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BabySitter DVDs

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Babysitter checks out a box of DVDs.
5.2k words

Part 38 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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It was quite by chance that Vivian discovered the box of DVD's. She'd been sitting in the front room with the children when the toddler suddenly threw his bottle across the room. Neat as you please, it had sailed across the room, landed just in front of the entertainment unit and shot under it, like a mouse into its hole.

Peering under the unit Vivian could see the bottle was well to the back. She'd need to get something to flick it into reach. Fetching the broom she'd swept it along under the entertainment unit, sweeping out the bottle, two pieces of Lego and a small box.

Returning the bottle to the toddler and the Lego to the toy-box, Vivian then checked the contents of the box to see where it should go. The contents turned out to be a number of DVD's, each having a girl's name and a date. Curious, she thought. Maybe the entertainment unit is where they want it. Accordingly, she flicked the box back under and out of sight.

Out of sight was not the same as out of mind. With the children finally in bed, and satisfied that they were asleep, Vivian settled down to watch some TV. She thought of the odd box of DVD's and wondered what was on them. Could it be that Mr & Mrs Zumpe watched, dare she say it, porn?

Curiosity finally got the better of her. A little bit of broom work and the box flicked back into reach. Looking through the titles, the only clue as to what was on them was a hand-written girl's name and a date.

Vivian shrugged. The answer to the problem was simple. She'd watch one. If it was porn she could always turn it off. Depending on how well done it was, of course, she thought with a grin. After all, she was no virgin. She might even get an interesting idea or two.

Selecting the most recent date, Vivian popped the Cheryl DVD into the player.

The video opened with a shot of a young woman lying on her back on a couch, asleep. The couch she, Vivian, was currently sitting on, Vivian saw. What's more, Cheryl was a Cheryl she knew. She'd been to school with her and she also did baby sitting for extra (untaxed) pocket money.

As Vivian watched Mr Zumpe appeared on the screen. Vivian liked Wilhelm Zumpe. He didn't seem to understand why she laughed when he told her to call him Willy, but agreed that Will would suffice.

Standing next to Cheryl, careful not to block the camera, Will had eased up Cheryl's dress, lifting it almost to waist level, leaving her panties on display.

"Zoom in on panties, Trudy," he murmured.

Vivian found it hard to hear as he was obviously talking to his wife, who was acting as cameraman, rather than to the camera and potential audience. She noted that Trudy had promptly done as instructed.

"Ok, long shot again," called Will and the camera obediently pulled back.

Will bent down and gently shook Cheryl's shoulder.

"Wakey, wakey," he called. "Rise and shine."

Cheryl stirred and opened her eyes.

"Oh, hi, Will," she said. "You're back. Did you have a nice time?"

"I did, thank you, Cheryl," returned Will, "and I'll have an even nicer time if you will accept fifty dollars to pull these down and let me enjoy you for a short while."

At the same time he reached down and plucked at the side of Cheryl's panties.

The onscreen Cheryl looked startled to see her underwear so exposed. She was in the act of flicking her dress down to cover them when the meaning of his query seemed to hit her.

"What?" she asked, her face blushing.

"I said, fifty dollars to take these down and have a little fun time with me."

Even as he repeated himself Will was taking hold of Cheryl's panties and easing them down.

"Wait. What are you doing? This isn't the sort of thing I do," said Cheryl quickly, grabbing at her panties.

"Why not?" asked Will, letting Cheryl seize hold of her panties. He stopped pulling them down but also subtly stopped Cheryl from pulling them back up.

"Why not?" yelped Cheryl. "I just don't, that's all."

"But you are a very pretty woman and you would feel so good. You would enjoy it, too, you know."

"But I'm just here as a baby-sitter. You can't just ask me to have sex with you."

"Yes, I can. I just did. Would you want more money? Isn't fifty dollars enough?"

"No, no. It's not the money," hastily gabbled Cheryl. "Fifty would be fine. It's just like I said. I don't do that sort of thing."

"You're a virgin?" asked Will surprised.

"At my age? Don't be silly. It's just that I hardly even know you."

"Ach. Of course you know me. You've known me for ages. I'm glad I didn't insult you by offering too little. You've nothing to worry about. It will be good between us."

Will tugged at the panties again, whipping them out of Cheryl's hands and down her legs.

"Wait. Hold on. I haven't agreed to this," squealed Cheryl with some agitation.

