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Babysitting Trouble Ch. 05

Story Info
Sara is tied to a stake in the backyard.
12.4k words

Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 05/25/2009
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Sara kept out of the way by tidying up while trying hard not to think about what had happened yesterday and that morning. At least Harry seemed sated from all the passionate sex they had indulged in as he too kept out of the way in his room.

She was sure he would keep their secret from his parents so all she needed to do was talk to Brian. He had so much influence over his friends she was sure he could bully them into not blabbing.

The kitchen was sparkling. She knew friends would take out their frustration on cleaning the house but it had never inspired her before and besides she was far from frustrated, at least not sexually. She had never had so many orgasms in her life.

This was one of the things that worried her. It was disturbing having had them with those young men though her thoughts were dominated by the need of preventing the sordid truth leaking out. Her whole life would be ruined if word got around the neighbourhood that she teased and had sex with them. Probably worse than that, she might be ostracised from the community.


"Hi Martha, you're back early. How was your trip?" Sara asked.

"Don't ask. He's been complaining the whole morning. When we got there my sister had perked up and he sat around with a look on his face. I couldn't stand it any longer so we upped and left." Martha complained.

"By the way how do you open the washing machine? I found these things in the guest bedroom hope you don't mind me borrowing them." Sara asked.

She felt embarrassed in the little black dress Harry had found for her. How could she tell Martha her son had dressed her like this for the thrill of it. Let alone that he had blackmailed her into playing around as his sex pet.

"Sorry, should have warned you. It's a bit tricky, you make the coffee and I'll sort it out."

Sara handed her a cup of coffee when she came back into the kitchen.

"I had to re-set the machine to start from the beginning. It'll take awhile but you'll have some super clean clothes." She sighed. Before Martha could even sip the coffee the phone rang. Reaching out to the wall phone Martha listened with the occasional murmur in reply. Obviously one of the constant talkers they both knew.

"I'm sure she will. I'm home early so she can spare a half hour." She watched her friend nod carelessly and returned to the caller. "No problem." Martha dropped the phone on its hook with a deep sigh. "Glad to get off the phone with her. Thanks for helping out you got me out of a jam."

"That's OK. Glad to help a friend." Sara lied, while thinking of all that had happened over the last couple of days.

"I'll give you a lift."

Sara was about to ask about her clothes then thought better of it. The sooner home the better. They turned the corner in the wrong direction for home and Sara was about to ask where they were going when her friend interrupted.

"She's a nice enough woman. The couple are real church goers, one of these tough sects that believe in old fashioned family values. You shouldn't have much trouble there as the father keeps them all in check. It's just to fill in for half an hour till the aunt arrives." Martha explained.

Sara groaned silently. Martha hadn't explained anything at all about the phone call. Sara thought she was thanking her for house-sitting not accepting another damn babysitting task.

'Well I can stand another half hour. It will be easy after all I've been through.' She mused. "You owe me for this Martha. One of your mixed fruit pies covered in cream will do it." Sara smiled. The tension seemed to be lifting the further away from Martha's house they drove.

Martha watched her friend walk up the drive. "Shit!" She was about to call through the window but the door was opening and she didn't want to get into another long conversation with that woman. She should have warned Sara about the dress. The husband was a church elder in one of the more extreme sects and wouldn't be happy at all.


A nice pleasant woman invited her in and chatted amicably though Sara understood what her friend meant. The woman was running off about nothing in particular not giving Sara a chance to ask any details about what was required or when the aunt would show up.

The house was minimalist, not with modern furniture rather it was old fashioned without the slightest comfort. In contrast with Martha's place it was cold and uninviting. Following the woman into the lounge she noticed the absence of a television. An interior decorator into the sixties look would just love the decor.

Before she could sit down the mother nodded to someone who entered the room behind her. Sara turned to see the child she was to babysit. She put a hand to her mouth stifling a screech of astonishment. Brian was boldly standing there leering at her. This was no child it was the eighteen year old bully that tormented her yesterday.

"This is the woman I was telling you about mother." He said.

