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Bachelor Party

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Minori wants me to be a stripper at these guys' party.
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By Emi Tsuruta

Like most of my friends, I've always tried to be a good girl, be modest, careful, not do anything too crazy. What changed I guess is over the summer, I'd met two girls, Minori and Nao, Japanese like me, at one of the language exchanges on campus. Not that they were out of control or anything. Around me at least, they tended to dress, and act sensible enough. There was something different about them though. While my friend Satomi was often trying to stop me from going overboard, and our other friend Asuna just kind of follows my lead, Minori in particular likes to push the envelope, push guys' buttons. She has been kind of hinting that I should head in that direction too.

I guess I should have known they were different just by the way that the guys at the language exchange were flocking around the two of them, trying to hit on them or whatever that first day. At first, I thought Minori and Nao look like many other girls at the exchange, cute faces, a bit petite, dressed in shorts and a blouse or tank tee, fairly normal for the summer in southern California.

As I looked closer though, I did notice things. With Minori, maybe it's the way she looks at guys, eyes wide, her eyelashes neatly done, spiking out accenting her big black pupils. She carries herself with this quiet confidence in her own sexiness. She does have fairly big breasts for such a small girl, and I guess guys can tell even through her clothes.

Nao is even harder to explain. She's small too, and without make up, she looks a pretty normal. She does put a lot of effort into dyeing and styling her hair. It's kind of lustrous, and curls just a bit at the ends. I guess I could get my hair like that, but it takes a lot of work, so I don't do it every day.

Anyway, the two of them presented a bit of a puzzle, but we got to talking, and soon became friends. I ended up inviting them to volleyball, and after, some guys took us out to this restaurant. We three girls sat separate from the guys, and Minori leaned over, and quietly suggested we go check out some strip clubs. That's strange, right? Don't you think? I wasn't sure quite what to make of it at first, but it turned out she was quite serious, and we ended up going. At first, I thought it was just her way of being racy, but I began to suspect that maybe Minori or both of them worked in a strip club or something like that in Japan. I didn't want to pry, but it would explain a lot.

Anyway, this one day, the three of us happened to be up north outside the city limits shopping for clothes at an outlet. When we came out, Minori pointed to this bar across the street.

"What's that?" she asked.

"I don't know. Some kind of drinking place?" I guessed.

"Let's check it out."

I don't think I'd ever been in that particular bar, but it looked familiar, wooden interiors, a jukebox, a small dance floor and billiard tables. The crowd was in their twenties or thirties, guys and girls, dressed sort of casual, jeans and t-shirts. I wasn't all that dressed up either--just tightish blue jeans, a red white and blue striped crop top and a beige zip-up hoodie. I did have on black platform ankle boots which look kind of nice. Minori and Nao were wearing breezy summer dresses, their hair beautifully styled as usual. We sat down at one of the tables, and a waitress came over, and took our order. I wanted something light, so I ordered apple cider. Nao and Minori got beer.

Minori asked if we could meet some guys. In the language exchange, the two of them are kind of the center of attention, but out in American society, all these tricks they use don't seem to work as well. They looked to me as the one who'd been in California the longest to get us some guys somehow. I'm not really an expert. I go to dances and stuff, but I dated Ryosuke for quite a while, so I might be a bit rusty. Anyway, they asked me to try.

There were quite a few guys there, Anglo-Americans, tall, rugged and a bit folksy, not the surfer types I knew from the beach. I got up, and went over to the jukebox to see what kind of songs they had. They didn't have any Japanese music, but they did have a Korean song 'Gangnam Style.'

I fed some quarters into the jukebox, pressed the button, and started dancing. In my platform boots, it was a bit hard to balance. I tried to dance like in the Gangnam video, cowgirl style, but without really meaning to, I was mixing in some of the moves Monique the stripper had taught us, rocking my hips back and forth.

Before long, a guy at one of the tables sat up, and took notice, pointing me out to his friends. At first, they were all just sitting there, but soon, I got them laughing with my bucking bronco routine, and they came over to dance with me. I smiled at Minori, proud that I'd found some guys for us to talk to.

These guys were funny too. I lassoed one, a big guy, with my imaginary lariat, and he pretended like I was tying him up, making everyone laugh. After the song, they got their stuff, came over, and joined us at our table.

