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BabySitter Needs a Vet

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Vets are so expensive. How to pay him?
3.6k words

Part 64 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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Suzy, my sister is a single mother with two small children. Her husband, Joe, had been a fireman, but came to an untimely end when a bushfire turned in its tracks and swept over the road that Joe and his mates thought was clear. Their truck caught fire and poor old Joe couldn't get out in time.

Fortunately, Joe was a firm believer in life insurance, leaving Suzy and the two kids comfortably off. The payout from the Fire Brigade didn't hurt, either. When both kids are at school Suzy intends to find a part-time job, something to keep her busy.

Every so often Suzy like to take a night off, and you can hardly blame her. Small children are very nice but they're not much for stimulating conversation. I will admit that they stimulate your imagination with their incessant why. Why don't clouds fall down? Why are clouds white? Why do those clouds look dirty? Why does that cloud look like a dog? And that's just on the subject of clouds. (The answers I gave were, they're made of feathers, they've been washed, those ones haven't been washed yet, and that is a dog-cloud. Suzy was not impressed with my answers.)

Back to the subject of Suzy and her nights out. Sometimes she gets me to sit for her on the promise I will think before I answer any questions. The rest of the time she would get Janine. Janine is one of the local girls. About nineteen and working as a receptionist. Quite a nice girl.

I have met Janine a number of times as Suzy will sometimes use me as transport to and from the affairs she attends. If she has a date, no worries, her date can provide transport, but if she's attending a charity event then I get raked in, for two reasons. I provide transport and I help swell the numbers at the event. Lucky me.

The event I was escorting her to tonight was a charity event. A dance to help raise money for the psychiatric care of anti-social cats. A worthy cause, I'm sure, but I wasn't going to contribute. Apart from the cost of the tickets for me and Suzy, although I'm still not sure how I got stuck paying for them seeing as Suzy bought them.

I arrived early so that I would have time to say hullo to the kids and answer more questions. I was shocked at the scepticism they showed to some of the answers I gave. Children lose their faith so young. I blame Suzy myself. Apparently she told them that I've been known to stretch the truth. Her, they believe.

Janine arrived while I was entertaining the children. I could hear her bemoaning the cost of vets to Suzy. Our local council charges an exorbitant licence fee for cats that haven't been spayed so Janine wanted to get her new kitten spayed. The trouble was that the vet also wanted an exorbitant fee for spaying it. The only advantage of vet over council was that the vet was a one-off charge while the council rip-off was a yearly thing.

Janine was just having a little trouble getting the money for the vet who worked on a pay before snip basis. Understandable. It's a little hard to un-snip a cat if the owner doesn't pay. She was wanting to know if Suzy had any other jobs that Janine might be able to do to earn a few extra dollars, but she was striking out.

I escorted Suzy to the dance and had a reasonable time. Suzy certainly enjoyed herself but made the mistake of having a third glass of champagne. One glass, no problems. Two glasses and she's as sober as a judge. For some reason the third glass is the killer, sending her to tipsy and loquacious. She was certainly feeling no pain when I drove her home.

Once I got her home I packed her straight off to bed, telling her I'd settle up with Janine. Suzy found this quite agreeable and faded away. She wouldn't surface until the next morning, unless a child screamed in the night. If that occurred she'd be instantly awake and running to see who screamed, ready to kill or cuddle; whatever the occasion warranted.

Returning to settle up with Janine I was surprised to see her droop slightly as I entered the room, a look of resigned disappointment crossing her faced. It was only a brief flash and then she was smiling and standing straight again, but I couldn't help feeling the smile was somewhat forced.

"Problem?" I asked, feeling some sympathy for her, then my memory of her earlier conversation with Suzy kicked in. She needed extra money to pay for her coming vet bill. No money, no vet, no snip for the cat. With councils you're on a time limit. Snip before the cat is x months old or pay the higher price.

"Oh, yes, Suzy mentioned that you had a potential vet problem."

It also dawned on me that Janine had been about to try to get a loan from Suzy. She might have even succeeded, Suzy being a soft touch.

"Ah, were you perchance hoping to get Suzy to advance you money against future baby-sitting services?" I asked, trying to phrase it delicately.

