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BabySitter Flashing

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Sitter flashes the son of the household.
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Part 46 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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I was quite surprised to get a call from the Roslan's to see if I could do an overnight babysitting job. Since their eldest, Michael, turned sixteen, they'd been depending on him to babysit his younger sisters when they went out. (Much to his disgust, I heard.)

Michael, in my humble opinion, is a gormless idiot who is absolutely full of himself. He's the type of male who thinks with his balls and, also in my opinion, his behaviour hints that he must have the smallest set ever known. His only redeeming feature is that he fancies me, which shows that he has good taste, even if it also shows that he doesn't have any common sense. I mean, he's three years younger than me. Me become interested in him? As if. . .

I fronted up at the Roslan's place as requested and Mrs Roslan told me what was going on. It appeared that she and her husband and Michael all had appointments. She and her husband going off to one, from which they wouldn't be back until the next day, and Michael going to some sort of football meeting and they didn't know what time he would be back.

That last rather surprised me, as they tend to keep a fairly close eye on Michael's whereabouts. Maybe they've decided he's growing up.

Michael promptly demonstrated that he hadn't. I joined his little sisters and he came wandering in and watched me. Everywhere I went I'd find him in the vicinity, drooling and watching and trying to look down my top or just ogling my butt in my jeans. Geez, what a pest.

Eventually his mother came and dragged him away, telling him that it was way past time he got ready. The three of them were finally ready to depart, just waiting for a taxi to arrive. I assumed the taxi was for Michael, one way to make sure he got to his destination. The taxi beeped and they all departed, taxi first, followed by the Roslan's car.

For the rest of the evening the girls and I just mucked around generally, and eventually they ran out of energy. At that point it was baths and beds and they were very quickly asleep, leaving me with time to kill.

I watched some TV and listened to some music and messaged friends and nattered on Facebook, just making busy. Time passed surprisingly swiftly and around eleven I was ready for bed myself. I was walking down to the guest room when I heard a car outside. A glance out the window showed a taxi had pulled up. Michael was home. Definitely time for my bed.

Now the Roslan's guest room door had a tricky catch. If you just pulled the door shut it would look closed, but a few moments later it would pop open a few inches. To close it properly you had to give a firm tug after it looked as though it was closed. I was about to give it that firm tug when a little imp of mischief bit me.

Has there ever been a time when you know what you're about to do is wrong, but you know you're going to go ahead and do it anyway? I didn't give the door that firm tug and as I turned away from it I hear the faint click as it swung back open a few inches. I could also hear footsteps coming down the hall.

I positioned myself at the end of the bed, facing the dressing table. Anyone rude enough to peep through the partly open door would be able to see me, both from behind and reflected in the mirror. Then I started to undress.

I was unbuttoning my blouse when I heard the footsteps falter and stop. They didn't start up again. First my blouse came off, then my shoes. Next my jeans, and boy, did I make a production of wriggling out of them. And it was quite legitimate wriggling, or mostly so, anyway, because they were rather tight.

Dressed in bra and panties I primped and preened in front of the mirror, showing off my figure to myself. And if Michael was watching, a chance on which I was willing to lay serious money, he could eat his heart out, seeing what he couldn't have. Not only couldn't he have it, he couldn't even tell anyone. If his parents found out he was peeping at guests they'd kill him. And it was going to get worse for Michael, baby.

My bra came of, and I spent some more time doing some mirror work. Cupping my breasts and holding them up, turning away to give myself a side view (and Michael a full view).

Finally my panties came down. That must have been extremely frustrating for Michael, as the mirror didn't quite go deep enough to reflect my pussy. A bit more preening, looking as though I was about to turn toward the door so that he'd get a full frontal, but never quite doing it. Then I moved deeper into the room, away from the mirror, with him never quite getting that last forbidden look.

I couldn't quite believe it when I heard the bedroom door bang closed firmly enough for the catch to engage properly. I thought for a split second that Michael had banged it closed out of frustration, but he wouldn't. He'd just sneak off. He'd come into my bedroom and I was naked. I was going to kill him.