Two of them were Anglo-Americans, Jeff (my lassoee) and Tim. There was one shy Asian guy, Ben, maybe Chinese American. They weren't that drunk, but Ben was wrapped in yellow and black safety tape, the guest of honor I guess.

Tim sat next to me. He was maybe the handsomest of the three, brown hair, long sideburns, kind of rugged-looking but with sensitive eyes. He didn't talk so much, but I could tell he liked me. He would peer over at me with this light in his eyes, but ultimately back down from saying anything. I found his reticence cute. Jeff, their leader, sat next to Minori, and Nao sat with Ben, clearly the shyest of all.

"So what brings you girls to our neck of the woods?" Jeff grinned. Jeff was a big guy, a joker with bushy hair and a beard like a lion's mane.

"We're just on our way back from shopping," I explained. "What about you?"

"Benny boy here is getting hitched next week, so this is like his bachelor party," Jeff told us.

"How do you guys know each other?"

"Oh, we all work at a big box hardware store near here, The Big Bench. Ever been there?"

"No, I can't say I have," I admitted.

"Anyway, if you're looking to buy some garden gnomes, drop by, and we'll set you up."

I laughed. Jeff was pretty funny.

Tim was still kind of gazing over at me with these smoldering eyes.

"So, Ben, this is your bachelor party?" I went on. "That's nice of your friends to set this up."

"Yeah, I told them not to make a big deal..."

"What do people do at bachelor parties?" Minori asked, wanting to get in on the conversation. Jeff looked reluctant to answer, so I let slip,

"They usually have strippers."

Tim and Ben looked a bit shocked I would come out, and say this. Having visited those strip clubs with Minori and Nao so recently, it was hard not to make the connection.

"What? It's true, isn't it? That's what people do here," I protested. Jeff nodded, backing me up.

"Where's your stripper?" Minori joked, tipsy from her beer.

"I told these guys to skip all that," Ben told us. "I just wanted to hang."

"Why don't one of you girls strip for him?" Jeff suggested. Minori, Nao and I all looked at each other, and laughed. It seemed like a crazy idea. Just for a joke, I pointed to Minori as a potential stripper since she was the one who suggested it. She does probably have the biggest breasts of the three of us. I'd never seen her dance, but I could definitely see her being good at it.

"Who? Me? No, I could never...," she tittered coyly, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Nao? What about you?" I switched, turning to her. I'd seen Nao naked too in the locker rooms when we went swimming. I knew her body was much sexier naked than when she was dressed. Nao blew the hair out of her eyes, laughing and coughing, dismissing the very notion.

Jeff was maybe a bit drunk. He raised his voice, clapping, calling for one of us to,

"Take it all off."

Minori told them straight out,

"Emi was just learning how to strip the other day!"

"No! What are you saying? It wasn't like that," I rushed to deny.

"What do you mean?" Jeff persisted.

"It was Minori's idea originally," I corrected. "We went to a strip club with guy strippers and then another club with girls."

"Wow! Hot!" Jeff breathed, visibly excited. I was trying to slow things down, but I might have been getting a bit excited myself. Tim was glaring at me, his eyes sparkling now.

"We met this French stripper named Monique, and she showed us a few moves."

"Like what?" Ben asked, showing more interest. I tried to laugh the whole thing off, but Jeff was super-keen, begging for me to show them.

"I can't do it without music," I told them, trying to get out of it. Jeff jumped up, and queued up more songs on the jukebox.

The first song was a slow sexy Rihanna number. Minori nodded for me to show them, so I stood up, and started moving to the music, trying to remember how Monique dances. I twirled my arms in the air trying to get this hypnotic thing going. I don't think I was doing it right, but Jeff was clapping and whistling. Ben was smiling, and Tim still seemed as enchanted with me as ever. I was kind of pleased by their reaction. I wasn't sure if I could pull the 'sexy' part off, but I did my best.

The song changed. Lady Gaga was next I think. I kind of liked the song, so I kept dancing. There was something in the lyrics about 'bluffing with my muffin.' I was starting to feel a bit hot. I peeled off my hoodie, and Jeff started clapping like crazy.

"Woohoo!" he cried out, egging me on. Even Ben was smiling, happy to have me as an unofficial 'stripper' at his stag party.

