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Bad Boy Busted by Busty Neighbor

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Amy catches pothead toking—blackmail doesn't go as planned.
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Warning: this story contains central elements of non-consensual penetration and insemination, as well as blackmail. If this is not your thing, please turn back now. You have been warned. Also remember, in real life, these actions are incredibly harmful, not to mention illegal.

Disclaimers: Just a reminder that in the "real world," consent should be explicit, unambiguous, and enthusiastic. :-)

The following is a purely fictional fantasy. Any similarity to real people, places, or events is unintended coincidence. All characters are over 18.


I stepped out of my steamy shower at 6:36 AM, and caught a quick chill as the morning air hit my wet, naked body. Instantly I got goosebumps all over and my nipples became rigid points at the ends of my large boobs. After a few minutes with a towel and a blow drier, I was feeling warm enough to drop the towel, weigh myself, and then examine at my naked self in the full body mirror on the door before getting dressed.

I love my hair--it's dark brunette, almost black, and forms large curls. Today it's somewhere somewhere between shaggy pageboy and pixie.

I've never really been happy with my body, but I guess that's typical of girls and women in America these days. I've always been on the shorter and heavier side. With plenty of curves. I developed hips and breasts well before most of my peers, so I had to get used to the leering male stares, and was eventually able to largely tune them out.

Today, I'm 164 lbs. For being 5'2" that puts me just at the border of "overweight" and "obese," according to the all-knowing doctors. But it's hard to be "normal weight" with a pair of 40DDs and hips to match. So what if I've got a 40" 36" 44" body? (Yes, I know my measurements, I take them frequently, even though they rarely change... please don't judge me).

Ten years ago, I sported some 34Cs on a 34" 28" 36" body and had long curly hair halfway down my back. Everybody expected me to be some hypersexual nympho slut. I hated the attention, and was really awkward about it. Now I'm 24 years old, with even bigger boobs, but my belly has nearly caught up to them, so I just feel fat. I do sometimes get some male attention, but it's always the wrong kind.

I'm half-way through graduate school, and lonely and so very horny. Yes, I'm still a virgin, and it bothers me often. So today I am taking a mental health day... a ME day. I'll be getting prettied up and focusing loving myself--both with my thoughts, and with my hands ;-)

I had the morning planned out perfectly. It was going to be my first day off in several weeks, and I was going to relax properly. First (well, after getting dressed), I was going to grab a latte and a pastry from the bakery on the corner, bring them back to my apartment, and have breakfast on my little balcony while reading to my most recent steamy romance novel. Then... well, actually there's no point going into the rest of plan, because that's as far as I got in my perfect plan before things went off track. As I said, it was the perfect plan... and yet, somehow, my adventure was more thrilling and memorable than my original plan would have been.

* * *

I decided that I wanted to wear a short (for me) skirt without panties on, both because I thought it would be sexy to be so secretly exposed while getting my breakfast from the cafe, and because it might be easier to access my womanhood later... I also had me period two weeks ago, so no worries there! I don't really shave at all down there, but I do trim it pretty short.

Unfortunately, there's no way my yabos would let me pull off the no-bra look, so I chose the sexiest black bra in my drawer. Plenty of support to maximize cleavage and comfort!

I shimmied into a soft and flowy chocolate-brown skirt that went down just below my knees, pulled on a low-cut cream and maroon blouse that billowed out a little it to cover my tummy, but showed off my bosom nicely, and pulled up some knee-high skin-colored stockings before throwing on my flats.

It wasn't the flashiest or most revealing outfit in the world, but I felt pretty in it, and I felt sexy in it. I could feel the breeze between my legs as I ventured out into the hustle and bustle of the city streets, and it turned me on a little bit.

At this point, it was 7:12 AM on a gorgeous sunny Friday in late August. The day hadn't gotten hot yet, and there was even that feeling in the air of autumn on its way. Most people would be getting ready for a busy day, so I assumed I would have a certain degree of isolation on my balcony, several stories above the bustle of the city streets I had strutted through earlier.

I was only about three pages in to the chapter--a particularly steamy scene in which the protagonist finally hooks up with one of the major love interests--I hadn't even started on my chocolate croissant yet, when a puff of smoke wafted by.... smelling very strongly of weed. "Ugh. Whatever," I thought, assuming the offender would take a few hits and be on their way.

