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Bad Clown

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Poppy the clown catches a wayward schoolgirl in the alley.
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Author's note: Edited by Rip_isback, the man, the myth, the legend. Thanks again Rip! Most of my stories have a kernel of truth or basis in reality -- not this one. It's pure bullshit. I hope you enjoy it.


Endless thumping bass rattled the old house and shook the windows in their panes, what few windows were still closed at least, as the Halloween party spilled out into the cold October night. The heat inside was from the bodies in motion, the sweaty young men and women in wild costumes jumping and grinding and doing what you do at a party.

It was past 11 PM and the party was in the zone; early enough that everyone had plenty of energy and late enough that the general mood was half drunk and fully wild. A quick peek into various nooks and crannies would find anything from minor substance abuse to consensual molestation. But Nikki was just having fun on the main floor where all the bodies were writhing in public.

Nikki, twenty-four years old, five foot five, blonde and blue, was done up in a scandalous Catholic school girl getup. Her plaid skirt barely covered her ass cheeks and the white button-down shirt was tied up under her bouncing braless breasts, exposing her midriff. She wore a tie very loosely in the collar and more than one amorous dancer had suggested she let him tie her up with it. She refused, of course, but the thought had a certain thrill to it. Her long hair was done up in dual braids on the sides of her head, tied with bright cheery red bows.

Not that she wasn't tempted. The tall black man behind her wearing a robot helmet and silver-painted "space suit" was grinding what felt like an exceptionally large cock against her mini-skirted ass. Well, she was doing the grinding, truth be told. She could do worse than that as an after-party treat. But she wouldn't. She had a steady guy, Jason, but he wasn't there. And if he wasn't going to be there to entertain her then she'd just have to entertain herself.

The song ended and Nikki turned to face her robotic dance partner. He hoisted the helmet up, revealing a perfectly handsome face. Again she was temped, but she gave him a quick peck on the cheek as a reward.

"Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto."

He started to speak but his words were lost in the music as she turned away, leaving him high and dry. She only felt a little bit bad for him. With a package like that he would not be going home alone. Nikki headed for the kitchen and the host of the party, Kim.

"Hey girl!" she greeted her friend warmly. Kim was wearing a black bodysuit with black cat ears on a head band and enough black eye shadow to make up for the lack of a mask. Kim was dark haired and big busted and the front zipper of the cat suit had been travelling south as the evening progressed. At that point it was just north of her navel and the cleavage she was showing was just short of epic. Nikki wasn't shy in showing off her healthy tits in that barely-decent blouse, but Kim was in another league. She was the queen bee.

"Kim, if that zipper gets any lower this party is going to turn into an orgy."

"I have been considering it. I saw you dancing with Eric."

"Dancing with his dick, anyway. Have you seen that thing?"

"Up close and personal, sweetie. That man is a god. You should totally fuck him. It would serve Jason right for leaving you alone at one of my parties."

"He has a good reason to be gone. It's an excused absence."

"Honey, there is no such thing for one of my parties! Where else would anybody want to be?"

Kim wasn't far off. She was a social butterfly and knew an awful lot of attractive people. Several of the Halloween costumes were of the barely-there variety and it definitely gave the party an incredibly sexy vibe.

"Kim, who is that guy? The clown?"

Across the long room, near the back door, was a man dressed as a clown, but not the way you'd like. He wore a rainbow-colored skull cap wig that made the front of his head bald while the frizzy hair stuck out wildly in an odd halo. His face was done up in white, blue and red but it couldn't hide the thick stubble on his jaw and chin, and it looked like it had been applied with a garden trowel -- sloppy. He wore a dirty wife-beater shirt and overlarge clown pants held up with suspenders. He looked like a clown who got off work a day ago and hadn't slept since. And maybe gotten into a fight or three.

He was dancing badly, looking more like he was trying not to fall. Then they saw the bottle. He took a long swig from whatever was in the brown paper bag and wiped his mouth on his arm, smearing the makeup further. He was a mess.

"Oh shit, he's coming this way!"

Stinky the Clown had caught sight of them and was weaving through the crowd of writhing bodies, using his bottle as a goad to move people out of his way. By the faces of some of the people he passed, his presence wasn't appreciated. As he reached the two women his eyes were planted squarely between Kim's tits.

