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BabySitter's Seduction

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She had decided it was time to be seduced.
3.5k words

Part 135 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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There comes a time in every girl's life when she has to make that decision – are you ready for that next step? Ready to become a woman?

This is not a decision to be taken lightly and if the answer is yes then some careful planning is called for. I mean, you don't want to find yourself being initiated by some loser, or have the choice taken out of your hands because you had one glass too many (or he did).

Having finally made the choice myself I then had to decide who I would select. Most of the guys I knew I could dismiss out of hand. Deadbeats with no ambition who would proceed to hang on like grim death. I wanted someone nicer, a little more sophisticated, genteel, with a respect for women.

I finally settled on Clive. He was a nice guy and I genuinely liked him. I could see a long term relationship developing with him. He was kind and not pushy, slightly shy even. I'd been out with him several times, basically to work related functions (his work), and he'd never been a handy sort of man. A gentle kiss at the end of the night was all he expected.

Now it just so happened that I had a babysitting job on Saturday afternoon just up the street from Clive's place. After the sitting job was finished what would be more natural than for me to drop in and see a friend? A little chat and a little cleavage to get him in the right mood and we'd see what developed.

The trouble was what to wear. Tony, the guy who had hired me, didn't have any kids of his own. He was, however, looking after two small boys and had promised them they could have a small party on Saturday, as that was the day their parents were picking them up. Not being a complete idiot, Tony had then hired me to run the party and help look after the various children that turned up.

Party and children were the source of my current problem. What I would wear to the party and what I would wear to the place where I might be reluctantly seduced afterwards were two different things. The top was no problem. Just wear a frilly blouse with a lacy bra. A button or two would make the difference between demure babysitter and potential lover.

The bottom half on the other hand. . . To visit Clive I had wanted to wear a short flirty skirt with naughty panties underneath. A bit of cleavage and a short skirt showing of a pair of excellent legs would tempt Clive to run his hands along those legs and under the skirt and then nature could take its course. To wear the same items to a kid's party was inviting disaster. I was damn sure that at some stage of the party I'd be crawling around on the floor and I had no intention of showing off my bottom and naughty panties to all and sundry, be they kids or any adults in attendance.

My solution was quite simple. A flirty skirt and naughty knickers but include a pair of yoga pants. After the party the yoga pants would finish up in my purse and I'd be appropriately dressed for my date with Clive. And you never know, the yoga pants might come in handy after the seduction.

The party went much as I expected. Laughter and tears. More laughter than tears so you can say it was a success. I had to hang on to the bitter end, when the boy's parents turning up to relieve Tony of his charges before the party ended. That sort of indicated the party was over and shortly after that the crowd of little imps had been dispersed to their various homes and Tony and I were alone.

I excused myself to go and use the bathroom to tidy up before leaving while Tony went to get my pay. I tidied my hair, refreshed my makeup, undid another button on my blouse, then another one, and whipped off the yoga pants and stuffed them in my bag.

I strolled back out and found Tony. He handed me my wages and I was stuffing them in my bag when he really looked at me and gave a low whistle.

"Very nice," he said. "Who's the lucky guy?"

"I don't know what you mean," I replied, blushing slightly.

"Yes, you do," Tony contradicted. "A woman doesn't dress up like that without a guy in mind. Are you old enough for what you're inviting?"

"Now I really don't know what you're getting at," I said, flaring up. How dare he make such a crude assumption? "I'm eighteen, anyway. Quite old enough to know what I'm doing."

"Somehow I doubt that," he said in a sardonic voice. "You still haven't answered the question. Who's the lucky guy?"

I shrugged. "I thought that since I'm in the neighbourhood I'd stop by and see Clive. He lives a few doors up."

For some reason Tony seemed to find this wildly humorous.

"Clive? You mean Clive Anderson, two doors up?"

I nodded.

"I bet he doesn't know you're coming, does he?" he said, with a great big smirk on his face.