Jeff kept feeding quarters into the jukebox to keep the music going. Next was a Britney song: "all the boys and all the girls want to if you seek Amy." Wow! That sounds naughty.

Honestly, I hadn't really planned to do anything more than dance a couple of songs just to humor them, but now that I was up here dancing with all of them cheering me on, I was starting to get a kick out of it. I looked at Minori, but she was just laughing and cheering me on. Nao was blushing, but I think that was probably more from the alcohol than from my sexy dancing.

I looked around the bar. There were a lot of people there, mostly guys, but no one I knew. I mean Nao and Minori are my friends, but they're not really connected to my other friends. Even if I do something crazy, it probably won't get back to my host mom or classmates.

I started lifting up my top, showing off my bellybutton, threatening to show them more. Tim had perked up, whistling and hooting away. We were all starting to forget ourselves, forget our inhibitions. I was just glad to have found these nice guys, guys who appreciate me. I started twirling my hips the way my hula dancer friend, Kaila, had shown me to do.

The next song had an even heavier beat, and I started writhing around, really dancing my heart out. I started pushing my jeans down, showing them the crack of my behind, just to see their reaction. Ben raised his eyebrows in mock shock, but Tim called for me to do more. The guys at the other tables were looking over at me now too. I checked the bartender's reaction, but he seemed fine with whatever. He smiled. Wow! Everyone was loving it, crying out for me to do more.

The music went into a rave-like swirl almost as if it was pushing me to go for it. My whole body felt hot, aroused, energized. Caught up in the excitement, I reached around behind up my crop top, undid my bra, and pulled the straps off wriggling out of it. I wasn't showing them my breasts yet, but I was threatening to. My face must have been so red by then, but I just kept smiling, wondering how far I dare take this. It was pretty fun seeing their reactions.

Jeff was calling for everyone to clap more, and the crowd responded. All these guys were gazing at me in wonder, amazed at how brazen I was being. I've got to admit it was a real thrill being the center of all this attention. With everyone all up in arms hooting and whistling, I shouldn't just stop. I moved out onto the dance floor so people could see me better.

A bit intoxicated by the whole atmosphere, I finally just went for it. I grabbed my crop top, and pulled it right off over my head, showing them all my bare breasts. I didn't have much of a tan, but my nipples had perked right up from the excitement. A huge cheer went up from the crowd, guys banging their mugs on the table, crying out

"More! More! More!"

This was incredible. I'd never seen such an uproar before! Wow! The crowd was going wild... all over little ol' me.

I probably would have left it at that, but the music started building again. Jeff was calling for everyone to cheer me on to see if they could get me to strip out of my jeans too. I glanced down at them. They were already hanging pretty low on my hips. I pushed them down a bit more, showing them a bit more of my booty, setting off another huge round of catcalls and cheers.

I came back to our table, and took another sip from my cider. I wonder if that's what's getting me so horny. What's in this stuff anyway? Ben and Tim were staring at my tits in wonder, and Jeff was pumping his fist in the air.

The cheering kept on building. People were pounding on the tables, demanding more. It was like everyone in the place was watching me now. I put my hands in the air, twirling my hips like a belly dancer. I felt so sexy, energized, ecstatic. The crowd was loving it.

The next song was really good too--first exotic, mysterious, enticing, then more and more dramatic, forceful--the perfect song for stripping. If I'd thought about it, I should have stopped, but all this shouting and whistling was just getting me more and more excited. I was a huge hit. These guys were really so into me, into my body. Everyone looked so stunned that I'd taken off my top.

I put my hands on my hips, fingering my waistband wondering what to do. Should I just show them? Jeff was nodding for me to go for it, and Tim looked amazed, so excited I guess. I licked my lips wondering if I dare risk it.

The music was spiraling up. Taking that as my cue, I pried my boots off, and kicked them off to the side. The tingling in my hello kitty were getting almost unbearable. I put my hands on my waistband, and this huge cheer went up from the crowd. I knew I probably shouldn't, but everyone was so excited. The atmosphere was electric. I was so horny, just caught up in the spell.

Finally screwing up my nerve, I pushed my jeans and panties straight down, showing everyone my fluffy black bush. The crowd went wild!

