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Bachelor at the Lake

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Sinead has to decide between two men, two environments.
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There was speculation that the recently arrived young graduate from Chicago, Sinead Morgan, would take this year's title of Miss Prairie but she wasn't even in the final seven. A fairly strict upbringing had taught Sinead and her sister and two brothers that a guy sins if he pays for sex and likewise so does a girl if she gives sex in return for a favor.

In this case the bewhiskered chief judge who appeared over-done in garlic and in years missed out, not that Sinead was against garlic or age-wrinkled men but she didn't believe the promise that fifteen minutes with him in his hotel room and the title would be hers. She also thought he'd say that same thing to all the entrants who sent a message to his pecker.

"You should have won last night," the head of the soil research unit said to her next day.

Sinead sniffed and said she just didn't have what to takes.

Her boss swallowed, eyeing her face and chest in a carnivorous-like glance. "You don't say."

"Yes Walter. Shouldn't I be completing my morning batch of tests?"

"I suppose so. Would you come for dinner at my home this evening? My bachelor brother is here visiting."

"Perhaps. What does he do?"

"He runs a one-man boat-building business at the lake."

"What Lake Michigan?"

"No Lake Mead about 150 miles to the east of here."

"May I ask why your brother is not married?"

"Part of the year he lives in virtual isolation but from late spring to early fall his environment is over-run by boat people, beach bathers, photographers and trampers and the occasional balloonists and nudists."

"What does he do over the quiet half of the year?"

"Vegetates, builds two wooden boats and wanders as an amateur ornithologist/photographer."

"How interesting."

Walter Meadows smiled and said, "It's only dinner Sinead. You are too naïve and unspoiled to be turned loose with him but Orlando does appreciate beauty."

"Orlando?" Sinead the soil technician sighed and said, "Half the year in the wilds practically alone is he? Perhaps I should give him half a chance?"

She then began testing soil samples as part of work to find causes of ill-thrift in crops on a client's farm.

Late afternoon Sinead returned to her room plus tiny bathroom in a rooming house, still unable to find a small apartment that satisfied her completely, wondering about this Orlando guy. Cute name, almost as good as Sinead, she smiled and decided to dress exposing flesh to catch his eye. But when she took a cab to Walter's apartment she was dressed in jeans, boots and a top that went right up her throat and down over her wrists and she wore her honey blonde hair down, having decided to bury the flesh because this guy could be Walter's older brother although she had a sneaking suspicion that he was the kid brother. Walter had described him as his bachelor brother and had smirked slightly.

The other reason, of course, was to avoid putting Walter's wife into the back row by over-dressing.

The doorbell was opened by a gorgeous trim woman in a cocktail dress, her blonde hair piled high, and she purred, "Hi Sinead, I'm Nancy, Walt's wife."

Sinead had to struggle from bursting into near-hysterical laughter and confessing how could she have got it so wrong. If this trend continued she'd find the Orlando guy was Walt's twin brother but knew she couldn't get it that wrong.

"Hi Nancy. How lovely to be invited."

"It's our pleasure dear. Walt wanted livelier and younger company tonight because Orlando returns home tomorrow. We entertained the boys' parents last night. I worried about you being his choice because I had no idea what you looked like or about your poise. And here we are... you are beautiful with a smile to die for and I can't remember ever having a figure that looked like yours. Come in dear and welcome to our home."

The next shock came in the foyer. Among the family framed photos on the wall was a photo of Professor Walter Meadows, at the university's dinner marking his retirement as head of the chemical engineering department after nine years.

"I wasn't aware Walter had served as an academic."

"Yes but the university finally drove him near-mindless which is why he resigned after buying the laboratory. Why do you call him Walter?"

"Everyone at the lab calls him Walter."

"Oh really? I suppose I should take greater interest in his work. He met me when I was completing my doctorate and after I finished my interest degenerated into cooking and keeping house for him and, of course, attending to him in the bedroom. Come through and meet Peter Pan, the kid brother who's never likely to grow up."

They walked into the lounge. Sinead thought keeping house? Nancy had created a mini palace. It was so beautiful. The two guys in lounge suits turned and smiled at them. Then Sinead heard Nancy beside her suck in breath when the younger of the two guys openly gaped.

He wasn't handsome but neither was he ugly. She supposed this is what was called 'ruggedly handsome'. God he looked a powerful warrior.

