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BabySitter Meets a Swinger

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Visiting a client she gets a surprise.
2.9k words

Part 60 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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You can make mistakes when you're tired. I mean, these things happen. I'd been sitting for Rachel and Brian Adamson and their kids had been giving me hell, keeping me running for ages before I finally got them settled. Naturally enough, after they were asleep, I settled down on the couch and watched some TV. And fell asleep while watching.

I woke up when Rachel and Brian arrived home. Rachel paid up with no problems, unlike some parents I could name, and then invited me to have a cup of coffee before I left to help wake me up a bit.

So I had my cup of coffee and a chat and then I bade Rachel and Brian good-night and hit the road. It was nearly one am and I was bushed. I don't care what they say about young people being able to stay up all night and still be fresh the next day. I was a young nineteen and I was wiped out. I was nearly home when I received a text message informing me of my little mistake.

"If you're looking for your purse it's on the coffee table in our front room."

Well, shit, was my first thought. It can fucking stay there. My second thought agreed with my first. I sent a reply.

"Thank you. I'll pick it up tomorrow. Just arrived home and am falling asleep."

"No problems. We won't be home until about twelve. Taking kids to my mother's place. They're staying for a couple of days."

My sympathy to their grandmother was what I thought, but I sent "OK".

Then I was home and I was heading for bed.

I slept in the next morning and then stooged around the house for a few hours, doing housework that I'd been putting off. Lunchtime rolled around and I had some lunch and then decided that Rachel and Brian should be home by then and it was time to collect my purse.

Deciding that casual baby-doll pyjamas weren't quite the thing to wear when visiting I grabbed a t-shirt and some tights and slipped them on. The t-shirt was dark so I figured the hell with a bra. My breasts would be fine as they were. They were nicely sized, not so big as to be floppy and if I wasn't going jogging (and I wasn't) then they wouldn't be bouncing about.

I was relieved to see the Adamson's car in the drive. That meant they were back. I rang the bell and no-one answered. I remembered the bell was broken and knocked. It's hard to knock on a flywire door. All it did was rattle and no-one answered. I sighed and walked around to the back door.

The house had two back doors. One door opened directly into the kitchen and the other into the laundry. I naturally enough rapped on the kitchen door, opened it, and stepped through, calling out as I did so.

This, as it turned out, wasn't quite the right thing to do. The first thing I noticed when I stepped into the kitchen was Rachel, stark staring naked and bent forward over the kitchen table. How embarrassing for me.

The second thing I noticed was the large naked man standing behind her with an absolutely humongous erection. An erection that was pointing at Rachel. Even while I was noticing this he lunged forward, totally skewering Rachel, who let out a shriek. More embarrassment for me.

The third and last thing I noticed was Brian, also naked, also with a humongous erection, even bigger that the first guy's, standing at the other side of the table to Rachel, holding her wrists so she was forced to bend over the table. OK. Embarrassment completed. Time to exit.

I yelped out a quick, "Sorry," did a quick about turn and was back out that kitchen door just a little too late. Or a lot too late, I guess, as it swung closed in front of me, helped by Brian's big hairy hand, while his other big hairy hand landed on my elbow and closed over it.

Rachel and the naked stranger were both looking at me, him still buried full length in her but just holding still.

"Oh, dear, you have shown the most appalling timing," Rachel said in a funny sounding voice. Well, I guess I could understand that. I'll bet I'd sound funny if I tried to talk with a big fat cock jammed up me.

"It's OK," I said quickly, looking skyward. "Haven't seen a thing. Not a thing. If you'll excuse me I'll be back later for my purse."

"I forgot she was coming around for her purse," Rachel commented to Brian. "Now what do we do? How the hell do we stop her flapping her mouth off to all and sundry?"

"My lips are sealed," I put in. "Nothing to see here so nothing to comment on."

"Yes, like I can believe that," said Brian with a laugh. "You're a woman and women gossip, even when they say they won't."

"Not if the gossip's about them," said the deep voice. That was the naked stranger putting his two cents in. Stupid comment. The gossip wouldn't be about me. Not that I'd gossip about something like this.

"He's right," put in Rachel. "It looks like this's your lucky day, Brian."

Say what? Just what did Rachel mean by that?

What she meant, it turned out, was that Brian had her permission to pull my tights down. His hand released my arm, both hands glommed onto my tights, and down they went, my panties going with them. I gave a shriek of rage.

"What do you think you're doing?" I demanded, waving my hands around to emphasize my indignation. What I should have been doing was thinking more. Thinking things like, 'if I grab hold of the front of my t-shirt I can hold it down and cover myself, at the same time keeping my t-shirt on'.