"It's a spur of the moment thing," I admitted. "Seeing I'm here sitting for you it just seems natural that I should drop in and see him now that I've finished. It might seem rude not to, since I'm in the neighbourhood."

"So you thought you might give him a surprise," Tony said, still grinning like a demented monkey. "Or in his case, a horrible shock. Too bad I'll have to miss seeing it."

"What the hell do you mean a horrible shock?" I demanded. "What's wrong with me?"

"As far as I'm concerned, nothing. Where Clive is concerned you might just be not quite to his taste."

"I don't see how you can say that. I've been on several dates with him and we've always got on fine."

"Maybe, but I'll bet they were all to work functions where he'd feel uncomfortable taking his boyfriend. Not that it matters, because Clive and Jesse have gone fishing for the weekend. At least, that's what they say they'll be doing."

I deflated.

"You mean he's not home?"

Tony sadly shook his head. Then the rest of what he said caught up with me.

"Boyfriend?" I shrieked.

That swine didn't even try to keep a straight face.

"You've been out with him several time and never guessed the man was as queer as a three dollar bill? He openly admits he's gay, just not at work. Or to you, apparently. Didn't the fact that he's been out with you several times and didn't try to drag you into the nearest bed give you a clue?"

"I thought he was being very gentlemanly and not pushing any further than I might be prepared to go," I rather lamely said. No wonder he'd always been so considerate and not gone the grope.

"I take it you'd decided the time was ripe to seduce him?" asked Tony, smiling. He could afford to smile. He wasn't being let down so badly. He could have fun at my expense.

"Seduce him? Certainly not," I exclaimed. "A nice girl doesn't go around seducing people. I find it rather insulting that you would suggest I would."

'Oh. Sorry," he said, not sounding at all sorry. "Ah, may I take it that you wouldn't have been too adverse if he'd tried his hand at seducing you?"

"That," I said loftily, "would have been his decision. I would have been at liberty to accept or reject his advances."

"Uh-huh," he said, running his eyes over me again, his eyes seeming to linger at my cleavage and my legs. "I get where you're coming from."

We were standing in the front room at the time and there was a big fat lounge-chair just behind Tony. Somewhat to my surprise he took hold of my arm, sat on the chair, and then pulled me down onto his lap.

I had time to yell, "What are you doing?" and then he was kissing me.

He could kiss quite well, too, I have to admit. I found myself kissing him back, little thrills running down my spine. Then common sense reasserted itself and I jerked my head away.

"You stop that. Just what are you trying to pull?"

"Mm?" he said, his lips trailing down across my neck.

"I said, what are you doing, and will you stop that."

His lips hadn't stopped after crossing my neck. He'd tilted me slightly and traced the line of my cleavage, kissing the edges of my breasts. He lifted his head for a moment to reply.

"I'm just kissing you a little to make up for your disappointment," he told me. "I'll stop in a little while if you want me to."

"I want you to stop now," I told him, while his head lowered back to my breasts.

Now I was a trifle confused. I hadn't realised quite so much cleavage was showing. Tony had brushed one side of my blouse back a little and I could feel his mouth moving across my bra. A rather flimsy bra, I recalled, and I gave a small yelp when his mouth closed over my nipple, teeth biting it lightly with the bra not seeming to make much difference.

I saw the problem when his head moved across to my other breast. Somehow or other another button or two had come adrift and Tony was taking advantage of that fact. Taking a totally unfair advantage, in my opinion. He was nibbling at the side of my bra, dragging it away from my breasts and I was shocked to see my nipple pop into view. I didn't see it for long as he promptly started sucking on it.

I would have protested at this point. Really I would have, but I got distracted. That stupid skirt I was wearing didn't provide even the slightest barrier to a wandering hand. I was suddenly aware that the hand that had been resting on my knee had moved up, along the inside of my leg. It had slipped straight under my skirt and I could feel the side of his hand pressing against my pussy.

