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Bad Choices Ch. 02

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He pushed his daughter into the arms of his friend.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/20/2018
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Contains: NonConsent/Reluctant, First Time, Exhibitionist & Voyeur, Fetish, Risk of pregnancy

rosa-blanca.ru: Nonconsent, reluctant, first time, virgin, voyeur, fetish, risk of pregnancy, alcohol, age difference, bareback


"Dad, could you hand me the butter?" came Sara's quirky voice from the side of the table, and I happily obliged and slid the small tray over to her. Today's breakfast consisted of freshly cooked eggs and some leftover bacon I managed to salvage from the fridge. "Thanks dad!" She cheerfully continued eating while I watched her, sitting there with that bright smile and careless expression she always had. Things hadn't changed, despite my fears.

We also begun talking more about her imminent entry to college. The nearest university had been in the news, something about fights and turmoil. So the next best choice would be a university on the other side of the city, which means that she will need a dorm room there. If she gets a part time job and I work overtime, it should be doable.

She's still interested in a degree as nurse. A profitable career for sure, and she would get to help others. It would also get her out of her room more often, which may be a good thing. She will meet more people, socialize, and start a new life of her own. It's a little frightening, to think of her becoming so independent.

Her bubbly personality grew a lot during the past few days. She's also again mentioned an interest in adopting a cat - a craving for more responsibility.

"Anytime, darling." It had been a little over a week since the day she lost her virginity to my best friend. I reluctantly accepted their announcement of a relationship. Carl used it as opportunity to continue having access to my daughter, while Sara did it because he had already succeeding in popping her cherry - she had nothing left to lose. It probably helped that Carl kept trying to convince her that sex gets more pleasurable over time. They officially began 'dating'. Which in their case meant that at least once a day he would visit her in her room and fuck her into submission.

However, no matter how often he tried, he couldn't convince her to repeat their initial encounter, not in the exact same way anyway. I overheard them talking about it more than once. She had absolutely no desire to get knocked up and during each time they had sex since then, she had loudly insisted on using a condom. It's a bitter loss for him. He went into the relationship with the expectation that he will never again have to pick up chicks at a bar, because he's got free access to a perfect pussy whenever he visits. Instead he's now forced into using protection, a thick layer of latex to spoil the fun for both of them.

It's not like that stopped him, her trash bin was already filled with a pile of used condoms after just a week of his insatiable hunger for her young body. Still, at this rate he might lose interest and start chasing other girls again. Even if he doesn't, it won't be long before Sara will realize that it ain't fun to allow a guy to essentially use your body to masturbate with.

Just a matter of time, soon enough they're going to break up and stop with this stupid game. He can go back to picking up sluts that let him go bareback and Sara can continue enjoying her teenage years without having to spread her legs for someone as old as her own father.

At least she has kept her innocence intact. He hasn't broken her will yet. "Sara? Can you pass me some more baco-"I interrupt myself halfway through the sentence upon hearing the very loud and very annoying doorbell ringing repeatedly. Who the hell would pester us this early in the morning, it's got to be another annoying salesman, or some weird religious group. Always at the worst possible times.

"Can you get that?" I already had a frown on my face before even getting the words out. There's no way I could be polite this early in the day.

Sara shrugged in defeat and handed me the bacon before getting up and walking away to deal with the nuisance. "Fine, fine. Always me..." she mumbled to herself. I just keep eating, at least until I notice that she didn't immediately return after opening the door and taking care of the visitors.

Just to be sure everything is all right, I join her in the lobby and see not one, but two unfamiliar faces. A woman in her early twenties with a weary and defeated expression on her face which wasn't even remotely concealed by traces of what appeared to be a last-minute attempt at putting on makeup. She held a large bag of groceries in each hand. Right by her side was a young little girl, barely taller than Sara was at the age of six or so. She had a familiar set of brown eyes, and neglected long black hair. Uncombed, messy. It eludes me who they might be, neighbors perhaps but I've never seen them.

