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BabySitter's Breasts

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Is an increased breast size due to padding?
3.9k words

Part 109 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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Breasts are odd things. On some people they seem to spring into prominence overnight while with others it's a long drawn-out process. Marissa found that she had a combination of these processes.

Her breasts started to develop at the onset of puberty, just after she reached age thirteen. They developed quite nicely and by the age of fifteen she had a nice pair of breasts. Not overly large, but certainly noticeable, and she noticed the boys noticing. There was no real change through years fifteen through seventeen, her breasts continuing to grow slightly but not providing her with an over-abundance of boob, as it were. She was content with what she had, even if she did wish that they were just a little more prominent.

It was the winter leading up to her eighteenth birthday that things changed. She had a late growth spurt, putting on an unexpected inch of height and a totally unexpected several inches were added to her bust line. It was a case of be careful what you wish for; the wish might be granted.

The cold winter months had meant that her new attributes were hidden under coats and jackets and various warm tops. With spring and the warmer weather came lighter tops and a sudden surge of interest from the male population.

Despite the increase in male attention Marissa was still reasonably innocent and slightly naïve, attributing the extra attention to her height and sparkling personality. She would have been shocked if you'd told her that a few significant inches counted for more than a sparkling personality.

To add to her income Marissa did baby-sitting jobs. On this particular Saturday afternoon she was sitting for Mr Manders. Mr Manders was a recently separated husband. Part of the arrangement with his wife, soon to be ex-wife, was that he had the children every second Saturday. The trouble with that, from Mr Manders point of view, was that he found it hard to cope with four small children for a full day. That's where Marissa came in.

She would arrive after lunch and help entertain the children until their mother picked them up. The money she earned was always useful when going out on a Saturday night.

This particular Saturday there was a problem. Mrs Manders rang through to say she was unavoidably delayed and would be picking the children up a little late. Marissa didn't mind but Mr Manders and the children did. Mr Manders objected because he had some mates coming around for a poker game. The kids minded because they'd decided they wanted their mother and they were becoming fractious. Marissa soothed all parties, telling Mr Manders to go ahead with his game as she'd keep an eye on the kids, and telling the kids to stop whining as their mother was on her way and wouldn't want to see them whining. She escorted the kids into the back yard and played with them, idly hoping that they'd be so tired and grumpy when Mrs Manders arrived that she'd never dare be late again.

Mrs Manders was delayed a little longer and Mr Manders poker pals arrived, setting up their game around the kitchen table. Marissa had met the men previously and gave them a polite greeting when she met them in the kitchen. Mrs Manders arrived and Marissa ran around gathering up children and belongings, passing them over to Mr Manders to deliver them to the car.

Mr Manders came back and paid Marissa. While waiting there had seemed to be some sort of debate going on with the remaining poker players. Now one of them spoke up.

"Hey, Charlie, is Marissa the same Marissa who used to sit at your place with your wife or a different girl of the same name?"

Mr Manders and Marissa were both a little startled at the comment. Why would they think Marissa was someone else?

"Ah, same girl. Why?"

"Told you," the questioner said triumphantly. "That means she's wearing falsies. Probably a padded bra."

"Don't be stupid," growled another player. "Same girl but still natural breasts. They're all her."

The debate seemed to be two in favour of a padded bra, one for all Marissa, Mr Manders amused, and Marissa incensed.

"What's your opinion, Charlie? Padded or not?"

Having it put directly to him Mr Manders came down on the side of natural. A fifty-fifty split.

The player who'd first proclaimed Marissa must have had a padded bra turned to her.

"Well, which is it, girl? Padded or you?"

"None of your damned business," said Marissa, smiling sweetly.

"Silly asking her, Joe," observed another player. "If she did tell you she'd just say they were real. How would you prove otherwise?"

"Easy," said Joe. He pulled out a ten dollar note and slapped it down on the table. "Ante up boys and we'll pay her to show us."

That won him some good-natured laughter and a glare from Marissa. She was surprised to find the other players pulling out ten each and adding it to Joe's ten. Mr Manders paused for a moment and then added a second ten.