"Of course you have," said Will. "Otherwise you would never have let me take your panties off and you wouldn't still be lying there."

Will sat down on the side of the couch, his hand coming to rest on Cheryl's mound, cupping it neatly. His other hand reached for her knee and tugged it sidewards so that one leg dropped off the couch.

Cheryl was looking a little stunned but she was not resisting. One last squeeze of Cheryl's pussy and Will stood. It was the work of but a moment to drop his trousers and underpants, letting his erection stand proud.

Cheryl's eyes went wide as they fastened on him, but still no protest or refusal crossed her lips.

"You little tart," thought Vivian, shocked and delighted. "You're really going to let him fuck you for fifty dollars."

It seemed it was true. Will settled between Cheryl's thighs, his cock lining up against her slit. It was obvious he knew exactly where the camera was as he made sure it had a good shot of his cock as it entered Cheryl.

Will didn't stuff about. Once his initial entry was begun he drove forcefully into his new toy, sheathing himself in her body in one swift drive.

Cheryl had a startled look on her face as Will drove hard into her, then her legs came up and wrapped around him. The next thing that happened, as far as Vivian could see, was that they started going at each other like a pair of horny rabbits.

Cheryl may have protested that she didn't do that sort of thing but she seemed to have a natural talent for it. She and Will humped hard against each other. Vivian was slightly shocked at the language Cheryl used as she encouraged Will to take her.

Vivian continued to watch, wondering what Trudy was thinking, standing behind the camera and watching her husband screw another woman. Remembering the number of DVD's in the box it occurred to her that Trudy was probably used to it.

Vivian sensed that something had changed in the action on screen. While the amorous couple were still making time at a frantic rate something was different. She just couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Then she got it. For some reason Will was rolling over, taking Cheryl with him. A couple of moments later he was flat on his back, holding Cheryl tight above him while he continued to drive happily into her. One hand came up and beckoned to the camera.

Vivian was expecting a close up. She was startled when Trudy marched into view. She also knew exactly where the camera was and approached the pair in a way that gave maximum exposure.

"What you do to my poor husband?" Trudy bellowed, and the camera had an excellent view of her hand coming down to spank Cheryl soundly.

As far as Vivian was concerned the rest of the video was a pornographic farce. Will was continuing to fuck Cheryl, holding her tight while he drove up into her. Cheryl was only too willing to continue being fucked, as she was right up there near her climax, but was just as obviously not too keen on the spanking. Cheryl started squealing indignantly as Trudy spanked Cheryl hard every time her bottom bobbed up, the spank helping to drive Cheryl down to meet Will's next thrust.

Cheryl was squealing and pleading, but it was impossible to tell for what. Then Will gave a shout and seemed to lunge hard upwards as he finally climaxed. Cheryl squealed and seemed to freeze on top of him as her climax hit and Trudy stepped back, satisfied that her job was done.

At that stage the DVD ended.

Vivian put the DVD back in the box, feeling slightly shocked. Should she look at another? She should she decided. The DVD prior to Cheryl was labelled Rebecca and was dated about a month prior to Cheryl's. Did she know a Rebecca, wondered Vivian? None that she could think of, offhand.

She popped the DVD into the slot.

Oh, yes. She did know Rebecca. Good old Bec. For some reason she never thought of her by the longer name. Another old school mate. At least Bec was awake and Will wouldn't be able to lift up her skirt to get an unfair advantage.

The scenario started fairly similar to the first DVD. Vivian wondered where the camera was. It was obvious that neither Cheryl nor Bec noticed one.

"Hi, Will," hailed Rebecca as Will walked in. "Enjoyable night?"

"Indeed it was, my dear," said Will. "And do you know what I think would be a fine way to cap it off?"

When Rebecca shook her head, Will smiled.

"It will be for you to say yes to fifty dollars and take your clothes off so that I can entertain you."

All her clothes off for Bec, noted Vivian. Understandable. Bec had a very nice bust while Cheryl was a little on the slender side.

Rebecca stood up, her face cold.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that," she said. "It was insulting. I don't think I'd better sit for you anymore."

Will looked downcast.

"Ach. I have given you the insult. I should have said one hundred dollars. Forgive my carelessness."

Now Rebecca was looking frustrated as well as insulted.

"It's not the money," she said. "I find the offer itself to be insulting."

"An insult that I find you attractive and wish to make love to you?" cried Will. "How can this be? Trudy!" He yelled for his wife.

