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Bad Choices Ch. 01

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He pushed his daughter into the arms of his friend.
8.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/20/2018
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Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. It involves elements of sex, humiliation, and questionable consent. All characters are at the legal age of 18 or older.


Can you imagine the problems that come with being a single parent? I thought I knew, but being the father of a precious little girl is a whole lot more difficult than taking care of a pet. The problems didn't start until much later, of course. In the beginning, things worked out fine. Way back. When I was still young and experiencing everything for the first time. I met my wife in college actually, stumbled into her on the campus and we hit it off immediately because of a few common interests.

After dating for a few months, we decided to get married and had the perfect honeymoon just a few weeks later. I can still vividly remember the day when she returned to the bedroom with a positive pregnancy test. A family. We are starting something big! For someone who thought he had it all, I quickly learned that life can sometimes end up showering you in unexpected gifts.

Of course, the higher you get, the further you can fall. It was a few years into the marriage when I learned that she had cheated on me. How I learned about it? It's not like she came up to me and confessed, or that I managed to catch them in the act. No I got the surprise when after months of forced celibacy, she stormed off into the bathroom to throw up and shortly after announced being pregnant again. By someone else, obviously, there's no mistaking it. At least the divorce worked out in my favor since infidelity is frowned upon.

It's also how I managed to get custody of our little girl - Sara. Cheerful little angel. It's probably because she spent most of her life with me that she turned out a lot like me, with an open mind and an even brighter personality! Bit of a computer geek, too. Though she's more into PC games while I was mostly part of the Atari and Sega generation, years ago. I did manage to get her addicted to Star Trek at least. So that's a win. Watching her grow up and helping to shape her into a good person is the highlight of raising her. Without her I'd probably not even manage to get out of bed sometimes.

It's not cheap to support a child on your own. Because we ended up living in a single income home, I got stuck with the same job in construction that I've been in pretty much my entire life. A dead end job, but it paid well. All things considered, I was lucky to have it since it allowed me to keep mine and Sara's lifestyle going even after the divorce.

My evenings were often spent with a colleague of mine, Carl. Since he was pretty much my best and closest friend for as long as I can remember, he was a big part of our life. He's been in the company for as long as I have. We're like opposites of the same coin, though. While I had been married, had a kid, and attempted to have a normal family life, he was more of a womanizer. It's no big deal when a teenager spends his weekends getting drunk, partying and having one night stands with random girls...but when a grown man does it? That does make you ponder.

It was routine for Carl to hit a bar around midnight when the ladies are already drunk as hell, and walk back out within a matter of minutes with his arm around a cute girl he picked up. More than once he's offered to bring me along, but I don't put nearly as much time or effort into getting laid. He was, however, obsessed with it--always finding new prey.

The years went by quickly. On one day I routinely have to lift little Sara up just to help her on a chair, on the next day she's suddenly spending half her allowance on bras, makeup and casually spending a hundred bucks at the hairdresser because her long brunette hair didn't feel glossy enough. It's completely nuts how differently a teen behaves! She grew up so damn fast that if I had blinked, I would've missed it.

At least I was spared the heart attack that would've followed if she had ever brought a boyfriend home. It's possible that she never got into a relationship because her mother wasn't around to give her any kind of dating advice or to reassure her that sexuality is a normal thing. Over the years I learned that those were simply things my daughter would never approach me for, out of insecurity or just shyness. Not like I mind. Her current lifestyle prevented her from dating a dozen different boys and becoming more like her mother. The less she knows, the better! At least that's how I thought things would be.

I didn't even notice it at first, but over time, Carl got into the habit of complimenting her whenever he came over for a drink. It started out subtle at first. While there were things I'd ignore, he would happily point out whenever her curves became more pronounced or when her bra size grew. Which was an impressive feat by itself since she usually wore loose shirts at home instead of walking around exposed. Sweat pants also helped to conceal her lower half.

