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Baby Sit the Wife Ch. 01

Story Info
Nadine is mistaken for husband's niece.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 09/08/2008
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Both Nadine and her husband were getting ready to go out, looking forward to escaping from the hard work of moving home. Nadine was standing naked in what was to become their bedroom, given a chance organise it, searching for something to wear. Standing only five foot two in bare feet made it difficult to reach on top of the wardrobe. "Oh! Damn It! Why did we have to move?" Nadine shouted.

"Because this is closer to my office and you did agree, you do like this house, don't you? Your work at your fathers place is nearly finished where mine is just starting. You know that." John complained right back at her. They were overtired and began to tease each other only there was a sharp edge to the words being thrown around.

"That's not what I mean. It's the whole business of moving, trying to unpack. I hate it." She said through gritted teeth. It was true, her father was ill and she had almost completed settling the business for a directors' buyout, so she wouldn't have to travel to the office from now on. Her fathers' heart attack had been a shock, the whole process of selling his business had been unsettling and on top of that here they were in a new home with new neighbours to get to know, another torment to be endured.

"You're always complaining of having nothing to wear." He shouted up the stairs. "Just get on with it, I want to get out of here for a drink."

"I just want to get out of here, away from all this chaos. You call this packing! When was it? When did we go out last, I can't remember."

"Oh! Not that old song. Sing something new. Change the needle or I'll leave you here."

"You're being you're usual insensitive selfish boorish husband mode again." Nadine shouted down the stairs.

"Oh! So, sorry! Let me give up the career and spend time with you. In poverty, it will make such a change from what you're used to. You'll love it. It's so fashionable at the moment."

"You're being childish John."

"I'm not the one it's you. Just get ready will you." John was impatient and knew she was pushing him but couldn't help take the bait.

In retaliation she jumped up and down chanting in a young girlish voice she sometimes used, "I'm going out, I'm going out. Hoorah, Hoorah!"

The sound of her voice trailed off. John hoped she had at last found something to wear. She was five years younger than him and usualy more mature but there were times when she behaved younger than her twenty five years. He was fed up of her nagging at him, yet again accusing him of not taking her out, when neither of them had time that coincided so it wasn't just his fault. When he finally has the opportunity to spend time with her she sulks, or moans with a plaintive refrain that he never spends time with her.

"I'm ready are you?" He shouted up the stairs then walked back into the kitchen deciding to polish a pair of shoes for tomorrow.

"John you're a complete pain, just throwing everything into boxes anyhow. I'm pulling things out and nothing matches. It's no wonder I can't find anything to wear. And, everything needs pressing. Ever heard of folding?" Nadine shouted at him from the spare room, becoming irritated thinking he was ignoring her. Coming across some old clothes in a box brings on a sudden dose of nostalgia. Pulling a dress over her head she is surprised it still fits after two years of marriage. She thought at least some weight could have been added to her figure, but alas no, she was still a sleight waif of a thing. Skipping down stairs in the old tennis dress she finds John on hands and knees rummaging in a kitchen cupboard.

"Damn that woman she hides everything." He muttered. "I can't find the shoe polish!" He shouted, thinking she was still upstairs. Sensing her presence he looked up at her from the cupboard under the sink.

She watched his eyes move up her legs to spy the white triangle of a pair of cotton panties. Her eye's glint with devilment as she watches the male reaction to a skimpy dress for she knows he has a thing about her legs. When he turns back to the hunt for shoe polish she decides not to forgive the muttering deciding to get back at him once more. In a petulant girly voice she taunts him, "I know where it is, but I'm not telling." Catching him blatantly looking up the skirt she asserts, "You're naughty you are." She said, sticking her tongue out at him.

"You're the naughty one." He laughs.

Getting some attention at last she began to run as he jumped up to chase her through the house. Catching up in the lounge he plucks her off the floor to land over his knee. With one hand he pulled down the loose white panties to smack her bottom all the while struggling to hold her still. She squirms, in delight, with both arms and legs thrashing about feigning to escape until a fit of the giggles leaves her helpless while he playfully smacked her bare bottom.

"Now, are you going to behave like a good young lady and do as you are told?" He asked.

Not daring to look at him in case the fit of giggling bursts forth again she hangs her head low looking at her bare feet, replying mischievously. "Yes sir, I promise to do as I am told."

