of the bed and lowered her legs down. They wobbled as she stood and took a small first step. Hobbling to the closest door, she opened it. It was an ordinary bathroom. She moved on to the next door, finding a closet. It was mostly filled with t-shirts. She reached in to examine one. It was an old Metallica shirt. Sarah's heart began to race as she quickly put it back. She realized she was likely in a man's room. Her head spun again as she tried to remember how she got there.

I was kidnapped! Her mind screamed at her in terror. She dashed to the last door in the room. Frantically, she tried to open it. It was locked. She continued pushing and pulling on the door in vain.

To her surprise, it suddenly swung open. A tall man stood in the doorway with an amused look.

"Going somewhere, baby?" he asked with a subtle southern accent.

Sarah froze in fear.

"Hi, I'm David." He spoke casually as if they were meeting like normal people.

Sarah stared at him in shock; he looked familiar. Her eyes drifted down to his tattoo covered arms. On his left arm there was a Chinese dragon that appeared to wrap around his entire arm. His right arm had various designs that melded together. Some of them looked like they were military insignia.

The memory of her meeting him hit her suddenly along with the comprehension that he must have been stalking her ever since.

David followed her gaze, "Do you like my tats?" He asked with a charming smile as he closed the door behind him.

Sarah gathered enough courage to speak.

"Where am I?" She asked while she took a few steps back.

David didn't answer her right away. He turned around and entered some numbers on a key pad next to the door. Sarah hadn't noticed it in her earlier scan of the room. He walked over the bed and sat down. His eyes burned into her. Sarah shifted uncomfortably as she stood before him.

"My room." He finally responded. When he spoke, Sarah saw that his tongue was pierced.

Sarah shifted her weight again. She looked out the window. In the distance, all she could see were trees. It looked like she was at least a story up.

"Will you at least tell me what you want with me?" She nervously asked as she clenched her fists.

"I want you," he simply said.

Sarah's head spun. He is insane!, her mind screamed at her. It raced to think of a response.

"Want me?" She dared to glance at him. He looked in her eyes and she immediately looked away from them.

"Yes," David tried to make eye contact with her again but she continued to avoid him. "You are so beautiful, I had to have you."

Beautiful, did he say beautiful? He is FUCKING insane, she thought before blurting out, "What gives you the right to...to kidnap me!?!" Sarah backed even further away from him. So far, her survival instincts had willed her to not antagonize him, but she was losing the battle.

His long arms reached out and caught her right hand dragging her towards him. Sarah tried to crouch down and use her weight to pull herself away, but he was too strong. She found herself caught between his legs. "Look at me," he commanded, "I am not a murderer. I am not going to kill you. I wish I could tell you that I won't hurt you...but, well, I won't lie to you." He smiled and waited for her reaction.

Sarah looked at him with wild fear in her eyes.

"You see, in addition to finding you beautiful, I think we might enjoy the same things." David wished he would have planned this part more. She looked so scared; it made him feel a little pity for her. He paused and continued, "I guess you could call me a sadist. I like to dominate women. I enjoy causing them pain; pain that they enjoy."

Upon hearing this, Sarah began struggling harder to get away from him. David only pulled her closer. Her voluptuous breasts were almost in his face and he was beginning to get aroused.

"Stop," he told her, "I've seen your books and your writing."

Sarah followed his gaze to the desk. She had missed that he'd stacked up a few of her books, including "The Story of O" and an S&M themed pornographic novel on it. Worst of all, was a notebook with some erotic stories and poetry she'd written. She felt suddenly sick at the thought of him knowing her secret.

She murmured, "That doesn't mean you have the right..."

"Be quiet," he ordered.

Sarah briefly complied. She wanted so much to get away from him, but now she was afraid of what he would do to her. She knew she was in trouble. "Please let me go," she meekly begged.

"No. The first rule here is you can not try to escape. If you do there will be severe consequences. Second, you will always obey me and treat me with respect."

Sarah never felt so vulnerable. She could not control her body as she started shaking. She could barely think. Pieces of what he told her were running though her thoughts.

"Are you listening to me?" He gently pinched the back of her thigh to get her attention.

"Yes." Sarah continued to attempt to escape his grasp. She was looking away from him in disgust.

"Good, take off your clothes."

Sarah either didn't hear him or her mind blocked out what he said. Her mind was conjuring horrific images of being used as a fuck toy, tortured, killed, and discarded.

David was getting impatient, he had waited long enough, "Take your CLOTHES OFF!"

She jumped at his abrupt change in tone. "No! Please, I can't do that."

"I understand," he said calmly. He knew she was not going to submit so easily, this was all part of the game. David stood up, tightly wrapping his arms around her waist. He grabbed her grey tank top at the back hem and began pulling it up over her breasts. Sarah screamed and tried to sink down under his arms. David laughed as he swung her around, pushing her back on the bed. He straddled her chest and pulled her shirt all the way off. She was not wearing a bra and her breasts were now fully exposed. They were round and soft yet firm. Her pink nipples seemed to beg David to touch them. He began to move his hands to them. Sarah noticed and began kicking her legs trying to get him off of her.

"Yes, fight me," he muttered. With expert precision, he moved down to her shorts. Both her shorts and panties were quickly brought down to her knees. David was surprised to see that she was completely shaved. Sarah flipped over onto her stomach attempting to cover herself. This allowed David to easily remove her last articles of clothing. It also gave him another surprise.

"When did you get this?" David ran his hand over the small tattoo Sarah had on her lower back. In his many nights and days observing her he had never seen it. He guessed she must have gotten it in high school. It was a black cat with its back arched. It looked like a 1950's Halloween decoration.

