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BabySitter's Error

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Don't go snooping while you're alone.
2.5k words

Part 115 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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Lisa fronted up to the Dander's house feeling slightly depressed. Admittedly, Mrs Dander paid well, but baby-sitting for her was boring. The kids would go to bed when told and generally stay there and she'd be left with several hours to kill.

It wouldn't be so bad if only Mrs Dander didn't have the parental controls on both the TV and the Internet. Anything worth watching was forbidden and any sites worth visiting were probably banned as well. She'd have to make do with saintly sites and it was a pain. Fortunately she had her smart phone and her own music.

Blast it all, she was an adult. You'd think they'd turn off the controls and let her do what she wanted. In Lisa's opinion Mrs Dander was practising for sainthood.

By eight-thirty the kids were in bed and asleep. By nine-thirty Lisa was almost climbing the walls with boredom. Who on earth put parental approval required on Facebook? Mrs Dander, that's who.

Lisa started to snoop. She checked the small bar. An interesting variety of drinks but Lisa wasn't really interested in them. Fancy getting a buzz on and then have one of the kids wake up sick. She wandered further afield.

In the main bedroom Lisa found that all of Mr Dander's underwear was white. And ironed. Who ironed singlets and jocks? Mrs Dander, apparently.

Lisa finally hit pay-dirt when checking Mrs Dander's underwear drawer. She was surprised at the range, the quantity, quality and sheer eroticness of some of Mrs Dander's lingerie sets. She'd never have guessed that Mrs Dander wore this type of undies.

Holding up a pair of panties and a bra that seemed to consist of a few scraps of lace held together by a wish a thought crossed Lisa's mind. She and Mrs Dander were very much the same size. How would she look in a few of those outfits.

The thought was father to the deed. Lisa stripped and tried on the black nothingness. She whistled. She looked sensational. Mrs Dander had excellent taste. This sort of lingerie would totally blow Lisa's boyfriend's mind. Giggling, Lisa grabbed her phone and took a selfie.

Looking through the drawer Lisa carefully selected a few other choice items, trying them on. Some she rejected while others rated a photo. It was the dark red matched set that she fell in love with. Even more than the first black set, this little outfit seemed to consist of nothing more than thin strips of lacy material, accentuating her nudity rather than concealing it.

Examining herself in the mirror Lisa noted how well the dark red suited her. The size was hers, absolutely. She didn't need a supportive bra, which was fortunate, because this bra was purely for decoration.

Decision made. Lisa dressed, retaining the deep red lingerie set, quietly confident that Mrs Dander would never notice it missing. Her own underwear she stuffed in her bag. She felt incredibly sexy and naughty wearing that little number.

Pleased with herself, Lisa headed back to the front room and the bland TV shows she was allowed to watch. For the entire time she'd been in the main bedroom Lisa had never noticed the little red light that was blinking in one corner.

Mr and Mrs Dander were finally home and Mr Dander was paying Lisa while Mrs Dander went to check on the children. She came back, looking annoyed, just as Mr Dander was showing Lisa to the door.

"Sam, a moment before you show Lisa out," she said.

"Excuse me for a moment, Lisa," said Sam crossing over to his wife. She muttered something to him and he laughed and vanished further into the house.

"I'll be right back, Lisa," he called.

He was back rather quickly, Lisa noticed. And whatever had annoyed Mrs Dander seemed to have just left him amused.

"OK," he said. "Before we go could you take off your skirt and top, please, Lisa?"

Lisa stared at him, mouth open. He hadn't asked her to strip, surely. Her mouth snapped closed.

"I beg your pardon," she asked, ice in her voice.

"Granted," Sam said calmly. "I just want to see what Amanda's things look like on you in person. The video leaves a little to be desired."

"Wh-what video?" asked Lisa, quietly appalled. She was a dead goose and she knew it. "I'm not sure what you're talking about."

"The video on the recorder that automatically starts if someone is in our room when we're out," said Sam. "The one that finishes with you getting dressed while wearing the Red Temptress set of lingerie. Like I said, I've seen the video but I think we're entitled to see what it really looks like on a young woman such as yourself."

"Um, ah." A red-faced Lisa dithered. "I'm sorry. "I'll go and get changed."

"Not before we see what the outfit looks like," said Sam, a much sterner note now in his voice. "I think we're entitled to that, don't you? Now get those things off so that we can see what you look like."

Seeing the determined looks on both their faces Lisa started nervously taking off her t-shirt. She was blushing fiercely when she lowered her skirt and presented herself in the outfit called Red Temptress.

