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Babysitting Ch. 02

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They teach their teasing babby sitter a lesson.
4.1k words

Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 05/25/2009
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Lara decided to leave Aunt Beth's house. It was no good staying there after what happened last night even though it would let her aunt down. She felt so degraded it would be impossible to recover while living in the same house as those two bullies.

She was feeling so low after being violated last night the resolve to wrest back authority over them had crumbled to nothing. She felt numb unable regain her composure with all her usual confidence lost.

It didn't help that she was wrestling with the unfamiliar thought that somehow she enjoyed being submissive. No! It couldn't be called an enjoyment; it was a dark something inside that they had inadvertently connected with and it was draining her ability to resist.

That morning had started badly when they unexpectedly took advantage of her passive mood. After rinsing her mouth out repeatedly she still imagined tasting their sperm, still smelling it in her nostrils.

Bobby was encouraging Timmy to treat her like an errant schoolgirl where she should have been the one supervising them. These two eighteen-year-old lads had little experience compared to her, a twenty-seven year old teacher, yet they had her accepting their demands.

Their continuous assault kept her feeling pitifully weak and they were taking full advantage. She would have to leave and escape this nightmare.

She searched her room but everything was missing. Her passport, money and credit cards had gone. They had obviously taken and hidden them and in that large old rambling house they could be anywhere. She wouldn't be able to pay for a cab or find somewhere to stay without them.

It dawned upon her that she didn't even have clothes to escape in. She felt like a complete idiot. It would take some planning but it could be done. Making a plan would help regain her strength and sanity.

"Timmy, may I phone the airport. I need to find out if they have found my luggage." Lara asked. They had started making the rules for her rather than the other way round. One of them was not using the phone without permission. Fearful of risking a punishment she checked with him first and tried to keep a respectful tone in her voice.

He remained close to the phone listening in. They had found it and would deliver the luggage tomorrow. The news left her feeling so much better she sighed with relief and even managed a smile.

They were physically stronger than her so there was no guarantee they would let her keep the case when it arrived. She thought of quickly changing and hitching a ride with the driver. She was even prepared to hitch a ride with the delivery guy wearing just the t-shirt. She could change on the way in his truck. That should gain his co-operation!

"We should phone the hospital and see how the operation went. Have you got the number?" She asked him.

Timmy's face changed to one of concern. Lara had distracted him so much he had almost forgotten about his mom. "If you can phone for me I'd appreciate it." He told her.

After the phone call she had gained some advantage. He had spoken to the nurse who confirmed his mom was recovering. While she had him away from Bobby she decided to work on him. "I can't run around all day in this t-shirt. Could I have something else to wear? Please!" She asked, putting on a subservient voice.

"I'll think about it." He said.

"I can't find my Id and credit cards. Do you know where they are? Perhaps Bobby took them." She smiled encouragingly.

"I agreed with Bobby that you'll have to behave and earn them back." He told her.

"I promise to behave honest. Couldn't you just tell me where they are?" She smiled demurely hoping to win him over. It was demeaning to beg for her things but there was no option.

"I'll be good. I'll do as you say. Anything you want I'll do, just tell me. Bobby doesn't have to know."

Bobby walked in and she broke off trying to split the two of them up and get Timmy to renege on their deal.

"So you agree to do whatever we want. Well for a start you can crawl around on the floor. Get down on your hands and knees." Bobby told her.

"I want my credit cards back. I'll do as you say if you'll give me back my Id and credit cards. That's the deal." She said, attempting to assert herself. He slapped her face eliciting a pathetic whimper.

It wasn't hard but the humiliation of it being from this young man she had felt beneath her was enough. She sank to her knees and started crawling around the room trying to keep from exposing her bare arse.

"You don't demand anything. We set the rules remember. As punishment let's hear you bark. Like a good little bitch that you are, let's hear you bark."

It was bad enough hurting her knees but their laughter was unbearable. All she could think of was what her students would think if they could see her making such a fool of herself.

"Over here bitch." He told her. Obediently she crawled over to him. "No whining or talking just one bark for yes and two for no. Got it?"