Instead of answering him, Sarah screamed for help. She clawed at the bed and attempted to pull herself away. Fearing that she would hurt herself, David took out a pair of leather cuffs he had stuffed in his back pocket. He snapped them on her and flipped her over onto her back again. He sat next her on the bed.

"Calm down or I'll gag you." He said as he admired her beauty. He was beginning to wonder if he really wanted her to lose weight. Her features were soft and alluring to him, from the swell of her breasts to the way her stomach was rounded a little as it met her cunt.

Sarah realized that the idea of him gagging her frightened her even more. She struggled to compose herself again. Think logically. No one here is going to help you or he would have gagged you already. She bit her lip and was quiet for a moment.

David sat her up. "Now, that's better," he caressed her hair. "Have you ever seen a naked man before... In person?" He thought he knew the answer, but he wanted to hear her say it.

She remained silent.

"If you don't answer me I will have to punish you," he chastised her.

No. I'm a fucking virgin. A 21 year old virgin, these words almost came out, but Sarah stopped herself. She managed to shake her head no. She could feel her cheeks start to flush red with embarrassment.

David could no longer restrain himself. He dragged her over his knees. To his pleasure, she squirmed against his lap and protested. David raised his right hand while he held her down with the other. The sound of his first slap to her ass echoed through the room. He did not hesitate continue with the spanking. His red hand prints were soon visible on her ass.

Sarah bit the inside of her cheek on the first blow. She was determined not to give him the satisfaction of hearing her scream. However, her self control did not last long. She blurted out, "Please stop." She was struggling to breathe. The pain he was causing her combined with her headache and nausea were becoming too much for her to bear.

"Answer my question," he flatly stated while paused to rub the reddened areas.

For some reason, the casualness of his response frightened her even more. She started to tremble again. She could feel tears beginning to from in her eyes. She willed herself to stop. The last thing she wanted was to seem weak to this psychopath. Stammering between shallow breaths she said, "No, I have not seen a man naked...I'm a virgin."

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" David helped her to her feet and then guided her to sit back down on the bed. She winced as her sore rear touched it.

David took a few steps backwards and peeled off his shirt.

Sarah watched him in disbelief. His slightly hairy chest was firm and several more tattoos adorned it. Under normal circumstances, she would have considered him attractive.

"It's time for your anatomy lesson then." He was joking, but Sarah looked terrified. Her eyes remained glazed with tears. David continued undressing. He removed his shoes and then his blue jeans. He had not worn underwear that day. His semi-hard cock pulsed upwards toward her.

Sarah wanted to avert her eyes, but she could not tear them away from him.

"It won't bite. Touch it." He insisted as he sat next to her on the bed. He put his arm around her.

"Fuck you. I'm not touching your pathetic dick." Sarah knew she was stupid for insulting him, but she could not stop the rage that was starting to take over.

David could not help but look amused. "Rule three, ladies don't swear. I guess I should show you what's in the closet." He stood up and jerked her forward by the arm.

Sarah followed him to his closet. He shoved some of his clothes to the side. Behind them was what looked like a metal gun locker. He opened it and Sarah was even more horrified by the contents. There were whips, paddles, and dozens of other implements of torture. Sarah had never seen many of the things before, but she could guess at their purposes. "I'm sure you can imagine what the next step in punishment would be after a spanking. By the way, I'm going to lock this from now on, so don't get any ideas about finding a weapon." David looked at Sarah for a reaction and was pleased to see she looked worried. "Look Sarah, we both know no one is going to look for you. You're best bet at getting through this is to cooperate. Now, touch my cock."

She knew he was right. She was estranged from her family and had no real friends. She was completely at his mercy, for now at least. Her hand moved in slow motion towards him. It finally, softly, touched his cock. Sarah stroked the head. She found herself surprised at how smooth the skin was. It felt so hot and firm. As she realized what she was doing, she jerked her hand away.

David looked at her questioningly. "Did I tell you to stop?"

"No, I'm sorry." Sarah tensed preparing herself for his next move.

He pulled her once again to the bed. "Lay down on your back." He demanded.

Sarah did as he asked. She kept her legs closed tightly together as possible. She could see her chest move as her heart hammered in anxiety. She briefly glanced up to find him leering at her.

After a long moment, he climbed on the bed and reached across her taking her bound wrists in his hand. He raised them above her head and attached the ring on the cuffs to a clip on the head board. Gently, he moved his hands down and stroked her breasts. Sarah jumped at his touch. He continued teasing them until her nipples began to respond. When he was satisfied with their newly erect state, he lightly moved his hands down her body to her thighs.

"No...don't." Sarah dreaded what he was going to do and also the feelings he was starting to conjure within her.

David half smiled at her and tightened his grip on her thighs. His fingers dug in to them as he pried them apart. Once they were open, he pushed them up a bit allowing him access to her waiting cunt. He knelt down and lovingly kissed the inside of her thighs. He worked his way back up to her inner folds. He was pleased to find her a little wet.

"At least one part of you seems to be enjoying this," he commented.

Sarah's face and chest turned crimson. She could not deny that she was both fearing and hoping to feel him touch her there.

David did not leave her waiting. He earnestly began lapping at her, starting at her clit and working down to her opening. He stayed there for a while trying to force his tongue into her impossibly tight hole. When he felt Sarah's hips grind ever so slightly against his mouth he decided it was time to go back to her clit.

"Oh God...." Sarah unconsciously moaned as his tongue touched her clit. Initially, she was humiliated by having his face between her legs, but as he continued she was nearing orgasm. She had occasionally masturbated and could feel the familiar tightness.

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