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Bad M.I.L.F 05

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Chicken or the Egg? -The Mother of All Threesomes!!
10.2k words

Part 5 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/04/2017
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"Wake up sleepy head."

"Huh?" I shook the sleep out of my eyes to find Chrystal hovering over me, her face was framed by her golden hair giving her a sort of ethereal look.

"Come on, you gonna sleep the whole day away?"

"Yeah." I was still trashed from the previous night; hell, I was completely wasted from the last two days after several episodes with her mother, Carry Anne, and the nosey neighbor Tammy Drysdale. Chrystal's appearance in the bungalow last night had completed a sexual TKO that left me laying.

"Baby, don't you wanna have some more fun before we go?" Her palm was covering my crotch casually rubbing my tumescence.

"No more for me, I'm driving-AAARRGGHHH!!" Chrystal had given my sore balls a sudden pinch that made be sit up wide eyed.

"So, you should take a shower." She commented casually as I rubbed my crotch.

"That was seriously FUCKED UP Chrystal; what's your deal?"

"Mom called, she wants us back for brunch and it's almost eleven."

"You can go without me; I'm trashed." I rolled over towards the wall knowing my girlfriend wouldn't give up that easily.

"Lazy much? We've fucked harder than that and you weren't half as tired; come on baby, I want us to spend some time with my parents before we leave." I chaffed inside wondering what would happen when I laid eyes on her mother. We hadn't exactly parted on good terms after an afternoon tryst that left me feeling "dirty". Her mother Carry Anne had treated me as her personal sex toy since we'd met and I was uncomfortable in her presence.

"You go on ahead, I'll catch up." I curled into a fetal position under the bedding but Chrystal wasn't that easy draping her torso over mine.

"I want us to go together; present a united front."

"Why?" Her wording puzzled me.

"Daddy thinks you're just using me for sex; I want him to see how wrong he is about you and well, I just don't want to let you out of my sight. We haven't been together as much as I thought we would, baby." Her actions contrasted with her words as her fingers casually rubbed my abdomen and pecks before dipping low to my crotch.

"Your father doesn't want to see me; I have to be honest and say that I don't care what he thinks."

"I get that, I really do; he was like, a major asshole when you guys met. But you like my mom, right?" My cock involuntarily throbbed at the mention of her mother.

"That's odd."


"Your dick just twitched in my hand."

"Uhm, you're playing with it Chrystal." Honestly, her loose grip on my endowment seemed more out of ownership than anything sexual.

"No, that's not it." She casually stroked my length to hardness using her patented feather soft touch as she reflected.

"You're jerking me off, Chrystal." I reminded, trying not to sound nervous.

"You think my mom's sexy?" She asked relaxing her grip on my girth.

"Come on, cut it out."

"Don't be that way; I mean everything I got came from her, you know? We're almost the same except that her tits are bigger than mine. I won't hold it against you if it's true, baby." She traced a finger along my shaft making it harden further.

"Stop." I said pointedly.

"You've seen her ass, right? Personally, I think mine's is a little bit bigger, but you'd never know unless we lined up together, huh?" Chrystal whispered in my ear ending the sentence by blowing into it. The visual had caused my cock to become a steel bar in her relaxed grasp.

"Yeah, that's it all right; you like mom's big, juicy ass, don't you?"

"You're playing with my cock!!" I repeated, my voice faltering a bit.

"Uh yeah; you already said that shit, get some new material, honey." Chrystal lurched forward adding her other hand to the proceedings with a palm on the head of my member.

"Come on, stop fucking around." My words seemed to fuel the fire as we jostled in the bedding with Chrystal gaining the upper hand stilling my movements with an incredulous look on her beautiful face as she yanked the covers back revealing my nudity.

"I'm fucking around, really? Why're you acting sketchy and shit; you wanna fuck my mom, don't you?!" My cock became a throbbing steel bar in her fist right under my girlfriend's gaze. Her already, expressive eyes widened to the point of cartoony realization as her gaze went from my penis to my embarrassed face.


"It's true, you really do want to fuck my mom, don't you?"


"No; why 're you so fucking hard, then? Look at all the veins on your fucking dick man, I can't believe this shit. My boyfriend wants my mother; wants to fuck the shit out of my mom?!! WHAT-THE-FUCK, MAN?!!" Despite the situation, precum was liberally pouring from the head of my member coating her fist.

