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BabySitter Seduction

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Two men seduce a reluctant sitter.
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Part 78 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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The Millers were going out again and I'd been asked to babysit. When I say the Millers I mean it as the plural of Mr and Mrs Miller. There were two sets of them, the men being brothers. Both families had one small child and rather than pay two sets of babysitting fees they'd join together and pay once, with me watching both children. An easy job as the two toddlers got on well together and they both liked me. (Trust me on this -- if a toddler decides they don't like you your sanity is questionable if you decide to babysit them.)

I rolled up to Mr Miller the elder's house at the appointed time. (Older by only one year, but still older.) I was admitted and given the good news. The kids were currently down for a nap. It was far too early for them to have settled for the night but they would sleep for a couple of hours, during which I could watch the tellie.

I wandered into the front room and took up a seat on the couch. The tellie was already on and I thought it would be rude to change the channel while Andrew and Michael were here. I just sat back and let the silly football game continue. (I think it was football. A lot of men running around plus a ball has to equal football, doesn't it?)

Andrew was already sitting on the couch watching and Michael settled down on the other end, leaving me in the middle, a rose between two thorns. Both the men were already dressed for their night out. I envy men at times, it's so easy for them to get dressed up. Grab a suit, probably the only one they own, a white shirt, and a tie, and they're ready to go. Five minutes tops, and that includes time taken to shower and shave. Enid and Katherine would be another half hour before they'd be ready, going on past experience.

I suppose both men could be considered handsome, even if they were a little too old for my taste. They were both around thirty and I wasn't even twenty yet. Nearly, but still a couple of months to go. They were also rather large men. The couch was rather a large couch and I'd have called it a four-seater, but with those two on it, it was only just a three-seater.

When Michael's hand dropped off his lap and landed on my leg I naturally assumed it was an accident and that he'd move it. He moved it all right, up and down my leg, stroking it. I was wearing tights under a skirt so I most certainly felt what he was doing. I hastily reached down and pushed his hand away.

A few moments later I was doing the same to Andrew's hand. What was with these idiots? Enid or Katherine might wander in at any moment. They should have more sense.

The pair of them must have been reading each other's mind. A minute or so later they both started stroking my leg. This time it was a case of picking up two hands and casting them aside, along with an acerbic comment.

"Do you mind?" I asked in a cutting voice.

"Ah, no, I don't," said Michael. "Do you, Andrew?"

"Can't say that I do," was Andrew's reply.

"Well I do, so stop it."

And that was the end of that, right? Wrong.

"Why do you mind?" asked Andrew, his hand once again running lightly along my leg.

"Yes, why?" agreed Michael, his hand joining the action.

Why? How was I supposed to answer that?

"Because," I retorted.

Sadly, it didn't work. It never worked with my parents so why would I expect it to work with them.

"Because why?" Andrew insisted. "It's not as though we're trying to seduce you."

"Well, not just yet," added Michael. "Not with the girls here." He jerked his thumb in the direction of the bedrooms when he said that.

And just what did he mean by not just yet? Did he mean that he had future ulterior motives? He wouldn't really try and seduce me, would he?

"Like Mike says," added Andrew. "We wouldn't dream of embarrassing you by seducing you when the girls might interrupt us."

We? Us? Just what was that meant to insinuate? Did they both intend to seduce me sometime and if so did they mean singly or both at the same time? My mind balked at the thought. I might not be a hundred percent virginal but two at once didn't bear thinking about. The trouble was, now that they seemed to have suggested it I seemed to be doing that thinking, wondering what it would be like.

It dawned on me that they were both still stroking my legs. What was worse was that they were now stroking the inside of my legs and their hands were moving higher.

"You stop that," I gasped, jamming my legs tightly together.

Just like that I trapped their hands between my legs. Blushing I parted my legs again to give them a chance to withdraw their hands. Silly me. They just continued stroking me.