I spun around, completely forgetting that I was starkers, ready to blast him. Then I just froze, mouth open, staring, mind whirring frantically.

It wasn't Michael, or rather it was, but it was Michael Senior, otherwise known as Mr Roslan. With one sickening rush it all became clear. Mrs Roslan had gone out with her son, Michael, and wouldn't be back until tomorrow. The Michael who was going to the football meeting was Mr Roslan, and he'd returned, and got a decent eyeful of a strip tease through the slightly open door.

I started to yammer, "What are you doing in here?" when it became pretty plain that it was a stupid question. Michael Sr. was looking at me with very hot eyes and he was calmly stripping while he watched me.

The look in his eyes reminded me of my current lack of attire and my hands hastily tried to cover me. Not with much success, I might add.

"Mr Roslan," I protested, "You have to leave immediately. I'll forget about this intrusion, but it mustn't happen again."

The hairy brute had the gall to laugh at me. I call him a hairy brute because, while it took me nearly ten minutes to get undressed, it took him ten seconds to strip and, naked, he looked like a blasted gorilla. An unfortunately aroused gorilla. Enormously aroused, it seemed to me.

My mind was whirring. Michael Jr. I could handle with no problems, even naked. Michael Sr. was another matter completely. There was no way I could dominate him psychologically, and testing his strength would be worse than stupid. I'd appeal to his better nature, but right now he probably considered that his better nature was sticking out in front of him. Too far in front of him for my peace of mind. That left running.

As soon as he tried to grab me I'd jump the other way and get out of the room and out of the house. I had no objection to running down the street, even dressed as I was. OK. Even as undressed as I was. But it wouldn't come to that. As soon as I got out of the house Michael would see reason. He wouldn't dare let me go running around outside screaming. He'd toss me my clothes and I'd get dressed and head for home. I wouldn't even wait for my pay.

He came for me, moving down around the bed to get to me. As soon as he was down next to the dressing table I dived over the bed, intending to roll off it and run. I couldn't believe it when he lunged sidewards and caught my ankle. Apparently one reason he reminded me of a gorilla was the length of his arms.

He caught my ankle and yanked on it, and I landed face down on the bed. I rolled over and tried to hit him as he dived onto the bed, laughing. He caught my hands and held them both in one of his, pinning them above my head. He was lying half on the bed, half on me. I could feel his erection pressed hard against my stomach. One of his legs was pressing between mine.

Fighting wasn't going to get me anywhere. As a matter of fact it would probably have a negative impact. As soon as I started to kick and struggle he'd have his leg jammed between mine, giving him access to where I didn't want him to have access. I played dead.

Not just dead, but dead with an advanced case of rigor mortis. I held myself stiff and still, my legs locked together.

Surprisingly, he didn't try to force my legs apart. He left his leg pressing between mine, but he wasn't applying any real pressure, just sort of leaning onto them. He did, however, decide to enjoy my breasts.

With one hand holding both mine and his leg pinning me down he had a captive target for his free hand to explore. And explore it did, wandering back and forth across my breasts, squeezing and stroking. Down over my tummy, pressing against my mons but, for some reason, not trying to force its way between my legs. Not that it would have succeeded, the way my legs were clamped together.

Michael bent his head and started making a meal of my breasts, nibbling and sucking, kissing and licking. I'd never known just how sensitive my nipples were. Michael aroused them in nothing flat, sucking and teasing them, and I could feel his touch all the way down to my groin.

After a while Michael raised his head and looked at me.

"I don't know why you're resisting," he said. "You were giving me a very blatant invitation with your little strip tease."

I was not, but how the hell could I explain that I'd thought I'd been rather maliciously teasing his son. I couldn't, now could I? All I could do was protest that I hadn't known the door had opened and what was more, I hadn't known he was out there. The last was certainly true.