"Look Chrystal, we're just playing around in the bed and you were fucking with my junk. You're so fucking sexy and I guess it was just, stupid and I'm sorry about this." I was babbling with no clear structure to my words.

"Don't fuck with me; we both know you're attracted to my fucking mom."

"That's bullshit." Her fist locked around the base of my erection caused me some concern as her eyes bore down on it obsessively.

"Just tell me the truth; don't I deserve that much at least." Her eyes pleaded with me; bore into my heart deeply routing around until I couldn't stand it any longer.

"Chrystal when we'd arrived at your house a couple of days ago-remember, we did it in your old room?" I choked a bit as I began down the path of no return.


"Well uhm, we like fucked and it was so good Chrystal; it was so good that-I wanted more. You went in the shower, right? You went out of the room wearing this Indian print mu muus, remember?" Her fingers were pinching my balls.

"Get on with it."

"Well Chrystal; you were just so good that I thought well, I thought I would sneak into the shower with you but I went downstairs because I couldn't find you! Why'd you leave when you had a shower in your room?"


"You were in the kitchen and uhm, I-I thought I'd surprise you by acting all aggressive and shit. So, I pushed up on you talking like a thug and..."


"It was your mom; I fucking pushed up on your mom with my hands all over her butt. I thought it was you but it wasn't and Carry Anne; she didn't give a fuck, she was like uhm, she said she understood but..." My throat was clogged with saliva casing me to choke a bit before it cleared painfully down my gullet.

"Tell me; please." Chrystal begged, her face breaking at the unvoiced aspects of my confession.

"She made me-GO DOWN on her, Chrystal." My words hung in the air as her hands recoiled from my erection.


"She made me go down on her; said you wouldn't understand me groping her mother and that your father had a lot- of guns. She said she would start screaming in like, seconds so I-I didn't know what to do so, I- DID IT!!" Chrystal looked ill cupping her hands over her mouth before hopping out of the bed and backing into a corner.

"You ate my mom's snatch?" She asked timidly. I just nodded looking away from her face unable to bear the brunt of my own guilt.

"You fuck her?" She asked after what seemed like an eternity.

"She came to my room; she had the remote for the alarm and there wasn't anything-I uhm, she wanted-some of...yeah, I had sex with her." I still couldn't look at Chrystal's face.

"You were with her all day yesterday; fucking, right?" You could almost hear her thinking to herself as she spoke barely over a whisper.

"She has this way of talking; it makes you listen and I don't know how to explain it but she's got this "thing"-you can't refuse. I didn't- I don't know why Chrystal, but I just did what she wanted." I confessed as my face broke along with our relationship.

"She's a clinical therapist; retired-you never had a chance, fool. Like fucking my mother; like that big, fat ass of hers better than mine?" Her words were choked with tears.

I didn't answer Chrystal, there was no point in it. I left out how her mother pimped me out to the neighbor figuring it would add insult to proverbial injury. There was a stillness in the room that was palpable and toxic.

"Did you like it?" She asked again after a few minutes.

"Chrystal, I can't answer that question." Honestly, I was refusing to answer because I did like it, loved how her mother made me feel. Loved how she touched me and mastered my body in such a short time.

Chrystal stormed into the bathroom slamming the door so hard that the walls shook. The shower followed accompanied by a muffled diatribe which included a few choice words that were easy to make out as I sat numbly staring at the wall in front of me. I wished several times in that small amount of time that I'd somehow got out of going to her parents over the weekend. My girlfriend would not be dissuaded and I knew we were going the moment she'd started mentioning it. Everything that happened after that was my fault. Carry Anne had taken me on a ride the moment I crossed the line and I willingly followed led around by the nose and that humongous back porch. I told myself how happy I was with Chrystal beforehand, only to mentally flagellate myself when the majority of thoughts of her mother centered on every dirty thing we'd done that weekend. I wanted to be selfish, blame Carry Anne for taking advantage of me even though I'd started it by groping her. The bathroom door opened releasing some trapped steam from the shower along with my now dressed ex-girlfriend. Ironically, Chrystal was wearing a light blue version of her mother's clothing from the day before. Her blonde hair was drawn tight on her head into a single ponytail as she glared in my direction.

"You answer the question by saying-NO; it's that FUCKING SIMPLE!!" She exited the bungalow in similar fashion slamming the door behind her hard enough to shake the adjacent window.