She blushed even harder at Sam's whistle of approval. Even Mrs Sander seemed to approve of the way she looked.

"May I get changed now?" she asked, biting her lip nervously.

"Shortly," said Sam. "There's no hurry. Amanda was just whispering in my ear a couple of little suggestions regarding how we should punish you. You do know that you deserve some sort of punishment don't you?"

Lisa bit her lip but said nothing. Just what did they have in mind? And oh, god, they had a video of her changing. It would show her naked. She blushed harder, just imagining Sam and Amanda watching the video.

"Amanda was saying that it seems reasonable to her for you to have your bottom spanked and then bent over the nearest object and ravished until you walk bow-legged. I told her that was a little harsh and asked her for another suggestion."

Lisa cringed at the thought of being spanked and ravished until she walked bow-legged. An idle thought crossed her mind. Just how hard would you have to be ravished to walk bow-legged? She decided she didn't want to know.

"Now Amanda tells me that after seeing you in that outfit she'll never wear it again. She doesn't like the comparison between you and her in it. So her next suggestion is that we let you keep the outfit, but to spank your bottom and ravish you anyway.

Would you like to keep that outfit?"

Hesitantly, Lisa nodded. She would. She had to admit that she looked absolutely devastating in it.

"Then that's settled. Take off the outfit and we'll get started on the spanking."

"What?" Lisa almost screamed the question. "But you said that was too harsh."

"Well yes, it did seem that way, but at least you score a very nice set of lingerie to make up for it," said Sam, smiling. "Now please hurry it up and take it off. If I have to take it off it may get torn and I'm sure you don't want that."

"What happens if I don't agree to your punishment," Lisa asked, her voice a trifle rough.

"Well, dear," said Amanda, "I suppose we'd have to complain to your mother about what you've been up to."

Lisa cringed internally. She'd thought they'd mention the police or the video. Telling her mother would be just so wrong.

The panties came off first. For some reason Lisa wanted to keep her breasts covered until the last moment. Not that this bra really covered them she conceded.

Even moving slowly it was still only a matter of seconds before Lisa was standing in front of Sam and Amanda, naked, with her hands covering more of her that the lingerie had.

"Over the knee or just bend over a chair," Sam asked Amanda.

"Oh, I think just have her bend over. The kitchen table is about the right height. She can fold her arms on the table and rest her head on them while you spank her."

"Not me," said Sam. "It was your idea and your outfit so I really think you're entitled to deliver the spanking."

Lisa cringed inside. They were discussing beating her so clinically. It was horrifying. And did she want Amanda to spank her? Maybe Sam would be a safer bet? Not that they were giving her a choice.

Sam's hand under her elbow, Lisa was escorted to the kitchen. She looked with distaste at the table and then with hope at Sam and Amanda. Maybe they were just stirring her up and didn't mean to actually do this?

Seeing the look on Amanda's face, Lisa's hope died. Amanda certainly meant it. Cursing her snooping curiosity, Lisa folded her arms onto the table as directed and then leant her head on them, her perky little bottom sticking up, waiting for attention.

"I do have a nice wooden ladle, Sam," Amanda announced. "What do you think?"

"I don't think so. It gives the personal touch if you just use your hand. You can always get the ladle if required."

Lisa was almost at screaming point hearing them calmly discuss their forthcoming brutality. Then she did scream as a hard hand landed firmly on her bottom. The second spank came with an admonishment not to scream. She might wake the children.

Sam moved around to the side to watch. He laughed.

"Step over here for a moment, Amanda," he said. "Watch how her breasts swing back and forth with each spank."

There was an adjustment of positions and a furious Lisa squealed as a much larger hand delivered a hard swat on her bottom. She knew her breasts were swinging back and forth with each spank. It wasn't her fault. They were the ones spanking her. Sam delivered another couple of hard spanks before relinquishing the privilege to a laughing Amanda.

Lisa gave another squeal of frustration. Sam had reached underneath her and placed his hand under her breast. Now, with each spank, her breast was dragging back and forth across his hand, agitating her breast and teasing her nipple.

On top of the humiliation, the spanking was starting to hurt. While each blow stung a little, the accumulating battery of her bottom was starting to really smart. She hoped that the spanking would cease before her bottom turned black and blue.

Having Sam stop teasing her breast and move away brought a moment of relief. But only a moment. He was just changing position and now Lisa could feel his hand running up the inside of her leg. If he didn't stop he'd be touching her pussy. To her chagrin, Sam didn't stop.