Janine blushed slightly, and gave a quick nod, looking at me hopefully. I shook my head.

"I don't think that's on," I told her. "All too often when you advance people money against projected labour they tend to forget about the future labour, finding better thing to do with their time than working off a debt."

Janine was instantly depressed again.

"How much do you need, anyway?" I asked. I mean, spaying a cat doesn't cost all that much. Or it shouldn't anyway. My eyebrows rose when she told me.

"Geez, you've got to be kidding me," I exclaimed. "I bet you're going to Hoskins over in Milford Street."

She nodded and I continued.

"You're mad. He charges for gold-plated service and I can assure you that the cat doesn't care if the service is gold-plated or on an old plastic dish. Why don't you go to another vet?"

"I don't have time. It has to be done this week or the council will slug me with extra licence fees. I've got no choice."

I rubbed my chin, trying to look thoughtful and considerate. She was quite an attractive young woman. I found her rather appealing.

"Possibly I could help you," I began, speaking slowly, "if you were willing. . . No. Forget it. It wouldn't really be fair to ask you."

She rose to the bait like a trout to a fly, swallowing it whole. She must be a bit more upset about the vet fees than I realised.

"What? What can you do to help? Why wouldn't it be fair to me? I wouldn't mind you asking whatever it is. I can always say no."

"And you probably will," I said with a smile. "I was going to suggest that for my help you'll need to take your clothes off."

She blushed like crazy, shaking her head.

"Oh, I couldn't," she said in a die-away voice. "I just couldn't."

"That's what I thought," I said briskly. "Forget I mentioned it."

"Wait a minute," she said quickly. "How would you be able to help? The fee is quite high."

"Only if you insist on using Hoskins. I know a vet who would do the snip gratis if I ask him to, as a favour for me. I could probably arrange for it to be done tomorrow."

She started chewing on her lip.

"Um, and all I have to do is get undressed?"

I looked at her and gave a slight shake of my head.

"Not quite," I admitted. "Things would progress from there."

She gathered my meaning that time. The blush and die-away voice were both back.

"Oh, I really couldn't do that," she said. "No way, no how. Definitely not. You couldn't expect me to."

"I quite understand," I admitted. "That's why I said it wouldn't be fair to you. Especially as you're probably still a virgin. I can see that this wouldn't be the way you'd like to experiment."

"I didn't say I was a virgin," she said, sounding a little narked. "It's just that I don't think this would be quite right."

"Yes, yes, I know. Don't worry. I already said not to bother about it."

She was back to chewing on her lip, considering.

"Um, maybe if I just took off my clothes and let you see me naked?" she suggested hopefully.

"That would be very nice but there would be a little drawback. If you're naked I wouldn't be able to stop myself from touching you. And you know where that will lead."

"I can always say no if you try to go too far."

I wasn't sure if she was trying to talk me into limitations or herself into removing the limitation.

"You could," I said agreeably, "but, ah, I can't guarantee that I'd accept you saying no. I'm sure I'd try to but if I was really excited and you're lying there naked. . . Well, I'm sure you can see how things might go."

"You'd force me?" she asked indignantly.

"I'm not sure that I'd put it that way," I said carefully. "I'd probably call it manfully overcoming squeamish protests while bringing you to a proper state of mind."

"That still sounds suspiciously like rape to me," she said with a giggle. "Do you have a history of manfully overcoming squeamish protests to bring a girl to a proper state of mind?"

"Ah, no," I admitted, "but if your body is as lovely as I suspect then I'm quite willing for this to be the first time."

The fact that she'd started giggling was a big plus. It showed she wasn't rejecting the idea out of hand. Also, I'd been pretty blunt about the whole thing. If she got naked then she also got fucked.

"I'll tell you what," I said softly. "Why don't you start getting undressed while you make up your mind? You can always stop before you lose your panties."

Then it was back to her muttering, "Oh, I really couldn't," but she was also fiddling with the buttons on her blouse. I don't know if that first button came undone accidentally or deliberately, but it was enough to make her move on to the second button.

Her little protests that she couldn't became little protests that she shouldn't. Couldn't or shouldn't didn't make much difference as her blouse came off and then her slacks, leaving her in bra and panties. All the time she was peeling off she was casting little glances at me as if to ask, "Is he watching?" The answer was a definite yes.

