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Babysitting Trouble Ch. 01

Story Info
Sara is a tease, then spanked.
7k words

Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 05/25/2009
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"Oh thanks Sara you're a life saver." Martha gushed. "The babysitter let us down and the tickets are so expensive. I've been looking forward to seeing the show for simply ages."

"Yes, yes I know you said on the phone. I wouldn't do it for anyone else you know." Sara told her neighbour. "Just don't tell anyone else or I'll get stuck with phone calls from everyone." Sara said. Sometimes she wondered why the silly woman was on her list of friends.

"Well it's not as though you're doing anything these days." She smiled sweetly.

"Thanks, just rub it in will you." Sara laughed.

"They won't be any trouble." Martha said.

"They?" Sara questioned, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Harry has a friend over. Its better that way, the two of them will entertain each other. They will be in the study playing computer games and be out of your way all day. Just relax you won't have to do a thing. They are old enough at eighteen to look after themselves. I just don't want to leave them in the house alone, that's all. Wild parties isn't their thing but you never know."

"Come on Martha! It's a long drive and we need to get going." Her husband called through the open front door.

"Just go. Enjoy." Sara sighed.

The way her husband had been looking at her, with that look of interest in his eye, she was glad they were leaving at last. All her friends' husbands looked at her that way, since the divorce. It was hard to think of herself as an available hot single woman but that's how they saw her now.

Sara had flirted a little at parties and her friends had recognised the signs making gentle hints even arranging blind dates for her. She did need a man but there seemed too few good ones around. All the choice males around here had been snapped up and were fiercely protected by wives.

Not that she would ever play around but after a couple of drinks it was too easy to tease the errant husbands. They asked for it too. After a party she would run a nice hot bath, lay out the candles and dream about what might happen if she let it go too far.

Playing with her self gave a short lived respite to a growing need. A vibrator was purchased over the internet only this too left her frustrated after the moments of pleasure.

Martha was right she had to get out more even though the thought of singles clubs was so tacky. She would be rather young at thirty-two at the divorcee clubs and too old to be cruising the usual clubs.

The first and last time at a singles club, last month, her old dance troupe t-shirt had caused a stir. It was a bit tight but the slogan 'born to perform' was no longer seen to be so innocent by the older divorced men. By the tired end of the evening they began to move in and one by one asked her to perform for them with lewd suggestions. The joke had soured in her opinion, very quickly.

Sara looked in at the pair engrossed in a game, lost to this world. "Hi! Harry. Who's your friend?" She asked. About to turn away from their ignorant dismissal he suddenly came too. Apparently the level hadn't been successful.

"Brian." He said. They hadn't even turned to look at her wanting to re-run the level.

"Nice to meet you Brian." She said. The sarcasm totally missed by the gaming pair of lads.

She wondered into the guest room and changed into a bikini. The pool and pool-house beckoned enticing her to a free afternoon in the sun. No chores, no sales phone calls, no botheration.

Turning over she caught the lads ogling her from the bedroom window. "The little twerps are just computer geeks. This is a close as you get guys, watch and weep." It reminded her of high school days practising for the game as a cheer leader. The guys used to watch thinking they hadn't been seen but all the girls knew.

The judge, as her father was called, would have forbidden it so on practice days she told him she was taking extra lessons in English. Fortunately he was always too busy to attend a game. Now he was a senior state judge and wanted her home after the divorce but so far she had resisted this demand.

The onerous task of sunbathing and cooling off in the pool complete she retired to the pool-house. Sidling past the fitness machines she headed for the hot tub. Hesitating before a mirror she looked over her shoulder. Perhaps her bottom was as attractive as they said, it was still firm. She still had pert breasts, a slim waist and nice shapely legs. So why couldn't she find the right man?

Lying in the warm water bubbling around her body she contemplated on how many men there were around that wanted her, none of them the right one. She started to put together a man forming them from their choice parts. A nice arse, muscular back and a big bank account.

The list went on as she played with herself making up the ideal man. "Whoa! Stop that girl." She said out loud. "I'm hungry for something; I wonder what's in the fridge. I need ice cream to cool me down. Damn! I've been living alone too long I've started talking to myself."

