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Babysitting Trouble Ch. 04

Story Info
Sara is humiliated and taken by a pizza guy.
9.4k words

Part 7 of the 10 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 05/25/2009
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Sara awoke from a night sleep disturbed by dreams of pirates; being captured and relentlessly raped by them, one after another, then rescued. She shook off the dreamy state for dark memories of yesterday to replace the fantasy.

'Surely yesterday couldn't have been real.' She thought, needing it to be just another dream. Opening her eyes she wondered where she was for a moment then realised it was her friends' guest bedroom. Martha had arrived home late from the theatre and asked Sara to stay the night so as to make an early start on a visit to her sister.

Sara hated the idea of staying another day in that house after what happened. She hadn't a ready excuse to hand and it would be an opportunity to spend the day sweet talking Martha's son into keeping their dire secret so she relented. It would be devastating if it got out she had played around with those boys even though she had been forced by Brian.

Who would believe those innocent middle class youths had trapped her into such depraved acts. They would say she had teased them on purpose and of course in retrospect she had. It had been after they had annoyed her with their obvious ogling of her bikini clad body. How could she have anticipated such a horrendous outcome?

There was no sign of her clothes then she remembered Martha had put them in the wash last night so she had something to wear. Martha the pie making, home making mom she had let down so badly. In the wardrobe there was a robe on the floor where it had been hurriedly thrown yesterday while clearing up before Martha arrived. It was torn and useless, a dark reminder of what had happened.

That brute of a boy had ripped it off leaving her naked before his nervously giggling friends. At least Martha's son, Harry, had a crush on her which she would use to keep him quiet about that naughty episode they shared.

She reached for another robe to see it was much thinner and shorter, but the cotton was soft and comfortable. It would do to go downstairs to get her clothes out of the dryer. She rummaged around and found a pair of red satin panties and sniffed them tentatively to make sure they were clean. They were a snug fit; obviously not a pair of her friend's big comfortable knickers.


"Harry. I didn't think you would be up for awhile. How do you open this thing?" Sara asked, fuming at the dryer in frustration. She straightened up quickly, feeling she had revealed a glimpse of red panties, not wanting to start something all over again. This was going to have to be a new start and wanted to put her foot down straight away.

"I have no idea mom always takes care of it. She complains about it to dad but won't buy a new one. Says it's a good old fashioned machine and they don't make them like that anymore." He mimicked.

"I was up early this morning and wrote down some things I want you to do." Harry said.

"What do you mean? Like breakfast? Come on lets eat before anything else." She said trying to sound cheery. They walked into the kitchen and he sat down just waiting to be served.

"I'm a house-sitter Harry not a maid." She sighed.

Like a flash of lightening a memory from yesterday hit her. She was in the lounge serving those young brats drinks and snacks. It was humiliating being coerced into being a maid to a bunch of raucous youths just out of high school but on top of that she had been naked. If that wasn't bad enough they had started to touch her, intimately.

Now there was time to think it was a wonder how excited the whole nasty episode made her. Was it the touching or the humiliation that brought on such a pitch of readiness? There was no denying how wet she had been for that boy had slipped his penis in so easily. She had become so hot all resistance had been lost to the vulgar things they demanded.

"Sara? You OK? Sara?" Harry asked.

"Oh! Yea, here take this juice while I fix some toast." She said, trying to recover some balance.

With some cranberry juice she sat opposite him at the table studying the laminate pattern while fiddling with a coaster. "So what are we going to do today, something interesting? Let's see this list of yours." She said with a forced smile.

She glanced at the list and grimaced after only reading the first line. "Please don't tell me you let anyone see this Harry." Sara gasped. He shook his head. "No, Harry. We can't do anything like that again. It would be wrong because you're too young for me and I would be in trouble if anyone found out." She said, letting him know by the tone of voice this inappropriate intimacy had to stop.

"No, I haven't told anyone yet. Mom and dad went early, that's what woke me up. I might tell them when they get home though." He said, keenly watching for a reaction.

"No! Please Harry you can't do that, no one must know!" She pleaded.