The biggest problem was that his hand was pressing against my actual lips, rather than my panties. I'd worn these panties with someone else in mind but that knowledge didn't make them any larger. If anything they seemed to be smaller than ever, and you couldn't get much smaller than what I had on.

I now found that a g-string pair of panties with a very thin string had an inbuilt problem. The string wasn't very strong. I was trying to push Tony's arm away and he managed to coil the string around one of his fingers. I'm not sure exactly what he did then, but I felt the string break. Suddenly I wasn't wearing panties but a skimpy belt that provided no protection whatsoever.

"Tony!" I protested and he laughed.

"Sorry, love," he said. "I'll buy you a new pair."

He lifted his head and was smiling at me, his eyes flickering over me. I looked down and found that both my breasts were now exposed, nipples standing proud. I could also see movement under my skirt where his hand was steadily rubbing against my mound, hard at work building on an arousal that had already commenced, even be it against my will.

"Will you stop this nonsense?" I asked him, almost pleading, finding myself moving restlessly under his touch. "You've got no right to do this."

"Of course I do," he told me. "You want me to. You came out today intending to be seduced and I'm carrying out your wishes."

The fact that he was right was neither here nor there. I hadn't intended to be seduced by him.

"I did no such thing and even if I had that doesn't mean I want to be seduced by you."

"That's why they call it seduction," he explained. "You're being enticed into something against your better judgement."

At that moment a finger slipped inside me and did something that nearly had me bouncing off his lap. I was trying to protest but just sounded somewhat incoherent while he just laughed.

"Just relax," he said. "Amuse yourself with this for a while."

He took my hand and moved it between our bodies and I found myself holding something hard and warm. My hand closed over it before I caught on to what I was holding and then I just froze. I sat there, staring straight ahead. I wanted to look down and see my prize but there was no way I was going to. I also wanted to let go but found there was no way I was going to. If I wasn't going to look at it I'd have to find out what it was like by feel. (OK. Maybe that was sophistry but the way I was feeling any excuse was better than none.)

Quite frankly I didn't know what to do. Everything had gone wrong and I knew it was wrong but Tony was making it seem all right. Why was I holding his cock? I should have been casting my hands in the air in horror, repulsed at what he wanted me to do. Why wasn't I stopping him from touching me? He seemed to know just the spots to touch whenever I found voice and tried to suggest he stop. It's hard to speak when you're gasping in shock.

When Tony finally took his hands off me and urged me to my feet I was all confused. I couldn't believe he was letting me go. Good thing for me I didn't believe it because he didn't. He just wanted me standing because it was easier to take my clothes off. He flicked open the catch on my dress and pushed it and the rag that used to be my panties down so they fell around my feet, letting me step out of them. My blouse was already completely undone and it was a simple matter to peel it off. I couldn't even protest when he took off my bra. It wasn't as though it was covering my breasts.

He stood up and held me back a little, just looking at me. Then he quite deliberately undid his belt and slipped out of his trousers and underwear, although it looked as though he might have a problem getting his undies past his erection. After that he stripped of his shirt and was standing there just as naked as I was, with me looking at him. It's probably not correct to say a man is beautiful, so I won't. I'll just say he was impressive.

He took my hand and walked over to the couch. I found myself moving with him while a little voice was saying, "No, no, no. You know what he's going to do to you." Another little voice pointed out that actually, no, I didn't. I was a virgin. I'd have to wait and see what he did.

Standing next to the couch Tony pulled me up against him. I could feel my breasts rubbing against his chest. Um, his cock was there, pressing against me. I felt I should say something, do something, but then he was kissing me and I was kissing him back.

God, he was smooth. I was lying flat on my back on the couch with him leaning over me and I had no idea how this had come about. He was kissing me, a hand on my breast, with Tony wedged between my thighs, and his cock was starting to press against me in a most personal manner.