Sara looked at the mother with anguish plainly writ large over her face. The dreadful secret was out to this compulsive town gossip; of all people why did it have to be her. Sara stared at the woman in trepidation waiting for an unpleasant scene.

"She is a lewd flirt and a tease mother. She paraded around in a bikini showing off her near naked body to us all at Harry's house. I can't tell you the dirty things she said and blasphemy too." He told his mother, pointing at her with an accusing finger.

Sara couldn't think what to say she was so afraid. This was exactly what had needed to be avoided. 'No! Please don't tell her any more.' Sara thought, quaking with fear wondering what he would say next.

"Dear me! I can't let you house-sit with our son. We need someone to look after our home after hearing what happened the other night. The police raided a house just round the corner. What shall we do? My husband will be angry if we are late for the church meeting. I should warn other mothers about her too." The mother flustered and spluttered.

Sara jumped as though slapped. The idea of this woman spreading such dreadful gossip around was horrendous. "Please don't tell anyone. You go with your husband. I will behave properly, just don't tell anyone. Please." Sara begged.

"She should be punished for what she did." Brian told his mother.

"Do you think she will learn the error of her ways Brian?" His mother asked of him.

"Yes I will learn to behave. I promise not to behave improperly in your home. It was all a silly mistake. I'm sorry, really I am. Please punish me and don't tell anyone about what happened." Sara poured out her heart in earnest regret.

Brian was staring at her with a look of glee in his eyes. Remembering the spanking he gave her yesterday she looked away from him in embarrassment. Sara looked at the mother willing her to change her mind about telling anyone. She wondered what the woman had in mind as way of punishment but couldn't think quickly enough to find the right words in this unusual situation.

"If you agree and you think it best Brian then a punishment might suffice. I'm sure your father would punish her for such sinful behaviour." The mother said.

"Get down on your knees!" Brian told her with a far stronger edge to his voice than before.

The whole gruesome episode of that dreadful evening flooded her mind bringing with it a state of panic and confusion. As though she were again being tormented by those callous youths her mind became swamped with fear and she dropped to her knees.

For a moment she became a pathetic schoolgirl being bullied by an older student. This time it wasn't her pig tails that were going to be pulled, there was more to lose than a little dignity. On her knees before the two of them she felt so small and pathetic and hoped for some Christian charity.

"No please. Help me. He's just an adolescent you can't let him punish a mature woman. He's your son don't let him punish me!" Sara pleaded.

"He's a male my dear. I can't overrule a male in this house. Men rule here you see. It's our custom and a strict rule." His mother said.

"Lean over the arm of that sofa." Brian ordered firmly.

The thought of this woman revealing her lewd secret to everyone in the neighbourhood drained all resistance. Her body collapsed over the sofa as though receiving a punch to knock the stuffing out of her. 'How can his mother let him do this to me?' She cried silently in anguish.

"Pull down your panties." Brian said, the triumph in his voice sounding clear.

She couldn't move. In such a short dress the little pair of red satin panties were obviously on show which was so very embarrassing; she just couldn't pull them down to bare her cheeks. 'This is so wrong. How can I let this young man do this to me? Why isn't his mother stopping him?'

"It's best you do as he says dear otherwise it will go harder on you. If my husband hears you've been a bad woman before his son he will certainly throw you out of the house. Now, do as you're told and no one need hear of your misbehaviour." She said.

"How can you let him do this to me? You wouldn't submit to this demeaning punishment!" She blurted out.

"If any man in this house thought I should be chastised then I would have to submit, dear. It's the rule of the house and what we believe is right."

Without hope of help from his mother Sara slipped her panties down revealing a cute arse, clenched tight in fear. 'Oh shit! No! Not this. It's disgraceful.' She thought. To be thrashed by this callous youth was bad enough but with his mother watching it was horrendous.

She heard the sound of a belt being slipped from a pair of jeans and gulped.

She heard and felt the thwack as it struck her bottom across both cheeks. It stung and she stifled a yelp. Each strike reddened her cheeks to match the embarrassment on her blushing face. She counted six strikes from his belt and was relieved it was over, only now she would have to stand and face them.