I was left to my own devices still sitting there processing everything that happened, wondering if it was all some part of fate infinitely unavoidable. I found the bathroom a mess of discarded towels along with my clothing showering slowly as the realization of my situation crept slowly into every fiber of my being. I was a cheater of the worst order and deserved everything I got. Everything following that seemed to go in slow motion as I took my time dressing only to sit on the bed staring off into space again before being interrupted by the loud, blaring sound of a car horn. I tried to ignore the blaring, repetitive cacophony before ultimately shuffling over to the door to find that the source of the disturbance. Chrystal sat waiting in the car wearing a pair of sunglasses to hide her eyes. Loud music assaulted my ears as she briefly motioned while shoving the ball of her fist into the car horn repeatedly. I figured accepting a ride out of a prestigious country club was better than explaining my presence to security guards looking to brown nose the elite. Minutes later I was beginning to feel differently as Chrystal pushed our rental to its limits on the open road. I'd barely had time to get my seat belt locked in when we were almost halfway back to her familial home.

"Get in there." Chrystal barked militaristically the moment we pulled up in front of her home.

"I'm good; we can just leave right now. I can buy new shit when I get home." I had no intent on going into what could be a potential death trap with her racist father and his arsenal.

"Oh, I get it; my dad, right?" I didn't answer figuring she was speaking rhetorically. Chrystal switched off the vehicle leaning back in the driver's seat. She took out her phone scrolling through her messages and texting. I figured she was ratting me out to her friends as I checked my own phone trying to decide who I'd break the news of our breakup to first.

"Alright, it's getting old with this bullshit; if you're not man enough to go into the house and get your stuff-I'll do it, babe."

"We're not doing this; you want me to get out and walk, fine."

"Would you really get out and walk all the way home just because you're embarrassed about sleeping with my fucking mom?"

"No; I'd do it because I fucked up and you deserve better. I had everything I could have wanted in a mate and I pissed it away, Chrystal. You were an awesome girlfriend and I don't want to see you like this because I know what kind of person you are. I think it would be a disservice to allow my presence to bring you down to my despicable level." She lurched forward in her seat staring at me from behind her sunglasses surprised.

"You are one silver tongued devil; you trying to backdoor your way back into my good graces, huh?"


"You really expect me to believe that shit you just told me?"

"No; I believe it, Chrystal." She looked blown away by my answer reaching up to scratch the back of her head puzzled. She sat in silent reflection pondering my words before removing her shades as her hand rested on my thigh.

"You know, I would have been okay if you just said you didn't like fucking my mother. I've always felt second fiddle to her and yeah, you FUCKED MY MOM!!"

"There's no way in hell you would have been okay with me banging your mother, Chrystal; I give you more credit than that!"

"I don't want it; I'm not going to sit on your pedestal, motherfucker."

"Let's just get out of here and then we can go our separate ways; I feel like a fool for what happened the last few days and I'm not taking the easy way out by accepting that your mom used her skills as a therapist to manipulate me. Chrystal, I fucked up, okay?"

"That's why she's retired; she fucked one of her clients and his wife found out. He was still coming around after the smoke cleared; loved that ass too. Couldn't keep her hands off his basketball player cock either. Dad, fucking ignores her BULLSHIT!!" Chrystal jumped out of the car powerwalking across the lawn to the front door. I ignored racial caution bounding out to follow my freshly minted ex up to the front door as she beat on the oak material possessed. Carry Anne didn't keep us waiting casually opening to face her flushed, enraged daughter.

"What, I know my cooking isn't that good?" It was meant to be a joke but was cut short when she looked directly at her daughter's face. She was wrapped in that familiar, fluffy housecoat I'd seen earlier with her hair tied up in a bun. They both still appeared twins from different points in their own personal timeline. The resemblance between the two was still uncanny even now. A half smoked cigarette hung from Carry Anne's lips as she turned towards me wild eyed.

"You snitch; I can't believe you tricked on me, brother; what the fuck?" A sliver of the suburban, thug persona creeped from her lips as Chrystal leaned in blocking Carry Anne's view of me with her face.

"MOTHER?!!" Carry Anne silenced her daughter with a raised finger.

"Obviously we've uh, found ourselves with a bit of morning drama; come inside." Carry Anne spoke with a steely resolve as she tightened the sash on her housecoat never taking her eyes off me.