"How about it, Marissa?" he asked. "There's now fifty sitting there. All yours and all you have to do is take off your top and bra to show they're one hundred percent natural."

Marissa looked at the money and then gave the men a nasty look. She looked at the money again. It was tempting. Fifty bucks was fifty bucks and all she had to do was show her breasts.

"No touching," she warned.

Mr Manders lifted both hands, palms out, taking a step back.

"Hands to ourselves. Eyes only," he agreed.

Marissa hesitated a moment longer then picked up the money and tucked it in her pocket. Not looking directly at any of the men she took off her top and unhooked her bra, letting it slide down her arms. Then she stood there, head high, a slight smile on her lips. The men all had their eyes glued to her and she knew it.

"Man, oh, man," breathed Joe. "Those are a wonder of nature. Never have I been so happy to be wrong."

There were a number of complimentary comments, all of which Marissa lapped up, a cat with her personal bowl of cream. She was reaching for her things when Joe spoke quickly.

"Wait a minute," he said. "Just hang on a second."

He pulled out a twenty this time.

"Come on you cheap bastards," he said. "Ten each to take it up to fifty. How about it Marissa? Another fifty to drop your skirt and panties so we can see you nude. You will be a sight to behold."

"Oh, I don't know about that," said Marissa, while the men were quickly putting their tens on the table.

"What harm can it do?" asked Joe. "We're just looking, after all. It's another easy fifty for you."

Marissa shook her head dubiously, while the men made a few comments, all the comments polite but flattering. She looked around at her attentive audience. Another easy fifty, they said, but they didn't have to take of their panties in front of a bunch of men. Still, they were only looking. Like Joe said, what harm could it do?

What the hell, she'd only be naked for a few moments and they didn't have any cameras. Well, apart from their phones and their phones weren't out on the table. Irritated with herself she picked up the money and put it in her pocket with the rest. Then, slowly and nervously, she dropped her skirt and panties.

For a few moments there was complete silence from the men, apart from a long low whistle of appreciation from Joe.

"I do like a girl who shaves," murmured Mr Manders.

"I'll go along with that," muttered one of the others. "A lot of lovely curves there, all flowing from one to the other, drawing your eye down to interesting places."

Marissa blushed listening to the comments, feeling flattered. It was actually quite a kick having men look at her like that. Still, enough was enough. She bent down to grab her panties.

"How old are you, Marissa," asked Joe.

"Eighteen," said Mr Manders before she could reply. "She turned eighteen about a month ago."

"Quite legal then," someone observed.

Marissa froze, looking at the men. What did they mean by that crack?

"I think put up another hundred and have some fun," said Joe.

"Oh, no," said Marissa quickly. "Enough is enough and this is as far as I go."

"Ah, sweetheart, what makes you think that you have a say?"

Suddenly Marissa no longer felt nude and flattered. Now she was naked and threatened. Getting dressed could wait, she decided. Getting out could take top priority. She turned to run and found Mr Manders had stepped behind her. She could hear chairs shuffling as the other men rose.

"Just relax a little, Marissa," Mr Manders told her, his hand catching hold of her elbow. He didn't have a hard hold but his grip was firm. "You'll find it won't be so bad. We're all adults and reasonable people. We're not going to do anything to actually harm you. I'll go first and show you what to do. We know you're young and inexperienced and we'll make allowance for that."

Marissa hurriedly considered her options. From the look of them pleading wouldn't work. They'd just point out that she stripped voluntarily and must have known what would happen. She gave herself a mental kick. She'd been a greedy idiot and now look. Running was out of the question as Mr Manders was holding her arm and didn't look like he'd let go very easily. Screaming would be useless. Fight or just let them do what they wanted and hope they wouldn't be too rough? Fighting, she suspected, would prove useless. Four big men against her? No chance. She was so fucked. Both in her situation and, shortly, in reality.

Mr Manders was backing her up against the kitchen table. Taking hold of her wrists he pushed her hands behind her, pressing them against the table surface.

"Just lean back against the table, love," he said, speaking softly and calmly. "You'll do fine. Don't worry about it. Instead of fretting, why don't you consider how this actually feels? Just stop and think for a moment."

