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B is for Bastard

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Amy faces her worst nightmare.
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Amy crossed the parking lot towards her car. As usual, it was nearly vacant. Though the offer of escort by security was available, Amy had been doing this for the better part of two years, and no one had ever had, or been given reason to really be concerned.

She hated closing late, but the thought of having the next two days off work was a small little bonus for whenever she had to. Working at a quaint leather goods clothing store, she juggled the package she carried under one arm as she crossed the parking lot towards her car, already fishing for her keys inside her purse. She smiled, the leather jacket she had had her eyes on for her husband Dave had been something he'd been wanting for quite some time now. Amy had finally managed to stash away just enough, including her employee discount to get it for him as a surprise.

She grinned once again remembering the last surprise she had gotten for him, though it was an outfit she had purchased for herself. Along with the regular type of leather clothing most stores carried, her store also carried a line of rather provocative, extremely sexy and very revealing leather outfits as well. Wearing the tight fitting vest with criss-crossing leather stitching had barely contained, let alone kept from being revealed, her rather large and ample chest.

Average height, with shoulder length auburn hair, green eyes and a pixyish face, she wasn't considered drop-dead gorgeous, but certainly attractive. Though most men she encountered tended to stare at her breasts long before noticing her face, something she had learned to live with and accept in life though at times it had actually annoyed her.

She had safely reached her car, opening the door when she decided to throw the package into the trunk, taking it inside the house later so that Dave wouldn't see it. Tossing her purse into the passenger seat, she walked back around her car opening the trunk. Amy leaned over setting the package securely inside when she felt a presence behind her. Too late!

"Don't move! Don't turn around or I'll blow your fucking head off!"

She felt the hard press of steel within the small of her back, fear gripping her immediately as she briefly considered her options. In the span of a millisecond, Amy couldn't think of any as suddenly some sort of cloth bag was yanked down over her head. She cried out in surprise, but it wasn't loud enough to elicit any real concern by her assailant.

"I told you, shut the fuck up if you want to see the sunrise again," he warned.

"Please! I have a daughter," she began, hoping that by revealing this tid-bit of information, he might ease up on her, if not actually spare her life if that was something he was even considering.

He didn't reply, as she felt her arms roughly yanked back around herself where he proceeded to tie them together with what appeared and felt like a piece of rope.

"Get in!" he ordered.

For a moment Amy was confused, unsure by what he meant, taking a step back towards the front of the car.

"No you stupid bitch! Get in the fucking trunk!"

"Please!" she whimpered uselessly once again. But it was of no use. She felt herself bodily grabbed, then actually lifted up and into the trunk itself.

"Remember what I told you, one word. One fucking word, and no one will ever find you, let alone recognize you when they do!"

Fear seized her like nothing ever had before. Though unable to see, as the trunk closed the darkness became even more so, and though she wasn't normally claustrophobic, the mere thought of being locked inside her own trunk in such a confined space caused her to panic. She cried out anyway, even though she had been warned against doing so.

"Please, whatever you want, I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt me!" she pleaded.

But her plea went unheeded as she heard the start up of her car, then movement as her assailant pulled out of the parking lot, and then soon out onto the highway.

There were too many twists and turns for her to have any clue as to where it was they were headed, only when it seemed they were heading up hill did Amy begin to guess where it was they might be. A short time later, she heard as well as felt the crunch of gravel, then dirt beneath the tires as the car left the road. They were headed up into the mountains!

Once again a new wave of fear and panic filled her. She had no doubt in her mind she was going to be raped, she'd already accepted that very real possibility. But now with them traveling into such a remote area, she began to wonder if she really would survive this ordeal at all. Her only real hope was to play along, buy some time perhaps, and then hope for some kind of opportunity to present itself so that she could fight back, or have some sort of chance to escape. Amy felt the car slowing, then stop. She heard the door open, close...footsteps as they approached, then the popping of the trunk as it opened.

"Please, don't hurt me," Amy cried, feeling the tears as they began rolling down her cheeks, stinging her eyes.

"Then do what your told, and you won't be," she heard. The voice not exactly soft, but less threatening, giving her some small measure of hope.