He tries to speak firmly without laughing. "Good. I am glad. Otherwise I will have to spank you again."

She was about to tell him he should spank her right now because she was sure to be naughty later on; after a few drinks at a club. The doorbell rang bringing a halt to the impish mood. Her bottom smarted a little but she marvelled at how the rest of her body tingled at being chased then chastened. It was surprisingly stimulating.

They hadn't made time for playing around like this in a long time for they had both worked hard, his new business venture, and her fathers company. Perhaps this new home would renew their relationship. She smiled happily, hoping this unexpected gesture of assertiveness might continue for she enjoyed being dominated by him, as it allowed her to feel free to misbehave.

She hadn't followed what was going on at the front door but recognised their new neighbours grating voice.

"I was just going out." He said, in a loud voice warning her that the woman wasn't being put off.

"It won't take a minute love. Hello dear, how are you?" The woman said as she barged through into the lounge. "I just want a quick look at your fire place." She said.

Nadine hit her husband with a menacing glare, sweeping both hands across the little dress, mouthing the words, "How dare you let her in." Nadine looked at the woman with scorn as she measured the fireplace with both arms stretched out. She saw a woman made up like a tart, with heavy make-up; ready for a night out at a disco, in contrast to the rather dowdy neighbour they had talked to when moving in. Noticing her panties on the floor distracted Nadine from making further hand signals, meaning for him to get rid of the woman. She deftly picked them up with a toe.

The woman turned to her husband to ask. "Could you put a light on? How much do you want for it then?"

Watching his wife trying to kick her panties across the room out of the way was distracting but he did vaguely remember mentioning they wanted to get rid of the hideous thing. He absently replied. "We're putting in a new light fitting so they don't work. I haven't thought about a price, come back tomorrow you can talk to the wife then." Nadine flicked her ankle but the panties wrapped themselves around a foot. She kicked out several times until they flew across the room catching on the back of the neighbour's dress.

The woman turned to Nadine, who hid her face behind long hair staring down at the carpet not wanting to be recognised in the childish looking outfit. With a soft complexion and slim figure she looked too young to be a married woman and this time was happy to take advantage of being mistaking for a teenager. "Oh! What pretty hair your daughter has." The woman said while stroking Nadine's long hair.

"My wife's younger sister." He offered in way of explanation. He hesitated a moment, trying hard to think on the spur of the moment, then continued with the deceit. "Leonora. Say hello Leo. Oh, what is your name by the way?" He discreetly pulled his wife's panties from the woman's dress and scrunched them into a ball, hastily stuffing them into a pocket.

The woman felt his hand, thinking he was touching her up. She turned on him, and with a big smile said. "Barbara, but you can call me Babe. So, where are you going out tonight, John?"

"I don't know the area yet so it could be anywhere, somewhere there's a bit of life." He replied vaguely. "I'm waiting for my wife to turn up with a baby sitter for Leo." He added, trying to put the woman's obvious flirtation off track by mentioning his wife.

"Well I know all the right places to go. I can show you around." Barbara said smiling at him, pouting with what she thought was feminine charm.

Seeing her husband in some difficulty she spontaneously upped the stakes to their little game, telling him. "You go ahead uncle, I will be alright here until Aunty returns." She said, purposely putting him on the spot. She was enjoying the stupid man's discomfort enormously, thinking it deserved him right for letting this woman in while she was so improperly dressed.

The doorbell rang so he escaped to the front door with an excuse not to reply. Like the woman herself her daughter rudely barged in. "I'm glad I caught you, I need a key. It's gone nine and you're going to be late you know." Gloria said to her mother, without saying hello or even acknowledging either John or Nadine's presence.

The young woman only ninteen alrady looked even more of a tart than the mother. A tee shirt was tied under large breasts pushing them up under her chin. She flicked short hair around in annoyance. The expression left her looking as though she was sucking a lemon. How this obnoxious family could afford to live in such an exclusive neighbourhood Nadine couldn't imagine and why did they have the misfortune to live next door to them.

"Well that's lucky. You can stay here until John's wife turns up. You John, can give me a lift into town." The woman ordered John.

