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Babysitting Trouble Ch. 07

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Sara is kidnapped.
11.1k words

Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 05/25/2009
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Sara is kidnapped

In the kitchen Martha handed her friend, Sara, a coffee.

'Harry is spending a lot of time at your house,' Martha said.

'He's good company. Spends time on homework and helps with the cooking,' Sara said.

'Cooking? I know you're a terrible cook, and he never shows interest here,' Martha laughed.

'Well, I get a pizza, and he does the washing up,' Sara explained.

She was trying not to sound cagey over what they were up to. Martha's son was screwing her every chance he got, and she wasn't dissuading him. Rather, she had completely submitted to him over the last two weeks. As he was only eighteen Sara felt it vital to keep the bad secret away from everyone, especially his mother.

'He's got a crush on you, did you know?' Martha continued fishing.

Sara went red with embarrassment. She didn't need to try and look astonished. The idea that Martha might have guessed something was going on, was alarming.

'No! Really! What should I do?' Sara exclaimed.

'Just be aware that's all,' Martha said, and took a sip of coffee.

'Oh,' Sara could only just reply, without choking.

'You could of course, how can I say, help him to become a responsible young man. He's going to university soon, and will meet girls his own age. You could teach him to be more confident with girls,' Martha said, and took a sudden interest in the coffee cup.

'What are you saying? I can't give him a talk about the birds and the bees. Surely his father should do that. He's eighteen, he should be aware of girls and things,' Sara pointed out.

'I'm sure he is, aware, but is he considerate to women. You could give him, well, a head start. With the right direction he would become an appreciative, lover. Think about how it is when you got married. The men are useless. They think of nothing but themselves, and it takes time for them to learn to keep us happy,' Martha said, with heartfelt criticism.

'Martha! Are you asking me to. . .' Sara began, abruptly coming to a stop.

Did Martha suspect them of cavorting together? She was fucking her friends son and it seemed so awful being confronted by the fact.

'Why not? You're an attractive young woman without a man, at the moment. Think about it, it might be fun,' Martha mischievously spoke.

'Martha! I'm twenty eight. It wouldn't be right. You're asking me to seduce your son,' she quietly said.

'Well, it was just an idea, don't let it worry you,' Martha advised.

'I'll try not to. Maybe he shouldn't come around today,' Sara murmured.

'Nonsense. He enjoys your company. Maybe that's enough to satisfy him,' Martha said, trying to close the conversation.

Both women wondered what each other was thinking. Martha could see her friend thinking about it, and quietly hoped she had sown the seeds of action. Sara hoped Martha hadn't guessed they were sleeping together, and that her friend would drop the idea.

'Have you heard any more from those weird people? You know. The ones you babysat for a few weeks ago,' Martha asked, as a way of changing the subject.

'How could I forget? Their house was dismal. That poor woman. The husband is a bully, and uses religion as an excuse to repress her. She's nothing but a skivvy there, with no freedom at all,' Sara said, with indignation.

'I heard they're all like that. They've got a fundamentalist church in New Acres, the old part of town. They live a simple life, but it's an extremist cult. I didn't know until the other day what they were like. I'm sorry I took you around there. They haven't bothered you since, have they?' Martha asked, sounding apologetic.

'They tried to recruit me, but haven't contacted me again,' Sara said.

Recruiting her was a diplomatic way of putting it. The son wanted to keep her there as his sexual plaything. The experience had been traumatic, and she only escaped when Harry broke her free. She wondered if being subjected to the families heavy subjugation was still affecting her. Brian had treated her roughly to wear her down, as well as indoctrinating her into becoming submissive. She had submitted to Harry over the last couple of weeks, which might have something to do with that awful experience.

Shaking her head to free it of such bad thoughts, she decided to tease her friend.

'It was tempting to join them. The young men must learn to satisfy a woman before getting married. Is that where you got the idea from? Before marriage they spend several nights with older, married women. They get marks for how many orgasms they give, and get permission to marry if they satisfy the older woman,' Sara lied.

'No! That sounds a good idea to me,' she said, with a gleam in her eye. 'Oh! You're having me on. Hell! I was going to sign up,' she laughed.