With just bra and panties on she sort of froze, not knowing what to do. Fortunately, I did.

"Bra first," I said, speaking softly and pleasantly, trying to project a warm tone into my voice.

She looked at me nervously, bit her lip, and reached around behind her back to unclasp her bra. A shrug of her shoulders and the straps slid loose, the bra held in place by her hands. I calmly reached out and hooked hold of the straps, drawing the bra down her arms and off. She parted with it most reluctantly, but she did part with it.

I looked at the way she held her arms crossed over her breasts, trying to keep them covered, and shook my head.

"You can't really hold your hands there for very long," I pointed out.

"Yes, I can," she retorted.

"Why can't I?" she then asked.

"Because you'll need to lower your hands to push down your panties," I told her, which seemed quite reasonable to me.

"Not if I don't take them off," she protested.

"In that case you have a different problem. You'll need your hands to hold your panties up when I go to take them down."

"You wouldn't!"

I didn't say anything, just waited.

"You would," she exclaimed, sounding indignant. "I won't let you."

I moved closer and she promptly dropped her hands to clutch hold of her panties. I didn't mind. My hands were taking hold of her breasts.

I rested one breast in each hand, the breast sitting on my palm with my fingers curled around the curve, my thumbs playing with her nipples. Janine's face was priceless. There she was, protectively clutching her panties and I had hold of her breasts, stroking and teasing.

I started kneading them, feeling them tightening under my touch, swelling slightly while her nipples stood proud.

"Seeing that you're holding your panties you might as well start pushing them down," I murmured, bending my head to accept one breast into my mouth.

"I'm not taking them down," she grumbled. "If I do you'll, ah, you'll, um. . ."

We both knew what I'd do. I'd lay her flat on her back and thoroughly enjoy myself with her body. She was just a little nervous about saying so, possibly not wanting to give me ideas. I helped her out.

"If you're trying to say that if you take down your panties I will lay you down on the floor, spread your legs high and wide, and take unconscionable advantage of you while I enjoy your lovely body, then yes, you're correct. Of course, if you don't take down tour panties then I'll take them down, lay you down on the floor, and etcetera, etcetera."

I moved back a little, giving her some room, but still blatantly looking her over. She was giving me an irritated look. Not scared or angry, just irritated.

"Are you saying that it doesn't matter what I say, you're going to have sex with me anyway?"


"Then what are you saying?"

"Anything I can think of to get your panties off," I calmly replied. "Is it working yet?"

"No. Um, what would you say to a blow job?"

"Something along the lines of hullo, you're a nice start. I didn't think good little girls offered blow-jobs?"

"If you think I'm a good girl, why are you doing this?"

"Hormones. Plus from what I can see, and I can see nearly everything, you have a marvellous body. I just plain want you."

To emphasise this point I drew her hand away from where it was clutching her panties and pressed it against my groin. My want was very easy to detect. She blushed and snatched her hand away.

"I don't care. I'm not taking them off."

I smiled, shrugged, and gave a little sigh.

"If you're not, you're not. I still intend to kiss you and taste you a little but if that's as far as it goes, so be it."

She blinked, looking slightly surprised and, dare I say, a little disappointed.

"You're not going to force me?"

"Taste you, yes. Force you, no."

At the same time my hands were caressing her breasts again. They were still slightly swollen with erect nipples and I saw her give a slight shiver as I stroked them. Slowly I backed her up until she was leaning back against the side of the couch. By this time I was kissing and tasting her breasts again. A hand, I will admit, had wandered down and was now caressing her through her panties but, true to my word, I didn't try to pull them down.

I continued to work on her breasts while playing with her pussy. It is true that I might have slipped a couple of fingers under the crotch of her panties, the better to tease her, but that was as far as I went where clothes removal was concerned.

Slipping my fingers inside her I found that she was wet and responsive. She was breathing hard, moving restlessly under my touch. I pulled my hand out from inside her panties, reaching up to hold her breasts again, while I was trailing kisses over her neck and shoulders. Moving down to kiss her breasts again my hand also slipped down to cover her mound, rubbing it.