Boy was I wrong. Puff after puff of skunky smoke drifted right over my balcony railing and over my head. If I had been standing up I might have gotten high off the second-hand smoke, it was so thick. Who the fuck actually wakes and bakes?

After a few minutes of being smoked out, I had finally had enough. My favorite character was getting passionately eaten out by the man of her (and my) dreams, and I was so distracted by the smoke that I was re-reading paragraphs. In a sex scene! So I stood up and looked around. I saw him, one floor down, and one balcony over, leaning on his railing, with what looked like a large cigar his mouth.

From the street it wouldn't have looked any different from a cigar. But I could see that he was not puffing it like a cigar--he was inhaling deeply, swelling his chest out, and holding it for a moment before expelling a long cloud of musky smoke.

The tip of the "cigar" glowed brightly as he took a long drag. He didn't notice me right away, so I got a good look at him. He was definitely rocking the rugged handsome bad boy look. Longish dark blond tussled hair sat atop his angular face. A scruff of 5 o'clock shadow softened his square jaw slightly.

He wore a black bomber jacket over a charcoal gray shirt which hugged his muscular chest tightly. Some dark and lightly distressed jeans, and finally a heavy-looking (gold?) chain necklace completed the look.

I couldn't really tell how tall he was from this vantage point, but he was definitely on the tall side (and everybody's taller than me), and he looked quite fit. He was also young. Probably 19 or 20. He might even be an undergrad at my school... he looked slightly familiar, but then again he was my neighbor. I'm sure I had seen him swaggering about in the lobby, now that I think of it...

My heart fluttered a little bit, and I'm still not sure if it was because he was so cute, or because I was gearing up to bitch him out, and feeling nervous.

Finally I shouted, "Hey! What gives?" And made a joint-holding gesture with my hand, and then pinched my nose, so he would be sure to know what I meant.

He looked up, shocked at being busted. Completely deer-in-headlights for a moment. I gazed directly into his deep blue eyes. They were red-rimmed, and perhaps a little glassy, but pretty nonetheless. After half an eternity of just standing there, returning my stare, he gave an embarrassed look, stamped out the smoldering spliff, and hurried back into his apartment.

His look of terror made me feel... empowered. No, powerful! And somehow very sexy. I had stared down the swaggering hunk. I had a taste of control, and it was intoxicating. I could feel moisture and warmth between my legs, and it wasn't from my book.... at least not much.

Marijuana laws in our state are quite harsh, and our apartment building also has a zero-tolerance policy on using illegal drugs, so he had a lot of good reasons to be terrified of the situation. I don't think weed is the devil. I would never smoke it, but wasn't about to ruin this guy's life because he inhaled the 'wrong' fumes.

On the other hand... I immediately missed that feeling of power. I don't know what came over me, but I had an intense desire to go confront him. In part, to feel that feeling of power again, in part because he was cute, and I was more than semi-wet.

I didn't have a plan, I just took a minute to freshen up in the mirror (in retrospect, I may have had an idea what was going to happen), and then I marched over to the elevator, down a floor, and then to the door which must have been his.

My heart was pounding. "This was so stupid." I thought, "He's a criminal, what if he has a gun? Why should I antagonize him?"

But I kept going.

I took a deep breath, and then knocked on the door. Knock, knock.

After 30 seconds of silence, I knocked again, much harder. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK.

A shadow passed over the peep hole.

"What do you want?"

"I just want to talk."

"No soliciting, lady! Get lost!"

"You know why I'm here. I just want to talk. Open the door." I said this firmly, but followed with a smile.

The door opened up a crack, clearly still held by the chain. "What do you have to say?"

What did I have to say?

I surprised myself as I asserted strongly, "Your pollution ruined my morning, and you're going to make it up to me, or I'm going to complain to the super."

"Make it up to you?"

"Yes," I hissed, continuing at a whisper, "You're gonna eat my pussy."

He arched his eyes, but didn't say anything immediately, so I followed up to clarify, "Right now," and I took a small step towards the door.

He started to protest, "Uhh, I don't even know you, what..." but I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through my contacts. "Ok, shit," he said, "Come in, and... and... and we can work something out. Ok?"

He let me into his apartment. It was not nearly as disheveled as I expected. It was cluttered with books and papers, and the little incense vaporizer did little to cover the skunky smell of weed, but otherwise, it seemed like a cozy little apartment. Clearly not a stereotypical drug den.