"Whatever you want,"

"Shut the fuck up." Harsh again. Perhaps she had pressed it too much. To her surprise, Amy felt a wave of anger, desperation overtaking her, replacing the fear and panic, which had seized her earlier.

"Bastard!" she spat, surprising herself as well as her abductor. He laughed. He actually laughed at her sudden courage.

"That's better. I hate whinny weak women. Get tough bitch, show me you got some fucking pride beneath that girly exterior. Prove to me your worth letting go after this is over. Otherwise, I'll just fucking leave you here for the coyotes to eat after I'm done with you."

He was strong. She knew that by the firmness of his grasp, and the way he so easily lifted her from the trunk, replacing her to stand back upon the ground.

"Walk!" he commanded, pushing her in the small of her back causing her to trip. She couldn't run, she knew that, not with her hands tied as they were, nor with her head covered, unable to see where she was, or where she was going. She could only rely on him for direction, and hope.

A moment later she felt his powerful hand seizing her arm, yanking her sideways, once again nearly causing her to fall.

"This way," he told her, sounding angry once again, irritated. He'd liked it earlier when she had gotten forceful with him. Maybe doing so once again would cause him to lighten up a little.

"Mother Fucker!" she spat at him, "I don't know who the hell you think you are, or what you're doing, but I won't go easy," she declared. "I'll cooperate, but only as long as you treat me with some kind of respect."

He laughed, harshly and long, but once again he laughed. "Good for you cunt, I like a woman with some balls, though I admit, I do prefer a nice set of tits on a woman. And I can see that you do. I'm looking forward to sucking on them!" he told her.

Amy felt herself backed into what felt like a tree. She felt her hands being untied and thought briefly that this might be her one and only chance to run if given any kind of opportunity. If she was quick enough, perhaps she could yank the covering from off her head, give her a chance to run, escape. But Amy realized just as quickly that plan was too flawed, in the time it would take for her eyes to adjust, he would have her again. No, she'd have to be patient, patient, wait and continue to hope...and pray.

Her arms once again were secured behind her, the bindings tightly wrapped about the tree she was leaning against, pinning her there.

"Ah yes, much better!" she heard him say with a great deal of eagerness and satisfaction in his tone of voice.

"Would you at least lift this hood away from my mouth and nose?" Amy ventured. "It's hard to breathe with this thing on," she explained. She was hoping he would remove it entirely, but realized that if he did, it might very well lessen any real chance at survival in doing so.

He was silent, though she heard, then felt his approach. A second later she heard a ripping of material, felt the coolness of the night air suddenly blanketing her bra-covered breasts as he tore her blouse open. The press of bare steel against her flesh, then her bra too was cut, falling away from her breasts. She shivered, wondering, but feared not that he would use the knife on her to gut her, not yet anyway. Almost grateful as he began slicing away her blouse, cutting it from her as though skinning a deer hanging from a tree, which is almost what she felt like.

He stepped away briefly, and Amy heard the tear of material once again. Walking around behind her, he heard his cautionary demand.

"Close your fucking eyes and don't open them if you know what's good for you."

She did, keeping them tightly shut as she felt the hood that had been covering her head lifted away, quickly replaced by a blindfold, far more comfortable, but just as functional as had been the hood as once again darkness filled her eyes even as she opened them.

She knew she now stood before him half naked. He'd cut away both blouse and bra, her skirt at least, she hoped he'd simply remove. She almost laughed at the thought of hitchhiking down the road with her boobs hanging out, but better that than to at least not still have a skirt to wear, if in fact, she was still alive in the morning.

That thought was short-lived however as Amy felt the hem of her skirt being lifted. Rather than simply releasing the catch, allowing her skirt to then fall down around her ankles, she felt the pressure, then the sensation of her skirt opening, being cut away. Slicing through it all the way up, he yanked it from her, the flesh of her nearly bare ass now brushing the rough bark against the tree. Her only protection now against his continued violation of her, the tiny pair of black satin panties that she wore. She expected him to slice through these just as easily as well, surprised when he didn't. Though not too surprised when she felt the sudden press of his fingers against the still covered furrow of her slit. He rubbed her there, briefly, his fingers working their way up and down, pressing the material inside the folds of her pussy, locating her clit, awakening it even against her will.