Three weeks passed for Sara and Harry, in blissful peace at her house. She enjoyed having the attention of a caring young man. He even managed to get some studying done for college. She encouraged him by promising him a blowjob if he spent an hour studying. She no longer felt guilty, pandering to a young guy's whims. Whatever he wanted, she would throw herself into performing for him.

Being his little pet, letting him take charge, became a natural way of behaving. There was no way she would have submitted to such indignities before Brian had tormented her. After all that happened over the last weeks, her attitude had changed. Harry was her hero after saving her from Brian, and she felt a great needed to repay him. With him she let go all her inhibitions, to become his willing sex-pet. The arrogant and inhibited young woman of before, had been dramatically transformed.

The day of departure had arrived, and Harry was on his way to college. Sara put a brave face on, for him and Martha, though inside she felt the beginnings of a great loss. Waving goodbye as he drove off, she nearly broke down. She hurried back to her home before she made a spectacle of herself. The comfortable home felt as empty as she did. What was she to do without him?


Brian let himself into the house and made his way to the bedroom. He gently slipped a loop of cord around one ankle, then the other. He took his time, not wanting to disturb his victim. Another loop was loosely pulled around a wrist, then the other. When she fidgeted he held the cords still, waiting patiently for her to fall back into a deeper sleep.

He held the cords in one hand, and a ball gag in the other, ready to push into her mouth. He pulled upon the cords, tightening the slip knots. Sara awoke with a start, opening her mouth in surprise, not realising what was happening. He pushed the ball gag into her mouth, and tightened the strap at the back of her head.

Sara thrashed around, unable to kick or flail her arms. He turned her over, then again rolled her, until she was tightly cocooned in the sheet. He ignored the muffled yelps and screams.

He put his mouth close to an ear. 'You've been a naughty girl, Sara,' he said, and slapped her ass.

Sara recognised the voice. She froze knowing it was that evil boy! Fear overwhelmed her, stilling her body, brain, and almost her heart. Her breathe came in gasps through gaping nostrils, sucking in air, threatening hyperventilation.

'No! Not again!' she screamed through the ball gag.

The sound was nothing but a distorted gargle. It was frightening not being able to see with the sheet wrapped around her head. Her whole body was tightly wrapped in the king sized sheet, so movement was restricted to an ineffective wriggle. Once more she had been trapped by that revolting boy.

'Calm down, Sara,' Brian told her, and slapped her ass again.

He tied the ends of the two cords to the bed, and left her to ineffectually squirm. It would tire her out, and confirm she was powerless to escape. He went to the study to use her computer. While it warmed up he looked through desk draws, and as expected, found a well thumbed piece of paper. He typed the password, getting in on the first try.

On face book he updated her status. She had joined the Church of Fundamentalist Saints, and would be away for a few days.

Back in the bedroom he rolled her to the edge of the bed, and over his shoulder. He pushed up with strong legs until standing erect, and steadied himself for a moment. Brian congratulated himself, for so far everything had gone to plan. Walking through the house to the kitchen she began to violently squirm, throwing him against a refrigerator. A hard slap to her ass reminded her who was boss.

Stepping into the garage he lowered her into the trunk of her car. He already had the keys from the kitchen on his way in, and left the trunk open. She lay like an old carpet rolled up ready for disposal. He looked at his watch. It was five to six in the morning, almost thirty minutes since entering the house. His father would be leaving at six, on a business trip, arranging for a supply of wood for the family furniture business. Brian wanted to arrive home after he left.

No one was in the street when he paused to click the automatic garage door closed. The street he finally turned into was very different from the up market neighbourhood he just left. He hesitated at the end of the street to check his father had left home. Sara's car was reversed up the drive to park discreetly beside the house. Not that the nearest neighbours, a few hundred yards away, would care what he was up to. The house next door had been abandoned last week. The trunk was opened, and he was in the house in five minutes without a fuss.

At the bottom of the stairs he rested a moment, catching his breath. He adjusted her over his shoulder, ready to whisk her up to his room.

'That you, Brian?' his mother asked.

'Sure. Got something to do, and I'll be back down for breakfast,' he answered.

It was a tough climb up two flights of stairs to the attic room, but he had a great incentive. He secured Sara to a metal loop, bolted to the floor in the centre of the room. He went downstairs feeling light hearted and skipped the last two steps. He smelt the bacon frying, and sat down to a well earned breakfast.