The woman took another step towards Sara while leaning forward with her upper body in a threatening gesture. "So? He said it wouldn't be a problem and I have other stuff to do! Make up your mind already!"

"What's going on?" I interrupt her, glancing back and forth between her and the unknown kid she brought into my home.

"They are... uh, friends of Carl?" Sara looked anxious and stressed. It beats me, I have no idea what they talked about during the brief time I wasn't here.

"Friends, hell no, he's a deadbeat! If he were a friend then I wouldn't even need to be here!" she hissed angrily. "He said that you volunteered to take care of Ashley today so that I can actually get something done instead of babysitting her again. I take another look at the girl and realize just why she looked familiar - she had the same eyes as Carl. In all these years he never even mentioned that he had a daughter. So the woman must presumably be the mother and someone he used to be intimate with.

I wait for her to catch her breath before trying to get some more info out of her. "So you are his... ex?" I was close to calling her a one night stand, but quickly caught myself before escalating this situation way beyond repair.

"Sure, sure. Whatever. She likes eating cereals, just give her a phone and she can keep herself busy all day. I'll pick her up later, all right? Great." Her grip on those plastic bags tightened and she simply turned and walked off while I fail to reach a hand out to grab her in time.

She didn't even tell us her name but chose to leave her kid with us without hesitation. "Wait, wai-!" The lobby goes quiet, save for the child that now stood between me and Sara while toying with the hem of her shirt. Ashley was her name according to her mom, I believe. Carl's kid, hard to believe that he managed to keep it secret. If she's anything like her parents, this is going to be one hell of a day. At least it's unlikely that she's an alcoholic like her dad if she's just six years old.

"I'm hungry," the girl mumbles shyly while gazing up at Sara. Those small eyes that looked so much like her father's. This wasn't part of what I planned for today, I'm expected to be at work in a few minutes from now and this is a complication I wasn't ready for. Sara used to do some babysitting for a family friend, but this may be out of her league.

"I uh... sure... so you're Ashley, huh? Happy to meet you, I'm Sara." She knelt down and awkwardly shook hands with the little girl. "We were already in the middle of having breakfast but I bet we can find something for you, too. Just don't, uh, cry and stuff. Yes? Please please. Let's see what I can find in the fridge for you," she continued while beginning to guide the girl towards the kitchen.

As much as I wanted to stay, I really needed to get to the car. "I gotta get ready for work, just give me a call if you need any help, all right?" She gave a quick nod before walking out of sight. It's surprising she accepted her fate so quickly. I guess she really didn't want to deal with the noise of a crying child. A reasonable motivation.

Carl was nowhere to be seen during my shift, and didn't answer any of my phone calls. The hours go by incredibly slowly while I wonder how Sara is holding up without anyone to help taking care of things. By the time I get home, I barely even manage to get the keys into the door before stumbling in to see Sara in the living room with little Ashley on her lap, and Carl of all people standing right there in the kitchen to prepare a sandwich after a day of being a ghost.

"Hey, man. About time you get back, you're all outta bread. Can you go get some quickly? Since you're still all dressed," he pointed out while standing there in just a shirt and shorts. Hints of his beer belly were visible and his underwear displayed a prominent bulge. Sara seemed to be watching TV together with his daughter while combing the girl's hair.

"You never mentioned you had kids, what's this all about? And why is she still here if you are around? It's a little crowded," I point out while dropping my suitcase and closing the kitchen door behind myself to avoid involving Sara. I needed to get answers out of him.

"Relax. You were so accommodating recently that I figured, you know, why not share my family with you too? We can be happy together, yeah?" His hand reached for the last slices of bread to finish his sandwich.

"Where were you today anyway? I didn't see you anywhere and couldn't reach your phone either." He puts his food aside for a moment and shrugs dismissively.

"Yeah about that, listen. Your girl, she's special. I wanna take good care of her but that's been just really difficult with the way things are, she deserves better. So. I handed in my notice the other day and quit the job." He backed up against the counter and supported himself with his hands against the granite. "It's no problem, right? I'll just crash at your place for a bit until things are running more smoothly. Ashley's gonna appreciate the company too," he added while we could hear the playful giggling of our girls in the background.