He didn't believe me. That was plain from the sceptical look on his face. As far as he was concerned I'd invited him in and he was responding. If I'd changed my mind, bad luck. He hadn't.

"It's time we moved those legs apart," he told me.

Good luck on that, I thought, trying to weld my legs to each other. To my surprise all he did was hook his foot over my ankle and gently pull. You can imagine my shock when my leg just moved with him, putting up no resistance whatsoever. I mean, he just tugged and my legs parted, even though I was trying to clamp them together.

"It's called muscle fatigue," Michael said, noting my consternation. "You've been clamping your legs together unnaturally tightly, and your muscles have just given up on the job."

"But if I hadn't clamped them together your knee would have pushed my legs apart," I pointed out.

"True. I guess Mother Nature is against you and wants you to do this."

Stuff want Mother Nature wanted. She wasn't the one about to be screwed. Not that there seemed to be anything I could do about it.

"Look, Mr Roslan, I really don't want this. Please let me go."

Before he answered his hand came reaching down between my legs, covering my mound. His fingers started rubbing and probing, and one slipped between my lips, exploring inside. He started shaking his head.

"You're telling fibs," he murmured. "You're hot and you're wet. You're pouting and ready to receive me. How can you say you don't want this?"

Unfortunately, he was telling the truth. When I'd been putting on my little display I'd been rubbing myself and getting myself slightly excited. Nothing that had happened since had done anything to lessen that excitement. Increase it, yes, but not lessen. Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

"It's quite easy to say I don't want it because I don't. Read my lips. N. O."

His hand pressed against my lips, and gently rubbed.

"These lips seem to be saying yes," he said. "OK. You've made your maidenly protest. Now relax while I take you."

The son-of-a-bitch let go my wrists, grabbed my knees and lifted them higher and wider. I considered hitting him, but what would that do? All I could do was lie there and watch as he positioned me to his satisfaction. Then he positioned himself, half kneeling, half lying, his erection perilously close to my pussy.

Then it was no longer close but pressing firmly against me. My lips didn't even pretend to resist. They just parted and closed around him, welcoming him, blast it. I started making this "Ah," sound, or maybe it was "Argh." Damned if I could work out whether I was protesting his invasion or welcoming it.

For the record, I'll go with protesting, even if it did feel good. It shouldn't have, but it did. I could feel myself stretching, taking him deeper and deeper, and god, I hadn't realised just how hot and excited I'd become.

He was finally in me, and I mean all the way in. I could feel his hairy chest rubbing against my breasts, and even that was exciting me. He was grinning at me, pressing his groin firmly against mine.

"Let's play," he said, and started his playing.

He pulled back and drove straight back in, slamming me down hard against the mattress. Then he was pulling back ready for his next thrust. As far as I was concerned, if I had to do this, I wouldn't just lie there and take it. Well, I guess I had no choice about the lying there and taking it part, but there was no rules that said I couldn't blasted enjoy it.

The next time he drove down into me I was bucking up to meet him, and he seemed to go deeper than ever. He actually seemed to expect my cooperation, blast him. His hands closed over my breasts and then he really got to work.

He pumped into me steadily, plainly enjoying the feel of me as he slid along my passage, enjoying the way I was responding. I couldn't really fault him for this because, I can assure you, I was enjoying it just as much. He built up a nice rhythm, banging me hard, really making that mattress bounce.

He wasn't in a hurry. He didn't need to be, after all. His wife was out for the night, so he could take his time. On he went, taking me and taking his time, thoroughly enjoying his unexpected playtime.

I have to say I had no complaints as to the way he was handling me. He excited me, aroused me, steadily built up passion and lust within me. I'd completed yielded. He was in command and I was just along for the ride, and what a ride it was.

I was going to climax, I knew it. It was just a case of when. It couldn't come too soon for me. Michael had other ideas. He, it seemed, wanted to draw it out. I found that every time I was close to a climax, Michael would slow down a little, giving me a chance to calm down. I didn't want to calm down, and I told him so. Rather forcefully.

