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Bad First Day the Next Day

Story Info
New girl at school has a horrible second day with a bully.
6.5k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/13/2022
Created 03/02/2014
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The sun is high up above, illuminating everything into a very beautiful day. It's time like this I hate having to go to school. I'm 18! I should be out in the world! Our gym class was outside today, so I get to enjoy the nice weather instead of being inside the cold nasty gym. The coaches call this 'Free Day,' and have set up various stations for us students to play. Some are playing volleyball, some are running, but most are sitting somewhere in the huge field, chatting, talking and laughing in groups.

Today is only my second day at this school, so I have no real friends yet. After yesterday, I'm trying to keep to myself and not get in anyone's way. I purposely keep my head down and try not to make eye contact with anyone. That horrible fear still clings to me each time I turn a corner here. I fear that I'm going to see the mad, sick, crazy, evil Jake, who abused me so horribly yesterday. It took me over an hour and a half to scrub all of what they wrote on me. My skin is still red!

I thought for sure when I went to school today, everyone would point and laugh at me. I thought everyone would know what they did. I even tried to fake sickness, but I still had to go to school. Thankfully, no one has said anything, yet. I'm not sure that many people know what happened. A few actually saw me... n-n-naked... but I guess Jake and his group made sure not to spread the rumor or they might get in trouble.

I know I should have told a teacher, or better yet the police about what they did to me, but I didn't. I've seen too many shows and read too many books where they say the girl was 'asking' for it, and then the abused girl doesn't get anything but a slut label. If I did tell, the entire school would for sure know.

What makes the humiliation of what they did worse, is that I waited outside my house for an hour still wearing the clamps they put on me. I was so scared of them, I did as they said, and waited for them outside at my house, as if they were going to appear there. They had no idea where I lived, yet I was such a coward, I did as they said, letting those dirty clamps squeeze my nipples, while standing in my own front yard.

Pushing all that aside, I focus on forgetting all about it. I'm walking along the outer wall of the school at the moment, exploring the school's grounds. I like to let my hand run over the brick as I walk as I enjoy the feeling of the rough brick. Yesterday I noticed there was a small pond on the other side of the school fence, and I would like to see it. Plus, I'm doing it to get away from everyone else. It's sort of embarrassing being the new kid, because you have no friends and everyone can see you. I don't want to just sit there, alone, as everyone else has their groups.

I'm about to turn to the side of the school, and when I do, I'll be leaving the field. Not that it matters, everyone in class is so far away I doubt they even notice what I'm doing or where I'm going. I turn the corner and see the fence and the school wall come together in a point, making this somewhat like an enclave. The fence is the cheap type of fence, the kind they show in movies when people need to climb up.

I smile as I see the pond on the other side of the fence, looking beautiful. Then, a weird smell blows past me, almost like the smell of cigarettes. "Heya Jugs," a gruff voice greets. Instantly I feel my stomach clench as a chill runs over me. In a daze, I turn and look inside the enclave to see a small group of people sitting down, leaning against the wall. The school wall casts a shadow though, so I didn't see them at first, but now I do. If I had noticed smelled or heard them, I would have run as fast as I could away. It's Jake. And now he's standing and looking at me with a wide grin.

"Why don't cha come here Jugs?" He says, and motions with his hand for me to come to him. In horror, I see the group he is with. And I see he's joined by the girl Amy, who was there yesterday. She already has that cruel sick smile that she wore yesterday. On Jake's other side, there are 2 other boys I don't know. But all of them stand now, with Jake the only one not hiding his lit cigarette.

My heart pounds horribly as I wonder if I start to run, if I could make it to one of the teachers before they catch up to me. I'm not a fast runner. And if I did run, would they be able to catch me before I even turned the corner? Maybe I should start screaming? If I did, would the teachers hear? Could Jake reach me before I can scream where I am? And worse, if I ran or screamed, what would they do?! There are 4 of them now, instead of the 3 from yesterday. They could easily pound me into the ground.

Damn it! Why did I have to go wandering? Why didn't I just stay with the rest of the class? There I would have just felt foolish. And now, what do I do? I can't go to him. I can't! There's no telling what he's going to do. And after yesterday, what more can he do? He stole my clothes, abused me, wrote on me, clamped me, raped me. I can't let him do that again.