"Orlando you can close your mouth now," Nancy said. "This is Sinead, not what you'd call your normal lab technician."

"Christ no," Orlando said and they all laughed.

Walter er Walt came forward and kissed Sinead delicately on both cheeks and apologized, "I should have told you dinner would be formal."

"I can go home and change."

"No come through and I'll find something for you dear. We are basically the same size but it will be a little tight up top for you. But first, Orlando step forward and kiss our guest instead of rocking on your feet like that."

"Um Sinead, may I greet with a kiss?"

"Of course but no tonguing; we've only just been introduced."

The combined laughter gave Orlando the shot of confidence he needed. He kissed Sinead quite firmly on the lips and said, "You are absolutely stunning."

Sinead caught the startled look that passed between host and hostess and said, "I'd expected a man with the dry wit and conservative restraint of your brother. But instead I find an open romantic who possibly finds this city environment a little over-powering, making him inclined to confuse beauty with good make-up. But I suppose I do wash up well. Please just find me a loose fitting gown."

The women returned with Sinead dressed in a little blue sequined dress with a scoop neck and hem that fell to halfway down her thighs. She wore faintly patterned stocks and shoes with glass six-inch heels.

"Christ," Walt blurted.

Orlando was back to gaping again.

The evening continued merrily and the Meadows trio appeared genuinely dismayed when just before midnight Sinead announced she must go. When she returned with Nancy dressed in her own clothes Nancy said, "Kiss Sinead good night dear and Orlando please escort Sinead out to her cab." She then kissed Nancy goodnight.

Orlando and Sinead came out into the main foyer and he said 'Damn' when seeing the cab was already waiting. "Will we see each other again?"

She smiled and said she doubted it.


"In that case here's something to keep me in focus," Sinead said, grasping Orlando's hand and sliding it over the neck of her top and under her bra when she then slipped her hand out and kissed him soundly before twisting away and into the backseat of the cab.

"God that was wonderful."

She laughed and told him he now had something to focus on.

Was that the end of Orlando? Sinead, mindful of the expressions she'd seen on his face that evening thought not. Had she seduced him with her kiss and planting his hand ever so briefly on her warm breast? She couldn't be sure because a girl could never tell with a guy but she had a feeling that the man from the lake had been hooked.

Sinead was dressed only in panties and had a towel round her head after highlighting her hair when he phone rang.

"Hi it's Orlando."

"Oh hi, lovely to hear from you."

"Your voice sounds even great on the phone. Do you have a vehicle?"


"Oh I was going to invite you to come here early Saturday morning and stay the night."

"I can rent a vehicle."

"Are you that keen?"


He mumbled he didn't know what to say.

"Just be grateful and give me directions."

Sinead called Nancy; they'd been out to coffee on Tuesday and to lunch only a few hours ago.

"Orlando has just called to invite me to visit him."

"That's interesting. How do you feel about that?"

"Um wildly excited."

Nancy giggled. "Darling my understanding is he's no saint."

Sinead laughed and said she wondered why she wasn't surprised. "I just called to discuss the invitation in case you found need to warn me off."

"No I believe you are a totally capable of handling him but don't go if you don't want sex."

"Oooh. What's the quickest route there?"

Nancy said to follow the directions Orlando would have given her. "You may borrow my car."

"That's lovely of you but a rental will be fine. I have seen one company advertising specials this weekend."

"Yes well it's still not far into spring and it's still possibly snowing up there. Book a four-wheel drive vehicle. Oh I'm so happy for you two."

* * *

Light snow on the ground had not slowed Sinead as there were few corners on the last five miles of rise above the snowline to the lake. She'd been told to turn left at the lake, then right after 300 yards and she'd then see a house at the lake's edge on poles and a boatshed with a gabled roof a few yards to the left of it. And that's what she'd found.

The house appeared deserted and locked so Sinead walked on the side deck to the front of the house and found her host asleep on a rocker with a half empty bottle of wine and empty glass beside him. Well is was approaching early lunchtime.

Sinead was finishing the second glass of wine, using his glass, when she saw him stir. Orlando's eyes fluttered and then he was staring at her.


"God you are beautiful," was his very acceptable reply.

"Just remember beauty is in the eyes of the beholder."

He grinned and said he was sure the word in the quotation was 'eye'.