She barked once. Her head hung low at the indignity of it.

"Do you want some clothes?" Bobby asked.

She barked once loudly with enthusiasm.

"First you need to be punished for your bad behaviour. Do you want to be punished bitch?"

She barked once though less enthusiastically this time.

"Turn around then." He told her.

She knew what was coming but dare not refuse. She looked up at Timmy with an imploring look hoping he might save her. She was agonizingly aware of Bobby behind her looking at her bare arse where the t-shirt had ridden up around her waist.

"Are you sure you want to be punished?" He asked.

She woofed once feeling so pathetic she only just suppressed the urge to get up and run to hide in the bedroom. His hand slapped each cheek once.

"Now crawl over to Tim for him to punish you."

She managed to endure another spanking for the sake of regaining clothes and some dignity.

"You can stand up now. What do you say to us for correcting you?"

With little prompting she found the right words. "Thank you Timmy for spanking me. Thank you Bobby for spanking me." Looking down at the floor she hid her face in long auburn hair. She blinked away the hot tears welling up in her eyes from the utter shame she felt.

"I'll bring up the trunk I found in the basement. There's bound to be something in there for you to wear." Bobby said.

Timmy pulled out clothes that obviously wouldn't fit until he came to a skirt and top. "Here try this on." He said trying to encourage her.

She had to strip off the t-shirt to stand naked trying to protect her body from their lascivious stares with her arms. Timmy just sat there mesmerised by the sight of a beautiful naked woman. She almost snatched the skirt and top from his hands.

"OK! Walk around while we decide."

She wanted to refuse the outfit but it was better than nothing. The tiny little girly flared skirt covered her thighs but not much more. As she paraded around the room it bounced up revealing the still red burning cheeks. The top held her breasts in a tight cleavage.

"We'll keep that as a possible. What's next Tim?"

She pulled on a dancer's tutu. It flared outward just below her hips and was told not to hold it down.

"You'll need to wear something under that." Timmy told her.

She pulled on a pair of white stretch leggings. They were much too small. She could feel them gripping tight at the crotch and between the cheeks of her bottom. She could feel how snug it fit between the lips of her pussy pulling them apart almost cutting her in two.

Having to strip off yet again while they watched intently was less embarrassing as she became used to it. She felt like a school girl being fitted out for the new term.

When they commented on the lips of her pussy swelling in the stretch leggings her growing excitement was no longer a secret. She wondered if it would be better to just go even without money or Id.

Back in the first skirt and top she stood patiently while they pulled out pairs of panties. The largest pair looked as though it wouldn't even fit over one leg. She managed to squeeze into them.

"Lift that skirt so we can decide if those panties are right. No that's no-good. You'll have to shave." Timmy told her. The two young men laughed at her looking so pathetic. Her eyes widened like saucers and her mouth flapped without a sound passing her lips.

She had to run naked upstairs to the bathroom and search for a shaving kit. It was infuriating having to co-operate in her own humiliation like this but she desperately needed those clothes if she was to escape.

The thought of hitching a ride from a stranger dressed like a schoolgirl tart was only just less daunting than this ordeal. What would a man think of her dressed in such a lascivious outfit? She would certainly have plenty of offers of help.

Back downstairs in the lounge she pulled a towel under her hips laying back on the floor with legs spread wide. "Open up now. Wider! Now keep still, don't fidget." Bobby told her.

She closed her eyes tight shut needing to distance herself from the ordeal. 'How can I let them do this to me?' She wondered in dismay. The thought of such degradation had been bad enough but lying on the floor naked with legs spread wide was torture.

Lathering her with a brush tickled so much she wanted to squirm but dare not move. When Bobby took a hold of one lip she began to break down. The feel of the razor was so erotic it sent her on the way toward an orgasm.

Timmy took his turn pinching the other pussy lip and stroked her pubis with the razor.

"You are so wet bitch. You're enjoying this far too much." Bobby told her.

She felt their fingers over a smooth pussy completely hairless. That wasn't the most embarrassing part though. It was being told how excited she was. They could see everything with her legs stretched out wide and her lips opening up. They should have been telling her 'Yes miss, no miss.' Not examining her excited vagina.