Scooping up a large spoon of strawberry frozen yogurt Sara contemplated, it had been pretty obvious Martha would banish fattening ice-cream from her home. In a moment of weakness thought she should at least play the part of babysitter and pay them some attention.

Upstairs she found the pair of computer geeks. "Here guys, strawberry or strawberry." She said, dropping a tub into their laps. "Here you'll need spoons. I'm guessing you know how to use them or are you completely unused to civilised living and conversation?"

Harry looked up in annoyance. His eyes widened and nostrils flared.

Sara thought he was being extremely rude showing such anger over the interruption of a stupid game; especially after going to the trouble of bring them ice-cream; well it was just an almost suitable ice-cream substitute. She was completely wrong about the look he gave her.

Harry stared at the woman bent over them offering a pair of spoons. All he saw was a bikini clad cleavage supporting ripe nipples; hardened by the frozen yogurt tubs she had hugged to her chest. As he watched the ice melted into the bikini revealing nipples as dark tubes pointing accusingly at him through the clinging white cotton.

She waggled the spoons to draw him back from the game into reality inadvertently bouncing her breasts in his face. "Frozen yogurt, spoons, for the eating of."

His face reddened and he looked away with a misty look in his eyes. In a mirror he caught sight of her bent over and moaned. "Oh! Yeah!" He murmured. The sight of her perfect heart shaped ass was too much for him he just had to escape back into the game.

She dropped the spoons on the carpet before their crossed legs. "In polite company one says thank you when someone brings you a gift." The sarcasm dripping in her voice went unheard with Brian still intent upon the game.

"Thank you Miss Catalina." Harry sheepishly replied. He turned away from her trying to concentrate on the game too embarrassed to look at her wonderful body; it was doing something to him, confusing his mind. As she left his head whipped round to watch her ass wiggle out of the room.

He had watched her from his bedroom window when at a party she had swum in the pool and then again this afternoon. He had never been this close to her before and would dream of her tonight in bed while playing with himself.

In the guest bedroom she dropped the bikini to the floor and wrapped a thin cotton robe around her naked body. "Shall I take a shower or a private luxuriant soak?" Life was full of decisions unfortunately none as pleasant as this. In the privacy of the bathroom with scented oils and candles she luxuriated in the hot water ready to complete what had been started in the hot tub.

Loud music from downstairs interrupted the intense contemplations. Reluctantly she wrapped a towel around a still soapy body ready to traipse across to the guest bedroom.

"Harry! What's all that noise from down stairs?" He was standing there gawping at her.

The guest towel wasn't exactly the largest of garments to be wearing when surprised by a young man. A deep cleavage was on show and it hardly covered her thighs. The embarrassment tinged her ears pink clashing with long auburn hair; not that any male would notice her ears when clad in just a little towel.

In a second she turned from heavy going babysitter to nervous teenager with knees pointing together in an embarrassed pose not used for years. A feeling of being a gawky schoolgirl, confronted by bullies, swept over her for a brief moment. She anxiously tucked a corner of the towel in more firmly under her arm.

When Harry looked over her shoulder it served as a warning. Turning her head she saw a blur of a hand and felt a tug from behind. Off balance her arms flailed to the side. Too surprised to react she felt the towel slipping from her body.

In a panic she grabbed at it only her hands seemed to move in slow motion as though moving through treacle always just too late to catch up. She watched it slide from her breasts, over her tummy and slither away between her knees. It was obvious someone behind her had pulled it away.

She quickly stood up straight from trying ineffectively to grab at it. She looked at Harry staring at her, mouth falling open, almost as surprised as she was.

Sara squealed in astonishment and desperately wrapped both arms around her naked body not needing to think about it, just reacting. For a brief moment she had stood there naked, her wet skin gleaming with oil fresh from the bath. This young lad had taken it all in, the expression on his face one of surprise and delight, quickly turning to lust.

She was bent at the waist trying to cover her breasts and crotch at the same time. She didn't think of the lad behind her having such a lascivious view of her naked bottom. Her lips were squeezed enticingly between tightly pressed thighs; the teenager was mesmerised by the image unable to take his eyes from the lewd display.