Sam pulled out a chair and sat next to Lisa, his hand stroking her mound while Amanda continued tenderising her bottom. His long fingers were wreaking havoc on her pussy, massaging and squeezing and easing in past her slit, examining her internally.

What was worse was that Amanda's spanking was causing Lisa's pussy to rub against his hand as Lisa jolted back and forth, making it seem as though she was welcoming his touch.

Lisa was practically in tears when Sam finally put up a hand to stop Amanda.

"Ok, Lisa, now we get to my part of the action. You might as well just stay just the way you are," said Sam.

"Wait, wait, wait," yelped Lisa. "I'm sorry. Truly I am. You're not really going to have sex with me, are you?"

Her answer was to feel a cock pressing firmly against her slit, forcefully pushing its way into her. Lisa squealed and wriggled, even knowing that it made no difference. Sam's teasing had left her hot and wet and even the spanking had turned her on. Her body offered no resistance to Sam's blatant intrusion, actually seeming to welcome it.

Lisa gave a small frustrated groan as Sam started moving within her. Her body was already responding to him and, like it or not, she was cooperating with him. The annoying part, as far as Lisa was concerned, was that she was liking it. She enjoyed Sam's dominance of her, enjoyed the masterful way that he'd just surged into her without even bothering to ask.

Lisa's bottom was soon bobbing up and down as she pushed to meet Sam's hard driving thrusts. He wasn't mucking around, he was driving in hard and fast, eager to demonstrate his power over her.

When a small hand closed over her breast Lisa gave a startled squeal. Amanda was playing with her breasts while Sam was taking her? Lisa couldn't believe it, even though it was happening to her. None of this fit her depiction of Sam and Amanda as a couple of humourless prudes.

After all, humourless prudes don't strip, beat and ravish an innocent young woman, nor do they laugh at her while they were doing it. She should have been warned, Lisa knew, by those damned undies that Amanda favoured. Above all, a humourless prude would not play with your breasts while her husband was trying to fuck you bow-legged.

Sam continued on his happy way, thoroughly ravishing Lisa's pussy with her enthusiastic cooperation. At the same time Lisa was wriggling around, trying half-heartedly to dodge Amanda's groping hands, but not really disappointed to feel them continuing to massage her breasts and tease her nipples.

Lisa could hear herself starting to whimper and squeal, wanting the sweet torture to build even higher. She was almost wailing her need as she pushed back against Sam, at the same time pressing her breasts firmly into Amanda's grasping touch. She could feel herself twisting from side to side as Sam plunged in, wanting him to go deeper, harder.

Sam smiled as he listened to Lisa's mewing cries. He had her where he wanted her, right on the edge of her climax. He started pressing home even harder, ready to push her over the edge.

With one final stroke he spent himself inside Lisa, hearing her startled wailing cry as she suddenly climaxed, her body spasming under him. He continued moving lazily inside her, feeling her convulse as she shook with the force of her climax.

Lisa dressed slowly. (In her own underwear. She didn't want the Red Temptress set getting any stains on it, thank you very much. That was for special occasions.)

"Will you still be available next Thursday?" asked Amanda as she saw Lisa out.

Lisa blinked. Why not? It wasn't as though she was going to be tempted to snoop again. She nodded.

"Yes, I'll be here. That is, if you still want me?"

"Thank you, Lisa," said Amanda. "I knew I could count on you."

Amanda watched as Lisa walked down the path. Closing the door she turned to her husband.

"She'll be back on Thursday. How about we make her put on that Black Devil set. That set is crotchless and you can take her while she's actually wearing them."

"Should be interesting, but do you think she'll agree?" asked Sam.

"Do we really care?" asked Amanda with a nasty little giggle.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Amanda Dander????

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
You write a lot of stuff

But I have yet to read one of your stories that I found to be particularly well written, that had decent character development, clever dialogue or something that was really interesting. This story was the same. Less than "1".

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Sitting at my ailing gf's house reading Literotica with two men, one of whom is her bf. A promising beginning to ... to something that doesn't sound like it will end well from Amanda's point of view, but should have some riveting moments along the way.

And Jason, from my baby sitting days, I know two dads for whom taking the baby sitter was not merely a fantasy! (no wives participated, lol)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

As a dad it is a fantasy to bang the baby sitter

DieselJesterDieselJesterover 10 years ago
Much Better!

Very well done on the small details here and there. They really made the story more plausible than your last babysitter story. I'd love to see a sequel to this!

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