"Trudy," said Will, as she came bustling in. "Rebecca tells me that it is an insult to say I wish to make love to her. Is this true? Is a woman insulted because a man finds her attractive?"

"Don't be foolish, Will," said Trudy. "Any woman would be honoured to have you make love to them. If she says she is insulted she is lying and insulting you. She must be punished. You should beat her to teach her proper manners."

Will nodded.

"This is what I thought," he said. "I will attend to it immediately."

"Attend to what?" wondered Vivian, guessing from the look on Bec's face that she was wondering the same thing.

The answer came quickly. Will turned and sat on the couch, his arm reaching out to drag Rebecca down and across his lap. There was a loud squawk from Rebecca and she was across Will's knee, her dress had been flicked up and Trudy was busy pulling Rebecca's panties down.

Rebecca squealed loudly as Will spanked her. He wasn't playing at giving her a friendly spanking. He was giving her a good one, ignoring her squeals and wild wriggling.

The camera, Vivian decided, was beautifully positioned. It seemed to her that Will and Trudy had a bit of practice getting the positioning and focus just right. Will had twisted slightly before he started the spanking, and the camera had an up the duff shot of Bec's pussy and bottom, said bottom rapidly developing a red glow as Will paddled it.

Vivian couldn't hear clearly everything that Will was saying to Bec, but he seemed to be giving her a lecture about how it was impolite to insult people who were just making her an honest offer. Had she no manners?

Vivian didn't know whether to laugh or cry at Bec's position. Spanked for rejecting his offer of a bonk. And if she'd accepted, Trudy would have come out and spanked her anyway. A lose/lose proposition for the girl those two decided to jump.

After a few minutes that probably seemed a lot longer to Bec, Will had ceased the spanking.

"I'm sure you didn't really mean to insult me that way, now did you," Will growled at Rebecca.

Rebecca hastily shook her head, tear streaks visible on her cheeks.

"And you won't insult me like that again, will you?" continued Will.

Again Rebecca shook her head. She patently just wanted up and out of there.

"Good," said Will, smiling now. "So we can forget all about that little drama. Now you can get undressed and we will have our fun."

Vivian's personal opinion was that Bec looked as though she'd just been hit across the back of the head with a bat.

"What do you mean?" she protested.

"I still want to make love to you," explained Will. "You said you wouldn't insult me by refusing again, so let's get on with it. You're not going to insult me, are you?"

Seeing the looks that Will and Trudy were giving her Rebecca capitulated. Either she got undressed and screwed or she got spanked until she agreed to get undressed and screwed. Both situations resulted in her being screwed, but one was less painful. Slowly Rebecca undressed.

With Rebecca naked, Will had her bend over the couch, bracing herself with her hands on the cushions. Watching, Vivian smirked as Will first made sure that the camera had an excellent view of Bec's pussy and then adjusted her position slightly so that the camera would have a view of him entering Bec.

As far as Vivian could see, Bec was visibly trembling as Will prepared to mount her. It was obvious that Bec did so not want this. After seeing Will's performance when he drilled Cheryl, Vivian expected the same when he took Bec and was waiting for a scream from her as Will charged home.

Instead, Will moved Rebecca's lips apart slightly and just eased the head of his cock inside her, letting her lips close around him. From what Vivian could see on screen, he then just stood there, holding that position.

Time was passing and something on the screen seemed to be changing but Vivian wasn't quite sure what. True, Bec had stopped trembling and was casting these funny little looks behind her, but that was it.

Or was it? It dawned on Vivian that Will was actually driving into Bec. Well, not driving into so much as sneaking in. In the last minute or so he'd edged about an inch deeper into Bec. If he goes at this pace for the full show, thought Vivian grinning, this is going to take all night.

It seemed that Rebecca was starting to feel the same way. Those little glances she had been throwing over her shoulder now had a distinctly impatient look to them. She didn't actually say anything but if those looks could speak they'd be saying something along the lines of,

"Will you, for god's sake, hurry up and put it in? You're the one who wanted this, not me. What, exactly, is your problem?"

As far as Vivian could see Will didn't have a problem. He had a plan. His dead slow entry had killed Bec's nervousness and turned her from a reluctant mate to someone who wanted him to get moving. Will's slow creeping invasion was sending all sorts of signals to Bec's body and her body wanted to respond.