"What the hell, how can you think that's okay? You quit your job!? Are you insane? That's the opposite of—" I interrupt myself as the door swings open and Carl's daughter steps into the kitchen, still giggling excitedly.

"Daddy, I've got a sister now! Sara's my new sister! I told her I wish I had a sister and she said yes!" She grinned from ear to ear and I watched her running towards him and hugging his leg. It's a relief to see the two girls were getting along so nicely after spending the day together. Somehow, by some miracle, somebody must've raised Ashley well. Maybe I misunderstood Carl and he's actually a decent person, but just really good at hiding it. Considering the news he just gave me, it's difficult to see him as a responsible person.

He gave his daughter a pat on the head. "Actually, change of plans, how about we have ourselves a nice barbeque in the garden and you buy the bread tomorrow instead of going shopping this late?" Carl suggested it while pushing his sandwich out of sight. As soon as we have some privacy again, I'll have to address some basic rules if he really intends to live here. For one, he's obviously not going to share a room with Sara. His sex drive is abnormal.

He did have a good point with his dinner suggestion at least. It's been hot and sunny all day, a perfect setup for an evening of grilling. "Sure, sure. Did you bring any meat?" I open the fridge and look inside, but there's nothing I hadn't already seen. It's silly that for a second I thought he may have prepared something.

"Nah, man. You've got some steaks still in there, some sausages too, that will do just fine. Add some potatoes and we're good to go. You do have potatoes right?" He opens a few cupboards, looking through my stuff.

"Of course I do," I reply grumpily and the two of us begin setting things up in the fenced garden area behind the house. It's been years since I fired up the grill but after restocking it with coal it fired up all the same.

Sara, Carl and his daughter took a seat by the outdoor table underneath a large umbrella while chatting and bonding together. It's eerie how much they already looked like a family. He had an arm snugly around Sara, keeping her close and occasionally groping a feel of her shapely tits. After all the times he fondled her thighs and crotch recently, she didn't even react to having a hand on her breast.

They were happily chatting away just a few feet away from me. Carl shared the news about his job situation and his daughter was ecstatic at the prospect of getting to spend more time with her daddy. I could tell that Sara had conflicted feelings about it, she was well aware of how much more difficult it would become to have a moment of privacy.

It was only when Ashley began mumbling an entire list of places she'd like to visit that even Sara's lips began to curl back up into a warm smile. It didn't take long for the three of them to make plans to visit the beach, the cinema and even the zoo together. It was nice, I had all but forgotten how it feels to have the enthusiastic giggling of a child around to brighten the mood.

That hour outside in the garden was gradually putting things into perspective for me. If Sara's like her mother, then maybe someone as determined as Carl was what's needed to keep her in check? She acted more docile than ever before. Maybe he can use his skills with women not just to talk his way into their panties, but also to try and make them happy, and to keep them faithful. His influence might actually be a positive one, at least judging by how joyful they acted. His methods are weird, but I can't argue with the results.

After we finished eating our meals, we retreated back to the living room - or rather, I sat down on the couch together with Ashley to watch some cartoons, while Carl took Sara upstairs. Feeling her soft skin and caressing her body for the entire duration of the time we spent in the garden must've gotten him into the mood to remind her that her pussy belonged to him.

When their usual thirty minutes passed and I still hadn't seen them return, I gave Ashley the TV remote to keep herself busy while I went upstairs to investigate.

I could hear them upon approaching my daughter's bedroom. "... is that really what you want though?" Carl asked in his demanding, unwavering tone. "To make Ashley unhappy?"

"No...! Of course not, that's ridiculous...! I just don't wanna do anything we might regret after. I told you already...! I don't wanna have any kids...I'm not even in college yet," Sara replied softly and I leaned in to take a closer look from the doorway. They were on her bed, entirely naked and she was on all fours while he towered behind her. His condom-covered dick was still fully erect and rested on the cheek of her perky butt, her small hand held his appendage in place. Probably to prevent him from pushing right back inside her sheathe. That condom was the only protection to prevent an accidental pregnancy. Perhaps she realized that she's been gambling the entire time, and that there was always a chance the rubber may break and unleash millions of his swimmers into her crotch.

