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Babysitter Wants To Learn

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After an abrupt introduction to sex she became curious.
5.6k words

Part 98 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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Just after I turned eighteen I was babysitting for Mr Morris. His wife was away for a week, visiting her mother, and he had an appointment he had to keep, so up rolls the sitter, me.

I had no problems handling two small children. I just played with them, fed them, played some more to tire them out, and tucked them into bed before sleepy became grumpy. They zonked off and I just relaxed until Mr Morris got home.

That last bit was the theory, anyway. My relaxation was disturbed by a small wail, one that threatened to get louder if not attended to. I hastened into the bedroom and the stench told me what was wrong. I'd just started to change the little stinker when Mr Morris appeared, standing in the doorway and laughing at me.

"You're doing a great job," he told me. "Carry on."

He promptly vanished again, leaving me muttering and changing stinky pants. I then had to spend an extra ten minutes soothing the little wretch, persuading him that he really was tired and wanted to sleep.

That done I decided to go and wash my hands. I was fairly sure they weren't covered in crap but the smell certainly lingered. I headed towards the bathroom and went in.

It turned out that Mr Morris had decided to take a shower. I hadn't known that. He should have locked the door, anyway. I guess in his own house he was used to not locking it. The first thing I saw when I walked in was Mr Morris standing there in all his glory, a towel dangling from his hand and a surprised look on his face. He wasn't as surprised as I was, let me tell you.

My first reaction was to turn and bolt. A perfectly normal and automatic reaction to this sort of situation, I'm sure you agree. Unfortunately, another sort of automatic reaction is to look at anything that moves near your line of sight. I mean, something moves, you look, probably to make sure it's not a danger to you.

In this case the thing that was moving and that I automatically looked at was his cock. Yes, I'd sort of noticed that he had one, which had contributed to my blush, but it had just been dangling there. Now it was moving, and that's what attracted my attention.

It was twitching and swelling, growing larger. Not just growing larger but starting to stand out. Before I could tear my eyes away it just reared itself up and stood up without being touched. My god the thing was now huge.

"Ah, ah, um, doesn't that thing hurt swollen like that," I asked, shocked to see it.

"Not really," he said. "I certainly am aware that it has become erect but there's a simple solution to reducing it, one which I'll now put into practice."

Yeah. Naïve little me had no idea what he was talking about. I was totally unprepared and shocked by what happened next. He just grabbed me and pulled me up against him. His hands slid down over my bottom, up inside my dress and back to my bottom, and then he hooked onto my panties and his hands went down again, taking those panties with him.

I gave a squeal and tried to push him away but he just laughed. His hands were cupping my bottom again and he lifted me and stepped out of the bathroom and into the hall.

"You'd have found the tiles in the bathroom dreadfully cold and wet against your bottom," he said. "The carpet here is softer and warmer."

I was like, "Say what?" and then he was pushing me down onto the carpet. He also lifted my dress up, exposing everything I had, much to my embarrassment.

"What are you trying to do?" demanded naïve little me.

"Well, you caused this," he said indicating his cock, "so I thought it only fair you provide the cure."

"Me?" I demanded. How did I cause that?

"Yes you. I could feel your eyes touching me and reacted accordingly."

I mean, really? He expected me to believe that garbage? It registered that he didn't care if I believed him or not. He was pushing my legs apart and moving between them. Now he was half lying on me, one hand rubbing me between the legs, much to my embarrassment, and the other fondling my breasts, still embarrassing but not as bad as the other. I was starting to feel very strange down below.

He suddenly lifted his hips and I could feel him moving his cock against me. He was going to try to stick that thing in me, I just knew it. I tried to wriggle out from under, and I definitely protested. I promptly found out that it wasn't going to be a case of try because his cock was already invading me.

I'd always heard that the first time hurt but it didn't for me. I felt something give and then his cock was sliding into me, no allowances made for any experience I may or may not have had. He was just sticking it in. It felt, ah, it felt, I don't know. I certainly felt something and then he was fully inside me, my passage stretched and full of cock. It was a case of I can't believe this, but that didn't do anything about the cock inside me.