"Hot damn, them'r nice. Got any candy hidden down there?" His voice was rough, low snd ugly. He smelled of gin and sweat.

"Who the hell are you? How did you get in here?"

"Issa a party, ain't it?" His eyes broke away from Kim's cleavage and did a slow, disgusting crawl up Nikki's body. "Hey school girl, want me to teach you a lesson?"

"Oh my God!" She shuddered, recoiling from the filthy monster.

"Get out!" demanded Kim, pointing toward the door.

"Fuck you, toots. I just got here. I ain't even danced yet."

"And you won't. This is a private party and you are not invited so get the fuck out!"

"School girl will dance with me, won't cha honey?" He moved quickly to pin Nikki against the kitchen island and before she could react his hand was reaching around to cup her ass under the miniskirt. She shrieked.

"Bobby! Come get this creep out of here!" Kim called out to her unofficial bouncer, a six foot six former college lineman with a mean streak and a weakness for big breasted women. He moved quickly from the dance floor and had Stinky on his toes in an arm lock in seconds.

"Time to go, Bozo."

"Get the fuck off me, asshole! I'll kick yer ass!" Stinky was over six feet, and might have been halfway fit judging by the strong shoulders jutting out of the white undershirt, but Bobby was big and bad and would not be swayed. He held the clown by the wrist in the small of his back and by a hand on his shoulder and turned him toward the door.

"Get out or get hurt." Stinky the Clown struggled but didn't go hog wild as the much larger man carted him to the front door.

"I didn't even get a dance, you bitch!" That was the last they heard of him before Bobby launched the clown out the front door and onto the lawn. He slammed the door and returned, sauntering like a conquering king. The Roman gladiator outfit he wore added to the image, as did the obvious long hours of work at the gym. He returned to Kim and she wrapped her arms around his torso.

"You ladies OK?"

"Just fine, thanks to our hero. You are such a stud, Bobby."

"Yeah, thanks for getting rid of him, Bob. That guy was really creepy."

"My pleasure. I almost thought I recognized him but I can't imagine where I'd have met a fuck-up like that."

"You were magnificent. I feel like I owe you a reward." Kim was already raking her fingers down his bare back, making very clear what kind of reward she offered.

"Meet me in your room?" he asked.

"Be naked and hard in ten minutes and I will blow...your...mind."

"Damn I love your parties, Kim." The big man wandered toward the bedrooms, strutting like a peacock.

"I thought you guys broke up." Nikki said.

"We did, but watching that man flex his muscles makes me wet. I could slide right out of this suit. I almost want him to knock me up tonight."

"Kim! Remember why you broke up with him?"

"Yeah, he is big, dumb and mean, but imagine how incredible our kids would look. Whatever, I just want to rape him, not marry him. Honey, are you OK? That stupid clown..."

"I'm fine. I've had a dozen guys feel me up worse than that tonight. That's why I wore this skirt."

"He was really creepy. Hey, didn't you say you had a thing for clowns once?"

"Hmmm? I think you have me confused with somebody else." She shuddered.

"Whatever. Well, have a drink -- NOT gin -- and go back out and dance, girl. Shake that hot ass! I'm going to be busy with Bobby for a while." She hiked up her tits in the tight body suit, pulled the zipper down a little further, and headed for the bedroom.

Nikki got her refreshment and went back out into the melee, but she was preoccupied. She did her best to shake off the feeling that filthy clown had put into her but she just couldn't do it. She felt dirty. She felt as if his hand had left a mark on her. She danced for half an hour but she couldn't get her groove back. When it was time for another drink she chose water and tried to find Kim to say her goodbyes. A quick tour past the bedroom door showed that Kim was still entertaining the legion.

Nikki stood outside for a moment, wondering if she should stick her head in. Sure it would be rude, but the thought of seeing those two near-perfect bodies having sex was a powerful temptation. On the other hand, Kim was her best friend and totally wouldn't mind. But, seeing that would almost certainly make her horny. Incredibly horny. She had a brief but intense desire to go grab Mr. Roboto and bring him in with her to start something truly wild. She twisted the doorknob.

Kim was on top of a sixty-nine with her gladiator friend, naked and sweaty and gorgeous. Nikki watched for a moment as Kim did her best to get his big sword down her throat. He wasn't as gifted as Eric seemed to be, but he had no reason to be shy. Kim noticed the intruder and looked up.

