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BabySitter Wanted to Tease

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She wanted to tease her employer. Just a little.
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I was quite pleased when I received the call asking me to sit for Briana and Jeremy. They were a nice couple in their early twenties, not all that much older than me. They also had twin girls, one year old, at the age where children tend to be easy to sit. They go to bed early and have reached a stage where they sleep all night.

I was warned that I'd probably find myself having to sleep there but that wasn't a problem. They had a couple of spare bedrooms, having a fairly large house, inherited from Jeremy's grandparents. If Briana and Jeremy were out super late I'd have to attend the twins in the morning but so what? Easy to do and the extended hours meant extra money as I charge by the hour, awake or sleeping.

Still, it was not the money in this particular case. The lure was Jeremy. He was a honey. I'll go so far as to say that if I have to lose my virginity then he'd be my first choice. Wasn't going to happen though. Briana would protect my virtue like the Mother Superior in a convent. Besides, I wouldn't do that to Briana, she's a friend.

That didn't mean I wasn't going to tease and tantalise Jeremy, see if I could finally get him to notice me. I wasn't overly hopeful as he seemed to have eyes for Briana and Briana alone, but if I could finally get him to realise that I was both adult and female, that'd be a win in my books.

When it was time to get dressed to go I put careful thought into what I'd wear. I didn't want to be blatantly in his face but I certainly wanted to be dressed in such a way that he couldn't miss my gender. I opted for tights with no panties, as the tights would serve as such. I also chose tight tights that most certainly clued any man who looked as to what sex I was. In keeping with not being blatant I also wore a short wrap around skirt that opened at the front. You couldn't see the tights to full advantage until the skirt came off, which it would at some stage.

A nice frilly button-up blouse with a skimpy lacy push-up bra completed my ensemble. I had considered ditching the bra but decided that that would also be considered blatant. Better to wear one and let a judiciously undone button or two show a nice hint of cleavage and the edges of the cups. Dressed to impress and then some.

Briana greeted me at the door, complimented my outfit and ushered me in. Jeremy, blast him, glanced at me and then looked back to the TV. Yes, that skirt was definitely coming off at some stage. Briana vanished to finish getting ready and I asked Jeremy where the twins were.

"In their cots," he said, not even looking my way. "Pop your head in but don't wake them because if you do you'll have to put them back to sleep, and once awake they work at keeping each other awake."

I popped my head in and Jeremy was correct. Two little angels snoring their little heads off, and long may they continue to do so. I returned to the front room to be ignored some more by Jeremy.

A few minutes later Briana came in, all ready to go.

"By the way, Marion, my father is in town and will be spending the night here. His things are in the blue bedroom as he wanted the en suite. The green bedroom is all yours. Feel free to go to bed whenever you like. There's no need to wait up for either us or my father as I've no idea when we'll be back. He's got his own key and knows that you'll be here."

"Not a problem," I said, and it wasn't. I could ignore an old man easily enough.

Briana and Jeremy left and I took out my laptop and started playing games. It had been a hot day and it was still a warm evening, both of which had figured in my plans. I mean, a warm evening -- I couldn't really be blamed for taking off the wrap-around skirt. I did this now, even though my target for the night was going to be missing. Maybe he'd see me in the morning -- and maybe not. Illusive prey was Jeremy. What I found frustrating was not knowing if he was simply oblivious to me or fully aware and just ignoring me. The result was the same. No teasing and no flirting and no need for Briana to play watchdog. My virtue was safe.

The twins slept and I waged war on my laptop, getting my butt soundly kicked, but getting a little further each time. It wouldn't be all that much longer before I made it through to the next check-point and could do a save. I was determined to complete this section tonight.

I was yay close to the end, so very, very close when I heard someone say, "Winning?"

I gave a startled gasp and looked up, and then looked down as I heard the death knell sound. Looking away had cost me and I'd failed yet again. I turned a sulphurous look upon the intruder.

"I was up until someone interrupted me," I pointed out. "Briana's father, I assume."

"Um, yes, Gary, also known as the game breaker. Sorry about that. You'd be, ah, Madelaine? No, that doesn't sound right. Marie? No. Marion. That sounds right. You're Marion, the baby-sitter. Had to do much actual sitting tonight?"

