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BabySitter's Turn

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Babysitter is seduced.
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Part 140 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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I was sitting for Mr and Mrs Grange one night. That's a hard gig, let me tell you. They've got four kids under the age of five. You try keeping up with that lot when they decide to start running around. Mrs Grange's brother, Brian, picked the adults up. Apparently he was going to the same do as they were.

Brian has the ability to rub me the wrong way. He treats me as though I was one of the kids. He's polite, but somewhat condescending, not deliberately being insulting but apparently not realising that I have grown over the past few years. I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd patted me on the head on the way out and told me to be a good girl.

Once the Grange's and Brian had departed the kids did their best to run me ragged. A real handful, they were. The big problem came at bedtime. I put them down and then one got up for some stupid reason. Then one of the others got up to see why the first was up. By the time I put those two back to bed a third one would be there, wanting to know what was going on. And on it went until they were all finally in bed and asleep and I was wrung out like an old wash cloth.

After that it was a real relief to be able to sit back and watch TV without being disturbed, and that's what I did until the Grange's arrived home.

Now I'm not saying that the Grange's were tanked when they got home. Let's just say that they were feeling no pain. Brian, on the other hand, was as sober as a judge. He'd been the designated driver and the Grange's had taken full advantage of that fact.

I would have been quite happy to just collect my pay and go home, but Beth was having none of that. She insisted I joined them for coffee while they discussed the night. OK, I didn't really mind doing that. What I found increasingly uncomfortable was the fact that the Grange's were feeling amorous.

It started off with a few suggestive remarks between them, but after a while there was a little bit of surreptitious touching which escalated into not so surreptitious touching. My comfort level wasn't enhanced by several comments that Brian made, apparently on the assumption that I would be too young to understand them. Just because you don't play the game it doesn't mean that you don't know the rules.

I was quite relieved when the Grange's started making noises about retiring. Then they were up and heading for their bedroom, telling me that Brian would see me out. I could hear them giggling and carrying on as they headed down the hall.

Brian gave me a superior looking smirk.

"Don't let it worry you," he said, nodding in the direction the Grange's had gone. "Your turn will come. You'll understand that sort of thing a lot better when you've done some more growing up."

Condescending bastard. He could really get up my nose the way he belittled me.

"Actually, Brian," I said, in as cutting a voice as I could manage, "I understand the whole thing quite well. I am eighteen and of age and I could participate in that sort of thing right now if I so choose. But if I did so choose, I wouldn't do it in such a manner as to make a public spectacle of myself."

Brian looked me over and I had to admit that I looked younger than my years. I was dressed for baby-sitting, not a night on the town. Where the Grange household was concerned, with four small children who could let out copious loads of smelly liquids and semi-solids from both ends, that meant I was wearing loose tracky dacks and a sloppy joe top. They may have swum on me, and made me look younger, but they were ideal for dealing with small kids.

"Yeah, right," Brian said, scoffing lightly at my claim. "You don't look a day over fifteen in that outfit."

"Your poor eyesight doesn't change my age. If you think I'd wear good clothes while baby-sitting, you're mad," I told him. "These things are cheap and easy to wash. The idea is to earn money, not have to spend it trying to get good clothes cleaned."

I'd finished my coffee and on that note I rose to leave, confident that I'd had the last word. I'd just stepped past Brian when he took hold of the sides of my tracky dacks and gave a firm tug. Like I said, they were real loose, and that fact wasn't helped by the fact that they were only held up by an elastic waist band. When Brian gave them a firm tug they just popped over my bottom and were loose enough and heavy enough to just go slithering down my legs.

"You're right. Those legs are quite something. Definitely not the legs of a child," said Brian with appreciation.

While I felt mildly flattered that he liked my legs I felt a lot more irritation that my trousers were down around my ankles. I was also thanking god that I had on nice undies. I'd have died if he'd caught me wearing granny pants.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I snapped at him. I couldn't even bend down to pull my trousers up because he was holding my arm while he looked me over.

"Admiring your legs and wondering if the top half is as nice under that mountain of material you have on," he said.

It turns out that a loose floppy top has distinct disadvantages when you want to keep it on and someone else wants to take it off. It was just too loose for me to be able to jam my arms into the sleeves to hold it on or anything. Brian just grabbed and lifted and if came off as neat as you please, leaving me standing there in my undies, hopping mad.

"Very nice," said Brian slowly. "Very nice indeed."

Which was nicely flattering, but I'd sooner have had my clothes on.

"Let me go or I will scream," I said, enunciating the words slowly and clearly so that even a moron like Brian would hear and understand them. "If I scream the Grange's will come running to see what the problem is and I'm sure you don't want that."