"You like that cunt?" he asked her, his breath raspy, coming in quick excited gasps. "You like the way I'm stroking that clit of yours?" he continued to press.

"Fucking bastard!" she responded, struggling against her bonds, though she knew her actions to be futile even as she did.

He laughed, only then the press of steel against her upper thigh, causing her to freeze in place as he slowly sliced through, then tore away the last little bit with his powerful hands. She stood before him completely naked now, no covering upon her except for her pride. Which is all she had left, and which as she realized might be her only hope still.

She nearly faltered in that however, as she then felt the press of the flat side of the knife he obviously held within his hands against the tip of her nipple, pressing against it, flattening it against her breast even though it stiffened, resisting in its own unique way.

Because of that, Amy was unprepared when she felt the pull of her right nipple between his lips, actually gasping, both angry with herself as well as the betrayal of her own flesh as shivers of panicked excitement streaked through its surface. Signals of pleasure raced down her torso between her legs where once again his fingers began to dance, only this time, slipping inside her, violating her sex, her femininity, and herself.

Amy felt his thick middle finger delve within the rapidly moistening folds of her betraying cunt. Bad enough that she was displayed the way she was, violated, no doubt about to be raped, yet her own body was finding pleasure in his touch, no matter how repulsed and yet still afraid she found herself to be.

He slid his finger into her even deeper causing her breath to catch. Simultaneously, he all but bit her extended nipple, a pain-pleasure coursing through her, she struggled, trying to somehow escape this onslaught of her soul, but there was no way out of it, no way but to succumb, and hope that in doing so he would find his satisfactions, and possibly take pity on her and eventually free her. Amy quit struggling, literally collapsing against the tree in near total surrender. It was...the wrong thing to do.

"Fuck!" He bellowed disappointedly. "That's it? That's all you got? I thought I had me a fiery hot cunt here! All I see is some weak-assed good for nothing pussy that ain't worth the time and effort I've gone through to do all this!"

His tone was menacing, and Amy knew that if he truly was now disappointed in her, disappointed in whatever mindless fuck-fantasy this beast had, she could very well have just handed her life to him on a plate, to be discarded with no more thought than the sorry-assed whimp she was turning out to be.

She felt her chances slipping away, regardless of the outcome, regardless of whatever happened to her from this point forward, she was going to fight. Fight for all she was worth, fight with every shred of her being, and if she went down and out...then at least she'd know she went down trying.

"I haven't given up shit yet fuck-face!" she told him, the bravado clearly echoing in her own head as she spoke the words. "You're man enough to bind me, finger me, even suck my tits, but I noticed you ain't done shit with your puny-assed cock yet,'ve even got one that is!"

Amy was surprised by her own words, but there was a momentary pause, silence, then the sound of her attacker backing off, stepping away. Once again, she wondered if she had gone too far in the other direction. She could just as easily anger him to kill her now as wait. But it had seemed earlier that he had preferred it when she had gotten tough with him, just as tough, smart-mouthed as he had been with her. With some momentary fear and a great deal of uncertainty, she waited for his next move, his next words...or worse.

"That's better," he whispered, his mouth right next to her ear. "For a moment there, I didn't think you were worth doing," he stated. "You may have bought yourself a little time, maybe...even saved your own life," his mouth suddenly nipping at the tender portion of her earlobe, his fingers once again taking, then pulling harshly on her nippled breasts, stretching them outwards, twisting painfully, still pulling as he continued to nuzzle her ear, then her neck, finally lowering his lips to recapture the tit he'd ravished earlier.

Amy felt his hand slide down her belly, felt it pause at the apex of her sex, palming her briefly, then a resounding 'slap' as he cupped her quim, spanking it, cupping it again in a firm hard slap upon her mound. Over and over again he did this to her, the sting becoming less than, more erotically welcomed, again her bodies betrayal as pain became pleasure, revulsion becoming lust, fear becoming need.

"Fucking Bastard!" she exclaimed through pussy slaps. "That all YOU got?" she dared challenge. "That's it? A few fucking cunt-slaps and your king of the hill?"

