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Bad Boy Ch. 01

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James influences the other guy's wife.
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James was a dick. Good looking, tough, deep voice, smart, brilliant at numbers, athletic, and socially adept. Nevertheless, a dick.

As a business owner, he knew how to get new business and keep key accounts from the competition. It didn't matter how, convincing executives through solid sales skills or influencing purchasing officers with a round of golf, a round of drinks, or getting them fucked by girl (read prostitute) way beyond their league. Getting them fucked was his favorite way to win with the company men who did purchasing, especially when they had kids and he had a camera. Somehow, he never got caught for his underhanded actions.

He liked seducing other men's wives and girlfriends. He relished the thought of his prick fucking another man's girl. He never went back for seconds. What was the fun once he'd won them over?

He didn't cheat at sports, one of his few points of honor, but he seldom lost when he played. It didn't matter what the sport: football, basketball, marathons, he played to win. In fact, it was his desire to win that made him such a prick.

The one loss he had that he regretted, that he couldn't get over, was Melissa. She was a gorgeous girl. She was bright. She was generous. She was, he hated to admit, faithful. Faithful to her family, her husband, her morals, and her religion. She had perfect curves, a fit body, and deep love for her husband Matt.

James had known Matt and Melissa since college. James was Matt's roommate. Matt had done well in school but where he won was with Melissa. She dressed conservatively, but turned heads no matter what she wore. She was one of those rare people that, when she entered the room, everybody turned to watch. And not just for her beauty. She had a personality that immediately hooked those around her. She made people feel better about who they were. She made people feel like they mattered. She made people feel that they wanted to be better and improve.

Matt on the other hand was dull, quiet, and boring. James had no idea how Matt had ended up with Melissa. And James hated that. He hated it with his whole soul.


Matt went outside to get the newspaper. He saw his buddy James across the street.

"James good morning bud. How are you this morning?"

"Never better Matt. You?" James crossed the street to talk with Matt.

"Doing well." Matt enjoyed James' company. He didn't know why Melissa disliked being around James so much. He just knew James was a fun guy. A little rough around the edges, perhaps, but an honest guy who was there to help him out.

At least, that's what Matt thought. James liked Matt, mostly because he was familiar and they had been friends in college. However, James would have blown Matt off long ago if he hadn't still been itching to get into Melissa's pants. He learned long ago the direct approach wouldn't work. Melissa actually hurt him pretty badly when he came onto her back in college. When Matt learned about it, James blamed it all on being drunk.

Melissa remained cool around James no matter how he'd softened his approach. It's like she knew what he was trying to do. It felt like there was a mental block preventing him from getting closer to her.

"Are we still up for a game of golf this weekend?" Matt asked. James often had business deals that took him out of town at the last minute. It struck Matt as strange that so often those deals were made over weekends. On the other hand, Matt had no idea the kind of things James did to close his deals.

"Yes. Think we need to increase my handicap by a two? You might actually have a chance of winning."

Matt put on a smile at James joke but grimaced inside. He liked Jame but when it came to winning golf, James was a dick.

Melissa stepped out and smiled at her husband. She smiled at James, just like always. How are you this morning. James knew she was putting on a show for Matt. It was like he could feel her in his mind, trying to get rid of him or even trying to change who he was. It made him want to fuck the bitch even more. He wanted to conquer her, to win her over, but felt like his ability to respond to Melissa was being blocked.

"You two going golfing tomorrow?"

"Yeah, we are." Matt said smiling. A moment after Matt said the words James had an idea pop in his head for a new business idea. Something that could really make him some solid cash.

"Oh man. I forgot Matt. I actually do have something that I've got to work on." James said. "You know what, lets do a rain check."

"No problem." Matt smiled but felt a bit disappointed inside. He loved James' jokes and stories of the girls he met. James didn't tell them they were in relationships, Matt wouldn't have liked that.

Melissa got a big smile on her face. "Oh well, maybe next time." and she went back inside. James brain was running on all four cylinders on his idea but even that didn't keep him from getting hooked on Melissa's tight ass as she walked back into the house.