She wasn't very confident in her looks, but he praised her all the same. Before long, she started wearing snug tank tops. And on the days when she knew that he was visiting, she would forego wearing pants altogether and walk around in little more than her white undies. I figure she didn't have any boys at school to compliment her, so this was her opportunity to fish for compliments. To have someone boosting her self-esteem, maybe.

Things got even weirder with him during the weeks that followed. During those long evenings when we drank a beer and chatted and watched some football, I'd often have Sara sitting between us. She had always been somewhat affectionate towards me, so it was easy to tell whenever she started behaving unusually. Whenever that happened, I would look over and see Carl's hand on her leg, sometimes her thigh. That sure seemed to be pushing her boundaries.

She's my precious little angel, so why I didn't just shout at him or kick him out the first time that happened is a small mystery to me. At least the way I see it, maybe I just wanted to know if she truly was a lot like I am? Or if perhaps she was more like her cheating and instinct driven mother than I thought? It was reassuring to see her resisting, so I simply kept inviting him over. If it's something that truly bothers her, she can speak her mind and demand that he stops touching her. It had never even occurred to me that after all these years she had grown to see him as a person of authority, someone she has to respect. Someone who can't do wrong.

"Dad?" His little game didn't progress beyond that.

"Dad, hey? Earth to father-ship?" Shaking my head, I tear myself out of those thoughts.

"Sorry, what? I uh—" A quick look around the dinner table helps to remind me of what's going on, I had been so caught up in thoughts that I hadn't even paid attention! A large strawberry cake, layered in cream, was standing right in front of me, waiting to be cut. Sara's birthday! Right! It was a small and private party. Just her, Carl and myself. None of her friends from school showed up which goes to show you that teenagers can be just the worst.

"Right! I'm sorry, lemme just..." the knife glides through the cake with ease, and I quickly give a slice to both of them. Man, how long had I been staring at the cake like that? I always get a bit sentimental when I realize she grew another year older.

"Daydreaming again, huh?" she teased me with a smile and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah. Happy birthday!" Slow music played in the background, the distinct scent of strawberries lingered in the air, and for a moment I completely forgot about all the problems on my mind. It's meant to be a day of joy, right? A day for fun!

Carl had a few bites before directing his attention back at my daughter. "I heard you're about to finish high school. Do you already know what you will do after? Study? Work? Become a housewife to someone? Pretty sure you'd make a good wife, education is overrated anyway. Then you could stay at home all day, wouldn't that be nice?" He laughed, but sounded genuinely curious... and serious. Of course the idea of becoming a housewife would never even cross Sara's mind, she was determined and often top of her class!

She was amazing and had a bright future ahead of herself! I had to work my butt off to make it happen but it was worth it. She's got chances that I never had! Still. It hadn't even occurred to me that she's already at such an important point in her life. She's pretty much got one foot in college already...

She pondered his question for a moment. "I uh... I dunno? Maybe something that has to do with construction, too. I like the idea of helping people, you know... to do things that are beneficial to everyone? That could be cool. Or maybe just take some time off, stay at home and chill! Play some games of course, have a good time and all. Before I start studying and do all the serious stuff. Yea that'd be real nice I think." She took another bite, savoring the cake. It wasn't often that I could afford to splurge on something as festive as this, but birthdays are only once a year.

We eventually retreated back to the living room with our plates and watched some more TV while eating what was left of the cake. There was also more chatting about future possibilities for Sara. One of them even included becoming a nurse, it had her hyped up! Though I quickly pointed out that something like that is way more demanding than she could imagine. Still, big heart. It's nice. She's a decent person.

When we were done eating and talking, I made a brief trip to the kitchen before coming back with three tall glasses and a bottle of sweet white wine. Cheap, but teenagers can't tell the difference between expensive and simple booze anyway. After pouring, we all had one glass to drink. Just the one. My wife -- or rather my ex -- had always been a lightweight and didn't do well with alcohol. Sara was very much the same, it only took one glass for her cheeks to blush a faint red. And as expected, Carl's hand soon found its way back to her inner thigh.