"Privacy?" She said.

"You two look good together. I can't stop watching."

"We are kind of amazing. Either get in here and help or take a hike."

"I am having the worst timing tonight. Go on, fuck his brains out. I'm leaving."

"Lock the door on your way out." And then her mouth was occupied again. Bobby waved, never having looked up.

Nikki collected her jacket and headed out into the brisk evening air. It felt good after the stifling heat at Kim's place. She didn't have far to go so she hadn't brought a change of shoes, and as she strutted through the neighborhood on her stilettos in that intentionally slutty costume she never once gave a thought to how inviting a target she might present. She walked confidently into the night, into the darkness, her jacket folded over an arm.

She smelled him first, but only by a half second. She heard the liquid slosh in the bottle as he took another drink, but it was the acrid stink of man sweat and juniper that assaulted her nostrils first. She froze, taking in her surroundings and really noticing where she was for the first time. She was cutting down an alley lined with fences, trees, parked cars and trash bins, and fewer lights than she'd like at that moment. Only two blocks from home, this was safe territory...wasn't it?

She heard the scrape of plastic on glass as the twist cap went back on the bottle, and then she saw him. Standing in the shadow of a high wooden fence, behind a large dumpster, the wild haired wig of the clown man stood like the mane of some wild beast. He set the bottle on the lid of the dumpster and stepped out into the light. He was inches from her and she couldn't move. She hadn't noticed how tall he was, nor how broad. Bobby was extra large and extra fit, but this was still a strong man, covered in sloppy grease paint and dirty clown clothes. She recoiled from his breath as he spoke.

"I never did get that dance," he said quietly, a mean edge to his voice.

She took a deep breath, preparing to scream, but the man quickly put a finger on her lips, sealing them in fear.

"Shhh shhh shhh. Don't be like that. Poppy don't like screamin. That's me, Poppy the Clown. You know why they call me Poppy?" He moved his finger side to side, directing her head to shake sideways just slightly.

"They call me Poppy because the .38 in my pocket goes Pop Pop when I get angry. You gonna make me angry, school girl?" Again he moved his finger, pressing her lips against her teeth, and again she shook her head just slightly.

"Good girl. Looks like you learned something at whore school. That's where you got this outfit, right? Did you go to whore school?" He moved his finger and pinched her cheek, again taking control of her face. He moved her head up and down slowly.

"I thought so. Good girls wouldn't wear trash like this, so you must be a whore." He spoke in that low, gravelly voice, as if he had been smoking and drinking his whole life. She couldn't make out any real detail on his face with the makeup and the light behind him, but his eyes glittered with malice in the night.

"I went to clown school, myself. You know what I learned in clown school?" He moved her face side to side. He leaned in close, far too close, just inches away from her trembling body. The stench of gin on his breath was overwhelming.

"I learned how to fuck dirty little girls like you."

She whimpered and shook like a leaf in the wind. He let go of her face and wrapped his fingers around her slender neck, then lead her into the darkness. Tucked into a small area of bushes, next to the high wall and behind the trash bin, there was a hollow that could barely be seen from the alley. Poppy pushed Nikki's face up against the fence. His strong hands wormed through her defenses and pulled at her wrists. He placed her palms against the fence at shoulder level

"Keep your hands on the wall, you little slut. Take 'em off and I'll spank you."

He reached around to her shirt and roughly undid the knot, letting her tits fall free. Aggressive hands pawed at her and his breath fell heavy on her neck while he molested her breasts. He seemed to enjoy holding them up and letting them flop down, almost as much as he enjoyed pinching her nipples cruelly.

"Need more dangle on these things." He moved his hands to her hips and walked her back a pace and a half so she was leaning forward against the fence. In that position, her ass was sticking out toward the clown. Her perky C-cups hung free and lovely in the cold night air. For a moment he was silent and still, not touching her, but she could feel his presence. She dared not move, she dared not scream.

"I like the skirt," he said. "Shows of those long sexy legs real nice." His hands began to grope and squeeze her under the skirt, manhandling her ass and poking her privates. She wore only a thong and his hot flesh burned her cool skin as he assaulted her.