"I'm waiting," he comments, sounding annoyed. Feeling the familiar cowardly feeling rushing over me, I know what I have to do. What my only choice is. I begin to walk towards him, all the shame of yesterday returning to me. I'm humiliated even more as I hear Amy laugh. Amy was the worst. She saw everything he was doing to me, and did nothing but laughed.

"Let me introduce you to... " Jake says when I am close and swings his arm around to grab and tugs me next to him in a hard, one arm hug. He presses me into his side with so much force I fear he might be trying to squeeze me to death. I know this is meant to scare me, him showing how strong he is compared to me.

If anything could make this situation worse, it would be my clothes. I'm wearing the school's gym clothes again. After they stole the ones yesterday I had to actually pay for a new set, which is a gray t-shirt and red gym shorts. I'm dressed in these stupid clothes while they are all dressed normally. Something about wearing gym clothes makes you feel so stupid.

"Jugs," Jake introduces me to the two new guys, using the name he gave me yesterday. My face burns with humiliation at this, made worse by Amy's laughter. The other two guys just look confusedly amused, as if this is some sort of joke.

"We met her yesterday," Jake explains causally, as if we are old friends, instead of rapist and rapiee. Then he begins to vibrate his arm as he holds me. This makes my body jerk and wiggle. At first I think he's doing this just to show how easy he can move me, but then it dawns what he's doing. He's jiggling me like this to make my breasts jiggle for his new friends. Looking down, I see my overly large breasts swaying around inside their bra as he jiggles me.

Humiliated, my arms cross in front of my oversized chest to stop this. I go to such great lengths to hide my chest size by wearing baggy tops and jackets, but they don't allow them in this school's gym class. I have to wear their stupid t-shirt, and they wouldn't even allow me to wear a larger size one. To make matters worse, after all the abuse they did to my breasts yesterday, they are still swollen.

Jake releases me as he chuckles, and I can feel the two new guys' eyes locked on my chest. A part of me wants to start walking away, thinking they might just let me go. They had their brief fun, which is just a reminder of what they did to me yesterday. Yet, I stay where I am. I don't know why, but I don't dare move.

"Watch this," Jake excitedly tells his friends, and I feel my shorts yanked down to my ankles, again. Stunned, I stand in front of them, crossed arms, my purple panties exposed. This surprises them more than me as the two guys both gasp in shock. It takes me a stunned moment to react, but I finally I bend to pick them up but Jake growls, "Leave 'em." At this, I slowly stand back up, my face redder, leaving my panties down.

My face burning red, I lower my hands to place in front, trying to hide my panties. No one says anything, but I can tell the two new guys are becoming more excited. They watch on, wondering what's going to happen next, wondering how much of a coward I am.

"Wanna see something funny?" Jake asks his friends, which both reply eagerly that they do. "Kick off your shoes Jugs," Jake orders without even looking at me. My shoes? Why does he want me to take off my shoes? They are just simple tennis shoes, nothing fancy that he could sell.

Not understanding, I use one foot to peel off the other foot's shoe. Then I free the other shoe so both are now off, leaving me standing in my socks. When I do this, I see my shorts around my ankles, which makes me feel even more like a loser. Instead of jerking them up as I know I should, I consider politely asking if I could.

Jake leans over and takes both of my shoes. He tosses one to each of the new boys. "Take out the laces," he tells me, as if this was a normal thing. Then it hits me what he's going to do. Of course. He's going to destroy my shoes. Why am I not surprised? I consider running while they are preoccupied, but I stop before I even take a single step. I would have to kick off my shorts before I run, which means everyone in class would see me in my panties.

"Turn around Jugs," Jake orders with a mean grin. For a moment I'm not sure if he's going to hit me, laugh at me or kiss me. "Face the wall," he adds in, his grin becoming cruel. My lip quivers at this command, as I know behind me is the brick wall. He's going to repeat what he did yesterday.

"P-P-Please, d-d-don't do this," I stammer out in a weak voice as I turn around slowly to face the wall... just like yesterday. Again, all I see is the brick of the wall, and nothing else. While everyone else can see my bare legs and panties.

"Hands on the wall, come on Jugs, you know the drill," Jake replies, pretending I said nothing. A deeper feeling of humiliation starts as I'm letting him do everything all over again. With shaking hands, I place them on the wall, feeling their rough texture. Both hands are on the wall, my panties at my feet. I brace myself for the spanking I know is coming.