Will refused to hurry. Slowly but surely he was taking Rebecca over, sliding deeper in with each passing moment, seeming to enjoy the way she was starting to twist about on his cock. His hands, firmly clasped on her hips, were stopping Rebecca from pushing back against him to hurry this initial drive.

When Vivian saw that Will's willy had finally made it all the way home she felt like cheering. Bec's face was flushed and she seemed to be breathing hard, apparently fully turned on by Will's slow thrust. Now Vivian would be able to see how Bec handled being ravished. And ravishment it was. Agreement under threat didn't really count as agreement and she was quite sure both Will and Bec knew it.

Now that he was fully inside Rebecca, Will released her hips and reached around her to capture her breasts. He squeezed them tight, and Vivian hear him asking Rebecca if she was ready.

She saw Bec nod, and then Will was moving again.

Dead slow.

It seemed he intended to take as long withdrawing as he had on the entry, and it was too much for Rebecca's patience. She jerked forward, away from Will, almost disengaging completely. Only his tight grasp on her breasts prevented such a tragedy. When Will started to return, Rebecca was ready.

With a groan of frustration Rebecca pushed hard against Will, letting him fill her with a hard driving thrust. Satisfied that Rebecca was now on track for a decent bit of play Will started to have his fun.

Vivian could see Bec driving hard to meet Will's thrusts, thrusts that were no longer slow and tentative. Now they were a hard driving force, demonstrating to Rebecca that she was his and that he was the master.

Rebecca was literally hurling herself against Will, desperate to take him into her and increase the feelings his initial thrust had ignited. Her reluctance was a thing of the past. She was being fucked and she, god damn it, was going to take her pleasure from it.

Vivian watched fascinated as the little drama played out on the screen. For all that Will seemed to be going flat out, he also seemed to be able to prolong the encounter. And play to the camera. It didn't seem all that long and Bec was squealing and begging, pleading with Will to take her.

Bec's bottom was bright red from her spanking and it seemed to flash every time she thrust it back towards Will. Vivian felt a spurt of hysterical laughter as she thought vividly of the baboons at the zoo, their red bottoms highlighting their sexual availability.

Eventually things had to wind to a close. Vivian gave Will full marks for bringing Bec to an orgasm, even though she'd been a willing partner.

Popping the DVD and returning it to the box, Vivian wondered if she should watch another. How often did they do these, anyway, she wondered?

Checking the dates, starting with Cheryl's as the latest, Vivian noted that the DVD's were each about a month apart. Exactly a month between the February and March DVDs.

February had twenty eight days. Four weeks. Why did Vivian feel this meant something. She looked closer at the dates. Not a month apart but every four weeks. A light dawned. When it was that time of the month for Trudy, Will looked for fun elsewhere and Trudy helped him.

Nice little scheme Will had going. If a baby-sitter took the money he had sex and Trudy could relieve her feelings by spanking the sitter. If the baby-sitter said no, Trudy's feelings were eased by Will spanking the sitter and then Will took her anyway.

How long had they been doing this, Vivian wondered? There were a couple of dozen DVDs in the box and they might even have more boxes stashed away. A sudden horrible thought occurred to Vivian and she reached for the Cheryl DVD.

That was the latest and it was now four weeks old. That meant the current baby-sitter was in the hot-seat. Vivian was the current baby-sitter and when Will and Tracy got home. . .

Vivian looked at the couch and then turned her head to look at the wall. The camera should be about there, she thought. There was a modern art picture on the wall. All squares and triangles and circles. Vivian crossed for a closer look. One of those circles was a camera lens.

Now Vivian had to decide what to do. She thought she had several choices. She could meet Will and Trudy at the front door, grab her pay and keep right on going. She could have her boyfriend on the phone when they arrived home and continue talking to him until she was out of the house.

Finally, she could lie on the couch and go to sleep. But if she did that, should she grab the money or turn it down? She knew all about sex, but she couldn't help wondering what it would be like to be spanked and raped the way Bec had been spanked and raped. And it would be a real rape. Will wouldn't know that she could have avoided the whole situation.

When Will and Trudy arrived home Vivian was asleep on the couch. Will stood for a moment admiring her while Trudy went to check the camera. While waiting for Trudy to give the signal Will looked over his newest partner to be. Young, blonde, full-breasted and curvaceous. He wondered if she'd be willing or not. Greedy for money, just like to screw, or not willing to have a bar of it. It was always fun to try to anticipate how a woman would react.


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