I was flushed by this stage and acutely aware of my feminine parts. I grabbed their hands and pulled them but they just ignored me, continuing to stroke my leg, and they were getting very close to my more personal parts.

"Get your hands off my legs," I said through gritted teeth, and was highly surprised when they did.

Truth be told I was also a little disappointed. Only a tiny little bit, but the disappointment was there. I mean, two older men, both handsome after a fashion, were both making a bit of a pass at me and it had been getting to me. Not that it was going anywhere, seeing they were both married and their wives were in the house, but still.

My daily quotient of shocks wasn't complete, however. The top I was wearing was rather loose and it wasn't tucked into my skirt. It's far too restrictive when I do that. When babysitting you're constantly on the go and if the top was tucked in it would swiftly become untucked at various points and look untidy. Easier to start fully untucked. What I hadn't allowed for was Michael and Andrew slipping their hands up my top.

With perfect teamwork two hands went up my back and unhooked my bra while two hands went up my front, pushing the bra aside and closing over my breasts. Then they started rubbing and playing with my breasts.

"Oh, come on," I wailed. "Enough is enough."

"Quite right, but not enough means we have to continue," Andrew said, quite happily rubbing a breast while his thumb twiddled with a nipple.

I was moving restlessly under their marauding hands and there was nothing I could do short of attacking them physically. I couldn't even stand up and move away, what with hands on both my back and front holding me in place.

My face was flushed, my breasts were swollen, my nipples erect, and I was hot and wet in the nether regions. I was also breathing a little heavily. When their hands moved away from my breasts I didn't dare relax, knowing something else was about to happen.

"You seem to be a trifle aroused," Michael softly murmured. "You're not the only one, you know."

My hands were seized and pressed against two crotches, letting me feel for myself the affect that I had on them. The two of them were big and hard and I hoped that it hurt them. I snatched my hands away and they laughed, the rotten fiends. They also started stroking my legs again.

When they'd been touching my legs earlier it had been a case of so far and no further and I sort of assumed that the same rules would apply. It was my day for getting things wrong as both of them stroked me from just above the knee all the way up until their hands met, both of them pressing against my mound. They then entertained themselves by rubbing my there, quite firmly, one hand moving one way while the other moved the opposite direction. It was a most peculiar feeling.

I was ready to scream from sheer frustration when the pair of them suddenly stopped and rose to their feet.

"Well, it looks like the girls are ready," said Michael, moving towards the door. "You take care now. We'll see you when we get back."

I went into contortions trying to hook up my bra again while Andrew watched me and laughed. He moved to follow Michael and I took a deep breath and held it while I counted to ten, trying to calm myself a little. Then I moved over to the door and stood in the door way.

Enid and Katherine came gliding down the hall, both dressed to the nines, ready for their evening out. The men took their arms, all four bade me good evening, and they departed, leaving me feeling slightly bereft. One thing I knew -- I was so going to have a wet dream that night.

The kids woke up almost immediately after their parents left. There was some grumbling because I was there and their mothers weren't but nothing I couldn't handle. These two were angels compared to some. I let them play for a while and then fed them and gave them their baths. After that it was more playing until they were both ready to flake out and I tucked them into bed and watched them sleep. Effectively my sitting duties were done for the night because neither of them would be budging before dawn. I went and settled down in front of the tellie.

Quite truthfully I spent an uncomfortable evening. I kept thinking about what Andrew and Michael had been doing. I was still slightly aroused, damn them. I wondered just how far they might have tried to go if their wives hadn't been around. Not that I'd have permitted them to go very far. (Not that I'd permitted what they did do, come to think of it.)

I was half dozing, the TV still on, when the Millers returned. It was probably around midnight, and I tried to rouse myself but remained sitting there. The four of them moved down the hall, Andrew calling out to me that he'd be back in a minute with my wages.

I sat up and waited and after a couple of minutes both men returned. Andrew winked at me when they walked in.