She wondered how quickly she could run from this horror house, but first she would have to convince his mother the punishment was enough and not to tell anyone.

"What do you say babysitter?" Brian asked with a sarcastic tone to his voice.

She remembered last night's performance and cringed. So this is where he had learnt such terrible behaviour; obviously from his father. "Thank you for punishing me, sir." She said with a sob.

She stood up with the panties slung around her ankles feeling so humbled she was prepared to flee not caring if the mother blabbed or not. She stood there a moment trying to regaining some composure when his father walked in.

He looked at the panties matching her red face. Her face was spattered with tears but there was no sympathy in the look he gave her.

"What is this all about? What are you up to Brian? Explain your self young man!" He asked, with a mean tone to his voice.

'At last!' She thought, someone man enough to stand up to this bully. She heard Brian repeat the tale he gave to his mother yet again leaving out his nasty part in the damning story. At least he hadn't told them everything.

"I don't want a teasing slut in my home, get her out of here." He growled.

'Thank god for that! All I want is to escape this vile house.' She thought.

"She is supposed to be here tonight while we go to church, Sir. It seems she has been a naughty girl but knows how to take a punishment well and has learnt her lesson. It might be good for her to be taught how to behave correctly. You could leave her in Brian's care, he could teach her to behave properly, Sir." The mother said.

Sara looked at her in dismay. The look the woman gave her left no doubt, do as I say or your damning secret will be revealed to all who care to listen. Who could refuse such meaty gossip? Her name would be dragged through the mud and her father would find out sooner or later.

"What do you have to say for yourself jezebel?" The big man said, looming over her with such great authority she shrank back from him.

Taking a cue from his mother she demurely looked down at the floor through her long auburn hair. "I'm sorry sir. It was my fault. I teased them in a bikini and misbehaved. I won't do it again, honest! Brian has punished me enough. Thank you, Brian. I promise to behave myself in future, sir." She said, hoping this was enough to placate him. She didn't like the look of the brute; a larger, stronger version of Brian.

"I don't want some common harlot around the house causing trouble and disruption." He growled.

The mother chirped up. "It would be a pity to lose this opportunity to correct one who has fallen from grace. It might be good practice for Brian to take care of someone, Sir. It will be quit a challenge for him. I'm sure all she needs is some attention and proper training. Besides we cannot leave him in the house alone with so many dreadful people around, Sir." The wife said demurely.

"Well wife, what you say is true. Maybe she can stay if she promises to behave herself." He intoned as though from a pulpit.

'No!' She thought. That isn't what she wanted at all. She wanted to escape this mad house. 'Even just half an hour house-sitting Brian will be hell.' For a moment she wondered if this might be an opportunity to keep him from telling all. What if she threatened to tell his parents what really happened? She could blackmail him in turn.

"You will have to look after her properly Brian. Teach her the rules of this house and teach her to obey and behave herself." He pointed at Sara. "You will do as you're told and no trouble or you will feel a real strap across your nether regions. Then you will know you've been punished. Just ask the wife if you doubt me."

"Oh! Yes sir. I will behave myself, honest, sir." Sara sputtered, not wanting to cross this fierce man. 'Damn!' She thought. 'Did I just agree to let Brian be in charge of me?' Sara felt so vulnerable standing before this man in the little black dress with her panties around her ankles. It was too easy to just give in.

The big man wagged a finger at her. "So you blasphemed and walked around in a bikini teasing the young men while house-sitting." The father stated with such a stern expression she could only nod. A look from Brian was all it needed to know he would reveal more if she didn't admit to something.

"Speak up woman." He told her.

"I did sir. Sorry sir." She said with a tremble to her voice. She felt so stupid standing there like a naughty school girl caught out after a silly prank. The sooner this was over and they left the sooner she could escape, so going along with it seemed the easy option.

"Brian you were right to chastise her. Young women today are out of control, no restraint, no morals. You need to learn some discipline. In this house the women know their place and do as they are told. Isn't that right wife?" He said.