"Don't fret over it," he said. "All things come to she who waits."

"It'll come a damn sight faster if you'd just get a move on," I pointed out.

He just smirked and continued with his playtime.

It was still only a matter of time. Each time he slowed I could see the strain on his face, and it was plain that he was ready to burst, too. Finally he gave up and settled down to finishing the job. He drove into me harder and faster than ever, pushing me over the edge with the greatest of ease. I gave a choked cry and bucked under him, trying to wrap myself around him as he finally climaxed, clinging to him as I died under his final lunge.

When I finally gathered my wits together I glared at him.

"That was rape," I informed him. "I told you I didn't want to do it and you went ahead and did it anyway."

"If you didn't want it, you should have stopped me," he said calmly. "You didn't bother to stop me so I figured you really wanted it."

"Stop you! How could I stop you? You're more than twice my size. What could I do?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe if you'd screamed? That would have woken the girls. They're just the other side of that wall, after all. I somehow think I wouldn't have been busy playing with you with a couple of young girls watching."

I felt like an idiot. He was right. The girls were in the next room and the walls were thin. A couple of screams and they'd probably have woken and come running. Or at least started calling out. Michael would have had to back off. I just gave him a nasty look and said nothing.

"Now that we've sorted that out, stand up and bend over the bed."


"Come on. Like this," he said, hoicking me off the bed and turning me around.

Just like that he had me bent over the side of the bed, legs spread.

"What the hell are you doing?" I demanded.

"It's playtime, remember," he said, and I could feel him coming back into me.

"What? No. I mean it. I'll scream."

A bit late to scream, though. He was already right inside me. It didn't seem right. How could he do this so soon?

"You can't do this to me," I protested, finding I was already bouncing my bottom up and down to his conducting. "Damn it, you just did this once. You can't want it again."

He was now moving quite enthusiastically, banging in hard. I was still wet and excited and lust already had a tight hold on me. I was moving with him as he took his pleasure a second time.

"I'm feeling really ready for a night of loving," Michael murmured,

"and seeing you here and willing, I thought I may as well make a night of it."

I was panting and gasping with the effort of keeping up with him. For a man in his forties he sure seemed to have a lot of energy.

"Wh-what do you mean, a night of loving? I want you to stop."

"No. You don't," he said, quite accurately for the immediate case. But after this I wanted him to stop. Actually, I don't suppose it mattered. After a second time he'd be dead.

He was driving in hard, apparently quite happy for me to come as fast as he could get me there. His hands were on my hips, helping to pull me onto his cock as he drove forward, my breasts swinging back and forth under me as he pounded into me.

He went on for longer than I thought he would. Probably taking longer because it was seconds. When he was finally ready, I was past ready. I gave a groan and finally collapsed face down on the bed, spent.

This time when I gathered my wits together it was all I could do to just raise my head to look at him.

"Well, I hope you're satisfied now," I mumbled.

"What do you mean, satisfied? We've barely started. I'm good for three or four more goes," he said cheerfully. "Tell you, what, this time I'll lie down and you can mount me and ride me. See how long you can make it last."

He was joking. He had to be joking. I kept telling myself that, even when I saw him lying on the bed, still erect, his hand on my elbow, drawing me onto the bed with him.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Is that how rapists excuse rape ?

It s like textbook perfect. Full of reasons that actually make zero sense. "You were wet" "you could have defended yourself. Screamed" plus the girl "convincing the readzr she was loving it" all the while playing the 'it WAS rape!!!" In an indignant tone that cannot actually fool anyone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Good... But

Wish the ages had been 21 for her and the son 18. She could have still been teasing the son for being an immature idiot. He could have taken his revenge by taking her sexually . I would have liked that more. But this was good!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
You write the BEST stories!

I picked this one, not realizing it was one of yours. It did the trick, then I noticed who the author was...of course.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Love it. Nicely done

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