"Ah, I think you'll find that if you screamed, nothing would happen," Brian said, smiling kindly. "Beth and her playmate both imbibed quite freely tonight. Despite their lustful intentions, I'd be willing to wager that they both fell asleep as soon as they hit the bed. And what's the problem, anyway? I'm just admiring a very nice figure. A lot nicer than I expected I'm quite willing to admit."

I gave him a nasty look, smiled, showing a lot of bare teeth, and sweetly said, "Brian, why don't you go and get fucked?"

The definition of a mistake - telling a horny man to get fucked while alone with him and only wearing your undies.

I'd barely finished speaking when the kitchen seemed to whirl around me. I found myself lying across Brian's lap, one of his hands pulling down my panties while the other one was undoing my bra. It seems a man can multi-task when he sets his mind to it. In nothing flat I was naked with Brian's hands running over me.

I was squirming and trying to wriggle off his lap, but I was somewhat distracted by a couple of fingers trying to intrude in a place where they had no right intruding.

"What do you think you're doing?" I demanded. That was the second time in quick succession that I'd asked that question. Why I bothered I don't know. It was pretty obvious what he was doing. Stripping and molesting me. He, of course, had an alternative answer.

"I'm accepting your kind invitation to get fucked," he said, and if he hadn't been busy holding me down and playing with my more private parts he probably would have been rolling around the floor laughing at me.

"Not going to happen," I squalled.

At that point the kitchen spun again and I found myself sitting on one of his knees, my legs between his and my hands pinned behind my back. God, that man was strong. He was lifting me up and moving me around as though I was a babe in arms.

"Yes," he assured me. "It is going to happen. Now why don't you be quiet for a while? I want to get to know your body."

I ignored his demand for silence. I explained that he couldn't do this because I didn't want him to, and he ran a hand over my breasts, lightly massaging them, teasing my nipples.

I pointed out that this was rape and he could get into severe trouble if he continued. It was a bit harder to explain that because while I was trying to, Brian started nibbling on my breasts and sucking on my nipples. It was distracting, to say the least.

I told him that he had to let me go and I wanted out of there. That bit might have been a bit incoherent as Brian had eased my legs apart and was massaging along my slit. It's hard to concentrate when someone's hand is running up and down your privates and slipping fingers inside you.

It was about then that I decided that I'd just have to suffer in silence. It wasn't as though he was listening to me, after all. Anyway, I didn't really think he'd go all the way. He was just teasing me. A little sexual stimulation might just be interesting to experience.

How to describe what went on. To say, he felt me up, or, he groped me, sounds so, so, crude. It might be accurate but it doesn't really describe what took place. Brian's hands stroked me. Not just my breasts and pussy, but me. He ran his fingertips lightly over my face, touching me ever so gently. His hands went from my face right down my body to my knees, his fingertips just running lightly over me. I'm sure that if we'd been lying down he would have touched me from head to toes.

That's not to say that he didn't pay attention to my breasts and my pussy. He did. They got more than their fair share of his wandering hands, and then some. My nipples were puckered and wet, because his mouth sucked on my breasts while his teeth rasped against my nipples and his tongue washed over them.

That wasn't the only place that was puckered and wet. Teasing fingers darted between my lips, stirring them up. I could feel heat rising from low under my tummy and I could feel his fingers running slickly against the dampened flesh inside me.

He eventually unzipped, directing my hand to his erection. I was nervous and there was no way I was going to look at it. I just let it rest against my hand, not daring to grasp it but not wanting to move my hand away, either. He seemed to guess the turmoil I was feeling and his hand came back, covered mine, and gently closed it over him.

Well, I had to look then, didn't I, seeing I was actually holding it? It looked big. Too big. If he'd really meant to go all the way I would have been scared. Fancy having something like that coming into you. I found myself stroking it, testing its hardness and heat. Maybe, I thought, I should stroke him until he came. Just as a sort of reciprocation for the way he was touching me. Men liked that, I'd heard.

I was a little puzzled when he suddenly coaxed me to my feet. If he was finished teasing me then the end had come on a bit suddenly. I was, I'll quite frankly admit, somewhat aroused. Instead of letting me go, so that I could get dressed, he just turned me to face him. His legs came together but his hands were on my bottom, drawing me closer. It only took a moment and I was standing, straddling him.

Standing like that I could feel his erection pressing against my mons and my lower tummy, and that was making me feel distinctly nervous. That cock was just a little too close to home, if you get my meaning. Before I could say anything or move away Brian leant forward slightly and took my nipple into his mouth. He was sucking lightly on it and I was squirming a bit and I barely noticed his hands closing around my bottom.