He started bouncing on me. That's the only way I can describe it, bouncing. His cock was going in and out, moving at a fair pace. Intellectually I knew what he was doing but of practical experience I had none. Intellectually I knew that I was supposed to move with him but I wasn't sure if that included during what was self-evidently rape. The hell with it, was my decision, and I did my best to move with him.

What was it like? Incredible. It was immediately obvious to me why people liked this sort of thing. Not that I'd have let him if I'd had a choice but I didn't so I might as well make the best of it. I have to admit that the best of it was pretty good, too. Every time he banged into me I had the most amazing sensations and they seemed to accumulate, each one adding to the total. His fondling of my breasts was doing its own little bit, and I was heating up inside in an incredible manner. I did wonder what it would be like if my breasts were bare to his hands.

He kept bouncing and I found myself yowling and carrying on, not in protest as you might think but in appreciation for what was happening. This whole scenario was fantastic and I had no regrets about it. (Not yet, anyway. Who knew about later? Who cared?)

I was getting hotter and hotter and everything inside me seemed to be screwing up tighter. He finally gave a groan and seemed to be trying to go even faster and the extra urgency did something inside me and I had my first genuine orgasm, screaming as it swept over me, feeling him pumping frantically at the same time.

He moved off me and I was interested to notice that his cock seemed somewhat smaller and was already starting to droop. Doing that was all he needed to make it shrink again? He reached into the bathroom and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself. A bit late for a bout of shyness and modesty wouldn't you think.

"You might like to freshen up," he told me, indicating the bathroom. "While you're doing that I'll get dressed and get your pay."

I shrugged and went and had a quick shower. My whole body seemed to be warm and glowing and the warm water just contributed to that feeling. Drying off and dressing I went to see where Mr Morris was. I found him in the front room, looking rather nervous for some reason.

"Ah, Justine," he said in what was more of a mumble than anything else. Handing me an envelope he continued, "This is your agreed payment but I felt it would be only fair to add something extra because of what happened."

If he wanted to pay me extra that was fine by me.

"Ah, it might be better not to mention what happened to Jane," he added. "She can be rather unreasonable over some things."

"Sure, I understand," I said with a shrug. I guess she could get upset if he made a habit of jumping and raping the sitters. That sort of thing could make it hard to get another one.

"I'll be going," I told him, tucking the envelope into my handbag. "Feel free to call me if you have another sitting job."

For some reason he looked rather surprised at that. I don't know why. I am their normal sitter. I headed off home.

Next morning I got up, stretched, and contemplated the day ahead. It was a Saturday and I had nothing planned. Maybe I should put some thought into what Mr Morris did to be, perhaps get some advice on the matter. Now that, I decided, was a brilliant idea. I'd go and talk to Max. Maybe he could be persuaded to give me a demonstration. That'd be nice.

I shivered slightly at the thought. Then I had another thought. He was a rather masterful type. Maybe it would be better if he suggested it. All I'd have to do would be to agree to what he wanted.

Max was a man who lives a few doors down. He always seemed to have time to stop and chat and was always friendly. Admittedly he was a bit older than me, probably almost twice my age, but that didn't stop him from being friendly and personable. Come to think of it he was also built like a bruiser, big and bulky with a lot of muscles. From the look of them I'd say they were real muscles, too, not gym earned ones.

I strolled down to his place and by good fortune found him working in the garden.

"Max," I said, strolling in and watching him work.

"Justine," he replied and kept right on working.

"You seem to have something on your mind," he finally said. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Yes. Yes I do," I told him. "It's about something that happened last night. Um, you know I do baby-sitting sometimes?"

He nodded.

"Yes, well last night the man I was sitting for grabbed me, pulled my panties down, and raped me. He took me completely by surprise when he did that."

Max was now standing stock still.

"Really? I somehow had the feeling that you were a virgin."

"Yes, well yesterday you would have been right. Anyway I was wondering if it's always like that."

"I take it that it was painful and you didn't enjoy it at all."