Oddly enough, she didn't tense up this time around. Even though a man more than twice her age, someone who was as old as her own father, was feeling her up. For the first time, his hand wasn't just lingering anymore. He's slowly stroking up and down her thigh, getting closer and closer to her most private area, an area with only a thin strip of cotton underwear as a barrier to stop Carl's hand from fondling her pussy right here, right now. It's probably the alcohol that was lowering her inhibitions. Interesting. I keep glancing over to them, she offers very little resistance to his actions. What would she do if he were to continue? He was obviously interested in getting to know her a lot better. If she were just a random girl he picked up at a bar, he would've already bent her over the coffee table with her panties down.

It's a rare opportunity to see how she reacts when she's tipsy. In the past, we were usually alone when I offered her a glass of wine but now we had company. Someone to test her. Whenever he slid his hand up a little higher and came close to her crotch, she still had the awareness to slap his hand away. I knew it! She's nothing like her mother and it's all because of the way I raised her! In order to prove my point to myself, I reached for her glass and poured her another.

"I don't know, I feel a little warm. Think I had plenty for today..." she responded as I handed it to her. "It's fine. It's your birthday! You aren't going to get the chance on any other day!" On top of that, I would also not get the chance to see her reaction on any other day since alcohol is strictly forbidden unless there's a reason to celebrate. Right now, I needed to see her behavior while she's drunk. If he's getting too touchy, I'll be putting a stop to it myself.

She hesitated, but eventually raised the glass up to her soft lips and gradually drank her wine until every drop was gone. Every gulp was a sight to see. I could barely even keep my attention on the TV, I kept glancing to the side to observe any possible changes in her attitude now that she had emptied her second glass.

The blush grew, her eyes were less focused, and she more often than not giggled at even the worst jokes that Carl whispered into her ear. This time when he moved his hand back up to her crotch, she reacted just a tad bit too slowly and closed her thighs when he already cupped her womanhood through the fabric of her underwear. I pretended not to notice. Right now only a single layer of fabric helped to separate his fat fingers from her virginal pussy.

As the minutes passed, he simply kept his hand in place... I'm pretty sure one of his fingers was gliding up and down along the cameltoe he helped to shape, and Sara was either too shy, or too drunk to dare and speak up that she was uncomfortable with this sudden advance. It's probably also the first time that a guy would show interest in her in such a blunt way. Eventually though, her resistance began to fade. From the corner of my vision I could see those pale, slender legs opening just enough to give him better access. Too drunk to care.

"Buddy, hey," he suddenly spoke while looking towards me. Can you bring me another beer? The wine ain't cutting it." Here he is molesting my daughter and he's got the audacity to ask for a drink? I oblige just for the sake of seeing how far he would be willing to take this. Upon returning, the first thing I notice is that he draped a blanket over her crotch but still had his hand underneath. When I sit down, I also notice that Sara was now leaning with her head on his shoulder. "Thanks, man," he accepted the beer while I took my seat.

I grab the TV remote and attempt to distract myself for a while, yet I can't help but notice that her breathing was getting more erratic. Heavier. Her eyes were glued to the television screen but she clearly wasn't paying any attention and her hands were tightly grasping the blanket. Before long, there was a subtle soft whimper and she involuntary pushed her hips forward, grinding against his hand! Did I just witness my daughter having her first orgasm? This time it was a whole lot more difficult to pretend I didn't notice what's going on.

The subtle but undeniable smell of pussy wafted up when he pulled the blanket away again and I nearly coughed in embarrassment upon realizing what I just inhaled. The scent of my own daughter's excitement! This was... so very wrong. I could also clearly see a damp spot around the crotch of her underwear! She quietly looked back and forth between him and myself, probably in an attempt to figure out what to do now and how to react. Her intoxicated state made it a whole lot more difficult to make any decision, I figure. She's helpless and still recovering from her climax.

This had gone on long enough, it's about time to put a stop to this ridiculous situation. "Hey, you got the keys, right?" I interrupt them. Carl quickly pauses and gives me a quizzical look. I made sure to continue pretending that I hadn't noticed his actions and kept talking. "To the house? It's getting a little late and I could use some sleep. By the look of things, Sara could use some sleep as well," I point out with a nod at her and her weary posture. Even in her drunken state she clumsily nodded back. It had all been too much for her. Too much to drink, too many new experiences.