As expected, I feel a hand grab the back waistband of my panties. It pulls them out roughly, and in shame I know whoever is doing it can look down and see my bare bottom. They keep my panties stretched like this for a moment, no doubt making me wait.

Laughter erupts as I feel something pour against my butt. I'm surprised and confused as I was excepting a hand slapping my ass or my panties being yanked down. It feels like lots of small rough things are being poured down my bottom with most running out the leg holes. The laughter only gets louder as more is poured, filling up the back of my panties. Then, my panties are snapped back and I'm given a playful smack on my bottom, letting me know what they did.

They put dirt in my panties. They put dirt in my panties, probably using my own shoes to pour it in. I feel the course and rough dirt, rubbing against my bare bottom. I've never felt anything like this before. It's not just gross, but a feeling of dirty I can't explain.

"Damn, you dirty girl," Amy laughs and everyone laughs harder. Then someone playfully smacks my ass again, making a little more dirt pour out to run down my legs. Knowing that dirt is almost touching my precious womanhood is enough to make me want to start screaming. Yet, like a coward, I stay with my hands on the wall, too scared to move as I don't want to make Jake mad.

Once again, my panties are pulled out, and more and more dirt is poured in, this time in much larger amounts. My panties begin to droop from all the excess weight that's been added. Every inch of my bottom feels coated in dirt, rather it's touching it or not.

"At least now you have an ass," Jake comments, bringing up how I have a rather flat bottom, something I'm embarrassed about any way. "She just let's you do that?" One of the new guys asks, amazed. "Oh yeah," Jake replies proudly. "She knows she a coward, and doesn't want any trouble, isn't that right Jugs?" Jake replies, and I just lower my head some, trying to not cry.

Then my hair is grabbed forcefully and my head jerked back, so I'm looking up at the sky. "I said, isn't that right?" Jake growls, sounding extremely angry. "Y-Yes!" I answer, terrified. Then he pushes my head forward, letting go. My heart pounds in fear as I felt how easily he snapped my head back.

"Lift up your shirt and bra," Jake orders, still sounding upset. I sigh now, knowing this was to come. Too scared to disobey, I take my hands from the rough wall and grab the bottom of my shirt. Lifting it up slowly, I reach my bra. This bra is my fav bra, and I wore it to give me luck though the day.

My fingers slip under the bra and with a tug, my large sore breasts bounce free. All any of them can see is the sides of my bared breasts, but that doesn't stop of the two new guys from gasping then cheering. Tears fall as the humiliation of actually holding up my own bra and shirt like this is too overwhelming. I'm not a spring break flasher or anything. I'm just a normal girl that shouldn't be pushed into this.

"Press those fatties against the wall," Jake orders and I cringe. The wall is rough and dirty, and he wants me to put my sore bosoms against it? "You heard him!" Amy states while I'm thinking. I'm pushed forward roughly, my breasts pressed against the warm brick wall. I feel Amy's hands on my back, pushing as hard as she can, making me feel the roughness of the brick biting into my skin.

"You should have seen them yesterday, after what I did," Jake tells whomever as I'm being squeezed. My breasts feel like they are slowly being flattened under my own body weight. Their sensitivity is far worse from all that happened yesterday, especially the nipples that were clamped for at least 2 hours. It gets so intense, I have to bite my lip not to yell.

"She said what size they were, but I forgot, something freakish, like 44 F or G or something," Jake keeps on his casual conversation. "Never seen a cow so small with udders that big," the friend tells Jake, and my legs feel like jelly as I'm being referred to as a cow. A part of me actually hopes a teacher comes by and frees me.

"Let her go," Jake says, and Amy stops pressing after one last moment. I take a step back, my breasts throbbing. Looking down at them, I see the small indentions of the brick in my red skin, plus a thin layer of what looks like dirt. The texture of the brick makes them look bumpy and rough, and I hope it goes away quickly.

"Turn around Jugs to show those fatties, but hold up the shirt, we don't want to see your stupid ugly face," Jake orders, actually sounding disgusted. This rocks me almost as hard as a punch to the gut.

In a daze, I hold up my shirt and bra higher, so all I see is the gray of the shirt and feel the stretch of my bra.