This shameful exhibition was so terrible she wanted to run and hide form these gawping teenagers. How dare they strip her naked! Her lovely breasts, her bottom even her most private little place had been exposed to them. In her bikini grown men had been brought to heel with the hope of glimpsing more of her body yet these young kids had seen it all.

Mixed emotions were spilling through her mind, both shame and anger. An irate shout at Harry was stifled on hearing a giggle from behind. She turned to face the culprit.

"Give me that towel you stupid shit!" She growled. Brian held it away from her then threw it to Harry as she approached. Turning again she moved toward Harry. "Stop this now! Give me that towel you little shit. You're behaving like very naughty boys and you're old enough to know better. Wait till I get my hands on you, you'll be sorry!" She shouted.

It felt ludicrous to be playing naked piggy in the middle with these two youths but they had her full attention. Too slow she watched Harry snatch it out of the air before she had a chance. This was no good. Every time she made a grab for it they laughed on seeing her breasts revealed.

Her arms weren't much protection and her bottom was on view to one of them each time she turned to the other. With a hand between her legs she grabbed at the towel as it flew between them and again missed. It was so humiliating for they were laughing at her breasts jiggling up and down as she bounced around between them.

With an angry growl she gave up on the undignified game to run back into the bathroom. The gown stuck around her damp arms as she hastily slipped into it, increasing the anger from the frustration it caused. She wanted to run straight out there and kick them but instead took a couple of deep breaths to calm down.

She was so angry at being humiliated like that she wanted to shout and scream. It was embarrassing to be caught naked by a couple of naughty adolescents and stupid to have danced to their tune. The image of her body stripped of its dignity with her breasts bouncing around for their naughty enjoyment was burning her up. "Damn brats!" She spat at the door.

Tying the robe cord tight around her waist she stepped into the corridor but instead of heading to the bedroom to get dressed, as intended, marched in a temper down the stairs. Slamming open the door it bounced back upon her bottom pushing her into the living room where she was ready to confront them both.

"Harry! What was that all about?" She demanded. A silly question but her mind hadn't straightened itself out from the humiliation of being seen naked by a couple of stupid teenagers. The aggression in her voice was enough to stop Harry in the door way to the kitchen. She brushed past him striding toward the fridge.

"Harry! You and your friend played a nasty little prank on me. I don't mind a joke but that was going too far." She said with controlled anger tightening the expression on her face.

She was about to tell him either she went or Brian did. Thinking about it the bluff couldn't be called for what would she say to Martha after storming out? It would look so foolish giving in to two young lads. She didn't want the embarrassment of Martha finding out they had stripped her naked.

Sara took a bottle of white wine from the fridge not bothering to look at the label. Pouring it into a glass she took a large gulp hoping it would settle her nerves. The thin cotton material of the robe revealed a pair of hardening nipples as the cold air brushed them.

She slammed the fridge door in anger not feeling the wave of cold air over her bare legs. The robe was just a short wrap around meant to be worn in the bedroom not to be standing in the kitchen chastising an errant adolescent.

It was still wet, plastered to her slim waist emphasising the size of her breasts. It stuck between the cheeks of her heart shaped bottom but she didn't notice. Harry stole a look at her when he could, taking it all in. Every movement enwrapped him in a deeper adoration of her body.

Harry quickly looked down at the floor not daring to meet her eye. "Sorry, Miss." He said looking genuinely regretful.

"You are a couple of little shits! If I hear of you two boasting about your naughty little tricks I'll march round here to your parents and make sure you're grounded for the rest of summer. In my day you would have been paddled like a disgusting brat you're behaving like! Do you understand? Where is Brian?" She asked with both hands on her hips.

The murmurs of 'Yes Miss' reminded her of being in Miss Harriman's class so many years ago. If she hadn't been so angry she might have chuckled at his down turned expression.

"Brian is upstairs playing on the computer." Harry murmured.

'These violent computer games spoil their innocence.' She thought. She felt guilty thinking maybe it was just a bit of an overreaction. They weren't bad kids as all they needed was a bit of time spent with them. This whole neighbourhood was populated with parents too busy working for the must have possessions to spend quality time with their kids.

Harry now looked chastened enough to handle easily after the angry outburst. "So what are you going to do now?" She asked.

