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Bad Blonde Beth

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Puppy love is interrupted by jealous blackmailing bad blonde.
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The nightmare began during a high school recess break. I didn't know at that time, that she was capable of doing... something that horrible. I couldn't have known.


Many of the other students were queueing for food while others were running about playing. Those standing in lines chatted away and those playing shouted to each other. It was a regular recess, like any other break. Chaotic and noisy.

I stood in the line for Indian food, while my friends were elsewhere catching up on homework they should have done the night before. I didn't pay much attention to the people around me, I was busy daydreaming about a crush I had. Short blonde hair, sparkling green eyes. Beth Ambrose was her name. I think I could see her in the line for Chinese food.

Beth wasn't tall, but she still had killer legs that she was not afraid to show off. Her face was really pretty with a light dusting of freckles. To top it off, she had a nice bubble butt and sizeable breasts that begged to be fondled.

I imagined her in front of me in a pair of denim shorts that hugged her ass and a black single that showed off her firm tits. That was what she liked to wear when not at school. Beth turns her head and locks her venomous green eyes with my eyes, and puts on a slight smirk. She then pushes her butt towards me, and starts rubbing my crotch. She feels me getting hard, and soon, the only thing between us and hot, sweaty public sex, and between my rock hard cock and her warm wet pussy, was the fabric of my uniform pants and the denim of her shorts.

I slid my hands under her singlet, and moved slowly up her warm body, feeling her smooth soft skin. Beth leans her back further against me, and reaches for my ass with both hands. She grabbed my butt and began squeezing it, while our special parts excitedly rubbed against each other. I could see her nipples, hard and erect, poking through her singlet. She didn't have a bra on. My hands worked their way up to her tits, and finally, I felt them. They were warm and so ever delightfully soft. I fondled Beth's tits under her singlet as she lets out a sexy moan.

We continue dry-humping like animals. Each time my dick felt her pussy through our clothes felt like I would cum there and then, but we kept thrusting. Thrust... thrust... thrust...

My delightfully peaceful daydream was interrupted by a brush against my back. There was a girl behind me, and she had just turned her body to face the person behind her.

At first, I thought nothing of her. But, after a few moments, the contact between her body and mine never did disappear. I felt somewhat awkward. Then, she pushed herself a little harder against me. Her body was warm.

I could hear her talking to a friend, who was also female. They seemed to be discussing what kind of guys they liked when suddenly the pushy girl made an exclamation.

"He's so fucking tall! Oh my God."

The word "tall" has always been a sure-fire way to grab my attention. I'm much taller than the average person in my town and my height has become something of a defining feature of me. Almost every person I meet would make a comment about my height, and some say it's attractive.

By now, seeing how she's been pressing herself on me the whole time and making exclamations about me, I was certain that she was trying to gain my attention. I decided to ignore her, however, just to mess with her and see what she does next.

I felt her shift her position a little. She seemed disappointed that I didn't respond. She moved again, and I think she was pushing her breasts against my back now. Oh, it felt good. I was really digging the pair of soft warm flesh on me. The girl started whispering incomprehensibly and giggling excitedly with her friend, and then she repeated.

"He's soooo fucking tall!"

I was having fun watching her try to get me to notice her, and feeling her body against mine. Feeling flattered and satisfied with her efforts, I finally turned around.

She was of obvious Southeast Asian descent, maybe a Filipina. I instantly recognised her as one of the more popular girls in the year before mine. She wore sports attire and was fit and petite, proudly showing off her perky 18 year old tits which she had just used to rub against me. And her face can only be described as "cute and crazy!"

Her friend was a Latina, slightly shorter than her but also pretty cute and had a cheerleader's body. She wore the same sports uniform which wrapped tightly her body and teenage breasts.

Both girls began their high school girl giggling until the Asian put on a mischievous flirty look.

"Hi!" she said flirtatiously whilst giggling. "I'm Camilla.

The Latina introduced herself as Regina.

"You're Blaise, aren't you? Nice to meet you." said Camilla.

"Hello. How did you know my name?" I replied.

"Silly boy, you have your name tag on your uniform!" she responded playfully.

I blushed in embarrassment at my ignorance. I suppose I was still dazed and amazed at the attention I was getting from these two pretty little things.


From that moment on, I spent most days with the feeling that I was being watched.

And it was because I was.