For some reason he sounded angry. I hastened to correct any misapprehensions that he may have had.

"Oh no. It didn't hurt at all, not even when he first started. It did feel really strange to start with but once he got going I have to admit that it felt absolutely marvellous."

"I guess that makes a bit of a difference. Did he apologise?" Max said, still sounding a little mad.

"Ummm. Not as such. He did give me a very nice bonus in my pay, though."

"Very nice," I repeated, remembering the amount I'd found in the envelope.

"Um, he also suggested that it might be wiser not to tell his wife as she might get upset. Afraid he'll scare of any sitters and she'll have trouble finding a new one, is my guess."

"Yes, that could be the case," Max agreed dubiously but now sounding a lot happier about the whole thing. "What did you want my opinion on?"

"Oh, like I asked earlier, is sex always like that?"

"I guess that depends. You only lose your virginity once, and it's not every day you get raped. I guess you're wondering what normal sex is like?"

"Yes," I said happily. "You've summed it up nicely."

"Well the answer is easy to find. Just pick a boy that you'd like to have sex with and let him know. See how it goes."

I gave him a dubious look, not sure about that.

He gave me a smile and said, "I'll tell you what. I like you so I'm willing to help you out here. Come inside and I'll show you what normal sex is like."

Yes, the offer I wanted. This was working out rather well.

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

"Perfectly sure. It won't be a problem, I assure you." He gave me a charming smile. "Why don't you come inside now?" He waved his hand towards the door, starting in that direction, his hand lightly touching my back, ushering me in.

He guided me into the front room. It had some very large windows and the sun was shining through them onto a fairly plush carpet. I looked around, approving of the room. It was very nicely laid out.

"How do we start this," I asked. "Are you just going to take my panties off?"

I really wanted to know. It's not as though I had any experience in this sort of thing.

"I could I suppose, but there're many ways of starting this sort of thing. Seeing that you're so new to it I'll let you get started by taking off your clothes."

"All my clothes? Not just my panties?"

"All your clothes."

I shrugged and undressed, watching him as I did so. I could see his pants start to bulge before I was even half-undressed. So even the thought of a naked girl is enough to set the ball rolling. I made a mental note.

Then I was naked, standing in front of him and he was looking at me. Not just looking and seeing someone was there but really looking at me. It was exciting, standing there like that, knowing he was looking. I waited for him to start undressing, the thought of that even more exciting.

He didn't. He simply sat down on the couch and patted his knee, implying that I should sit there. At least, I think that's what he was implying. I moved closer and sat, his arm going around my back to support me. His free hand started stroking my leg which felt odd. First it was just the top of my leg but then he seemed to move my legs apart and he was stoking the inside of my leg. This left me with two questions. How did he manage to move my legs apart like this without seeming to do it and just how close is his hand going to get to my pussy? I was asking the last one because his hand seemed to be moving higher all the time.

I never did figure out the answer to the first question but the second was answered when his hand actually closed over my pussy. He started to squeeze if lightly, stroking and rubbing, and I was starting to feel tremendously excited. He leaned forward, tilting me back slightly, and his mouth landed on my breast, kissing me and tasting me. I was slightly shocked at that. Even more shocked when his mouth closed over my nipple and he started sucking lightly.

He took his time, teasing both my nipples and fondling both my breasts, at the same time he was taking a wicked advantage of me with the way his fingers were touching me down below. I was twisting about in excitement, having trouble believing I was feeling like this and he hadn't even undone his trousers yet.

When he pressed me back, manoeuvring me so that I was lying on my back on the couch, I was so consumed by the fact of his touch I didn't know what was going on. Neither did I care as long as it didn't stop.

He stood up and moments later his trousers descended and his cock was on display. I promptly sympathised with Mr Morris because he couldn't compete in that area. Maybe his smaller size was why he was able to do it so painlessly for my first time. I'd have to ask Max what he thought.

Max pushed one of my legs off the couch and then he was poised over me, his cock lightly pressing against me. I was burning up with the urgency I felt. I needed him inside of me and I needed it right now. I didn't have to tell Max that, he obviously knew. He just drove fully into me with his first movement and I just went up in flames.