'Do I sound like my mother?' She wondered.


"No you're not playing with that computer game just yet. I need to talk to you about this. That naughty prank upstairs I mean." Sara said.

She was feeling calm now he was sitting on the sofa next to her looking pale and guilty. She needed to speak to him to ensure he didn't blab to his parents or his friends.

"It's OK! Maybe I overreacted. I just don't want you to tell anyone, it would be very embarrassing, that's all. What you did was wrong of course but I guess I shouldn't have been walking around like that."

"No." He said quietly.

"You can't take advantage of some one because they make a mistake, Harry." She said with a cross tone raising her voice. 'This is no way to gain his confidence.' She thought. "Sorry. It did shake me up a little." She smiled at him.

"I didn't mean that, I meant it wasn't your fault." He said. He couldn't tell her it had been Brian's idea. He just went along with it.

"Did you enjoy it? Seeing me like that." She asked. He didn't answer perhaps thinking it was a trap. She laughed a light tinkling teasing sound.

"It's OK! I know what adolescents are like. I'm an old experienced woman to you so don't pretend. There could only be one reason you pulled the towel away from me. Alright, Brian pulled it away but I saw the look you gave me."

"What was going through your mind then? I'm curious. Honest. I deserve to know after what you put me through." She asked.

"I don't know." He said bashfully.

"Did you like seeing me naked?" She asked, feeling once more in charge and confident with the innocent eighteen year old.

"Yes." He said, still looking away.

"It's OK." She said. "Now it's over I feel a bit funny about it too." It was her turn to blush. He looked at her sideways, now curious.

"What do you mean?" He said.

"I asked you first." She laughed again only with embarrassment this time.

"I did. I wanted to see you like that." He stammered.

"Well now you have. So it's over and we can forget about it." She said formerly.

"I won't ever forget." He admitted without thinking what he was saying.

"Well, it can be our little secret fantasy then." She said gently. Curiosity got the better of her. "Do you fantasise, I mean, do you think about girls and do naughty things at your age?" She asked in a sceptical tone alight with laughter.

"I'm old enough." He said then realised what he might be admitting to.

"Oh! So you will imagine me naked prancing around in your house!" She said lightly.

"No!" He said, his voice rising in anguish.

"It's alright, I guess. What you do in your head is your private business. I'm sorry I pried. I was just curious. It's OK. Every one has their fantasies. Mine is being captured by pirates and rescued by a handsome prince." Sara laughed. She couldn't tell him the whole story he just wouldn't understand.

"Captured by pirates?" He laughed.

"I know it sounds silly!" She said, flushing with embarrassment.

"No it's not. Mine is . . ." He began but choked off the words.

Sara took his hand and said. "Go on. I won't laugh, promise. We can share this and not tell anyone else."

"I saw you in the pool and imagined rescuing you, pulling you from it." He murmured.

"Well that's nice. I guess you got to touch me?"

"Yes. You're bikini got pulled off, accidently." He looked wistfully at her breasts seeing her hardened nipples pushing at thin material of the gown.

"Well, now you have seen my breasts. I know you liked that. I guess I should be flattered. For me it was humiliating you two seeing me like that, naked and vulnerable. Don't worry. It was somehow a turn on. The humiliation I mean." Sara hadn't meant to say it but this was new to her too.

"How do you mean?" He asked.

"I'm not sure I understand it myself. I felt humiliated, somehow spoiled by you young kids seeing me naked. Yet that humiliation and shame turned me on." Sara blushed at having revealed such a private thought.

"So what else happened to me when you saved me?" She said trying to divert attention from the wicked little revelation.

"I kissed you, like a life saver." He said.

"Would you like to kiss me now?" She said, meaning just to tease him and make him forget what she had inadvertently revealed.

"Yes please." He said not daring to look at her.

"If you don't tell anyone I'll let you. I'll teach you to do it properly for when you have a girlfriend." She said. The words tumbled from her wine wet lips before they could be censored.

He looked up at her with such a look of hope and pleasure she found it hard to refuse. He closed his eyes and puckered up so tight lipped it was a parody of a kiss. She smiled to herself, tempted to shock him. She leaned forward and opened her mouth probing him with her tongue.


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