"It was," she smiled. "That was a test to see whether you really are awake calling me beautiful."

"Would pretty or attractive be more acceptable?"

"I love the word pretty. I wear underwear that I pretty."

"Oh do you know. That suggests an area of discovery lies ahead of me."

"Do you want sex now, um before lunch?"

He looked startled and grinned. "God I've never had such a brazen statement in my entire life."


"In respect of day time sex."

"Oh pardon me. You must understand I have thought often of having sex with you since our first meeting."

"Me too."

"Then I'm really not the sex fiend you may have been attempting to suggest?"

"I don't categorize people, particularly women, into niches like that."

"Perhaps I believe that. Then what about your answer?"

Orlando scratched an ear and pretended to not recall the question.

Sinead snorted and said, "I want sex now, on this deck. Please fetch some sofa pads and a rug."

"But it's cold out here; it's snowing."

"I could think of a more romantic way of beginning our relationship."

"God you're unusual."

"God please don't turn out to be a wet blanket on me."

He grinned and said he promised that just would not happen. He'd bet his life on that.

Orlando returned with a single bed mattress and placing it on the floorboards stood, hitched up his belt and asked, "What now?"

"Ohmigod, do I have to provide instructions on how to fuck me?"

Orlando's face flamed.

He snorted, "Certainly not. I meant how much do I removed from you? I don't want to appear brutal."


"W-what about me?"


"Christ now who's brutal?"

"I want you to remember this fuck Orlando and to remember everything about me when I go home tomorrow."

"But why?"

"When you are switched on to the right wavelength you'll know why?"

"B-but that's speaking to me in riddles."

"That's enough whining. Start the seduction lover boy."

As Orlando began undressing Sinead, she hooked her hands through the top gap in his jacket to massage his chest.

Off came her jacket, thick top and then sweater.

"Lovely fancy bra. Are you sure you wish to continue."

"Yes please."

"It's cold."

"Come on Orlando, commit to this."

He attempted unsuccessfully to remove her boots so she kissed him leisurely and then removed them for him and dropped her long pants.

"Thank you for that," he grinned and licking his lips hooked his fingers into her panties and gently removed them.

"Right, get undressed and come over to me on the mattress."

"Do I have to bother with foreplay?"

"Christ Orlando, do I have to come back in summer if I wish to involve in a decent fuck?"

"No it's okay. Anything to please you."

Sinead watched as he hurriedly undressed. "Okay, get your dick over here in a hurry and I'll see if I can inject some life into it. It hasn't died on you has it?"

"Sinead for fuck sake don't talk like that to my poor pal. He's in fear of frostbite."

A mix of blowing, licking and sucking interested the aforementioned member into full erection and Sinead sighed, "Okay Orlando. It's cold out here. Straight in an bang me."

He got away but she didn't. But why complain?" Sinead bucked him off and scrambled inside yelling. "Fetch our clothes."

She dragged the mattress inside and poured two hot coffees. She took two sips and raced into the bathroom to run a bath and wrapped two towels around her and took one out to Orlando.

Although white-faced and shivering slightly he grinned, warming his hands on his coffee mug and said, "That was great, memorable in fact because I managed to get one away. Did you?"

"Yeah," Sinead lied.

She had a bath. Orlando had a quick shower and then leant over and kissed her and she smiled and said thanks when he asked would tinned fruit followed by scrambled eggs suit her for breakfast. He appeared minutes later with coffee and kissed her again.

Sinead wondered if he invite her to come to live with him how long would that devoted attention continue. God her mind could be embarrassing at times, running away on her like that. It had jumped from the joy of being invited on a one-off visit to moving in permanently... or perhaps seasonally. But no seasonally wouldn't work.

They drove to the village later, Sinead thinking that would indicate whether there were all-year employment prospects for her. But alas the village was tiny and appeared very seasonal in nature with the visitor's center, two restaurants and a bar still shuttered in winter closedown.

"This place really hums in summer," Orlando said grandly.

"What six people become twenty-six," she said sarcastically, cut by disappointment.

Orlando sniffed. "For your information the population around the 90-miles shores of the lake in mid-summer reaches around 9000. Behind those trees over there are seventy cabins and serviced rental spots for almost 200 RV's and caravans. Just beyond that low rise is the best beach on the lake, almost a mile of unbroken white sand and overlooking it is a recreation center, still closed, comprising a mini-market, games hall, concert hall/cinema and a restaurant/night club. That facility attracts custom from round the lake."