Camilla made little effort to hide that she was stalking me when we were on school grounds. Sometimes she was accompanied by Regina, and sometimes she went solo.

Initially, I was oblivious to this. I simply thought that we happened to use the same hallways often. I'd see Camilla and Regina along the corridors and they would smile and wave at me. After several days, I could turn my back and Camilla would almost certainly be there, sporting her signature flirty smile.

One day, as class had just ended and everyone was packing their things and going home, Camilla entered my classroom. I noticed her standing outside about five minutes before and I knew she was there to see me. She was staring at me from outside and had now walked to my desk. As she did, she made sure her walk empathised her breasts.

"Hey Tiger. I need a little help." Camilla said, with fierce eye contact. It was the kind of eye contact that told you what to do, not ask. I felt a little uncomfortable with her sudden assertiveness.

"What do you need?" I said rather awkwardly. I looked away for a moment, breaking eye contact.

"Oh, I need help with chemistry homework. I'm just not getting the chapter on the homologous series and remembering all that stuff about alkanes and alkenes. Can you sit with me in the library and go through it with me?"

I wasn't the best at chemistry, but I wasn't bad. She could have easily found a much more qualified person to assist her, but that ferocity in her big beady black eyes convinced me that I should go with her anyway.

Camilla didn't say anything as we walked to the school library. She put her arm in mine and other students looked at us. Some girls, whom I assume are her friends, giggled and beamed at her as we passed them.

We entered the cool air-conditioned library and sat down at a table where Regina was sitting. Regina waved and smiled at me. The table was strewn with a mixture of both Camilla's and Regina's textbooks and worksheets.

I explained some important concepts and helped Camilla through her homework, and occasionally Regina would take a break from her own work and watch us. All the time, Camilla sat a little too close, and our legs seemed to "accidentally touch" way too many times to be accidental. When we were done, Camilla began jumping about excitedly and Regina laughed at her friend's goofiness. Then, Camilla remembered we were in a library and quietly said thanks, before she unexpectedly kissed me on the lips.

It was an absolute surprise. She pressed her lips against mine for about three long seconds and as she pulled away, she sneaked a lick from her tongue on my lips. I felt my lips wet with her saliva, and I blushed the reddest shade of crimson I ever had.


I began noticing Beth less and less after my time at the library with Camilla. I started to develop a crush on Camilla.

Meanwhile, the naughty Filipina had begun a little propaganda campaign. Even though we weren't dating, she has been openly telling everyone that I was her boyfriend, even some of the teachers. She was a happy girl.

About a week later, however, things changed. Camilla became awfully silent. She no longer stalked me or cheerfully greeted me in the hallways. For several days she didn't even look at me. She was also hardly ever accompanied by Regina anymore. I've seen Regina around, chatting with other friends like normal. But Camilla wasn't herself at all. I tried to find opportunities to speak to her, but she actively avoided me and always disappeared after school.

I finally discovered the ugly truth one day, when I had stayed back really late for an Art Club project. The sky was a dark blue and most students and staff had gone home. Night would fall soon. I walked alone through the canteen and was stopped when I heard a strange sound. It was the sound of sobbing and a bit of grunting, characteristically female. It came from the female restroom, and thinking that someone might be in trouble, I stood at the restroom door and sure enough, the lights were turned on. Someone was definitely inside. I put my head against the door and tried my best to listen.

"You like it, don't you?" said an unfamiliar female voice. It was followed by an unmistakable flicking and licking sound.

"No... you fucking bitch... uh..." whimpered another voice weakly. It was Camilla! Good God, what was happening in there? What are they doing and who is making her so miserable?

I had to save sweet Camilla. Without thinking, I opened the door and barged in. My jaw dropped. There, on the line of sinks, sat Camilla, stark naked with her eyes closed. And buried in her crotch was Beth. In shock, Beth turned to face me. She was fully clothed, in school uniform, and her mouth glistened with Camilla's juices.

"Blaise?!" shouted both girls in unison, though with different intonations. Camilla said it with a hint of relief, while Beth was completely surprised.

I demanded to know what was going on, and Beth stood up. Camilla closed her legs and put her arms over her breast so she was less exposed. Slowly, Beth walked up to me. She did not wipe her mouth.

"Blaise, I didn't expect you to be here!" Beth had a devious smile as she spoke.

"What the fuck were you doing?!" I questioned.