She glanced at the disgusting list again and was shocked. "This is terrible! You can't expect me to let you do these things." The look on his face revealed she had told him too much. He had suspected it was a desperate secret, so now he knew for certain and would use it against her. She decided a better ploy was to be firm without antagonising him.

"You did bad things with Brian and his gang so why not me?" He began.

"That was different. I didn't have a choice they had me tied up."

He interrupted telling her. "You were excited by it and enjoyed it, but you won't do it with me." He said petulantly.

"No Harry. It was awful what those boys did to me. You wouldn't want to hurt your lovely babysitter would you?" Trying to win his favour she was prepared to place herself in the role of babysitter but that was a mistake.

"When we were together in the pool-house you said I should do lots of naughty things to you - 'you can do anything you want to me', you said." The tone of voice accused her of betrayal.

"I was carried away with the excitement of it all." Sara stopped talking too late. From the look on his face she was condemned with those words. "Sometimes you just do things and say things without thinking of the consequences. I'm here to make sure you don't do anything wrong not help you make a mistake. As an adult I'm responsible for you and must tell you what to do. I should look after you and guide you." She said, feeling guilty.

"Like a teacher? Well you can teach me something. I want to see you do this." He said pointing to the first item on the nasty list.

It was something Sara couldn't bring herself to do in front of a long time partner let alone this young man, it would be totally wrong. The internet had certainly given him some awful ideas. She felt embarrassed just reading it. He was treating her like a high school project, a pet project.

"I'm not some pet you can manipulate like this, it's very naughty. It's worse than that it's gross, Harry." Her protest seemed less than convincing. "Your treating me like some pet you've brought home expecting it to perform tricks. I'm a grown woman and your mom's friend and you must treat me with respect." She protested. "I just can't do this. Please Harry lets start again by behaving properly."

"I saved you from those boys and you promised me!" He said. "You don't want me to tell on you, yet you would tell my parents if I misbehaved. You crawled around on the floor like a pet for them, why not me? You can be my pet now; you must do what I say." He said petulantly.

'How the hell am I going to get out of this?' She thought.

"Let's play some games instead, something proper." She said, hoping to win him round.

"Like pirates?" He said, with a mischievous grin on his face.

With a deep sigh she wondered what the hell had come over her to reveal this wicked little secret. Yesterday she had revealed a sexual fantasy of being captured by pirates, more or less like her dream last night, only she had just hinted at the sexual side of it. She was going to pay dearly for the indiscretion that was certain.

"I could chase you round the house. I have a pirates outfit and sword in my room from when I was a kid." He said.

'This might work if I can get him to play a game rather than play with me.' She thought, with a shiver.

Harry chased her from the kitchen through the dining room into the lounge. He cornered her on the sofa and tickled her until she surrendered. The robe had twisted around, almost off, but she managed to save her breasts, just. Out of breath they panted and laughed together.

"Ok! You're captured now. I should have a sword though. Let's go to my room and get one. I've got more toys up there in the back of the wardrobe I haven't played with for years. I've got something for you too!" He said with enthusiasm.

Wanting to keep him distracted she went along with the game in a head over heels dash upstairs, hoping it would remain a harmless game. She recovered her breath while he rummaged around in the wardrobe.

She looked around the bedroom, at the posters of cartoon hero's blue tacked on the walls and felt her age. She had been an only child and had never seen a young mans' bedroom before. There were models of planes hanging from the ceiling and a telescope pointing out the window and the kid clutter she might have expected. He maybe eighteen but the past was still there.

He turned around with a toy sword and pointed it at her. She surrendered with both hands in the air in mock surprise. "I yield captain, I'm your captive." She laughed.

Sara thought he was reaching for a pirate costume he had mentioned but instead pulled a cord around her wrists. Before she could react he tied her wrists above her head to a hook on the door. 'Oh! No! Not again.' She thought.

"No Harry let me go."

"You let Brian tie you up so now it's my turn." He told her.

He giggled playfully then reached out to the robe with a free hand. She was so startled there was no time to even turn away. The robe was so loose after their chase and play fight it easily unwrapped from around her body. In dismay she felt it slip from her shoulders completely open in front.