Matt had noticed it too. Suddenly he felt horny as hell. "Talk to you later bud." Matt said as he turned and nearly sprinted into the house.

James watched the scene. There was something odd about it all. He'd momentarily lost his desire to fuck Melissa, despite the great view of her ass he'd just gotten. He went back into his house to work out his new idea. It was brilliant.

After working on his idea all morning and into the night, James was exhausted. His idea just wouldn't work out. It had seemed so clear when he'd had the idea. He couldn't explain why it seemed so good, like an epiphany of genius, but the nuts and bolts of the thing weren't so good. He had that happen a number of times. He'd always go find some wife or girlfriend to fuck to take his mind off the situation when the days was wasted like this one. But he didn't feel the least bit horny now. So instead, for the first time in years, he sat and thought about what had happened with Matt and Melissa.

Those epiphanies that lead to nothing always seemed to happen around her. The more he thought about that morning's conversations the more he realized those epiphanies only happened when she was around. For some reason he felt angry about it.

Now he wanted to win, to win at anything. But again, for the first time in years he fought off the thoughts in his head to get out the door and play sports, or chase women, or call up business associates. Instead he analyzed what had happened.


All weekend long, James sat in his chair and thought. He wrote down notes on ideas he'd had. He wrote down situations where he seemed confused. He wrote down times when his ideas had suddenly shifted. An average man couldn't remember all those situations, let alone put them together. But James had a brilliancy that was far above average. He had a memory of events that was also beyond 99% of those around him. It gave him a tremendous business advantage.

He put those talents to use on an idea he'd never had before. By late Sunday morning he'd decided that Melissa was influencing him. He didn't know how, or why. Nevertheless, he know had an epiphany he was willing to waste time on. Beating Melissa was the one victory in life he'd never gotten, but desperately wanted.


"Baby boy, cum on my tits, please?" The blonde whore looked up at James with beautiful brown eyes. She was married to the business owner he'd visited that week. The guy had been busy and didn't have time for him even after making an appointment. There was only one way to treat a guy like that. Fuck his wife.

The fact that she was a good looking women didn't hurt. She was around 40 and had some stretch marks and a little baby fat, but that didn't slow James' cock as he slid it between her nice round tits. He smiled at the thought of victory over the whore's husband. He liked to win. A business deal would have been a better win; after all, he got all the pussy he wanted while he always wanted more cash. But nevertheless, a win was a win.

The whore looked up and licked the top of his cock as it slid up towards her face. The act was so hot; James felt his balls tighten he smirked at the bitch below him. He groaned and shot his load into her eye. Cum spurted into her hair and on her face. He loved winning. He didn't care how he had to do it.


After the slut wife fell asleep in her and her husband's bed, James quietly slipped out of bed and grabbed a piece of paper and started writing furiously.

He had spent a great deal of time on the road. In fact he hadn't seen his house in over six months. His mind was clearer than ever. He loved the feeling.

When he first started thinking about what happened with Melissa he had been confused. As he put together the pieces, he felt like he found a possible way to understand it, but one that was based on magic...or something.

To test his hypothesis he made certain he didn't see Matt or Melissa. He wrote down his thoughts in a journal. His conclusion, Melissa was influencing him. He almost felt like she had been controlling his mind. He hated the feeling. He liked to be in control. Being controlled felt like losing. He hated Melissa even more for controlling him.

None of this made sense to a practical guy like James. He didn't think about morals, except to dismiss them. He didn't believe in magic, unless you counted the feeling of fucking someone or winning, which were pretty much the same thing.

He followed his nonsensical thoughts anyway. So he left town to avoid Melissa.


Being away for a longer period of time had done wonders for his mind. He felt like he was in complete control of it. He felt like he was in high school again, getting what he wanted from those around him. Threatening or bullying them, if necessary. And he knew how far he could go because somehow he could understand what they were thinking and knew where to draw the line in his interactions.