"Teaching a bitch a lesson about why it pays to steal boys from me." Beth put a hand on my chest.

I pushed her hand away.

"Look, boy. Waving my ass and tits in front of you these past couple of months ain't going down the drain because of this motherfucking bitch. She stole you from me!"

"What the fuck are you talking about, Beth? We've hardly ever spoke and we hardly know each other!" I replied to the blonde bitch.

"Oh no, YOU hardly know me. I know lots about you. I've even gathered blackmail material in case you got away from me. Remember that day you were in line at the Indian food? I saw you touching yourself. You may not have known it, but you did it. And I have it all on camera."

I was shocked.

"You're lying."

"No, I'm not!" she said in mock embarrassment. "And I have other stuff. You and Camilla kissing at the library, pictures of your dick from your phone and videos of you masturbating in the school toilets!"

I was speechless by this point. She knew ALL of that?

"And for your, ugh, 'girlfriend' here, I've got embarrassing vids of her pissing and kissing her girlfriends. And nudes she took on her phone. Oh, I forgot her perverted browsing history on her laptop."

Beth turned to a very red faced Camilla. "Never forget to delete your history, dear." She said sarcastically. Camilla looked down.

The blonde bitch turned to me again. "I want you to strip. Now."

She must've been telling the truth about the material she had on me. Everything she said she knew was absolutely true. Camilla must've been blackmailed too. No wonder she's not been herself these days. Beth's been abusing her!

"Didn't you hear me? STRIP NOW."

In a daze, I kicked off my shoes and took my socks off first, not wanting to really expose myself. The bitch wasn't happy.

"Hurry up, you fucker. Quit stalling and take your shirt off, or I'm going to undress you myself." I didn't like the idea of this bitch touching me.

I reluctantly removed my shirt, first by taking off my school tie and unbuttoning each button. It was a slow action. Beth smiled when the shirt came off, and her eyes were all over my upper body.

"Not bad, Blaisy. See, that wasn't so hard, was it? I can be nice to you if you just do as I say." She said to me.

Beth turned to Camilla. Camilla was admiring me too, and seemed to have forgotten to cover her body. I could see her bare brown breasts in all their glory, with two hard erect nipples.

The sight of Camilla's obvious approval made my dick harden despite Beth's attitude.

"Blaisy, the pants?"

I undid my belt and my pants slid down, leaving me standing in my boxers. Beth could see my bulge as clear as day.

"Stay there, Camilla. I've got to see this." Beth moved up to me and put her hands on my chest. After groping my upper body, she descended and knelt in front of me, her face only centimetres away from my penis. She stayed there for a moment, staring and biting her lip, before pulling my boxers down. My dick bounced for a while as a result of the quick motion, and both girls stared. I noticed Camilla's hand slide onto her crotch.

"Camilla, you're going to watch me suck your boyfriend's dick. But first..."

Beth picked up my belt, and used it to tie my hands behind my back securely. "I'm in control, aren't I, Blaisy?"

She returned to her previous position, but not before taking off her sexy denim shorts. After one more momentary pause and stare at my penis, she wrapped the head with her sweet lips. She sucked on the head, and I could feel her using her tongue to twirl all around it. I saw her left hand slip to her crotch.

Bit by bit, she then took more of my cock into her welcoming, bitchy mouth. I watched my dick disappear into her oral orifice with wide eyes. Fuck, it felt good. The feeling was only superficial though, inside I felt awful. Soon, my entire length was engulfed and wet with her warm saliva. Camilla was watching very intently, her face not showing any real emotion beyond her captivation. Beth kept my dick in her mouth like that for a while, sucking with full force, and then gradually pulled back before letting go of my cock with a loud puck. She then wrapped her left hand, already wet and sticky with her own sexual juices, around my cock and began stroking it.

"Did you like that, Blaisy?"

I was seething with anger, mixed with the dirty feeling of letting this bitch play with my dick. With bitterness, I replied, "It was terrible. Your blowjob sucked because you're such a horrible person."

Beth seemed amused. She did not stop her stroking. "Of course I sucked. That's the point of the blowjob, isn't it?"

I wanted so bad to just go limp so this bitch would have to stop, but I was helpless. She looked awfully sexy at level with my crotch with her shorts and panties off. And the sensations from her hand and mouth were probably porn-star worthy. Her rack which I used to dream of looked even better from this angle.