"MOM!!" Chrystal shouted again as Carry Anne's arm shot out harshly grabbing her bicep.

"Chrystal, you know I do not air personal matters in public; I-DO-NOT! Now as I've said before, we can go inside and deal with this "situation" properly or would you like to keep fucking with me and see what happens next, bitch?" I was blown away at Carry Anne's demeanor while my ex-girlfriend, her daughter cupped a hand over her mouth. I can't say I was surprised when Chrystal hung her head walking inside. Knowing her mother's professional pedigree lent a degree of legitimacy to her actions.

"Coming inside or would you prefer hiding inside the car?" Carry Anne looked like she wanted to take my head off which was ridiculous considering my height and athletic countenance.

"I don't think your husband would like that right about now, Carry Anne."

"It doesn't matter what he likes; this is my fucking house, baby. Besides, he's off doing what rich, sexually lazy white pricks do when they're not disappointing their wives." She took another drag on the cigarette flicking it at my chest.

"That's mature."

"Your things were moved up to my daughter's room last night; we'll be in the den hashing all of this shit out. If you can find the stones; go up there in ten minutes and collect them." She challenged, her tone ice cold.

"That a dare, Carry Anne?"

"It's whatever you like, fuck boy and by the way; call me Mrs. McIntyre." She disappeared from the door leaving it cracked enough to get a sense of the darkened alcove just inside.

I detected some quick movements just inside the door along with frenzied whispering before all went quiet leaving me to my own internal minutiae. Finding out that Chrystal's mother was a seasoned therapist shed light on everything that occurred since we'd met. I figured that if I'd rebuffed Carry Anne initially, none of the following would've happened. I chaffed inside wondering how easy I was to manipulate into being her sex toy. I felt guilty for coveting the voluptuous curves and sexual prowess of the assured mature. Nothing was going to stop me from comparing Chrystal to her mother and she deserved better. Both were nearly identical in appearance but worlds apart mentally. Chrystal's joyful exuberance and love of life contrasted with Carry Anne's world weary, yet self-assured demeanor. Mrs. McIntyre knew what she wanted and didn't hesitate to go after it always thinking two steps ahead of her target. How else could I explain her ruse of using the home alarms to sexually assault me? She'd rolled right through any responsibility for that indiscretion by continuing to take liberties with me until I was drinking the Kool-Aid enough to allow myself to be pimped out to her neighbor.

"It's time." I'd checked my watch a number of times wondering if I should go inside as Carry Anne suggested. A number of scenarios ran through my mind as I walked back to the car unwilling to find out what was waiting inside the McIntyre home.

"Shit." The keys were missing.

I knew I had to stone up as I walked back up the driveway towards the open door. Carry Anne said that her husband wasn't around but I didn't know if it were true or not.

"Chrystal; let's go!!" I shouted into the open receiving no response for the next few minutes. There was no answer as I stared into the home looking for any sign of life. For all I knew Carry Anne was mind fucking her daughter even now. Whatever she was doing, the outcome was inevitable. I was the bad guy no doubt about it. My phone chimed a few minutes later with a text message from Chrystal.

[I'm still talking to my mother; go upstairs and get our bags.]-Chrystal

The language of the text was stiff and it pissed me off a little being relegated to servant status, but she had the car keys. I sent a safety text to my cousin letting him know my whereabouts should I mysteriously disappear. I felt every bit the idiot walking into that home taking time to look around for Chrystal's gun wielding racist father. I bounded up the stairs two at a time determined to grab our bags and exit quickly before any more nonsense could occur.

"Ah, fuck me."

Both of the women were there in front of me nude as the day they were born. They were side by side on Chrystal's French love seat facing away from me with their obvious charms on display. Their huge, ample derrieres were so massive they were lightly touching. Neither woman spoke or regarded me in any way as I noticed the car keys dangling from Chrystal's ring finger. There was a slight whiff of marijuana smoke in the air. Carry Anne was finishing a joint taking one last drag before putting it out on the back of the small couch. Their matching waists were jarring narrow compared to the ridiculously wide hips just below them. I noticed their tan lines were the same as well. I was a deer caught in the headlights as a simple choice was placed before me in real, fucking life. It was a choice that millions of affected "ASS MEN & WOMEN" would have killed for. The unspoken question being asked was simple.

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