As a result of my not thinking and my hands waving around there was nothing to stop Brian taking hold of my t-shirt, but he didn't hold it down to cover me. Not him. He just lifted it straight up, taking my flapping hands with it, then lifting it over my head, leaving me just as naked as the rest of them.

"Oh, look, how cute," carolled Rachel. "No bra. She might have been expecting us."

I did have a bra - a one-hand hand-bra, the other hand now trying to imitate a pair of panties. I was spluttering, not knowing what to say. Brian said it all.

"Welcome to the Saturday swingers club," he said, laughing.

"This is not funny," I fumed. "If you'll excuse me I will take my clothes and leave."


"What do you mean, no?"

"No, we will not excuse you," said Brian. "Why don't you talk to Rachel for a few moments?"

With that he pushed me over to the table and then over the table. I was now lying across the table in the same manner as Rachel, totally naked. The only difference being that I didn't have a cock shoved up me. That's when I felt Brian's hand rubbing my pudenda and I realised that the difference was about to be eliminated.

I can tell you this, I wasn't going to be taking getting raped lying down. All right! Leaning against a table if you must be technical. I still wasn't having it. I started protesting, loud and long.

It's amazing how loud the sound of a hand spanking your bottom can be. It was only one slap but it hurt and I squealed.

"Now hush up a bit, girl," Brian growled. "It's not as if anyone is going to hurt you."

Easy for him to say. Hadn't he seen the size of that thing he was thinking of using on me? I was about to reply when I saw Rachel looking at me. She was still standing there with that guy behind her and she had a funny look on her face. I couldn't help myself.

"Just what are you doing?" I asked.

"Getting fucked," she said calmly.

OK, so now I was confused. My experience, while not exactly broad, was certainly enough to let me know that there was a certain amount of movement involved with getting fucked. Rachel was standing there, breathing hard. The guy who was presumably fucking her was also just standing, breathing hard, and sweating lightly. Why the sweat if he wasn't exercising?

"Ah?" I said, not knowing what to say.

"He's just waiting for you to catch up before he gets going," Rachel said. "He doesn't want us to have a head start."

"I don't want to catch up," I pointed out. "I don't want to be in the race at all. I'm more than willing to opt out and go home."

I didn't say it quite as plainly as that. There were a couple of places where I broke off and gasped or squealed before continuing. This was because Brian was doing nasty things to me, poking me and touching me in places where he had no damn right to poke or touch.

"Don't worry," says Rachel. "You'll adapt fast enough."

I was about to point out that I had absolutely no desire to adapt but my train of thought was derailed by Brian suddenly poking me with his cock.

"Oh, no," I said. Loudly! "No, no, no, and no again."

In reply he pushed a little and I could feel my body yielding to him. I wasn't aroused. Truly I wasn't. But still he seemed to be sliding slowly into me without any trouble. I was starting to twist about as I was skewered, his cock going deeper and deeper. I'd know it was large but this felt ridiculous. He had no right having a cock that size.

I wriggled and squealed and he pushed deeper. Rachel was laughing at my antics and Brian pushed even deeper. I gave one last squeal and Brian's groin slapped noisily against mine. He finally settled down, his hands coming around me to grasp my breasts.

"Well, if you're quite ready?" said Mr Deep Voice.

"Yeah, I'm right, mate," said Brian.

"In any sort of a hurry?" Deep Voice asked.

"Not really. Why?"

"I thought a slow race."

"Brilliant," said Brian with a laugh while at the same time Rachel was saying, "No way."

"What the fuck is a slow race?" I asked, even as I felt Brian starting to move inside me.

"They're going to fuck us slowly," growled Rachel. "Whoever lasts longest, wins."

Well there I was thinking, so what? So he lasts three minutes instead of two? It still won't take long.

I could feel Brian's cock dragging against my passage as he withdrew. He must just about have popped right out before he stopped and drove back in. At least, I was expecting him to drive back in. Isn't that what men do. Drive? He wasn't driving, he was walking. No, scratch that. He wasn't moving fast to be considered walking. His cock came crawling back inside me and I felt every blasted inch of it rubbing against me.

Maybe I'm just a little slow but I still hadn't caught on to what they were doing. I kept on expecting him to speed up and really fuck me. Well, he was fucking me, but in slow motion. Rachel was suffering the same fate as her beau also took his time.

When five minutes had passed and Brian was still teasing me with this slow motion rape I have to admit I was getting a little restless. My body knew what to expect from a cock and it just wasn't getting it. Oh, I was certainly feeling everything that he was doing. Even in slow motion he'd managed to start the fires burning but he wasn't fanning the flames, just idly stirring them.