Beth stood up and pulled her black blouse over her head, revealing a yellow bra. Her hands moved behind her back and soon, her tits were out in all their glory. Silky milk white skin and pink erect nipples. Round and firm. Big and soft.

Camilla's mouth was wide open at the sight of Beth's breasts. Beth smiled at me and her venomous green eyes were hungry. She walked to a handbag near one of the sinks and took out a small bottle of some kind of oil, then moved back towards me.

"Camilla, get off that and come here." Beth ordered as she poured some of the liquid on her hands. Then, her now lubricated left hand found its way wrapped around my penis again, twisting and stroking. "Wouldn't want your dick getting lonely and limp now, would we Blaisy?"

The blonde bitch passed the bottle to Camilla. "I want you to rub this oil all over my tits, slut, then rub your own tits against mine. So we both get nicely lubricated."

Camilla looked at me with pleading puppy eyes, but quickly resigned to doing as Beth said. I watched as Camilla's oiled café au lait hands caress and glide all over Beth's pale, smooth and soft lovepillows. When Camilla got to her nipples, Beth moaned. The skin-tone contrast between the two girls plus the shiny erotic oil made everything a sight truly to behold.

Soon, Camilla was done oiling Beth's chest. We all turned to Camilla's own perky chocolate teenage mammary. She then proceeded to press her chest against Beth's bust. The two pairs of tits were all over each other, rubbing left and right, up and down. I almost forgot that Beth was still holding on to my dick.

When Camilla's chest was oiled enough, Beth told her to stop and both girls got down to my crotch. "I'm gonna show you something, Cammy." Beth said as she put my dick in between her heavenly rack. She began to move up and down, and my penis glided effortlessly in her cleavage as a result of the oil. "Mmmm... your dick looks delicious between my titties." she commented, half-moaning, half-speaking.

"Rub my pussy, Cammy."

Camilla's hand slipped under Beth's killer legs from behind and began furious action on her pussy. I could hear the schlicking sounds from Beth's wetness and Camilla's motion.

After a while of tittyfucking, Beth moved to my dick's left. "I've just got a great idea, sluts. Cammy, do you know how to double-titfuck?" asked Beth. Camilla seemed appalled at the question, and shook her head. "Well, it's time you learn then."

With that, I had two pairs of equally tantalising titties hugging my cock. The sight of my dick head struggling to breathe between four soft ladypillows would have made me cum any day. But I remembered Beth's vile blackmailing, and snapped back to reality somewhat, becoming a little less enthusiastic about my penis and Camilla's body being exploited by Beth. And then, the boobies started moving.

Up and down the quadruplets ground my cock, which I thought was only possible in hentai scenes. But the breasts kept it up. The oil on Beth and Camilla's hooters soon began to mix with their combined sexual sweat and my precum.

I looked at Camilla's breasts. Perky with dark nipples that begged to be sucked. Camilla's eyes were fixated on the action in front of her and her cheeks were crimson. Then I looked at Beth. Her amazing tits were bigger than Camilla, and did most of the work. I imagined grabbing them so hard and just milking her. But look who's milking who. Beth looked up from the action and stared into my eyes with a coquettish grin.

The two girl's contrasting skin-tones became apparent again, and added to the pleasure. Their chests were like sweet chocolate and fresh milk, and my dick was the stirrer. We were like a cup of hot chocolate: wet, hot and creamy.

Soon, thoughts began to disappear from my head. The continuous motion of two girls' lubed tits wrapped all around my dick was driving me to climax! I felt my cock flex, and Beth sensed my incoming orgasm. I thought less and less about everything, and the sloppy fleshy fucking sounds became louder and louder in my ears.


Up and down.


Up and down.

Up and down and up and down and up and down.


The sounds of fucking.

Up and down.

Beth screamed, "Wait!"

I exploded.

A huge load of my cum erupted all over the two girl's tits. It was the biggest load I've ever had! Some streams of cum shot far, and one landed on Beth's nose and in her dirty blonde hair.


"Mmmmm...baby-batter..." Beth moaned as she swiped up some cum with her finger and put it in her mouth, sucking it off. Camilla was simply stunned at the spectacle she had just witnessed. Beth buried her head in Camilla's cum-covered breasts, licking off everything while massaging her own milkbags with the cum.


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