Sara was livid, and fearful. She knew who the damn boy was, from the sound of his voice, and was fuming at this rough treatment. She knew what he intended, and that made her frightened. From the smell of the varnished floor, it was easy to guess she was back in his room.

'Damn him! Not again!' she screeched through the gag.

The shit had her lewdly performing in this same room a few weeks ago, for him and his friends. What he planned for her this time she didn't want to think about, as it was bound to be disgusting. Her legs were pressed tightly together, and she squashed her lips tighter. Crap! The damn boy had her squishy. It was terribly damning to realise she was turned on from being humiliated and mistreated.

This time she would resist it. Last time he and his mother blackmailed her into staying, but he had gone too far this time. Kidnapping was an offense that outweighed anything they could possibly hold over her. Besides, with Harry out of the way in college, she didn't care what they said, or did, she would run for home the first chance she got.

Being in that damned house brought back bad memories. This time she would walk out, whatever the consequences, and however difficult it might be to escape. Like a caterpillar, she wriggled along the floor to find the end of a rope tugging at her feet. Pulling at it didn't help, and she had no leverage while wrapped up in the sheet, tied with rope.

She changed direction to find the limits of the rope. She began a difficult wriggle around in a circle to find she had been tethered in the middle of the room. Nothing could be reached that might help her get out of the cocoon she was tightly wrapped in. She could smell and hear, but nothing else. She was completely sheathed from head to foot in a sheet, and held tight by the ropes.

It was infuriating, as once again the disgusting boy had her trapped. Last time he had her at a psychological disadvantage, with the support of his mother, and the threat of blackmail. This time she was more than willing to fight them all, as it was a vital battle for freedom.

Brian stepped into the kitchen looking pleased with himself.

'You're hungry this morning, Brian,' his mother said.

'Yup. Make some more breakfast, I have a visitor,' he smiled at her.

'Oh? When will they arrive?' she asked.

'Sara is back. She wants to join our church after all,' Brian said, around a mouthful of toast.

'That's nice dear. Best keep her out of the way of your father. Are you going to teach her our ways?' she asked.

'Sure will. In no time at all, you'll have some help around here with the chores,' he smiled at her.

'That will be nice, dear. He will be very pleased when you present her as a convert. She was a wild young thing as I recall. Best wait until she learns some manners before showing her to your father,' Dorothy warned.

'I'm over eighteen so I can make the decisions now, woman,' he said, to remind her of her place in the household.

'I'm sorry, sir. Just trying to be helpful, sir,' she said, showing a modicum of respect.

'Is she over eighteen?' she quietly asked.

'Yes! She's the same age as me,' he lied.

He couldn't reveal Sara was a twenty-eight year old divorced woman. He wouldn't be allowed to train her to show respect to the men of the house. His father would throw her out, though his mother suspected she was older from the last time they met.

Brian grew up with a harsh disciplinarian father, and a manipulative mother. In such a controlling relationship, with his mother having to show deference to her husband, she connived for space to breathe. A blend of the two parental examples became a bad mix in him.

Dorothy handed him a tray set with a breakfast, saying nothing. She knew the woman was older than eighteen, but let it drop. An advantage of being a woman in this house was that she held no responsibility. It would be Brian's fault if anything went wrong.

Brian pulled the sheet away from Sara's face. 'Ready for breakfast?'

He ignored the muted cursing, while scraping the food into a dog-bowl. The coffee was poured into another metal bowl.

'I'm going to remove the gag so you can eat. You know where you are and it will do you no good screaming. There's only one neighbour and they won't give a shit. If you say a word out of place you'll be disciplined, understood?' he pointed out.

Sara bared her teeth to bite his hand, only her mouth was stiff from being held open for the last hour. She worked her jaw as though chewing on an oversize toffee.

'Get me loose from here, Brian! Now!' she growled at him.

'Now, now, we've been through all this before, when you were here last time. Haven't we, Sara,' he stated.

The innocent smile with the patient tone of voice, as though talking to a petulant child, raised the steam in her boiler.

'You little shit! Set me loose right now, or I'll call the police and have them charge you with kidnapping! The FBI will be involved! You, you, little shit!' she snarled.