I turn slowly, again hampered by my shorts. Each step makes more dirt pour out, making me itch. And each move makes my tender breasts jiggle more and more. Now I'm in front of the group, my bare, indented dirty breasts exposed. I'm unable to see, but I imagine the new guys' mouths are dropped open.

For a long while no one says anything. Like an object, I stay on display, letting them all stare. I feel the way my breasts heave as I'm almost panting from the overwhelming feeling. Plus, I feel the way my bra wants to snap down if I don't keep holding it tight.

The silence is broken with laughter as someone pulls my panties forward, purposely exposing my womanhood. Then, I feel dirt being poured into my crotch. Groaning, I feel my tender womanhood being buried in dirt as everyone laughs. Then, whoever did it, releases my panties, letting them snap back, filled with dirt.

"I don't believe this man!" One of the guys cheers, obviously excited. "Do more, do more!" he gloats, plainly loving my humiliation and wanting more. Why should I expect less? He's friends with Jake, so by association he's an asshole. My only hope is someone will come by and save me.

"Like what?" Jake asks the excited friend. "What you want to see?" He adds, sounding bored while his friend sounds so excited. "I don't know man, but, like, man, those tits!" He says enamored, making me feel like I want to throw up. "They'll so freaking huge!" He exclaims, and my face burns so hot I fear I might have stroke. If only I could dive into a giant hole and never come out.

"Jugs, start jumping... until your panties fall to the ground," Jake suddenly orders, and I get a horrible feeling this is the start of a cruel plan he's just thought up. I don't start jumping as I have to process the thought of what's about to happen. If I start jumping, my breasts will bounce around wildly, which will surely make them hurt worse. They are already sore, plus are still tingling from being smushed against the brick wall. If my panties fall, I'll be completely exposed. These two new losers will see everything. As much as I hate to say it, I kinda would like my panties off, so my most precious parts are not surrounded in dirt.

I jump a small jump, a soft jump, and I feel my shorts slide a little under me. While in the air, I feel my breasts rise, then fall once I hit the ground to bounce. This small action grants cheers from everyone as they clearly liked the visually humiliating task. I then jump again, and again. It only takes a few jumps, but my breasts bounce wildly. It feels like someone is pulling and pushing them as I jump, making them hit together, hit the raised shirt, and smack against my chest and stomach.

As I jump, I try to focus on getting my panties down so I can stop. I even manage to block out the 'go, go, go' chants the group is doing. With each jump my panties slide more and more due to the weight, but they stubbornly stay on.

Exhaling, I finally feel my panties finally plop to the ground. Able to stop, I breathe hard as I feel the open air on my bottom half. Despite being mortified from being completely naked for strangers, I can actually feel everything coated with dirt. I even feel the tiny grains of dirt that have moved inside me.

"What a dirty pussy," Jake comments, making everyone laugh. "Take her ugly ass shirt and the kite she calls a bra," he orders and hands grab at my shirt, yanking it upward. They pull both my bra and shirt off me, and almost takes my head too. I attempt to hold onto my shirt, as I know if I let go, it's the last time I'll see it. But it's yanked out of my hands with ease.

I am now completely naked for the group. In instinct, I use my arms to try and cover my nakedness. One arm makes a hand bra to hide my breasts while my other hand moves down to cover my womanhood. When I hide it, I feel the layer of dirt.

The four are in front of me, looking at me as if I wasn't human. Jake moves away, pocketing my shirt and bra in his back pocket like a prize. Oddly, I see Amy holding my shoe laces in her hands. No one says anything, they just stare at me.

After several long moments I ask as politely as I can, "May I please have my clothes back?" I desperately want to dust my bottom half off but I much rather have my clothes back. And I figure, they aren't going to do anything else. What more can they do? There's nothing out here. Nothing for them to use on me or anything.

"No, but you can walk to the fence and face it," Jake answers uncaring. I turn to look at the fence, unsure of what he means to do. Amy suddenly moves forward as if she means to push me again, but I start walking before she can. In a hurried walk, I move to the fence, aware that my complete backside is being seen. Finally, I step in front of the fence so close I'm almost touching.

"Hands up," Jake barks and I feel him move behind me. I don't move at first as I want to ask 'why,' but my arms are forced up by 2 sets of powerful hands. The unforgiving hands raise my arms high in the air, making me press against the fence. I gasp and whimper at this, as my face is pressed against the metal fence.


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