"Oh god! Too much!" they cried. I was like,


I pushed my jeans and panties all the way down, and stepped out of them, peeling off my socks too. There was this deafening roar from the crowd. I looked down at my naked body, a bit in awe myself. My pink skin glowing in the light looked so out of place in this crowded bar. I had an ankle bracelet on, but Jeff took my clothes, and called for everyone to cheer even more. I knew I should feel afraid, out here naked in front of all these people, but it actually felt thrilling, so naughty to actually be doing this.

Jeff put out his hand, and led me to step up onto a chair, and then right up onto our table, so everyone could see me better. As I climbed up, all these guys rose to their feet, giving me a standing ovation, calling out my name even.

"Emi! Emi!"

One guy got down on his knees to pray. I borrowed a cowboy hat from one guy, and tried to do my bucking bronco dance again buck naked this time. The whole thing was just like so amazing. I could feel their lust, the erotic energy building up, washing over me, lifting me toward orgasm. Oh god! This is too much.

The song changed, so I climbed down off the table, but Jeff just signaled I should go to Ben, reward him, the guest of honor. I skittishly went over, looking around. What am I supposed to do? Give him a lap dance? I motioned for him to sit back. At first, I was thinking I should straddle his legs, face to face, but I was getting way too excited by then. I wasn't sure I could keep from coming myself. I turned around, and sat my cute little bare behind down on his lap. Everyone gathered around to see what we would do.

Minori looked worried, but Jeff told Ben to stop being so shy, and touch me. Ben ever so slowly put his hands on my hips, and pulled me back into him, letting me feel the size of his erection. Oh shoot. Don't do that. That's just making things worse.

I covered my face with my hands, as he pulled me along his length dry-humping me through his trousers. I couldn't control my feelings anymore. His dick was rubbing up against my pleasure zone, getting me even more excited. I tried to steady myself against the arms of the chair, but everyone could see I was writhing around in sweet torment. I was going to come in front of all these people, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

Ben grabbed my breasts with one arm, and extended his fingers down, gently probing around trying to find my hello kitty. I tried to stand up, and get away, but Jeff was motioning for me to stay. Minori got up probably hoping to rescue me, but Jeff was in the way, blocking her path. Ben had found my joystick, and was playing it for all he was worth. I tried to hold back. I honestly did, but it was just too much. I ended up coming in this flurry of ecstasy, just giving into it, letting it wash over me.

The crowd went absolutely wild now. I think Ben must have come too, because he finally let go of me. Only very slowly did I start to come down from that climax. I was still crazy horny, not even caring that I was naked. All these people were gawking at me amazed at what I'd just done.

I guess things were kind of getting out of control. Guys were pushing and shoving, trying to get a better look at me. Minori finally managed to make it through the crowd to me.

"Here. We'd better go," she said taking my hand.

"Here. I need my clothes, my boots at least. Can you find them?"

Minori stared at me for a sec, and then waded back into the crowd. Guys were pushing up against me flocking around touching me even. I really hadn't expected everyone to go so crazy. I tried to get Jeff to shield me. Tim was looking on, and looked sympathetic, but things had just gotten out of hand.

Minori re-emerged with my boots, and assured me,

"Nao has your clothes. Let's just go."

Jeff was still begging for me to dance some more, but Minori forged a path through the crowd leading me towards the back door. The crowd was all booing her. Some guys tried to reach out, and grab my ass as we walked past. I felt so strange, wending my way through the crowd like this stark naked. It was such a weird sensation, but pretty darn thrilling actually. I was just so amazed that I'd got up the nerve to do this.

Minori led me out the side door into an alley. The air was cooler here, but I could see people going by on the street back towards the front. Some of them stared at me, wondering why I was naked, but I just kind of stared back, still in a bit of a daze. Nao held out my clothes, and Minori was trying to straighten them out, so she could dress me.

"Here. Put your clothes on!" Nao insisted.

Just then, Ben appeared at the door.

"Um, Emi, was it? I just wanted to thank you. That was amazing," he stuttered shyly. I didn't know quite what to say. "You didn't have to do that, but god, you're gorgeous!" he gushed.

"Thanks," I blushed.

"What would your fiance say if she knew you were out here?" Minori teased, still trying to get my clothes sorted.

"Well, she's... uh... not like Emi here," he said gazing at me in awe.

"Do you and your fiance, well, you know... bang?" I asked, forgetting my manners.

"Yeah, I guess...," he admitted, still blushing.

"Are your friends single?" I probed further.


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