"Of course," I said with a dismissive wave. "I've been sitting here all evening playing this game that I almost finished. Certain children are going to be entered in the sleep Olympics."

"That's nice. Care for some coffee?"

"I wouldn't mind some," I admitted.

"That's good. Can you make some for me at the same time?"

I gave him a look, smiled, and agreed. Might as well. I knew how to make decent coffee and I had no idea what he'd come up with.

We had our coffee with the TV still playing, not that either of us were watching it. I had no idea why it was on in the first place. Probably for the simple reason that I hadn't bothered to turn it off. We were just talking generally, arguing would be more to the point. I'd never met a man with such outdated views. He ignored everything I said, just laying out what he thought and that was that. Because he thought it it must be so.

I was struggling to come up with a coherent argument (rather than screaming at him that he was an idiot) when I had a flash of realisation. I blinked, considered my new thought and glared at him.

"You are a rotten sod," I said, speaking slowly and clearly. "You don't believe one word of that clap-trap you've been spouting. You're just saying them to get a rise out of me."

He gave a shout of laughter.

"Caught," he said. "Pity. You were getting quite hot under the collar. If I could have strung you along for another ten minutes I'll bet you'd have forgotten your manners and started yelling."

"No, I wouldn't have," I snapped. "The twins are asleep and I wouldn't have risked waking them."

"Ah, right, the twins. I'd forgotten about them. The attentive baby-sitter coming to the fore despite provocations. Well done."

"Yes, well I think I'll clean up the cups and retire for the night."

I rose to my feet and he did the same.

"Don't worry about these things", he said, waving his hand at the coffee cups. "You made the coffee so the least I can do is clean up. You just go to bed."

With that he pulled me towards him and dropped a kiss on my forehead, the sort of thing that my father might do. It then became very clear he wasn't my father when his hands went around me and his hands closed over my bottom.

When I say over my bottom I mean exactly that. Skin to skin contact. His hands had slipped inside my tights and down onto my bottom, casually stroking it.

"If you don't mind," I gasped out, trying to take a step back but unable to do so, what with his hands inside my tights.

"I don't," he assured me. "Those tights were hinting to me you didn't have any panties on and I just had to check. You are a naughty girl, aren't you?"

His hands kept on wandering over my bottom, apparently enjoying the feel of it. I was feeling rather peculiar. I was actually liking the way his hands were touching me, even if he wasn't supposed to be. I'd totally forgotten that I'd been wearing skin-tight tights which effectively showed everything, even though I was properly covered (in theory).

"You take your hands out of my tights," I demanded. (You have to be specific with men or they look for loopholes in what you say.)

He sighed but his hands rose. Then I received another shock as they stopped rising half way out. His thumbs hooked over the waistband and then his hands went down again, taking the tights with them. He didn't stop once he reached my bottom but kept on pushing them down until they were at my knees. Then they were back to stroking my bottom.

"Get your hands off my bottom," I insisted, pushing at him. I should have included that with the take your hands out bit.

I had a bit more success this time as his hands weren't tangled in my tights. I had even more success when his hands left my bottom and close over my waist. That's when my success came to an abrupt halt as his hands started moving upwards, taking my blouse with them. I'm not sure how he was managing it but even as he was pushing my blouse up he was flicking my buttons open.

By the time his hands reached my breasts my blouse was gaping wide, my bra on full display.

"How nice," came the soft observation. "A front opening bra is truly a gift."

Well, maybe, if you wanted a boy to undo it. Not on an occasion like this. Me frantically grabbing at my bra didn't help because he was faster, flicking open the catch and helping my bra to fall away.

I was bright red with embarrassment, effectively standing naked in front of him. Before I could say anything he brushed the blouse and my bra straps off my shoulders, encouraging them to slide down my arms, dropping to the floor.

It was now time for urgent action. I took a big step backwards, wanting distance between us. In hind-sight another error on my part as those damn tights were still tangles around my knees. Moving backward when your feet choose not to go with you simply meant that I started falling backwards.