"Oooh. Busy, busy. I am impressed. So the lake has a winter and then a summer economy with splits in between?"

"That's a very perceptive comment."

Sinead smiled, "Well that's me I suppose."

They took their coffee and muffins across to the lookout over the lake.

"Hmmm there's been a wind shift to the southeast."

Orlando didn't have to check, indicating he'd already observed that. Well he built boats didn't he? Sinead thought it was logical he also went boating.

"I'm surprised you would have picked that up. It's only a breeze and rather fluky."

"Although building but much slower than in summer when the land temperature will be rising faster in warmer sun."

Orlando asked carefully, "Exactly what do you know about weather and boating?"

"Oh what everyone knows... apparent wind direction, tidal influence, wind versus tide influence, wind shear, wind shadow and other considerations like that."

"Ordinary people know no such things."

"Well the people I grew up with did."

"What sort of people were they."

"Christ, where is this going? Look as soon as I could walk my dad had me on his sailboat and that almost ended his marriage with mom. He taught me everything I know and I went on in small boats and quit after successfully defending my open regional Laser championship won a year earlier. By then he had a 54-foot racer and I joined the crew, soon being promoted to the after-guard as sailing master. You do understand don't you? Two of the crew worked for dad in his boatyard and other regulars were a maitre 'd, a dentist, an engineer and the second female who was a dress designer... just ordinary people."

Orlando grinned. "Yeah I get the picture, a motley crew who were bullied into shape by a hard-talking girl and her dominating father."

"Wrong my father never dominated me."

"No I accept that but I bet others learnt to keep their heads down."

"Well maybe, maybe not. Some people just have to be told what to do."

Orlando shook his head and when they returned to the SUV said, "There will be no one down at the beach with fresh snow right to the water's edge. Want to have a Mad Dip?"

"What to do for a swim?"

"Just a dash in and a dash out. It sorts our your arteries."


Orlando winced. "Christ you were meant to decline and we could drive home in the warmth. We have no towels and..."

"Well just take me there and watch me do it."

He sighed. "And be called a coward? No thanks, I'm with you."

Actually it wasn't madness. They screamed themselves hoarse, stayed in the water for a full minute and then climbed rosy-skinned into their clothes and raced home laughing and shivering and into the shower where Orlando soon had Sinead spread and was nailing her to the solid back wall of the shower.

Oh did she love that, Sinead thought. It capped off working up to lunch.

"May I get lunch?" she said to the host who was resting.

"Help yourself," he yawned, and drifted off to sleep.

Sinead poked around and found pre-cooked potatoes and ham in the fridge so made a baked frittata with pan-fried onions. She added cheese, broccoli and Dijon mustard to the dish already containing the cubed potatoes and chopped ham. In the bread box was multi-grain bread. Perfect. She found a bottle of light red wine and placed that on the table for the host to uncork and went off to shake him awake.

"Smells good," he said as Sinead struggled free and raced to the oven.

He approved of the wine and said 'Oh frittata' as if he was being served a fish head.

But one bite and hitting some mustard he exclaimed, "Wow this is great" and Sinead was back to smiling again.

He cleared away and did the dishes while Sinead brushed her hair.

"Come on, let's go. We want to be back before it starts snowing around 4:00."

"So it will snow at 4:00?"

He squinted out the windows and muttered, "I said about 4:00. Best I can do is between 3:50 and 4:10."

Sinead giggled and said bullshit. It would have been safer to say between 3:00 and 5:00.

Orlando scowled until she moved in and they kissed.

"I know the local weather and conditions on the later as well as I know the back of my hand."

"Well I shouldn't doubt that. You do live here," she said. "How long has that been?"

"My grandfather was a boat builder here before my father. Walt and I and our sister Jennie were born in this house, built by my father. My grandfather as a young man built the Lake Princess beside the original house, or should I say shack. She's at present on the hard at the southern end of the lake for wintering and is still owned and operated by the Lake Water Quality and Research Authority, originally called the Lake Dam Authority as this is a hydro lake. She's 48-foot long and has amassed thirty-eight citations for involvement in lake rescues of boats and boat people in distress."

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