"Well I guess I can give you a lift." He said, looking meaningfully at his wife expecting her to rally with some excuse for him to stay.

"Off you go. Enjoy yourself, Uncle." She said.

John glared at her. "You behave yourself. You promised earlier. Remember? Do as your told." Looking at Gloria he told her, "Don't let her out of your sight or she'll make trouble. She's been misbehaving all day. I promised to put her over my knee if she misbehaved again." John told the baby sitter.

Taking his arm, steering him out, Barbara said over her shoulder, "We'll be in the Black Cat." Cackling like an old crone, with a smokers rasp, the woman pulled him through the door and away into the night.

John felt uneasy leaving his wife knowing he'd be in trouble on returning home but he figured on dumping Babe at the club to quickly return to the rescue. Besides, she would be safe enough at home. It would teach her a lesson not to play around like that.


Taking a firm grip of his arm she led him onto the club. "You'll have to let me buy you a drink in return for the ride." Barbara cooed. "I'll look after you until your wife turns up and you can look after me until my friends arrive. OK?" She told him while ordering the drinks, not waiting for a reply.

Once manoeuvred into the club it didn't seem such a bad idea, prolonging his wife's embarrassment for a while might make her glad of his return.


Nadine was stunned. This couth young woman was staring at her fiercely obviously put out that she had been stuck with baby-sitting and looked a tuff prospect not easily handled even though Nadine was an older woman. Nadine had experience of these bullying types at school and was a little afraid of her. Carefully forming the words to dismiss her, intending to tell her she would be all right alone, the doorbell rang yet again. Nadine was relieved, wondering at how quickly he had got rid of that persistent woman; perhaps he had shown some determination for once and told her to get a taxi.

Gloria walked back into the lounge with a tall athletic young man. Nadine couldn't help looking him up and down for he was a muscular hunk designed to send a shiver through any woman's body. His tight jeans revealed a tight bum and with the cut off tee shirt he looked as though he had arrived off a building site calendar. She hadn't realised she was staring.

"Hey! This is my boyfriend, Daren. Tell mum he's been here and you're in trouble. Got it?" Gloria threatened.

Nadine nodded, lowering her head to hide the embarrassment of being told off by this young woman as well as being caught ogling her young man. She screwed herself up in the far corner of the sofa out of the way. Pulling both legs up was a reminder her panties were in John's pocket leaving her desperately pulling at the hem of the dress until a nipple nearly popped over the top. Sinking back deeper into the sofa so as not to be noticed she felt as uncomfortable and awkward as the gawky teenager she had been a few years back, hoping not to be noticed by older kids.

"How did you know I was here?" Gloria asked him.

"Your brother." He said as he plonked his body between them on the sofa.

Uncomfortable at having the hunk so close she sat as unobtrusively as possible trying to keep the dress down, desperate not to reveal a humiliating nakedness. She was going to have to escape upstairs and rummage around for something more suitable to wear. Inwardly she groaned realising she couldn't wear anything that might reveal her true age for they would guess she was the woman of the house, the wife, not his niece.

Being short with a slight build and thin legs, left most people with the impression she was a young teenager. With a baby face complexion she was used to carrying Id to prove she was over twenty-one, but this was going too far. At least it was getting darker and with just taped wires sticking out from the walls there was no danger of them being enlightened, she felt safer in the gloom.

"The little bugger. I'll paste him when I see him. He could have let me in. I wouldn't be here baby-sitting then. I'm in no mood to baby sit tonight. You just sit there and keep quiet." Gloria said, pointing a bright red fingernail at Nadine.

"So what are you in the mood for?" Daren asked. He slid an arm around her pulling tight, with Gloria relenting a little, enjoying the caresses upon an upturned neck, until he started getting carried away.

"I'll go upstairs and play." Nadine said. Feeling awkward at their brash display she though it an opportune moment to escape out of the way.

"No. I want you where I can see you." Gloria told her. Straightening the tight short skirt she elbowed Daren off her body.

"Come on let her go. She's in the way here." Daren tried to persuade her. "Besides she might tell your mum about you and me."

"No way. You tell and you're for it. Like your uncle said you'll get your bottom spanked. Got it?" Gloria threatened.