"There's nothing to discuss," I stated after he closed the door behind me. "I was enjoying my steamy romance novel on my balcony, until you smoked me out."

"So... go inside? You don't own the air. Or... or... I'm sure it's cleared up by now. You can enjoy your book now."

My allotted reading time was nearly over, and should soon be getting on to the next activity, but my plan is already ruined, so I am sticking with the new plan.

"No, that moment has passed. And that's not how this next moment is going to happen," I said again, trying to maintain control of the situation. "Like I said, you're going to go down on me and make me cum, or I'm telling the super about you smoking weed on the property. I've got you on camera, and I'm sure he'll smell it on your curtains. You could get evicted."

There was that terrified look again. And my feeling of raw power. "...ok..." he said slowly, looking me up and down, and starting to look less frightened. "How do want me to do... that?"

I motioned to a futon on the floor, in the corner. "I'm gonna lie down on my back, and you're gonna come up between my legs, lift up my skirt, and service me with your mouth. I'll give more instructions once you've started.

"This is crazy! This is crazy! This is crazy! This is crazy!" is all I could think as I sat down and then laid back on this stranger's futon. When I put my knees up and scootched my butt towards the edge, my skirt fell all the way down my thighs to rest at my waist.

I knew it was wrong, but this jerk didn't deserve my respect, and I was feeling hornier than I had ever been. This was like a fantasy playing out in real life. I had all the power over this bad boy, and I was going to enjoy it!

His eyes landed on my crotch and I saw a little smile flicker across his face. "Oh good, he'll enjoy it too!" I thought to myself.

"Ok, lady. Lie back and I'll take good care of you." He said with a sigh... and a twinkle in his eye.

The leadup and anticipation already had me completely wet, and with butterflies in my belly. I could smell myself, and was sure he could smell me too as he got down on his hands and knees between my knees.

I flinched when he touched my thighs. My heat was pounding and I wasn't sure what to expect.

I felt his hot breath on my lady parts as he leaned in, and then his tongue touched my clitoris! I guess he was just going right in for it, then. I was expecting his mouth to feel warm, but it was cold on my hot flesh! Maybe he's a mouth breather, I don't know. He tensed his tongue up into a sharp point and began repeatedly flicking it around my nub.

It certainly tingled, but I wasn't quite ready for that.

"Cut that out! We are NOT there yet."

"Oh, sorry," he said, coming up for air. "What should I be doing?"

"Oh great, just my luck!" I thought to myself sarcastically, "I just had to pick a guy who has no idea what to do either!"

I had never been eaten out before, so I wasn't quite sure. But then I remembered how it was described in my book.

"Soften your tongue and flatten it out. Lap slowly from my the bottom of my folds to the top. Start near my opening, and slowly slide your tongue up to my clit, then do a light little swirl and then start do it again."

He grabbed my hips and buried his face in me. I could feel his slick tongue sliding all over me. This was definitely much better. "Uhuh, like that." I managed between shallow breaths.

Then he reached up and grabbed one of my boobs through the thin material of my blouse, and gave it a squeeze.

"Yes, touch my chest!" I whimpered as I thrust my chest out towards him. He pulled his face back away from my nethers, pulled up into a kneeling position and then reached out and pulled my blouse open, releasing my bosom. Then he leaned forward and grabbed my chest somewhat roughly with his large, strong hands, and tried to envelop my massive melons.

I looked down as he continued to knead my breasts, and I could see the crotch of his jeans bulging. "Ha!" I thought, "I am sexy! Look how turned on he is!"

He started kissing on my breasts and neck and then back down to my nipples, which tingled oddly while also causing a twinge of tingles between my legs! I was enjoying all of the attention I was getting up top, but when I smelled my musky scent on his face I remembered he was ignoring his duties down below.

"Hey, what happened to eating me out?" I demanded.

"Intermission." He replied coolly before kissing my nipples again.

All of a sudden, I felt what was clearly the hot head of his penis pressed up against my naked crotch, just to the left of my clit! When did he pull that out?

"What the fuck?" I demanded after a moment of shock.

"You wanted to cum. This is better, I promise." He cooed, as he began lightly rubbing the tip of his engorged member against my swollen lips. Ever so teasingly.