They shouldn't have been telling her what to do and most damning of all she shouldn't have been excited by it. These young men shouldn't be looking at her down there. She didn't want this, not this wicked display; she couldn't bear it. Tears formed in her eyes but she blinked them away not wanting them to see this display of emotion.

"Now that looks better. You can't put those panties back just yet they'll just get dirty. You need to do something about the state your in." Bobby told her with a snigger.

She had no idea what he meant and didn't want to know. She switched off from where she was and what was happening. He took her hand and rubbed her fingers over her clit.

"Make yourself cum and you'll get those panties." He told her.

In disbelief she felt her own fingers rub her clit with enthusiasm. In a moment she would have curled up in a ball hiding her shame but they held her down, one at each ankle.

She continued to play with herself and it wasn't long before an orgasm rippled through her body. A small quiet relief overcame her. It was over almost before it started.

"If you have finished with it its out turn to make use of that hole Miss Catallina." Bobby told her.

She lay supine not moving just waiting. She heard Bobby unzip his trousers and she watched as though it were so far away it couldn't reach her. With his body weight pressing her down into the carpet she tried to breathe deeply. Lara felt his hard cock enter her, no time wasted, he just took her.

He soon came and sat back on his haunches between her legs looking at her. "Excuse me miss. Miss Catallina? Can I ask you something?" He asked, imitating what he thought was one of her rich student's accents.

"Yes, you can Bobby." She croaked.

"Could my friend Timmy use your nice little hole Miss. It's a bit messy but he won't mind. You seem to have finished with it. So, please Miss, may my friend fuck you Miss?" He asked in such a polite tone it just added to the unreality of it all.

He had found out she was a teacher and was unpleasantly mocking her. At eighteen these young men were just out of high school and were only too familiar with how to speak to a teacher like respectful students.

She was being abused and mocked and was horrified to feel how turned on by it she was. "Yes Bobby." She breathed out in a long sigh.

"You had better ask him nicely Miss." When she tightened her eyes shutting him out, he told her. "Just do it or you won't get clothes just a punishment instead."

"Please Timmy. Come over here and fuck my pussy, please." She quietly said. The words were awful but the realisation she meant it was devastating to her morale.

Timmy crawled across the floor looking worried not wanting to hurt her but his cock was on fire. He attentively handed his cock to her lips presenting it to them rather than roughly thrusting in as his friend had.

It was a surprise to both of them when she raised her hips off the floor to engulf his hardness. She seemed to absorb it into her body sucking it in hungrily.

He instinctively matched her rhythm. Without skill he followed her example matching her hard thrusts. He took some time to cum and as she felt his muscles tense she too completed her appalling urge.

This time she cried out with a frightful moan. Her muscles hardened throughout her body with her back off the floor, neck stretched back and mouth wide open. The sound that she emitted was a long low gargled wail.

Both young men looked at her and each other in dismay. Bobby wanted to say something derogatory but his mouth wouldn't work. Both friends were impressed.

During the rest of that day they took her as soon as their cock's recovered. They made it a competition to see who could fuck her the most. Lara had given up resisting she merely took them and gave as good as she got.

Each orgasm was a slow or urgent journey depending on who was inside her. She gave up caring and let herself go, enjoying their youthful exuberance and stamina.

No thought was given to tomorrow or what the future would bring. She lived for the moment.


Next morning the delivery guy from town delivered a suitcase and a package for Bobby. Lara had been in bed and was dreadfully disappointed not to have at least been present even if there hadn't been a real chance of escaping.

Plans of escape seemed to evaporate as the hours passed replaced by a deeper acceptance of a humble existence as their plaything. The constant humiliation had ground her down.

Making breakfast for them dressed in the little skirt and top was almost a pleasure for she was at last wearing clothes. The panties rode up between freshly shaven lips gripping them tight which she felt with every step.

It was a shameful reminder that she had shaved herself this morning as instructed. How low could she get, obeying such a demeaning command. She kept quiet not wanting to say the wrong thing and earn yet another unseemly punishment.