It seemed that when I withdrew my hand earlier I accidentally dislodged her panties. Instead of covering her in their own demure fashion they were now bunched to one side of her pudenda, leaving her exposed, an accident of which I took full advantage.

Obviously, only requiring one hand to stroke her mound, I had a hand free to do other things, like undo belts and zips. Now as far as I was concerned Janine must have known that her mound was uncovered, apart from what cover my hand provided. I really don't know why she was surprised when I spread my fingers (and her lips) and eased my cock between them, letting it butt gently against her.

I moved my hand away, letting her lips close upon me, and she started telling me off.

"What are you doing?" she demanded. "I said no."

"Ah, no, you didn't," I pointed out, starting to press home. Her passage was wet and slippery and, unlike Janine, had no objections to what was happening, happily yielding as I pressed forward, even closing around me to keep me there.

"All you said was that you weren't taking your panties off and I agreed to that."

"Same thing. Keeping my panties on meant no sex."

"Well, that's a fine thing to tell me now," I said indignantly. "You should have made that clearer at the start. I mean, we're already in action."

I was, anyway, having continued to press forward, and I was now nicely sheathed in her, her body closing around me. I started moving, slowly sliding back and forth.

She gasped and seemed to squirm a bit under me, but she also adjusted to the new reality damn fast, her bottom slowly bouncing in time to my thrusts as she moved with me.

"You knew damn well I wasn't agreeing to this," she gasped out, her bottom bouncing faster as I picked up the pace a little.

"Well, it's too late for recriminations about a simple miscommunication," I said, my hands stroking and squeezing her breasts in time to the pussy action. Simple miscommunication, my ass. She knew what she was agreeing to when she undid that first button. She was just justifying her actions to herself, telling herself that she wasn't to blame for what was happening. That was fine by me.

"Seeing we've gone this far it would be a pity not to finish properly," I suggested, putting some determined oomph into what I was doing.

She didn't reply, probably because she was too busy responding to my efforts.

I brought her along smoothly, helping her scale the heights. Pretty soon she was ready and past ready, hanging on by a thread. That's when I really got busy.

I pulled out, disengaging with a brutal quickness. Moments later I had her panties down around her ankles and was turning her around so she fell back on the couch, legs flying up into the air. This assisted in my total removal of her panties, tossing them to the side. Now I was on the couch with her, kneeling between her legs, poised and waiting.

She looked at me aghast.

"What are you doing? Why are you waiting? Finish it," she demanded.

"At your command," I assured her, and drove fiercely home. That, by itself, was almost enough to finish her. I did manage to get in a couple more vigorous strokes before she lost it, but only a couple. She gave a gasp and seemed to seize up, her body yielding control to her climax, everything else forgotten.

Fortunately she had a quiet climax. I'd have hated for her to wake up my sister or the kids. She lay there, shaking slightly with the aftermath, probably not helped by me doing a couple of last strokes after my own climax. Finally I disengaged completely and relaxed. Oh yes, I was totally relaxed.

Dressed again I produced a little card and gave it to her.

"Take your cat to this address tomorrow," I told her. "It's a free clinic day for people who need to get their cats spayed or neutered."

Janine took the card suspiciously.

"Are you sure they won't want some sort of cover charge?" she asked.

"They'd better not," I said. "I'm doing the work gratis and would be most upset if they charged."

"You're doing the work?"

"Ah, yes. I am a qualified vet, you know. Or maybe you didn't. I do a free clinic once a month for desexing animals. Tomorrow happens to be the day."

She looked as if she didn't know whether to kiss me or kill me.

"Ah, you could have told me about the free clinic right from the start," she pointed out.

"I could have," I admitted, "but it would have been an incredibly stupid thing for me to do. Much better my way. Ah, the operation only takes a couple of minutes but we keep the cat for up to half an hour after the operation to make sure she's awake and walking with no problems. If we're not busy you might like to show me how much you appreciate the service."

She just gave me an enigmatic look, as she prepared to take her leave. Did that look mean I'd be lucky, or did it mean I'd be lucky to leave the clinic alive?

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
loved it...

very well done...i'll be checking out your other stories. thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Awesome twist!

Gosh, I love your story twists!!!! XDDD

peebudypeebudyover 7 years ago

great story. well written. NC without being rapey. well done.

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