I found it hard to credit that he'd done that to me but it had certainly happened. As soon as I settled down a little I found that Max was still all the way inside me and hadn't moved at all. He was looking at me with a slight smile on his face.

"I was hoping that might happen," he told me. "You seemed very sensitive to the touching I was doing and I really wanted you to have your first climax before we really got going. Now, if you're ready..."

That last bit wasn't really a question. He was already moving the way Mr Morris had yesterday, but he was doing it with a lot more equipment. For my part I just tried to do the same, moving to meet him when he slid his cock home.

At his suggestion I raised my legs and wrapped them around his waist, finding that seemed to help him go even deeper, although I would have sworn that there was nowhere for him to go. He just kept right on, ploughing into me, his hands once again raising havoc with my breasts. (I was right about having bare breasts. It felt so much better when they were touched.)

That initial climax had apparently reset my excitement back to basics. Now his industrious cock and hands were busy rebuilding it, taking their own sweet time about it, but most certainly working hard at arousing me again.

He kept on going, the pace that he was setting slowly increasing, with my response moving to keep pace with him. I was vaguely aware of a background noise but didn't try to discern what it was because I was far too involved with what was we were doing. One louder noise than usual did get through to me and it dawned on me that Max was laughing. Once that sank in it also brought to my attention that all the other background noise was me, carrying on, cheering Max and urging him to do more. I'd have blushed but really, what he was doing deserved all the credit I could give him.

It wasn't long after that that I screamed a lot more loudly, another climax threatening to tear me apart. I lay there shuddering and shaking, the world revolving around me. As rational thought slowly filtered back I recalled that, from the way Max had been acting at the end, he must have climaxed as well.

He was standing next to me, looking down at me and smiling, his clothes already tidied up.

"Was that satisfactory?" he asked. "As good as you remember?"

"Better," I said.

I didn't say anything else as I just didn't know what to say. I did wonder if he'd try to do it again some time and wondered how soon that might be.

"If you're still curious or want someone to talk to, maybe you'd like to go and see Enid and Sam. I could take you over and introduce you after lunch, if you like."

I mentally cast about for the people who lived around here. I thought I knew.

"Sam -- He's the big man, about your age, who lives down the road a few doors but on the other side. Um, Enid. I suppose that's his wife. She's the woman with the big, ah."

To indicate what was big I cupped my hands and held them a few inches away from my own breasts. Max smiled and nodded.

"Indeed. I think if we go to visit them this afternoon the four of us might have an interesting discussion."

Well, as far as I was concerned I still had a lot to learn about sex and it was proving to be a very interesting subject. I nodded and agreed to be back at Max's place after lunch. He encouraged me to have a quick shower which I did, because I was rather sticky, and then I wandered off home.

I was back at Max's place right after lunch. He smiled as he greeted me.

"I explained to Enid and Sam that you're a little curious about sex after your experience yesterday. I didn't go into any details of course, just letting them know you'd been forced and were wondering about the subject. I think that each, in their own way, will help you to get to know a bit more about the subject, but there will be a small price to pay. If you decide that you don't want to pay the price then no more will be said."

"Oh. Okay. Ah, what's the price?" I was curious. What would be the price? I suspected that it wasn't going to be anything monetary.

"For that you'll have to wait and see."

Max escorted me over to Sam and Enid's place and introduced me. I'd remembered correctly where they were concerned. Sam was much the same age and size as Max, and just as heavily muscled. I have to admit that I find big men with muscles quite attractive. For her part, Enid was quite pretty, I suppose, age-wise about midway between my age and Sam's. Her outstanding feature was rather, ah, outstanding, if you know what I mean, and that was in the chest area.

I suppose I should add that Enid was very casually dressed in a house-dress, one with big button up the front. To my eye a couple of those buttons looked rather loose. Also, from the way her breasts swayed about when she moved I was willing to bet that that house-dress was the only thing she had on.

After the introductions Enid very carefully looked me over.

"So, Justine, you're our victim of the day," she said.


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