"And that ass. Damn, how did a dirty little girl like you get such a fine, tight little ass?" His fingers went under the thong and down between her cheeks to prod at her. The fuck-me pumps had her ass bent upwards and she was completely exposed. He groped further and she let go a breath she didn't realize she was holding as he reached her pussy.

"Ooh, look at that..." his finger was instantly coated. She was desperately wet and his touch ignited a flame that had been growing all night.

"You really are a dirty girl. Oh, Poppy picked a good one tonight." He continued to send his dirty hands all over her while she trembled, bent over, palms pressed to the fence.

"God damn, girlie! Everything on you is damn near perfect. Poppy is having a hard time deciding what to take first."

His hands left her. She heard a rustling of clothing as he dropped the wide suspenders off his shoulders, letting the brightly colored clown pants fall. Then the familiar sound of a zipper followed as he pulled out his cock. He hooked a finger into her thong and pulled it aside, then he leaned in close and whispered in her ear.

"I made my decision," he said.

Nikki groaned loudly as he shoved his fat cock inside her from behind, filling her pussy in one thrust. She was so wet she gave little resistance, even to that large dick. She bit her lip and tried to keep quiet as he took hold of her hips and started fucking her hard.

"There it is, that sweet slutty pussy. Poppy likes your little pussy, dirty girl. He's gonna!"

He was strong, hard, and completely in control of her little body. All she could do was try not to fall over as he invaded her roughly from behind. After a while his right hand moved forward to grip her flailing breast and his fingers dug in hard. He thrashed her hard and soon she could no longer keep quiet.

"Fuh! Fuh! Fuh!" She couldn't even get the whole word out he was fucking her so hard. A hand clamped hard over her mouth and he paused his wicked assault. He pulled her up and back, away from the wall where she had so desperately been keeping her hands. When he had her pressed up against him, he lunged forward and mashed her against the fence, his cock still lodged inside her.

"Shut the fuck up, dirty girl. Can't have you calling for help." He fucked her from behind for a bit, up against the rough wooden fence, one hand over her mouth and the other between her thighs rubbing her clit. She moaned into his dirty hand.

"Yeah, now you sound right, moaning like a whore for Poppy. Feel that fat clown cock up inside you slut, you dirty fuckin' clown-cock whore. I got a whole bunch of clown friends who'd love to pull a train on this pretty pink clown-cock pussy. Wonder how many we can fit in there at one time..."

He fucked her up against the fence a while longer, whispering filth into her ear the while time, holding back her moans with this hand.

"OK, clown slut, Poppy's about bored with your pussy. How about you do something constructive with that pretty whore mouth, huh? Get on your knees." He let her go and stepped back a pace.

She turned and fell quickly to the dirt, debris on the ground biting into her skin. The evil clown advanced, pushing his thick cock into her face. He took hold of her braids and wrapped his fingers tightly in her hair.

"Nice of you to give me the handle bars, sweetie. Now pop open that pretty mouth and suck Poppy's pecker." He pressed the fat head of his prick at her face but she clamped shut, trying to turn away. He gave it a second try but again she denied him.

"Oh, now why you gotta be like that? Now Poppy has to punish you." He let one pony tail go and gripped his cock at the base, then pulled her close with the other hand. He slapped her in the face with his dick, hard, making her gasp and flinch. He pushed it around her face, ruining what makeup wasn't already trashed and smearing her fluids from eyebrows to chin.

"Poppy likes dick slapping you, girly, but if you don't get that mouth open in a hurry he'll have to find some other way to entertain himself." He pushed again at her lips and again he was denied. His voice got hard, mean and nasty as he pulled her head forward by the hair.

"You suck that filthy clown cock you little whore! Suck it! Or I swear to God I'll throw you to the ground next to that dumpster and find out exactly how much clown cock your asshole can take!" He pushed again at her mouth and this time she opened, allowing him to thrust past her lips, across her tongue and quickly down her throat. He held her tight by the pony tails and pushed deeper downward, standing over her and straining to get every last millimeter of dick into her mouth. After bouncing her face against his pelvis for a few moments, he retreated, drawing his spit-slathered sword from her mouth. She coughed and spat, took a ragged breath, and then he was on her again, plunging down her throat.

"Oh, that's nice! What a sweet little whore you are to swallow Poppy's whole big dick. Won't be long til he's got a nice wet surprise for you, dirty girl. You just keep that mouth wide open and let old Poppy fuck it."


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