"Shut up!" he told her.

"I'll bet your still a fucking virgin aren't you? I'll bet you've never even had your cock inside a woman's cunt before. I'll even bet it's so fucking small, so fucking puny that no woman on earth would want to fuck you. That's why you feel you have to do it like this isn't it? And even still can't stick your dick in me cause it's not hard enough, and even if it got hard enough, you wouldn't know what to fucking do with it. Get yourself off maybe, but you aint got the balls, or the power, or the ability to make me feel good do you?"

"BITCH!" he bellowed, "I'll fucking show you, you cock-sucking whore!"

"Yeah, show me baby, show me you've got a cock worth dying for, prove to me you've got the ability to make me cum, and not just yourself...go ahead, show me, show me if you've got balls enough to actually do it!"

Amy was surprised when she heard the sound of his zipper, then the jingle of his belt and pants as he obviously stepped out of them. She heard him moving back towards her. What he didn't know, what he couldn't know, was that she had used the time to secretly work the rope back and forth against the rough-edged bark of the tree. With a little more effort, and a whole lot of luck, she just might be able to free herself. And then...with him in a vulnerable position, she might even be able to strike out, strike out sufficiently to actually hurt him, put him down long enough at least for her to run, hide, and even possibly get away. It was her only hope, her only chance. But she had to keep him occupied; busy...busy fucking her while she taunted him to continue as she continued working the rope until it hopefully broke free. Then, maybe...

She felt him place the bulbous thick head of his penis near the opening of her cunt. Felt him using his hand to slide it up and down her furrow, lubricating it in her juices, her pussy-betraying cunt juice.

"You'll think fucked!" he told her, pressing now, the head of his enormous prick pushing past the first defensive barrier of her sex, then suddenly entering, then lunging, plunging deep, hard into the very depths of her entire being.

"Fuck!" she screamed as his prick hilted her, deeper than any she had ever known, perhaps even more fully than any she had ever known.

He moaned, and as he did, she knew. She knew she would be ok, that she would indeed survive her ordeal. And...she began to fuck him, fucking him back as he skewered her there against the tree. He pummeled her pussy with a fierceness the likes of which she had never known before. And in return, she squeezed, contracted her cunt-muscles with every straining, thrusting stroke, grabbing his cock, milking it, caressing it, fucking it, and crying out. Crying out, urging him on, coaxing him to continue, praising him now, and only now surrendering, for in her surrender, she knew her victory and knew that she had in fact won.

"Oh yeah, fuck me baby! Fuck my cunt! That's it! Oh yeah baby, that's it! Oh yeah honey that feels good! Give it to me you bastard! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck my pussy you bastard! Come on, give it to me, give me your cream! Make me cum with you!" she cried out at the top of her lungs, "Oh yeah...yeah! That's it! That's it!!"

And so...she did.

She felt the explosion, felt the jettison of his spunk filling her, and as she did, she felt her own pussy liquefy in passionate response, felt her female cream suddenly boil, release, and gush from her cunt in rapturous climatic bliss. And as she came, as she felt him cumming, she pulled, and felt the rope finally break away releasing her.


"What the fuck?" he said in surprise as she used her hands to push him, catching him off guard, tumbling him back, reaching up only then to grab at the blindfold still covering her eyes, removing it.

"Hi honey!" she said. "That was pretty fucking hot! I always knew it was in you to get a little rough with me if you really wanted to!"

Dave sat on his bare-ass dumb-founded, gazing up at his lovely wife.

"You knew?" he said, no longer using the disguise in his voice that he was so good at. Part of his life's work doing impressions, the ability to change tone, even pitch of his voice for use in commercials as well as several well-known animated series.

"Of course I did!"

"Since when?" he asked still bewildered, somewhat disappointed.

"When you told me to get into the trunk of the car," she lied.

"Shit! I thought I really had you fooled there," he told her. "You're a pretty damn good little actress," he added still sounding a bit sullen.

Amy glanced over away from the tree and noticed that Dave had set up their tent along with two of their favorite lounge chairs and had already prepared the makings of a nice warm fire for later.


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