With that he ran his hands lightly over her breasts. Glancing down at his hands Marissa was shocked to find her nipples were already erect. She was also slightly shocked to find that she was seriously considering how his hands felt. He wasn't hurting her. Embarrassing her slightly, maybe, but his touch was, well, in truth, it wasn't all that bad. She quite liked it actually. Not that she was going to tell him that.

She gasped when his hand slid between her legs and started rubbing against her pudenda. You can't do that, she wanted to scream at him, but it was plainly obvious that he could. He was. His hand was actually rubbing back and forth against her pussy. Her eyes were wide with surprise.

He winked at her.

"Something else new to you," he observed. Like I said, just relax and feel. You'll find it's not too bad."

She was feeling, all right. Feeling most strange. Also the temperature seemed to be rising as she was feeling warm. Odd when you considered the fact that she was naked. She bit her lip when a couple of fingers intruded inside her, starting to dip into her normally hidden parts.

While she was considering what he was doing to her pussy his mouth closed upon her breast, sucking lightly on a nipple. She whimpered slightly at that, to be greeted with a laugh and his mouth moving to her other breast. This continued for a little while, mouth moving back and forth between her breasts while all the time his fingers were raising havoc with her pussy.

She breathed a slight sigh of relief when he raised his head and moved back a little. His hands dropped away from her and she relaxed a little. If that was all they were going to do it wouldn't be so bad. Relief and relaxation died away as she saw he was dropping his trousers. Eyes wide she watched his erection spring forth.

She just stood there, shaking her head slowly, as he moved closer. She felt his cock against her tummy and wondered if this would be the right time to scream. She could feel it being dragged down across her, pressing between her legs. She couldn't look. Mr Manders seemed to dip down slightly and she felt the head of his cock pressing against her, then Mr Manders was straightening up again and his cock was invading her body.

"Just feel, remember," crooned Mr Manders. "It may sting a bit at the start but after that it will feel like honey, a sweetness invading your body."

Just feel? How could she not feel with a great club being forced up into her? She gasped as it started to enter and gave a small shriek when there was a sudden stab of pain. She stared at Mr Manders in silent horror, tears starting to roll.

His hand came up and wiped a tear away.

"Stop sooking. It's stopped hurting. Now feel the pleasure. Consider how it really feels, not who's doing it."

Marissa gave him what she hoped was a killing look but started concentrating on what was happening. He was correct on one point. The pain had been a quick flash and then it had faded. It had been the unexpectedness of it that had upset her. Now the feeling of his cock still slowly moving along her passage was capturing her attention. It may not have been as sweet as honey but it was certainly a different feeling.

Mr Manders continued to push forward until Marissa could feel his groin rubbing firmly against her own. He certainly seemed to be fully in her but she still wasn't sure about this. At this point, given her druthers, she'd rather have left it. It certainly wasn't an experience she'd have gone out of her way to find.

"There you go," she was told. "The hardest bit is over and done with. All you have to do now is start moving with me. You'll soon get the hang of it."

She felt him pulling away from her. Just a little, and then he pushed back home again. That sent a little shiver of excitement through her. Again she felt him pulling away and returning, bringing another little touch of excitement. He was, she found, pulling out a little further each time, starting to thrust back into her quite forcefully. He was also talking to her, encouraging her to move with him.

Tentatively Marissa pushed back to meet him with his next thrust. She could do this. If anything, pushing back made it easier. The excitement was building, too. It wasn't long and Marissa was pushing quite eagerly to take him, each thrust building on what had gone before.

Marissa found she wasn't minding this at all. Quite frankly, as far as she was concerned, it was fantastic. She'd never dreamt it would be this good. Mr Manders was driving into her hard, his cock sliding smoothly along her passage, doing delightful things to her as it went, just as delightful in a different way as it retreated for the next thrust.

She was gasping, giving little cries of pleasure, ready and willing for this to go on for ever. Well, at least until she climaxed. If this was good she couldn't help wondering what a climax would be like.

It wasn't all that long and she found out. Mr Manders picked up the pace. Marissa found things were getting out of hand. Something was going to happen. Then he was climaxing, his cock jerking inside her as he released himself and then all the heat and excitement that had been inside her exploded, washing through her in a great burst of pleasure.