Gary was quick and efficient, I'll give him that much. Even as I started to squeal from the shock of falling he'd moved forward and caught me, steering me so that I finished falling back onto the lounge. As an added show of efficiency he caught hold of my tights and finished pulling them down, them and my shoes popping off.

Now while in my fantasies I may have imagined being naked on the couch with Jeremy, nowhere in my wildest fantasies had I imagined being naked on the couch with Briana's father. The very idea would have appalled me. Come to that the actual situation did appal me. I mean I was naked, with Briana's father looking at me.

My eyes were open wide and I was undoubtedly giving him a shocked look. He was smiling, kneeling next to me, one hand gently rubbing little circles on my tummy.

"Just to ease your mind a little I have no intention of raping you, no matter how delicious a dish you may be. On the other hand, something that may bother you a little, I will be touching you. Just a little."

"You leave me alone," I managed to demand, knowing full well he was going to ignore me.

"All in good time," he said affably. "I suppose you know that a woman's breasts are erogenous zones, meaning that women generally like being touched there, especially around the nipples."

He proceeded to prove his point, his hands cupping and stroking my breasts, with me reacting as he expected, breasts swelling and nipples puckering. Little thrills of excitement wandered through me. I also gave a small groan (a very small one) when he bent his head and captured my nipples with his mouth, one at a time, sucking on them and tasting them. (With more little thrills of excitement hitting me.)

He told me what my breasts were like, soft and firm, beautifully curved, pink nipples that begged to be touched, silky skin that was warm to the touch. I tried to dismiss what he was saying as meaningless flattery but it still got to me, especially as his hands were doing their best to back up what he was saying.

His hands started moving further down my body, leaving my breasts, nipples puckered and slightly damp. A hand paused as it settled on my mons and he rubbed the heel of it hard against me. I could feel that deep inside me.

"Another erogenous zone, but one that prefers a firmer touch," he said, and his hands started moving again.

He was going to touch my vulva now and I tensed, waiting for that intrusion. I was shocked when he didn't, his hand sliding to the side, closing over the inside off my leg, stroking. I wasn't sure how I felt at that. Shocked, as I said -- not disappointed. Definitely not.

"Everyone knows that the inner thighs are erogenous," he said, stroking them to demonstrate, "but did you know that this is too?"

His hand slid behind my knees, rubbing me there and I was shocked at my reaction. I definitely hadn't known that.

He continued touching me, knee, inner thigh, sliding past my vagina for some reason, back up to my breasts, and then back down, teasing me all the way.

When his hand suddenly cupped my vulva I nearly screamed, it was so totally unexpected.

"Of course this is the most sensitive part," he said softly, "and the most responsive. Can you feel how it's swelling and pouting, opening up to let your inner lips out so they can be touched as well?"

I didn't actually say anything coherent in reply, just making a wordless sound because I could most certainly feel myself responding. I was burning down there, hot and bothered and wanting to be touched some more.

Gary was only too happy to oblige, stroking, rubbing, and finally, a couple of fingers dipping between my lips and darting inside me. Those two fingers them proceeded to wreak havoc on my tender nerves. I nearly screamed at one stage when a very strange sensation rippled through me.

"Too close to your clitoris, was it?" he asked in faux sympathy. "Sorry about that."

The hell he was sorry. He was probably struggling not to laugh out loud at my reactions.

Did I mention that when he steered me down onto the couch I'd finished up with only one leg on the couch, the other dangling off it and leaving me completely exposed. Gary had been taking full advantage of that.

By the time he took his hands off me I was a quivering wreck. I wondered why he'd stopped but then he moved and was sitting on the couch between my thighs, his trousers down and his erection up.

He leaned over me, starting to brush the head of his erection up and down my slit, covering it with the moisture that had gathered on them.

I was way too excited. I was also way too nervous. He was going to rape me and there was nothing I could do to stop him, even if I wanted to, which I didn't think I did. I did try to remind him of what he'd said.

"Ah, you said you weren't going to rape me," I said in a small voice and he gave me a happy smile.

"And I meant it," he assured me, easing my lips apart and pressing the head of his cock lightly against me. Releasing my lips they closed over the tip of his cock. I could feel him there, ready and waiting to invade.