Simultaneously, he reached around to cup her pussy. "You are thinking too much. Just let your pussy do the thinking for you, yeah?" His thick fingers began toying with her vulnerable cleft. It was hard to see, but he was aggressively rubbing her clitoris and encouraging her to squirm for him. It's hard to tell if he was clumsily trying to pleasure her, or if he simply wanted to stimulate her to strip away her defenses. The results were undeniable, the musky scent of her pussy grew more persistent over the course of the following few minutes.

He knew that sex is a very physical act. Touch the correct spot long enough and it doesn't matter how good or bad you are - it's going to yield results. She's ready for more even if her mind hesitated.

It was then that I fully understood. She is exactly like her mother. She is a wanton slut and my attempts to keep her safe and sound were all but useless. If that's the case, I may as well make sure that she shows her true colors.

Eventually he continued teasing her. "You've heard what Ash said though, she wants a baby sister. She's told me about all the fun you two had today and how she's looking up to you as her new sibling, don't you wanna be a good sister for her? If we do this right, you could show her your little baby bump in just a few months already. You could beam with pride when you tell her that daddy knocked you up and that she's gonna have a baby sis to play with." His breathing turned more heavy and intense.

The thought of impregnating this naïve teen girl rapidly stripped away his patience. Taking it slow was taking too long considering how used he had gotten to instant-gratification. The girls he picked up at bars were usually naked and taking it bareback within an hour of meeting and without a single complaint.

Sara was too feisty to accept it that easily. Currently she was still confident and proud. But he knew the one thing that would allow him to permanently corrupt and manipulate her young mind so that in the future she would become exactly the type of girl he desired her to be. Pregnancy hormones, anxiety, perhaps some depression. That cocktail of emotions would make her entire personality pliable and easy to reshape. It's a slippery slope that she won't be able to escape from once he pushed her onto that path.

Now that I think about it, he also chose the perfect time to be so forward. She's in the midst of her cycle and her womb is ready for its delayed birthday present. She's young and nubile, too. A single drop of his baby gravy would already be enough to fill her flat tummy with new life. He just has to deposit it deep enough in her pristine little cunt. He's already gone an entire week without blowing a load inside her, today is his chance to properly inseminate her stubborn pussy.

That single chance is all he would need to turn her into a shell of her former self. Into an obedient slave, someone who will serve his needs without question. It was disgusting and gross, but yet also strangely intriguing. I never learned what it's like to have a partner who is eternally devoted and loyal, and yet here I am, watching my best friend in the process of turning my daughter into exactly that.

Her petite hand still rested on his appendage, and he lowered his hand on top of hers and closed it into a fist to tighten her grip on his cock. "Let's get this over with, let's do the real thing." He began sliding her fingers upwards from the base of his veiny shaft, and in the process peeling away the protective layer of latex. The pink material gradually moved upwards and exposed more of his grotesque member until it came free. His erection bounced as soon as the condom fell off and revealed the naked tip of his dick. A big, purple crown. The organ that's just aching to deliver a few strong spurts of semen directly into her snatch.

I watched in confused anticipation. All that's left is for him to guide that bloated thing back inside her and riding her until he's finished the job. Would she struggle? Even if she would, there's little she can do to stop him if he decides that it's finally time to breed her. It's true, he owns her pussy and the decision is ultimately up to him. It would be crazy to stop them at this point, they both agreed to be in a relationship, and it's their choice to do this.

"I know you have a hard time relaxing and enjoying yourself, so just close your eyes and think about how happy you're going to make your new sister, all right?" He drew his hips backwards and allowed the bulbous tip of his shaft to align with the unprotected entrance into her pussy. Fat beads of his pre-cum were already oozing out, readying to lubricate her fertile flesh.

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