"We'll have to go to town to get food and other stuff." Timmy said.

"We can't leave her here by herself." Bobby pointed out.

She listened intently knowing neither of them trusted the other for different reasons. Bobby didn't trust Timmy in case he let her go and Timmy didn't trust Bobby in case he went too far with her. It had already gone way too far but at least Timmy had restrained Bobby's aggression a little.

"We could tie her to the bed and leave her here." Timmy suggested. A neat compromise and though Lara didn't like the sound of it at least she would have a rest from the rampant pair.

"By the way what was in the package?" Timmy asked.

Bobby took a sip of coffee and smiled. "Some stuff I ordered on the internet. You'll see soon enough, when we get back from town."

Lara calmly climbed the stairs ahead of them as usual giving a clear view between her legs. Although used to it now her mind was on other things. Neither of them were good with a knot so there was at last a distinct chance of escape, if they were away long enough.


On the front porch Bobby stopped. "Damn! I need a shit. It must have been that breakfast. Are you ok Tim? You get the car out of the barn and try to tune that old radio into some decent music. I'll be right out."

He ran upstairs to where Lara's hands were tied to the iron bed head. She watched him in trepidation delving under the bed to retrieve a package. He rummaged around and threw out something onto the bed.

"What are you doing? Does Timmy know?" She quailed. She heard her uncles old car try to start. Timmy had kept the seventies Cadillac in good condition despite it being hardly used since he had died.

She looked down the length of her body scared of what he might be doing between her legs. As commanded she lay still until something was thrust into her vagina. "Oh! What are you doing to me? Stop it please." She begged.

His hand slid between the cheeks of her ass slippery with grease. Feeling a finger pressing at her tight little brown hole she froze. At first she clamped it tight against the unwanted invasion of her virgin ass but from recent experience realised it was no use.

Bobby would have his way with her so better to make it easier on herself. She tried to relax taking deep breaths. It seemed to all at once pop in through her opening and burrow its way up inside her.

It was a new and unpleasant feeling. It was a disgusting thought that this young lad had taken her last shred of dignity. Without a word of warning or thought to her feelings he had just thrust his finger into her.

When he stood up looking pleased with his handy work she looked at his fingers in puzzlement. She was still full of something in both holes. It was another demeaning attitude they had brought upon her, to think of her body as their pleasure holes like some lurid plastic doll.

He leant over her while she stretched her neck up looking at what he was about. Letting out a little groan she saw he was handcuffing her wrists to the bed-head. So, no chance of wriggling out of the untidy knots then.

Urgent concern for what he was doing made her eyes follow his every move. She watched him tap on a console with a puzzled frown creasing her face. She felt a stirring between her legs demanding full attention.

A gentle buzzing vibration in both holes changed her expression to one of unpleasant realisation. "Shit! What have you put inside me?"

"Something to keep you occupied while we are away Miss. Just lie back and enjoy. We will be back soon or maybe not. Bye!" He said with a little wave of his hand and a cruel laugh.

It felt like a bee was up her arse gently buzzing then another deep inside her pussy started up. "Whoa!" Lara lifted her hips on feeling a slight wriggle inside her bottom. The movement revealed too plainly how deep it had penetrated her once virgin ass.

The vibrator in her pussy began to wriggle as though it were exploring her most private place. It was big and pressed upon the walls of her vagina so that every movement was stimulating every inch of her once private place.

Feeling both vibrators squeeze together was an unusual experience not altogether unpleasant. She tried to dismiss the idea only the sensations increased driving her emotions along a familiar road. If it didn't stop soon she would cum.

The lone bee became a hive of activity. They squirmed and wriggled and vibrated deep inside her. Unable to resist, her whole body took on the increased rhythm. She lifted her hips and squeezed her thighs then dropped down on to the bed to once again move under its insistent influence.

"Ahhh!" She emitted a long wail as a probe pulsed at her clitoris. It pushed her over the edge for a deep orgasm. The orgasm lasted a glorious time spreading tendrils of heat throughout her body. Her toes curled and her nipples throbbed. As she began to calm the constant rhythm kept her on the edge.


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