"But," I said, indicating what was going on down there.

"Oh, that. Are you saying no?"

I could feel him leaning slightly more firmly but his cock wasn't invading. Yet.

"Um, what do you mean?" I knew damn well what he meant.

"Do you want me to stop or not? Make up your mind quickly as silence may be taken for consent."

Talk about being torn in two directions. I so wanted him to continue but I shouldn't. I really shouldn't.

"I shouldn't," I managed to blurt out.

"And maybe you should. You have to sometime so why not now? Tell you what. I'll start pressing home and you can say stop at any stage. Fair enough?"

Not really. That was sophistry and he knew it, but I just lay there, feeling the pressure of his cock against my soft flesh increasing, and then it was pushing its way into me.

I found myself making a drawn out ah sound, a sound that increased sharply at one point when I felt something inside me give way. I was now a non-virgin, I realised, even if he went no further.

Knowing that seemed to ease any fears I had and I just lay back, nice and relaxed, watching him sink his cock into me, starting to enjoy the feel of it. I was being stretched and filled internally and I didn't give a damn. I was being fucked and I wanted it to happen.

It might have been a little daunting seeing just how much cock Gary had but he seemed so self-assured that I simply didn't care and let whatever would happen, happen. And happen it certainly did. He kept moving deeper into me, filling me. My passage was wrapped tightly around him making him work to forge ahead, but he didn't seem to care, forging ahead until he was fully embedded in me. All I knew was that I was full of cock and it felt wonderful. I was surprised at myself but I was feeling completely care-free.

With his groin pressed firmly against mine he held steady for a few moments, watching me to gauge my reaction. Whatever he saw seemed to satisfy him and he smiled.

"Just try to move with me," he murmured.

Well, der. I knew the theory of what we were doing and I had access to the internet. I knew what to do at this point, I was just lacking in practise. Somewhat to my surprise he pulled back just a small amount before pushing back in, but I humped my hips to meet him. He continued like that, only small movements that I matched with no problems, finding each small movement was sending hot little thrills deep into me.

As we progressed his hands came up and started playing with my breasts, playing quite roughly, too. I didn't care as I found I was enjoying that, too. His strokes started becoming longer, with me pushing firmly to meet him.

It didn't take long before he had settled into a nice rhythm, pulling almost fully out and then driving home firmly with me arching my back and pressing urgently into him, wanting to take him deep inside me.

By this time I was also urging him on vocally, demanding he give me more, to do it harder, faster, just more. He wasn't averse to this, giving his all quite generously.

They say that all good things must end and the way I was currently feeling I suspected that the end was coming quite soon. I was totally aroused, my heated blood racing through my veins. I didn't think I could take much more of what was happening and then Gary suddenly started going faster. I'm not sure how he managed to pick up speed the way he did. Probably a last gasp, so I guess it was fortunate that I exploded internally, a climax crashing into me, my insides turning to mush.

By the time I'd fully gathered my wits about me Gary had disengaged and was sitting on the couch with his trousers on. He was smiling as he looked at me.

"I believe that you were about to go to bed," he suggested.

I considered the statement. It was true. I had been, before that interruption. What did I do now? Should I get all upset because of what he did? That wasn't going to work. I was feeling way too relaxed and good to think of trying to get upset. I mean, did I regret what had happened? No way. It was something to remember, not forget.

"Yes," I said. "I'll just have a quick shower and retire."

I wandered out of the room, heading for the bathroom. It wasn't until I was out of the shower and entering my bedroom that I remembered that my clothes were scattered around the front room. Looking at my bed I realised that Gary had a thoughtful side. He'd gathered my things and they were on the bed. Relieved I grabbed my pyjamas from my bag, put the, on, hit the bed, and fell asleep. Hopefully I'd have some interesting dreams.

I don't know if I dreamt or not but I did have a peaceful night. I woke early the next morning, the sun having only just come up. Left to myself I'd simply have rolled over and gone to sleep for another couple of hours. It didn't quite work out that way.

When I say I woke I should really have said I was woken, and not by the twins. Gary was sitting on my bed.

"Good morning," he said, all smiles.


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