'You're full of venom young girl. You need to calm down and learn to behave yourself. As I said, you will be chastised if you misbehave,' he reminded her, while slowly shaking his head from side to side. 'I don't want to do this, but you force me to punish you, Sara,' he said, sounding resigned.

'Oww! Stop it! Oww! You can't spank me. Oww! I'm an adult. Oww! I'm a married woman. Oww! I man divorced. Oww! You're only a teenager. Oww! You're the one who should be punished. Oww! Please, you're hurting me. Oww! Alright, please stop. Oww! Please, sir! Oww! I promise to behave, honest, sir,' she yelped.

'Are you going to eat your breakfast, naughty girl?' he asked.

Sara hated the idea of giving in to him. She knew only too well what he was capable of. "Retreat to fight another day," came to mind. Ensnared as she was, there was no way she could win this round. It had been stupid to try. Damn him! He had counted on her resisting, giving him an excuse to spank her.

Trying to gain something from him, she asked, 'Can you set my hands free to eat, sir.'

She emphasised the word, sir, knowing he liked hearing her say it. Having an older woman calling him sir, boosted his ego. Talking him around was all she could do, and it didn't hurt to give a little.

'I don't trust you yet. You're just a wild thing, used to the extravagant and immoral lifestyle outside the disciplines of our church. You can eat like the wild bitch you are,' he told her.

She thought he sounded envious when mentioning the world outside their weird fundamentalist sect. She filed the notion away for use against him later. In the meantime, she would have to swallow her pride, and eat breakfast.

He manoeuvred her over a bowl, so she could lap it up like a dog. He watched her, with a look of glee. He wasn't going to make the same mistake as last time. This time he was going to take special care of her.

'All of it, bitch,' he insisted.

'Can't eat anymore,' she said. She gave him a pained look, hoping to reach him, even though it had never worked before. She never ate breakfast, and the coffee in the other bowl had gone cold.

'Tell you what. I'll get a funnel and tube to force feed you. Like they do in prison to stupid people who starve themselves. You're too skinny anyway. I could make you into a big round tubby girl. Keep you tied up for a few weeks, feeding you fatty foods all day, you'd soon plump up,' he grinned.

Sara was horrified. The revolting idea had her reacting without thinking. 'Please, sir, I'll eat up my breakfast. Sorry, sir,' she whined.

'Good girl! I'm pleased to see you at last learning something,' Brian solemnly spoke.

He had won this round hands down, mostly because she couldn't get her hands free, or she would have strangled the bastard. He was using his father's patronising tone, which was infuriating, considering he was just a young lad.

She finished the food, and helped it down by lapping up the bitter tasting coffee. It went to show how believable the threat of force feeding had been. The bastard was capable of anything. She wondered what he had in store for her, as he hadn't sexually assaulted her, yet.

'You will learn a tenet of our church, then you can go to the bathroom,' he said.

'Yes, sir,' she replied, trying hard to sound repentant.

Sara realised how important it was for him to think she had submitted, for it was the only way out of the dreadful mess. It would be demeaning to grovel before a young boy, especially that big shit, but it had to be done. No one was getting her out of this, not even his mother would help, and his father would only encourage him.

'Repeat after me - a woman's place is in the home, obeying the men of the house,' he said.

Sara nearly choked on the words. Did these people have a stunted development, or did they just pay lip service to the conventions. Brian and his family lived by such archaic rules, but she couldn't believe other members of the church did. The men would have to be retarded emotionally to subject their wives to such an undignified relationship.

'Keep repeating it until you're word perfect,' Brian said.

Sara was a quick learner. She carried on regardless, to keep him in a good mood. He would have to free her for the bathroom, so anything could be endured until then.

'You've lived a privileged and pampered life. Obviously no discipline, under an indulgent father. I'm going to teach you restraint, and self-control. Change the word woman to, MY,' Brian told her.

So the bastard had it in for her because he thought she was pampered, and he had been deprived. It was true, but that didn't give him the right to punish her for his father's sins. Teach her restraint? Was that a joke? The sheet and ropes were still tightly binding her. The cramp was held at bay by wiggling her toes and fingers, about as much as she could manage.

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