Marissa felt slightly stunned. She stared at Mr Manders as he pulled away from her, not knowing what to say. How could he have done that to her. It wasn't that she hadn't enjoyed it, she had, but he had no right.

"Relax, sweetheart," he told her. "Just lean against the table while you get your breath back."

Taking her arm he turned her so that she was facing the table, leaning against it. She could see two of the players sitting back looking at her, both of them smiling. Bastards. They were checking out her breasts. For a moment she wondered where the third player was. Joe was missing.

No, it turned out he wasn't missing and part of what he wasn't missing was his turn. To her surprise a cock was pushing against her, into her, and then driving fiercely home. Marissa gave a small shriek as Joe drove firmly into her, his hands coming around her to catch hold of her breasts at the same time.

Marissa was outraged. How dare he? It was bad enough that Mr Manders had assaulted her but Joe, too. Her eyes widened in shock as she finally realised what was happening. They were all going to take a turn. Oh, this was so unfair.

Wanting it or not, Marissa had a cock to deal with. Joe was already plugging away, driving in with gay abandon. Marissa tried to resist the siren call of the cock stroking her, having to give up as she found her body moving in time to it. Her hips were moving up and down, her bottom bobbing as she went, Joe thrusting in again and again.

It takes a fair bit to distract you when you're bent over a table and having a cock driven firmly into you. Marissa managed to find that distraction. The player opposite her pushed his chair back and stood up. He then proceeded to unzip and take out his future offering to the Marissa party. Marissa was appalled. He was going to use that on her?

Then she was even more appalled. Joe was jerking against her, having his climax, and she was nowhere near ready. What sort of jerk was he? Didn't he know how to treat a girl? She'd have complained but she felt it was the wrong thing to do.

Nervously she watched the next man moving around towards her. If dick was the accepted shortening of the name Richard, then it stood to reason that Richard was the expanded name for a dick. She supposed that she'd better refer to this guy as Richard.

She felt something soft and damp moving between her legs, wiping her down, cleaning her up. She relaxed a little, letting it happen, relieved that someone was thinking of her.

She felt Richard's erection rubbing against her, just brushing back and forth along her pudenda, the head dragging along her slit, rubbing against her lips. It stopped, starting pressing forward. Marissa gasped, feeling herself being stretched. Her passage felt tight against him as he pushed slowly forward, forcing her to expand all over again, her passage slowly yield to this new, larger, intruder.

He kept on coming, no hurry in his movements, sliding slowly home, knowing if he took his time she'd adapt and accept him. Marissa squirmed slightly under his drive, trying to pull away, his hands on her hips holding her firmly in place as he continued to advance. She couldn't take this, Marissa decided. Much more and she'd be screaming for him to stop. She was breathing in short gasps as he pushed just a little deeper, and then a little deeper again. Then he seemed to be in, she could feel his pubes tickling her lips. She gave a sigh of relief.

Richard started having his fun. She was already aroused, her passage wet and slippery, clinging to him as he moved. He started off at a nice even pace, feeling her adjusting to him and moving with him. For a newbie she was certainly learning fast. He maintained the pace for a while, watching her reactions.

Satisfied that she was with him he picked up speed and was soon thrusting in at a respectable rate. Marissa had showed no hesitation, adjusting to the change and was pushing hard to take him, breathing a little harder but still in control of herself. Damn, but he'd like to take her home for a couple of days and play.

Marissa felt Richard pick up the pace once again. She was almost gasping now, all her passions picking up, her arousal complete and her excitement building. This was more like it. This was what she'd been expecting.

Richard kept driving home at his best pace, his own excitement building. Soon enough the time to really let go would come but right now he was just enjoying the feel of her against his flesh.

Marissa found that Richard was able to judge things nicely. She was ready and waiting for her climax and closed her eyes in pleasure when he sped things up and pushed her over the edge. This was glorious, in her opinion, and worth having to put up with the indignity of being molested.

She was completely relaxed and breathing hard as she came down from her high, feeling Richard withdrawing and moving away. She opened her eyes, finding herself looking at the last player. He was smirking as he unzipped.


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