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Bad M.I.L.F Vol. 03 - The New Batch Ch. 04

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"Bending the Knee".
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/23/2019
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"Can I ask you one question before I decide?"


"How'd it go when Carry Anne took you to "The Islands", did you take to the "water" like a fish or did you flounder on those luxurious resort sands while she had her fun with the Cabana boy?" I was speaking in code, but she knew my meaning well. Ms. Frakkes was older than Chrystal, so it was an educated guess. Ms. Frakkes packed up all of the items on the table before pocketing her phone.

"I "swim" just fine-CABANA BOY; we'll be in touch a few days after you've got that wild hair out of your ass. I would really love to stay and watch you fight with the other inmates for your ass, but I'm somebody and you-are now a statistic."

"I haven't been charged yet; thank you for helping me out with this bogus case. My real lawyer will probably thank you with a big, fat lawsuit. Say hello to your mommy and tell her she's still not the best piece of ass, I ever had." Ms. Frakkes leaned back in the seat removing her glasses as she burned a hole in me with piercing blue eyes. She began unbuttoning her coat opening it to reveal the suit underneath.

"I'll let her know; make sure you watch me go and don't say I never gave you anything." Ms. Frakkes stood removing her overcoat, slinging it over her arm as she walked to the door. She knew my eyes were following her.

"Damn." I muttered under my breath as she walked by for intended effect. The platinum blonde was tall and stacked. The term best describing Ms. Frakkes would be "Built like a Brick Shithouse". The upper portion of her suit hid her torso, but her lower half was covered in a micro-mini just a few inches below the tops of her thighs. Ms. Frakkes was definitely a card carrying member of the McIntyre and Brennan clans with this huge, oval shaped, shelf of a butt extending from a small waist over powerful, shapely legs that were as long as Gen's. Her feet were covered with these shiny pumps that caught the ambient overhead lighting of the interrogation room.

"Bye Felicia." Ms. Frakkes called out, taunting me as the heavy metal door slammed shut in my face. The echo reverberated off the walls as I looked down at the floor wondering when I would be arraigned.

BAD M.I.L.F Volume 3-The New Batch Ch. 4

I was left in a general holding cell for what turned out to be a day and a half before the cops saw fit to come and get me citing, an ongoing investigation before returning my property. It didn't hit me until I walked out onto the street into the midday sunlight how much had been done to me. I'd made sure to take the badge numbers of the officers who'd arrested me intending to sort it out after I was settled. There was no way Carry Anne was going to be done with me after the brief exchange we'd shared over the phone. I'd just been introduced to a new female member of the McIntyre clan and this woman meant business. She'd also let me know that I was considered a loose end that needed tying up, so much that Ms. Frakkes as she was known had been sent from Germany to take care of matters. A healthy dose of paranoia washed over me as I walked across town finding breakfast at an outdoor breakfast counter. Carry Anne had left an indelible mark on me in her first salvo and I knew I had to steel myself for what was obviously coming. I searched my phone finding the videos sent by Carry Anne the night before finding a bit of inspiration in the fact that Ms. Frakkes was apparently unaware of their existence. I uploaded the videos to my cloud before striking out for my vandalized apartment.

My apartment door was covered with a rectangular bit of plywood and police tape which was conspicuous as it was overkill. I managed to pry the plank free as some bystanders walked by taking note of my presence. The lights and gas had been turned off inside my apartment as I remembered Chrystal held ownership of them as a way to balance our collected income after she moved in with me. No doubt she timed them to be disconnected to coincide with the exact moment of Carry Anne's ultimatum. I guess if I'd been sitting at home, the lights would have suddenly shut off. They wanted to rattle me, going for shock and awe; but I was notoriously strong willed in my prior state before meeting any of them and that would be their undoing as far as I was concerned. I'd always deferred to Chrystal for no particular reason other than to keep the peace during our cohabitation. I'd compromised myself for mind blowing sex and companionship with a sociopath. I wondered how long our relationship would have lasted if her mother had never intervened. Someone had delivered my mail, most likely while the place was being sealed up. I found another summons to the Dean's office regarding what was phrased as an additional probe into the vandalism incident that occurred on campus the night I met Courtney McIntyre. I chaffed wondering if Dean Brennan was trying to join her children in defaming my name.

"Have a seat, the Dean will see you in a moment." I found a different receptionist in the office other than Malaya, some plus sized, bespectacled black woman with a short, blonde bob.

"Tell Dean Brennan I'm here; I'm sure she'll want to know I'm here."

"Is that right; have a seat, the Dean will see you-in-a-moment, uhm kay?" Her attitude was stifling as I smirked before snatching up a magazine finding a seat on a couch.

Forty five minutes later, the receptionist summoned me with a buzzer, which looked like something she'd purchased herself directing me back to the office. There was this antagonistic aura about the rotund sister that was as hard to ignore as the discreet eyeroll she did as I walked by. When our eyes met, she made a point of leaning to the side looking towards the other side of the office. I sarcastically giggled letting her know that I could care less as I entered the office.