He took the change in mood as a hint that he wasn't going to get anything from Gloria this evening. Scowling, looking peeved he turned to Nadine and said. "No trouble or I'll put you over my knee."

Gloria chuckled revealing she smoked like her mother.

Nadine lowered her head and screwed her body up protectively on the very end of the sofa. The thought of these two young people roughing her up was frightening, with the prospect of them finding out she was the wife it was so very upsetting. She would have to play along with them. It had gone too far to back out now. If neighbours found out from these two, perhaps through the mother, she would be a laughing stock.

They sat quiet for a moment then his face brightened. "Look, I've got this new phone with a camera, video, email, music, it's go the lot." He said. Fiddling with the thing he became happily occupied.

Gloria sat fuming wanting his attention.

Nadine closed her eyes wondering how she had fallen into this ridiculous situation. If it was revealed she was John's wife a tale would go around the neighbours growing more farcical in the telling, making it too embarrassing to face them. She resigned herself to the torment, waiting upon John's return for rescue and surely it wouldn't take him much longer. They could laugh this silly situation off, even salvaging the rest of the evening, if he hurried back. She'd have to make sure of dressing over her age and wear lots of make-up for a few weeks in case anyone recognised her. She would tell that awful neighbour her niece had returned home.

"Put that thing down." Gloria said. He pointed the camera at her and snapped a picture. "Give it here." She told him. Hiding it behind her she let him scrabble for it giggling with pleasure. In his grasp she let him pet her not stopping him when he pushed a hand under her bottom pretending to look for the hidden toy.

He stopped a moment to plead, "Send her off to bed Gloria." Nadine unwound herself reaching for the floor with bare feet poised in motion by Gloria's strident tones.

"Not so fast you." Gloria said. "It's no good she'll spill all when her uncle gets home. Then my mum will find out. What if her aunt arrives finding us on the sofa?"

"I won't. I promise. Anyway in the morning they'll pack me off home." Nadine protested.

"So. You'll be safely home tomorrow. So what's to stop you telling before you leave? Over breakfast you'll be full of it. I'm in trouble already." Gloria glared, rolling her eyes in disgust. Taking hold of Nadine's hair she pulled the frightened woman close, with a threat forming upon her lips. The harridan was stopped before she could utter another threat.

"Let go you bitch." Nadine shouted, having had just enough of this course girl. She was much younger and worlds apart judging by friends and family.

Gloria took a firmer grip of the struggling woman's hair, exclaiming. "Call me a bitch will you!" They fell off the sofa into a thrashing turmoil of limbs on the floor. Words were incomprehensible as both women gave vent to their own stored up frustrations. Nadine's dress was warped round her waist; Gloria's top was torn with the skirt twisted up around her hips. Gloria soon got the better of her foe being used to struggling with boys and before that with two younger brothers in sibling rivalry.

Gloria pulled the thrashing woman off the floor onto the sofa where Nadine ended up sprawled over Daren's knees. With one hand Gloria pulled at her clothes with the other still gripping Nadine's arm, not noticing the woman's bare arse, she told Daren. "You weren't much help. Now spank the bitch. Teach her not to talk to me like that."

Daren looked at the naked bottom wriggling across his knees not knowing what to do. With one hand protecting the phone he tentatively slapped her bottom. She reacted by kicking out pitching the camera onto the sofa. "Bitch!" He exclaimed, and slapped her wriggling bottom hard.

She stopped moving, stunned at the pain. With each stroke of his hand she whimpered out of breathe little sounds of anguish. He pushed her out of the way onto the floor to retrieve the precious phone.

"Get up bitch. So you have something to tell them now." Gloria spat. "What do you call me now, bitch. Apologise!" Nadine stood desperately pulling at the hem of the dress, her head spinning with fear not wanting to try the girls anger, not knowing what to do or say.

"Sorry!" She murmured.

"What do you call me now." Gloria taunted.

"Sorry, miss." She said, dredging up memories from boarding school days.

"What do you say to him?"

"Sorry, Sir."

"She might have broken my new phone." Daren huffed.

Gloria cleared hair away from her face tucking it behind an ear wanting to a get a better look at the victim. Again Nadine buried her face in long hair, looking down at her feet in disgrace. Her hands were behind her back holding down the hem of the little dress wanting to rub her smarting backside, only just resisting.


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