He hadn't noticed it at first, but he figured that Melissa could (potentially) control or direct his thoughts. Perhaps he could figure out what others were thinking and do the same. He stopped drinking. He let his executives at his company keep things running. He stopped fucking. He simply meditated for a month.

The meditation did nothing for him. In fact, he got so bored that he nearly went straight back to his house. But then a business deal fell through. He called up his VP of sales asking if anything important was going on. The VP let him know about the deal. James delayed his return home and went to the customer. After a month of seclusion and meditation, his mind felt clearer than in any deal ever. Because the deal was important, his mind was focused on the customer executives. He watched their faces, listed to their words, and truly heard their intonations.

He was amazed; he almost felt like he could hear their thoughts, feel their concerns, and know where their minds were headed. He'd never closed a more successful deal on better terms with higher potential profit.

He didn't know what had happened. He guessed it was related to his meditation. From then on he stopped rushing from deal to deal. Instead he took of several days between each deal to recover. He didn't watch shows, didn't eat rich foods, didn't fuck other guy's girls. He exercised, slept, ate simple food, and meditated. He was making better deals than ever.

After five months he finally came across the prick whose wife he'd just fucked. The guy didn't come to meet him at their appointment, just sent his secretary to say he was indisposed and couldn't make their meeting. The secretary apologized.

That made James more angry than ever. He needed to win and needed revenge on this prick who blown him off. He looked up the guy's name on the internet and found a picture of the guy and his wife at a recent charity event. His wife was a hot piece of ass. James tracked down their home and then meditated for two days.

He met the wife at her front door. She looked distraught. She smiled politely and let him in. James explained he was a friend of her husband and was supposed to meet him. She apologized, her husband had to rush out of town just earlier that week.

James started reading her thoughts. Something was wrong, he knew that. If he kept probing he could have figured out what it was but he really didn't care. He just wanted to fuck the bitch. So he kept searching for how he could befriend her.

He realized she felt lonely. He started playing on that thought. He knew what to say to make her feel less lonely. But he kept feeling resistance. He tried from another angle, another feeling she was having, one of loss. He worked on it and acted to break through. As he was making progress he felt resistance, even more than before. He took a different approach and found anger; again, just as he thought he was going to break through the ice and he felt a wall go up.

He was furious inside, though he didn't show it. First the prick husband had treated him like a common salesman and now the bitch wife was resisting his tries to warm her up.

He concentrated his anger on the emotional wall he felt in her. He didn't know what was causing the wall. He didn't care. He just wanted to knock it down and didn't care about the damage. He smiled and made small talk while she responded weakly. He concentrated more on the emotional wall, on the thoughts behind them whatever they were. She started shaking and asked if he could go. He politely refused and smiled. It made him even more angry that she'd asked him to go. He wanted to fuck. He wanted revenge. He wanted to win and every nerve in his body, every thought, every heartbeat was focused on knocking down the wall. It was like all the feelings in his body, and the senses in his nervous system, all the logic in his brain were all focused on knocking down that wall.

A loud "Pop!" suddenly echoed in his mind. James was stunned. He took a step back from the bitch wife.

He didn't know what the sound was. He didn't know where it came from. It didn't sound like it was in the room. Instead, it sounded like it came from her. Or in her. Or in her mind. James looked at the wife in front him. Her face was blank. She didn't move and hardly breathed. He'd been so surprised by the noise that he'd stopped concentrating on her.

He started to probe her mind again. The wall was gone. In fact, it felt like her mind had gone blank. He asked her if she was alright but she didn't respond. He slapped her face and she just sat there. He slapped her harder leaving red marks on her cheek. No reaction.

He wasn't worried, after all no one else knew he was there and he could just slip away.

But he was curious. He started to look back into her mind. He felt like he must have knocked the wall down. Perhaps he could put thoughts and emotions back in her brain. He started with a small thought and repeated it as he probed her brain. He was thinking about how pleasant it was for her to have him over. After a few minutes, the thought seemed to catch in her brain. He could sense it. She was thinking about how nice it was to have him over.