I bloody quickly noticed them when he picked me up, moved me even closer to him, and lowered me slightly. Just like that he was holding me poised above his erection and it was pressing against me at just the wrong spot as far as I was concerned. It finally registered on me that he was serious. He was really going to try to take me.

Before I could say yay, nay, or maybe, I found Brian was pushing up into me. (In case you're wondering, nay would have been my option.) My hands clutched at his shoulders, wanting to hold myself up and away, but I had no chance. I could feel myself just sinking down and he was sliding up into me. There was a slight hitch as his cock pressed against my hymen, but with my weight bearing down it didn't hold. I felt a flash of pain and gave a small wail, and then Brian was sliding further and further into me.

I was right about one thing. He was just too big. He was rising into me (or I was sinking onto him) and he just kept coming and coming. I could feel myself being stretched all over the place and I was quite sure that my insides would never be able to shrink back to my right size.

He kept on coming and I wanted to scream. I was gasping with shock and he was pushing in further and further. I finally found myself sitting firmly against him, my groin pressed against his, feeling absolutely full.

My eyes were wide open and I was just staring at Brian, not really believing that this was happening. How's that for denial. I had my first cock all the way up inside me and I was trying to say it wasn't happening. It was. It most definitely was.

Brian was smiling and looking back at me. His hands came up and closed over my breasts, and then he started pushing up against me, and it felt most strange. He'd push, seeming to press hard against me, and then relax, pulling back a little. I could feel his cock starting to move back and forth and it was raising all sorts of funny feelings. I found myself wanting to bounce against him but wasn't sure what I was supposed to do.

I gave a horrified squeak when Brian's hands clamped hold of my bottom again and he stood up. My legs promptly wrapped around him while my arms clung to his neck. He then strolled down the hall to the front room, me clinging to him, and then he lowered me onto my back on the couch.

Now he was on top of me and he really started on me. He pulled right back and drove in hard, leaving me gasping. Then he did it again. I found myself pushing up against him, moving with him. He drove in again and again, while I moved eagerly under him, rejoicing in the feelings he was engendering within me.

The longer he went the easier it got. He was settled into a regular pace, banging in hard and slowly pulling back for another thrust. All I had to do was meet him as he drove in and enjoy the feelings he was letting loose. I was breathing harder and harder, heat rising within me and I was getting hotter and hotter with every stroke.

I was almost writhing under him as he took me, his strokes starting to come faster and faster. I was gasping and I could hear myself pleading for something, demanding he give it to me. His answer seemed to be to just drive in even faster and I could feel my whole body tensing, my nerves screwing themselves tight.

Then everything let loose at once. Brian gave a shout and seemed to absolutely drive himself into me, while I gave a cry and just went to pieces, totally lost to the sensations running through me.

When I finally gather my senses together I was lying on the couch with Brian sitting next to me. I struggled to sit up, feeling somewhat bemused. I didn't know what to do or say so for the time being I just sat there, not really registering the fact that I was still naked.

I was still sitting there next to Brian when Beth appeared in the doorway. She looked rather sleepily at us.

"Oh, he did jump you, did he?" she said. "He said you were ripe for plucking and that he was going to. Was it fun?"

You know, suddenly I had a large number of things I wanted to say, and Brian was the person I started saying them to.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
It's called non-consent for a reason!

It's rape fantasy. Get over it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Oh for crying out loud!

Really anonymous?? Going on about usage of apostrophe's? Who bloody care's about the simple usage of an apostrophe?? It didn't detract from the story in the slightest! If your so concerned about usage, go read some of the "professional" new's article's...I have a feeling you'll be quite a bit more ticked off than the simple usage of apostrophe's.

To Ashson - excellent job. Loved this story just as much as I love all your story's! You are my sole favorite author because your so prolific, because you tell a good story, & because I CAN read your story's! I get so irritated when I see other's comment on you're story's, about your usage or your grammar! If one were to read 90% of the other mindless drivel available out there, your writing is far superior! I also get quite irritated reading the news anymore. Error after error after error. It's like reading a 5th graders report! Well anyways, good job Ashson. Anonymous - go away! & in case you couldn't tell, my error's here were quite on porpoise.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
to the author: apostrophe not used correctly

to make a last name plural, one follows the regular rule for nouns: you add an "s" or an "es."

i think that you only use an apostrophe before the "s" when you're pluralizing acronyms or numbers, "ICBM's" and the "1990's."

so it should be "the Granges" and not "the Grange's." it'd be "the Granges' house," too, following the same rule as most other nouns for plural possessives, although of course "the Granges's house" would also be correct.

get Strunk and White's "The Elements of Style." it's short and to the point, and fun, too.

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