"The girls insisted on trying out various mixed shots. Everything was fine until we left the club. They promptly turned allergic to fresh air. They're now lying down, recovering. They'll hate themselves in the morning."

I rose to my feet and Andrew pulled his wallet from his pocket and extracted my wages. I thanked him and stuffed the money in my pocket and Michael unhooked my bra. I was going to spin around and yell at him but Andrew took hold of my arms so I couldn't turn. Michael lifted my top, hauling it upwards, collecting my bra along the way. He couldn't take it right off but he could certainly lift it up to my armpits exposing my breasts, breasts that Andrew was admiring.

"Hey," I protested, but before I could do or say anything else I had other problems. Michael flicked open the catch on my skirt and after that he was busy pulling down my skirt and tights. I was damned lucky that he left my panties behind.

It quickly became apparent that the only reason he'd left my panties on was to give Andrew a chance to pull them down, which he was quite happy to do.

I was so shocked that when Michael returned to lifting my top up again I just raised my arms while he took it off. Just like that I was standing there naked with two men showing their appreciation for what I was showing.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" I demanded.

"You know when we said we weren't going to seduce you earlier?" asked Andrew. "Well, these are different times and circumstances so we decided that now was the time."

I protested but a fat lot of good that did. They simply ignored anything I said, concentrating on touching me. If you think a single boyfriend has wandering hands think how many hands you're dealing with when you have two horny males grabbing a feel. Hands were on me everywhere, breasts, bottom, pussy, tummy, you name it and I seemed to have a hand stroking me there. Oh, yeah, they also had mouths that they were using quite freely.

At some stage we went from the vertical to the horizontal, me still protesting (uselessly), and them enjoying themselves. The plethora of hands took some getting used to but all those intimate touches were certainly getting to me. I was all hot and bothered, breathing hard, reluctantly anticipating what was coming next. I wasn't a fool and knew this could only end one way, with them raping me. At least they would be reasonable gentle when they did it.

When Michael backed off a little and Andrew knelt between my thighs I knew that this was it. The proper rape was about to begin. Andrews trousers and things went down and his cock was standing way out there; a most menacing sight. He pushed my legs further apart, lifting my knees at the same time. I was watching his cock getting nearer, biting my lip and swearing I wouldn't scream. He paused when his cock was just about to touch me.

"Yes or no?" he asked me.

I just looked at him dumbly, totally confused. What the hell was he on about? He saw my confusion and sighed.

"Are you willing to have me make love to you properly or not?" he explained. "A simple yes or no will suffice."

"You're not going to just rape me?" I felt quite shocked and hard done by.

"Certainly not," was Andrew's quick reply. "That would be totally unfair."

That would be unfair? What was fair about asking me at this stage? What sort of rotten swine would work me up to a point where I could expect to be raped and then back off, asking for permission?

"Just do it," I said through gritted teeth. He was lucky I didn't fucking bite him.

That was all he required. He seemed to lunge forward, his cock driving into me, to my great relief. God, but I'd been waiting for that to happen. He drove in hard and fast, filling me up, while his hands closed over my breasts. For my part I was arching my back and pushing against him, wanting all of him, and wanting it now.

Now that he'd got what he wanted he didn't mess about. He settled down to have his fun and I had no complaints at all about his performance. He knew just what he was doing and was quite happy to demonstrate his competence on my willing body.

For my part I wrapped my legs around him and held on tight, pushing eagerly to meet him, relishing the feel of his cock taking its pleasure of me, imparting wonderful sensations to me at the same time.

He kept going and the pleasure kept building. Oh, yes, I could take a lot more of this. I was urging him on, demanding more and more, something which, now that I think about it, was a long way from the rape I'd been expecting.

I was burning up with need towards the end. I needed him to finish this but wasn't quite sure how to tell him that. It turned out that I didn't need to as he turned up the heat, going all in.