My nerves were shrieking but he was kissing me, calming me. Then it was way too late for me to say or do anything. His cock was coming in, like it or not. My brain started yammering at me, protesting this was going to hurt, and I couldn't turn it off. I could feel him easing in and I started to tense up.

Do you know what that bastard did to me? He bit my lip, quite hard, while at the same time he pinched my nipple, also quite hard. This was his cover for the fact that he was also pushing his cock into me, you guessed it, quite hard. I was assailed by sudden stings of pain from my mouth, my breast, and my vagina, each of them distracting my attention from the other two. Then his kiss was soothing my mouth and his hand was caressing my breast and his cock was heading deeper, making me aware of sensations other than pain.

Just like that I was an ex-virgin and a cock was driving deeper and deeper into me. Tony didn't muck around, either, now that he'd started. I'd just got used to the idea that his cock had penetrated me and sunk all the way in when it was leaving, only to return with a rush.

That was the just the start of it. His cock would come driving in, pause for the merest moment before retreating, then come driving in again. After being bounced hard against the couch a few times I found myself adjusting to this new activity, pushing myself up to meet him as he came thrusting in.

I don't want you to think that Tony was just going bang, bang, bang, and getting his rocks off. He was actually being fairly considerate, taking his time withdrawing to give me time to adjust to the next thrust. It was just on the thrusting that he wasn't wasting time, his cock driving in hard and deep and sending the strangest sensations through me.

Once he started, I, of course, managed to retain enough wits to give a little commentary on how he was going. I think it went something like this: "Ah, oh, oh my god, I never knew, oh god, ah, what are you doing to me, oh, oh, oh."

That 'what are you doing to me' wasn't as silly a question as it seemed. I knew what he was doing physically as it's pretty hard to miss being bounced about by a whacking great cock. It was the internal happenings had me thrown. I was hot all over, my skin felt flushed, fires were burning inside me, and the strangest feelings were gathering and accumulating.

After what I now know to have been a nice easy start Tony had increased the rhythm and I was being, there's no other way to describe it, fucked at a great rate. Not that I was complaining. I had no time to complain. I was working hard to stay with him, having at some stage wrapped my legs around him to help me hold onto him.

I have no idea how long I stayed on that couch being initiated. It just seemed to go on and on and it was fantastic. At the same time it was too much. I couldn't take it. All my nerves were winding themselves into tight little knots and my whole body was screaming for relief.

I was both desperate and disappointed when Tony decided the time had come to finish. I wanted it to keep going but I was afraid of what might happen if he did. As it was a sudden change to what he was doing and all hell broke loose inside me, those fires bursting free and sweeping through me, burning away all my inhibitions and dreams and leaving me collapsed on the couch, gasping for breath.

Tony? Well, yes, I guess he climaxed. I vaguely remember him doing something like that but all I could think of right then was myself, wondering what the hell I'd done and how had this happened?

Tony lifted me up, settling me on his lap.

"First things first," he said, "and I think a shower should be first. After that, it seems to me that if things had gone the way you anticipated you'd probably have had dinner with Clive, so after your shower I'll take you out to dinner. Does this sound like a plan?"

I wanted to rush straight home and try to work out what the hell had happened, but a shower did sound good and I would need to eat, after all, so I nodded, albeit a trifle reluctantly.

"Good," he said happily. "And while we're at dinner you can decide the next step. Do I bring you back here and seduce you again or take you home and seduce you there."


"It's only reasonable. I would be failing in my duties as a gentleman if I didn't take steps to ensure that you're comfortable with what happened. The best way to do that is to repeat the exercise. Practice makes perfect, they say."

I refused to answer, scrambling to my feet and heading towards the bathroom for my shower. A second time? He had high hopes.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good story. I like the ones from the girl’s point of view.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 8 years ago
High hopes indeed !

I liked the inevitably and prefated outcome of applied force in order to smoothly subdue vulnerable, desired target . No resistable then the tide, this was meant to be.

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