He pushed a bit more. He thought about what a gentlemanly guy he was. She took that thought and started to move physically. He worked to get her to want him to be there, to comfort her. He could feel the thought take root in her mind. She hadn't said a word yet, but he was thinking of a conversation between them in his head. She was following the conversation.

"Fuckin' incredible." James said out loud.

"What was that?" the wife replied.

James was surprised for just a moment "Oh nothing." James smiled sweetly back.

As they started to make small talk James could feel her mind turning back on, thoughts coming back. But he wasn't done yet. He started working on thoughts about how much better a man he was than her husband who'd left. He could feel her grasp the thought. She started complaining about her husband.

James smiled evilly as he nodded in agreement. He felt her original thoughts coming back faster.

James started imagining her kissing him, brushing his hair, being embraced by him. He could feel her catching on to the thoughts. She was a bit lonely again, but he turned that loneliness against her husband...she needed a better man to salve the ache.

She expressed her deep gratitude for James visiting her after all she'd been through...whatever the hell that meant. James didn't have time to probe. He wanted her on all fours getting fucked in the ass.

He felt her anger, he directed it towards her prick husband. She said vicious things that James knew she hadn't ever thought before. An evil smile spread broadly across his lips.

He re-emphasized the physical touch and comfort of a kiss, a brush of the hand, a soft embrace. The wife ate them up. He started pushing dirtier thoughts. Thoughts of rubbing her shoulders and brushing the tops of her boobs lightly. He felt resistance. He concentrated on the thought of touching her boobs and felt it break through her mind and become her thought.

James imagined rubbing her shoulders and then the sides of her body. In his mind he brushed the sides of her boobs. He felt her accept that thought.

He decided to get them someplace comfortable. He thought about her bed. He thought about how comfortable it would be to kiss him on it. He felt resistance. Despite all the earlier thoughts he put in her head, he felt powerful resistance. She had a strong sense of loyalty.

So he de-sexualized the bed. It was simply a good place to chat. The chairs they were on were uncomfortable. The room was too bright. The bedroom was better. She hooked on to these thoughts.

"Do you mind showing me your beautiful house?" James asked.

She smiled and agreed. When they got to the bedroom he didn't ask. He just sat on the bed. After a moment of thinking and influencing, she sat next to him. He could feel her lust increasing. He thought more sexual thoughts and began rubbing her shoulders. At first she resisted. But then she relaxed. Even though she'd just been thinking about his dick, she didn't want to cheat.

Her mind was getting more and more like it had been before. He felt the emotional wall starting to come back. She pushed his hands off of her shoulders. He started feeling frustrated. He didn't want to lose, not when he was this close.

He felt greater resistance as his dirty thoughts were pushed away. He'd been too slow. She was closing her mind to him. She stood up off the bed. He smiled again. He'd remembered what he'd done. He'd taken all his emotions and forced them on her. Now he was horny, and frustrated, and angry. He was going to have her pussy.

He stopped talking and stared, concentrating every thought back on her emotional wall. His frustration, his anger, his lust, and finally his desire to win. He felt the bitch's emotional wall getting pushed back out of the way. It didn't pop this time, it just fell back and then slipped away. She remained awake and alert this time but he felt emptiness in her mind.

He smirked. He was winning. He didn't go slowly this time. He started thinking of about her pussy and filling it with his dick. After a few minutes, the thought caught on in her brain. He could sense it. She was thinking, but only about his dick in her pussy.

He stood and kissed her; she kissed back. He thought about rubbing her shoulders then started doing it. She responded by relaxing, her brain filling up with lust. He slid his tongue in her mouth. He felt her tongue wrestle back and slide into his mouth. He started thinking about how her pussy must itch, she needed it scratched. He grabbed her right hand and guided her hand down her pants. He felt her grasp on to the thought of scratching the sexual itch in her cunt.

"I've never done this!" she exclaimed as she finger fucked herself. Soon she had her pants off and her hand was down the front of her tight pink panties. He pushed thoughts about how good it was to jill off and the bitch wife latched onto them.


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