He wasn't wrong. I had been disappointed by his lack of cunnilingus technique, and mildly entertained by his boob play... but the rush of sensations I was getting from his hot, hard dick swirling around so lightly on my lady parts was.... indescribable. And incredible. I could feel myself becoming incredibly wet, and I noticed a tightness that spread across my whole belly and legs.

It wasn't an orgasm. No, not yet, but something was building quickly. Some of it was probably just nervousness, I'm sure. Butterflies in my stomach. But there was something else too... I was also subconsciously flexing my abs and pressing out towards him too! I longed for more pressure.

Then I remembered I was supposed to be the one in control.

"Ok, yes, I agree that you're better at this than with your mouth. I want you to keep doing those circles, with your pe.... with your cock. But do it a tiny little bit lower, and pushing up next to my clit with a little more pressure. Not right on it, right next to it... Here, I'll guide you"

I reached out and grasped his shaft with my hand. "Oh dear Lord," I thought, "His dick is enormous!" The tips of my thumb and forefinger barely touched as I wrapped my fingers tightly around his girth.

Then I came to my senses a little bit, and demanded sternly, "But don't you dare try to put it inside me! And you're not allowed to cum. This is about making me happy, so I don't tell the super about.... anything... remember?"

He nodded and smiled reassuringly, and "Don't worry, I understand. I'll take care of you."

Then he slid a finger up the cleft between my swollen lips. This cast an involuntary shudder across my body, and then I saw him smear my wetness onto the tip of his dick.

He saw me watching him do this, and again said very gently and reassuringly, "If you want more pressure, you're gonna want some lubrication too."

I nodded, and then he stuck his finger deep into the base of my cleft, into the very source of my nectar, making my eyes, bug out. But he withdrew his finger quickly and I saw that it was glistening and dripping with my juices.

He smiled at me as he applied it to himself again, and asked sweetly, "You said you would guide me?"

I realized I was still holding his dick in my hand, and then slowly brought it forward until I felt the head touch my outer lips, about halfway between the sensitive top of my cleft and my drippy opening. Then I slowly worked it back and forth to nestle it into my folds, and then pressed it slowly up and against my pubic bone.

"Do it like this. Same path, same pressure."

"So you want it like, this?"

He proceeded to place the tip of his penis right at the top of the opening to my vagina (quite a bit lower than I had shown him, but still "safe"), and then pressed it slowly up towards my pubic bone, dragging it through my slippery groove, just grazing the base of my clit.

"Yeah!" I gasped, "just like that!"

He performed a small swirl within my folds, no doubt to collect more lubrication, and then he grabbed my right leg, right behind the knee, and pressed upwards, bringing my knee up towards my shoulder. And put his weight on me as he pressed into my clit again.

"Like this?" He asked with a twinkle in his eye.

It was enough to push me over the edge.

"Ahah, yes!"

I felt my deep rhythmic contractions as warmth washed over me. I was lost in a moment of bliss...

Then I felt a sudden surge of intense pressure and brief pain as he plunged his cock half-way into me. "Oh!" I screamed loudly. Did he know he had popped my cherry?

My orgasm was already almost overwhelming, but the sudden penetration was more than I could take. I saw stars for a moment, and thought I was going to throw up, but then the pain stopped as suddenly as it started.

I didn't respond for several seconds, so he started withdrawing slowly, causing me to moan softly, involuntarily, "unnh..." then he reversed his stroke, and pressed slowly back into me, causing me to call out again. "Oh!"

I didn't know how to react. I had just told him moments ago that penetration was off the table. "Oh my god," I thought to myself, "he's not wearing a condom! And I'm probably.... oh shit! I'm ovulating now!" (I keep track of my cycle)

"Hey!" I finally managed weakly, "Hey, what are you doing?"

"You got your climax, missy!" He snapped back, suddenly sounding mean. "I'm coming to get mine!"

"Wait, you can't cum in me!" I pleaded. "I'll get pregnant for sure!"

"Do you think I would risk getting you pregnant?" he asked.

I wasn't sure what to think. But all the while we were talking, he was slowly pumping in and out of me. I still hadn't agreed to getting screwed. But I wasn't screaming. I wasn't scared of him. I still hadn't said no or pushed him away... and he was pushing deeper and deeper with each slow stroke.


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