I felt like telling him go and get a move on but didn't see how I could decently do so. If he was a lover I guess I could plead and cajole and get him to show some style but he wasn't my lover. He was Rachel's husband and just my rapist.

I could hear some whimpering and looked at Rachel to see if she was all right. She seemed frustrated but she also didn't look as though she was whimpering. That's when I caught on to the fact that the whimpering sound was me, wanting more and unable to ask.

Rachel, it turned out, didn't have that problem.

"Oh, fuck the pair of you," she yelled. "Will you bastards please get moving?"

The only answer she got was a pair of evil laughs. They probably thought they were being funny but if you ever find yourself being fucked in slow motion you'll know how evil they were.

And they didn't speed up in any manner, shape, or form.

That five minutes stretched to ten and then to fifteen and I just didn't want to believe it. No man should have had that sort of self-control. It was totally unfair. I was twisting about, rubbing my breasts against Brian's hands and doing my best to rub my groin harder against his, trying to do my bit to make speed things up.

My nerves were absolutely shredded and I don't think Rachel was any better off the way she was twisting about. The only real difference between us was that she felt free to abuse the men where I didn't. But, oh god, I wanted to. I was burning up inside and nothing I did was helping.

I climaxed. Just like that, I climaxed. No hurry up from Brian to help me get there, it was all my own doing. And would you believe that smug bastard proudly announce, "First," as though it was all his own doing.


I kid you not. Here was I freshly climaxed and ready to drop and he just kept up the same steady pace. Pace is the wrong word. Pace gives you images of speed. Pace was something Brian did not have!

I was quietly groaning and swearing to myself, wondering how long this was going to last. I couldn't believe it had lasted as long as it had. Both of them were like slow moving automatons, grinding their slow way to an unknown destination. Hey, robot, I've reached my destination. Can I get off?

That climax had cooled me off a bit, but only a bit. Brian's cock was easily raising my heat levels again and I was quickly descending into those same dire straits that I'd just left. I twisted and groaned and Brian ploughed on. I considered screaming and Brian ploughed on. I climaxed again and this time I did scream.

I screamed again, this time with frustration, when Brian said, "Second," and kept going.

However, relief was at hand. Brian gave a soft groan and his speed picked up. Well, it had to pick up some time. It sure couldn't have got any slower. Once his speed picked up that little bit he seemed to lose all control. I think his balls had escaped and were now making the rules. His cock just seemed to let loose, pounding into me at a frantic rate. My entire nervous system just knotted itself up and wrapped itself around that rampaging cock.

Forget those first two climaxes. They were mild compared to what raged through me this time. All Brian's heat was let loose in me, as was his seed, which he was liberally spraying into me.

After that little effort I slumped down onto the table with Brian leaning on me. He still had the breath and the gall to say, "And third."

Mr Deep Voice laughed and said, "Doesn't matter. I haven't finished so you lose."

With that he started getting serious. Rachel started screaming and then she was climaxing, shaking so hard she was moving the table.

Afterwards Rachel went with me to the bathroom to help clean up. I was furious, or trying to be. It's hard to be furious through multiple orgasms, the first time ever for me. I pointed out rather forcefully that I could have them all arrested. Rachel laughed.

"Three against one, and me a respectably married woman?" she asked. "We'll just point out that you were a willing participant to our Saturday swingers club and pissed off because you didn't get exclusive treatment from the men. No proof that that wasn't what happened. The police would advise you to drop it."

She had a valid point and we both knew it. I had no bruises to show. OK, I'd had sex, but that proved nothing. I wasn't a virgin, after all. I muttered to myself but couldn't really see myself taking it further.

I'd got dressed (and collected my purse) and was prepared to leave when Mr Deep Voice stopped me.

"I'm Phillip, by the way. Will we see you here next Saturday? I think I'd like to make a closer acquaintance with you."

Ha. I could just imagine what he meant by closer acquaintance. I just shook my head and got out of there. When Rachel said Saturday swingers club did that mean they did that sort of thing every Saturday? Was it just the three of them or were there sometimes others? Was he serious about wanting me to come back? Not that I would, of course. Not to be thought of. Certainly not.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Need additional stories, have her go back next Saturday or even go over during the week and have special time with Rachel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Expand the story. Give us more.

PrinzmettlePrinzmettlealmost 7 years ago
Loved it

I love your sly wicked sense of humour and the delicious way your people talk themselves into going against what they think they should do. No one seems to get furious, which is probably not reality, but then you haven't (yet in my reading) dealt with anger very much.

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