For a moment she stood there in a daze then clamped her thighs together. 'Not again!' She thought in alarm. He wouldn't have the audacity for such a mischievous act if it hadn't been for her appalling behaviour yesterday and so blamed her self.

"I said no Harry and I meant it. You can't see me naked I'm a grown woman. You're eighteen and I'm thirty-two doesn't that mean anything to you? It's wrong and you must stop right now. I'm your babysitter and will remain in charge and you will do as I say. Now untie me." She said crossly.

'At least this one isn't ripped. I'll have to dump the torn one before Martha finds it.' She thought.

"You have to do as I say or pay the consequences. Which is it to be?" He said holding up the horrid list waiving it like a flag in her face. He slapped her bare ass with the side of the sword and she jumped with a yelp.

"Stop it that stings." She complained. 'How on earth did I get into this? I'm a grown woman having my panty clad ass slapped by a friend's young son.' She wondered. 'If it hadn't been for what happened yesterday the little brat wouldn't have dared treat me like this. He hardly had the guts to look me in the eye.'

The determination in his eyes told her he meant to get his own way. Sara decided to go along with what he wanted, in part, for surely she could fake it without him knowing. "OK! I give in. Just this one thing and you tell no one!" She growled. "Promise me!"

More embarrassed than she had ever been Sara slipped fingers into the waist of the little red panties not daring to say a word. It was unpleasant the way he watched her pull them down her legs. Such an ordinary everyday act made nasty. Throughout the ordeal of stripping she carefully hid everything between her legs from him with deliberate movements.

Sitting on the floor she wrapped an arm around her knees and discreetly reached between her legs with a free hand. She could do this without him seeing too much and he was too inexperienced to know if she cheated.

"No. Do it as it's written down here." He told her.

"You can't see my pussy Harry it's too shameful. You can see my breasts, you like that don't you?" She tried to dissuade him hoping he wouldn't abuse the power he had over her too much as though this weren't already way off the scale.

His look told her she wasn't going to get away with much. Sliding her legs down flat on the floor she opened them a little feeling so very terrible. It wasn't enough to placate him as he ordered her to spread them out wide displaying everything.

With a hand covering her crotch she rubbed it back and forth trying not to reveal or touch anything sensitive. It was so very humiliating to be in this position she wanted to end it quickly. She would have to fake it. Something marriage had taught her on many occasions.

"Let me see what you're doing, you're covering it all up." He complained.

She heard the gruffness in his voice and knew he was excited. She looked up to see his eyes focused intently upon her crotch. She glanced at his cock appalled that he was masturbating with her.

Sara was startled to feel a finger, her own, dig between a swollen pair of lips with another teasing her hardened nub. It was as though her hand had taken over uncontrollably, determined to do it to her. Sara felt the wetness of her pussy and the hotness of her body and gave in letting her fingers take over. 'No!' She thought. 'I mustn't do this.' It was no good he had pushed her to the edge and she was helplessly falling.

She couldn't take her eyes off that young cock, so hard in his hand, moving toward her, pointing it at her naked body. He was going to cum over her! The shame of letting him do this was unbearable yet she couldn't move, couldn't stop playing with her pussy. She was masturbating in front of this young man and the humiliation was driving her to a climax.

"Open your mouth." He said, in a strained voice.

She wanted to tell him off, to tell him not to be so distasteful. 'Oh! Hell, no! I should be telling him what to do not submitting to this young inexperienced man.' She squealed inwardly. She opened her mouth to yell at him or obey, not knowing which. All thought was a blur in her mind for she was so close to an orgasm.

She looked up to see his balls tighten and jerk, his young virile penis spasm. He stood over her like a Titan triumphant over a vanquished slave. She was being overwhelmed by his supremacy.

She watched in dismay as strings of his cum spurt from his penis as though in slow motion. It dealt a consummate blow to her self worth. He had reduced her to a sex object to abuse as he saw fit.

It splashed into her open mouth, in her hair and across her breasts. A spasm of greedy hunger raised her hips from the floor helping to thrust two fingers deep into her ravenous vagina. She jerked her hips up wanting more than the fingers, needing something bigger more potent, yet it was enough for nothing would stop the all-consuming passion overtaking her mind and body.