I climaxed, biting my hand to make sure I didn't scream, aware that he was also climaxing, jerking about on top of me.

I just lay on the floor, breathing hard. Michael proved to be a gentleman by producing a cloth and gently wiping me down. I smiled at him when he did it, stupid me. He winked at me and had me roll over.

As soon as I'd rolled over Michael clamped his hands onto my hips and lifted, raising my bottom into the air so I was effectively on my knees while my head was still resting on my arms on the carpet. Before I had a chance to ask what the hell I could feel him behind me, already pushing into me.

I let out a startled squeal while his cock came driving firmly in, slamming all the way home with that first thrust. Apparently they'd interpreted 'just do it' as approval for both of them to have a turn, which was not what I'd intended. Either that or Michael didn't give a damn about getting permission. Just about get a piece.

His arms wrapped around me as he clutched hold of my breasts and then he was going to town, humping away as if he was a rabbit with a lot of lady rabbits to attend to.

The way he was going I figured that he was going to climax in nothing flat, probably leaving me re-aroused and wanting. It turned out that wasn't his intention. He went from full-out to tomorrow-will-do, dropping back to a dead slow stroke which, while interesting, wasn't enough to push me over the edge a second time.

He kept up that slow movement for a time, leaving me feeling somewhat needy, although I wasn't going to admit it. Still it was a relief when he picked up the pace again. This time I found myself responding with more enthusiasm, my excited arousal burgeoning swiftly. This time I knew that he'd be able to push me over the edge and I was looking forward to it, breathing in little gasps of intense excitement.

This time I knew no such thing. He slowed down again, dragging me back from the edge, content to take his time once again.

"What are you doing?" I demanded.

"Stretching things out," he calmly replied. "I have to keep going without you climaxing for fifteen minutes."

I was back in what the hell territory.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing for you to worry about. I just have a bet with Andrew I could draw it out that long. You're going great."

If I'd known how to make him climax instantly I'd have done it, not bothering about my own satisfaction. Seeing that I didn't all I could do was go along for the ride. It was a lesson in frustration, having him repeatedly build me up and then let me down. I didn't even have a clock so I could time how long he'd been going. He seemed to go on and on. It was the longest fifteen minutes I'd ever experienced. They say time is subjective. Well, when there's a cock inside you the subject of time becomes increasingly urgent. Would he never finish?

I was almost whimpering when he suddenly slapped my bottom and urged me to get going. He'd picked up the tempo and was really pounding along now with me doing my best to keep up with him. I could have done without his hand slapping my bottom to encourage me to move faster but I forgot all that when I finally climaxed, once again jamming my hand into my mouth to prevent a scream.

Finally dressed again, Andrew escorted me to the front door and out to my car, talking generalities all the way. I finally worked up the nerve to ask him why. He looked at me with amusement.

"Why not?" he asked. "It was just something I've been wanting to do for a long time. Michael, too, for that matter. If the girls hadn't gone and tried all those mixed shots we'd still be wondering. I always thought you'd be sensational and you were."

I headed off home, wondering what I'd do if the Millers wanted me to sit again. Wisdom said to be otherwise occupied. The devil in me said take the job and make the men squirm.

I was sensational, huh? Nice to know.

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crankenheimercrankenheimeralmost 2 years ago

Great Story, really enjoyed this

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

My favorite story from all your other awesome stories!!! Ignore the fucking disrespectful haters.

AshsonAshsonover 5 years agoAuthor

Average views for my non-babysitter story - 50,000.

Average views for my babysitter stories - 98,000.

People seem to like babysitters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
130 babysitter submissions?

Hmmm seems familiar

evebroughtanaxthistimeevebroughtanaxthistimeover 5 years ago

Sigh. There is just nothing better than two men. Okay, maybe three. If they were brothers, well I might just stay until some flustered police have to drag me out

Brothers...imagine...I truly hope they would gang up on their girls as well! Thank you for story!

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