Still, getting some help now might be nice. "You can help carrying her up to her room, just make sure to lock the door later when you leave the house. Probably also better if you walk today instead of taking the car to drive home, buddy." He has had his fair share of booze today, last thing I need is to have him getting into a car crash.

"... is fine, it'sss fine I can... can walk," came my daughter's defiant slur of words. That's my girl! Stubborn as usual. Still, I shift an arm underneath hers and help her to get up. The walk up the stairs was slow but steady, Carl remained just a few steps behind. I figure he either wanted to make sure she didn't stumble backwards, or he hadn't given up just yet.

When we arrive in her room, I gently lower her and give her a chance to lie down by herself. I couldn't help but take another brief look at her panties. The wet fabric neatly hugged her crotch and perfectly outlined the lips of her vagina. That's the part Carl had been after. I wonder how far he would've taken things if I hadn't interrupted? She's a hormonal teenager and drunk to boot. If they had gotten more time to themselves, would she have spread her legs for him?

The old bed creaked a little under her weight. It was a single person bed and quite frankly rather outdated, she's been using the same one since she was much younger. Most of her budget went into an oversized wardrobe and her computer setup with all those monitors and a large desk.

"There you go," I reassure her with a smile, tucking her in. It doesn't matter how old she is, she will always be special to me. "Good night, darling." A quick kiss on the forehead, and I leave her to get some well-earned rest after the orgasm he forced out of her.

Back in the hallway, Carl gives me a quick pat on the shoulder. "Anyway. Thanks for inviting me over, I had plenty of fun. You can go right ahead and get some sleep, I'll make sure to lock the door on my way out, yeah?" He had given up surprisingly quickly now that she was safe.

"Yeah. Take care of yourself." I watch him as he turned and walked downstairs, and I went to finally get some sleep myself. It's been a long evening. I pretty much beamed with pride, Sara had passed the spontaneous test decently enough considering she could barely even walk anymore. I already looked forward to tomorrow. I used vacation days for the next few days so I can spend some more time with her! A chance for some father-daughter bonding. Maybe visit the zoo?

After I began falling asleep, I could hear some noise, footsteps in the hallway? A burglar? Did Carl forget to lock the door after all? Quietly I get back up and glimpse into the darkness, the hallway is empty. More noise! A few steps forward allow me to peer into Sara's room, it was annoyingly dark but I could clearly see the outline of...Carl?

What's he still doing here? Hadn't he left? Upon taking a closer look, I could also make out what the sound was. One by one he had taken off his clothes and dropped them in front of my daughter's bed. What was he thinking?! He's old enough to be her father, was he seriously going to try and seduce her all the way? Was he planning to continue where he had stopped earlier?

His hand moved down to touch himself, drawing my attention to his dick. It wasn't particularly long, not yet anyway, but thick as his wrist! Every stroke caused his foreskin to roll back and reveal the bloated purple crown of his cock. The obscene mushroom-shaped tip that had been inside countless women already. It's beyond me how a cock of that size could even fit into a woman without some serious discomfort. It was almost intriguing... would he be able to squeeze that thing into her?

The lingering scent of Sara's cheap fruity perfume remained in the cold night air. I watch him raise the bed covers to join her underneath the soft fabric. There's a faint groan of disapproval from her, and an even louder squeak from the frail bed frame. Is that it, was he simply planning to get some sleep? Did he forget we've got a guest bedroom in case he's too drunk? No that can't be what's on his mind. Then he would not have first gotten his dick all hard and ready before joining my little angel in her bed. No, his thoughts were more sinister.

"Wha--what are you doing," I can hear her whisper in a barely audible tone. A few more moments pass before the bed covers rise again. This time, he extends his hand outwards while holding... her panties!? He drops the bundle of underwear onto his own pile of clothes before pulling his hand back in. Things are escalating way too fast!

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