Her limbs writhed as though in pain, her feet walking with heels scrapping at the carpet. She shook her head from side to side as though denying it. Eventually the fiery quaking began to subside. Her eyes rolled open unseeing, still focused on the ardent passionate journey not wanting to return to reality.

Harry lay beside her seemingly amused at the display. She couldn't speak simply laying back on the carpet in sweaty exhaustion. He hadn't even touched her and she had such a powerful orgasm it had knocked her into another dimension.

He slid hot fingers over her breasts. Every touch to those sensitive orbs sent slivers of fire along her spine. He offered his fingers to her lips and she sucked. He continued until the breasts were dry of his sperm then started picking strings of his cum from her hair.

She wanted to stop this demeaning game but couldn't summon the strength to speak let alone resist. He continued feeding her his white sperm until he had wiped every drop from her body. His touch between her legs made her gasp, the first sound from her throat, not in protest but in appreciation. So sensitive in a post orgasmic state his touch nearly set her off again.

Now she tasted her own juices on his fingers but still the will to refuse was beyond her. How could this young man reduce her to such a state of submission? She had never before tasted her own cum or performed so coarsely. She didn't want to think it had been the humiliation that had set her off so dismissed the idea.

She wondered if after this it would ever be possible to refuse him anything he wanted. She needed to escape for now there were even more dreadful acts to be blackmail with. If he ever told his parents she would simply die of shame. She hoped he was unaware through lack of experience how much power he had over her.


"You can get dressed now. Put this on first though." He told her.

"Where in hell did you get that?" Sara asked.

"On the internet, I used mom's credit card." He said.

"It's not exactly a mother's day gift. Why on earth did you buy such a thing?"

"I was doing a school project on medieval Europe and wanted to see what one was like. I chucked it into back of the wardrobe, it's useless, and nothing like the ones they had back then." He grinned wickedly.

Sara was bemused that he wanted her to wear a chastity belt. This was unexpected, but at least it meant she wasn't going to be assaulted by him again while wearing it. She didn't think it possible to survive another orgasm like that. It was too good and that made it so bad; to be doing it with a young man at her age was so wrong and it was her friend's son too.

Without looking at it too closely she quickly pulled the flap between her legs and fastened it to the belt. It was embarrassing the way his eyes seemed to be devouring her pussy so it was some comfort to be covering it up even though it was with such a bizarre piece of clothing.

The awful thing was stainless steel with padding but not too uncomfortable. When clipped it into place it made an ominous click sound. She pulled at it confirming the worst, it was locked in place. A glance at him said all she needed to know. She was locked in and wouldn't be able to get it off without a key.

"I've got the key hidden, you'll never find it." He said with a devilish grin.

She took a step toward him and was startled to feel something rub against her clit. "What have you done to me Harry? Damn! You can't lock it away it's my pussy not yours. You don't own it."

Taking another step toward him, intending to shake some sense into the young brat, brought her to an abrupt halt. She felt something enter her. "OH! Damn! What's happening now?" She complained with her face screwed up in anguish.

"It has a built in vibrator and I have the remote control!" He laughed.

'Damn! I've been so stupid. Why did I let this twerp trap me like this? Shit! I'll really have to be nice to him or he won't unlock it. What if he sends me home in it?' She wondered. 'I'll be trapped in it until he sees fit to release me. I offered him my body yesterday but this is ridiculous.'

"Please Harry take it off." She intended to kneel on the floor to look up through long eyelashes at him to gain his sympathy. "OH!" She yelped.

Every time she moved a rubber finger massaged her clit sending a wave of sensations through her body. The vibrator seemed to slide a long way in adding to the torment. She backed away but with every step it sensitised her pussy. She watched him press a button on what looked like a TV remote and shivered in distress.

"It's now on setting two." He told her. Satisfied with its effect he pressed another button and it began to wriggle, then he pressed three. All the time he watched her squirming as though in pain but it was far from that. Already wet, her pussy was oozing now.

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