"Yes Sir." She said simply; not willing to chatter aimlessly before her husband.

"Perhaps it would do Brian good to have some responsibility. Brian you must ensure she doesn't misbehave in my house. You know the rules so chastise her firmly if she transgresses."

He looked at Sara and said. "It will do you good to learn respect for men folk and gain some discipline in your life. Do you agree to my terms?" He asked.

There was no way she was going to spend an evening with Brian and as far as being disciplined, as they called it, they were crazy if they thought she would stand for that. She was leaving this mad house as soon as possible. When she opened her mouth to refuse the mother spoke up.

"I won't have to tell anyone about your sordid behaviour if you agree, dear." She said quietly.

Sara heard the threat in her voice and wondered what was going on. Was she being helpful in trying to point her in the right direction or was there some other motive? She opened her mouth again, more hesitantly this time.

"She was very bad at Harry's house father but I'm sure all she needs is careful watching and for me to point out the error of her ways, Sir." Brian said. The look he gave her was enough to make her shiver. He was telling her to agree or he would tell his parents a lot more.

Caught between the three of them she felt the little confidence left melting to nothing. "Yes sir." She said in what sounded even to her own ears a pathetic little voice.

"I don't want her corrupting you Brian with her evil ways. You must be sure to chastise her if she misbehaves." The father said gravely.

'No! I'm a grown woman you can't let this little shit do that to me!' Sara gasped inwardly. The look he gave was enough to keep her quiet. 'Why don't I just walk out of here?' She wondered; in any case she planned to do just that as soon as they left.

"That dress is not suitable at all. It's far too flimsy a garment to be wearing. Fetch her something suitable, wife." He said.

Sara at last agreed with something he had to say. Wearing something more suitable would be useful to walk home in.

"I shall want a full report when I get home. We must leave wife, we must not be late." He intoned grimly.


Sara could hardly contain herself from anger and humiliation but knew better than to complain. Brian and his mother trouped out of the lounge with her. Sara felt as though she were a prisoner being escorted to the scaffold. Coming to terms with the idea of being found out she hardly heard his mother's warning.

"Brian needs a distraction, something to keep him busy and out of my way. It will do him good to have someone to take care of. Remember Brian what your father said, she needs to learn to obey and be properly deferential to men. She needs to learn that men are her superior and to do as she is told."

Sara bulked at the very thought of such a ridiculous idea. A superior man was an alien a concept as flapping her arms to fly.

"Sara you will do as you are told or I shall be forced to warn all the mothers in the area about you. Do I make myself clear?" She asked.

She spoke so calmly Sara missed the threat for a moment. The spider's web had tightened around her so completely she lost the will to struggle. Unable snatch a breath to answer she nodded her head.

"Make her into a proper subservient woman as your father instructed you. If in doubt what to do think of her as a pet that needs to be house trained." She said to Brian and hurried off to join her husband.

Sara became frightened at the way his mother spoke as though she were putting ideas into Brian's head. She wasn't trying to help at all. Sara thought about Brian and his father and wondered if this poor woman needed help. Was she using Sara to keep the men occupied just to get some rest from their tyrannical attitude?


Brian led her up stairs to his bedroom while she was still in a state of confusion. "So babysitter, I'm in charge now! You have to do exactly as I say or you get this." He shoved a leather dog leash in her face.

She shivered as though a splash of cold water had run down her spine. She still wore the little black dress as the promised clothing had been forgotten. Hearing the front door close heavily she took a deep breath. This was the time to start laying down her rules. She was about to try some blackmail of her own and there was plenty she could tell his parents about his disgusting behaviour even if it left her looking pathetic.

He looped a cord around her wrists and lifted her arms up to hook them above her head. He clipped a collar around her neck leaving the leash to fall between the mounds of her breasts.

"Brian please, no, you can't do this to me. You're nearly half my age doesn't that mean anything to you. You should show your elders respect. You can't go around tying people up. No Brian! There's no need for this. Come on let me go. Let's sit down and talk things through." Sara thought of stronger words to shout at him but kept her head and pleaded for sympathy instead.

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