"Have a seat." I found myself looking at an older, silver haired gentleman that reminded me of Alan Rickman, sitting comfortably behind Catherine's desk.

"You're not Dean Brennan."

"Of course not, my name is Dean Campbell; Ms. Brennan is on an administrative leave of absence and I believe she will be taking additional time to visit with family members, so I've graciously volunteered to pick up her work load." He stood giving me a firm handshake that was suspect in that he shook the tops of my four fingers before sitting down again. I followed suit finding a smaller chair inside that was originally there during my first visit.

"I'd hate to be redundant Dean Campbell, but I was already vetted by Catherine."

"Dean-Brennan, failed to turn in paperwork to that effect which leaves me to sort it all out; you don't mind answering a few question, do you?" I almost facepalmed in front of him realizing that I'd referred to his professional associate by her first name.

"No, I guess not."

"Good, keep your answers brief, direct and to the point, if you don't mind, sir." Dean Campbell appeared to have an openly antagonistic demeanor that left me with no choice considering what was being tabled. I could feel a tightness in my shoulders encroaching as he opened a folder almost similar to the one Ms. Frakkes opened while visiting me in the interrogation room.

"Are you aware that the statue of one of the colleges founding fathers was vandalized?"


"Where you involved in any way with this incident or any of the other pranks that occurred up to and including an on large on-campus party that was unauthorized where underaged individuals were served alcoholic beverages?"

"I was not involved; I am unaware that such a gathering occurred and have no knowledge of any on-campus party, uhm, gathering sir."

"Would you like to rethink your last answer?"


"I say again, would you like to rethink your last answer, sir?"

"No, for the record Dean Campbell, with respect sir." This didn't appear to be the answer he was expecting as he leaned back in his desk regarding me before thumbing through some additional papers inside the folder.

"I'm going to show you a photograph, tell me if it is familiar to you." I was shown a photo of the outside of my apartment door with an Anarchy A spray painted in red on its surface. Dean Campbell also placed a photo in from of me depicting the school founder's statute with a missing head and noose around the neck stump. A similar remark was painted onto its body along with the accusatory phrase "Slave Owner".

"This is my apartment door, but I'm not familiar with the statue other than gossip around campus."

"One out of two, is that right, sir?"

"Yes." He placed a smoking gun on the desk in front of me in the form of pictures of a raucous party in my living room on the night in question. In one of the photos, Courtney's enormous ass could be seen in one of the pictures, paw print tattoos and all. Courtney was wearing nothing but a thong. She appeared to be standing on my coffee table shaking her huge butt as several students and random visitors looked on. The missing pieces of that night began to materialize, making it hard to mask my mounting emotion.

"Would you like to change your last answer at this time?"

"No sir, I would not, but I would like to amend this situation by requesting that you speak at length with Dean Brennan regarding the incident in question."

"What makes you think I haven't?"

"Because I'm sitting in front of you, sir." My emotion bubbled to the top as I leaned over, squirming. Dean Campbell watched impassively, writing something down on a notepad.

"Would you like a drink of water?"

"No sir, I'm fine; shall we continue?" I scratched my head staring back at him knowing I was being drawn and quartered. I wondered who was responsible for this set of events Catherine Brennan or her granddaughter, Ms. Frakkes.

"If you insist; I have been cleared to inquire about the circumstances of your arrest at assigned campus property a day prior. There's been mention of narcotics as the reason for a pronounced police presence there. Local news media covered the story in part making this inquest, necessary. Would you like to explain yourself?"

"No, but I will explain the situation in part out of respect for this institution of higher learning. The answers you're looking for can all be answered by the vacationing Catherine Brennan, her daughter Carry Anne McIntyre, student Chrystal McIntyre and most importantly, one Courtney McIntyre whose huge ass, you have a photo of right in front of your very eyes." The emotion welled up, spilling out in front of Dean Campbell who never changed expression.

"Can you go on; would you like to take a moment?" He nodded over to a watercooler that had been placed inside the office since the last time I visited. I took the opportunity having a paper cone full of the cold water. Dean Campbell continued writing on his notepad as I took a second drink.

"So, what now?" I asked retaking my seat as he continued writing.

"I turn in my findings, another inquest and decision regarding your academic future. Unfortunately, you are on probation and we will have to reclaim the damaged lodgings pending further notice."

"I'm being kicked off campus?"

"Student lodging is limited, there is an over six month wait by eligible students serious about their education and you have decided to convert the space into an impromptu dance hall and opium den for lack of a better term. I think the college is being pretty lenient regarding your enrollment, but we are going to have to take a little back."

"No shit?" He was already closing the folder on his desk, regarding me with interlocked fingers.

I was given the rest of the week to clear my things out of the apartment and advised that any further infractions would result in immediate expulsion. This was the third time I was being humble in less than forty-eight hours as the McIntyre curse began to bloom and blossom to devastating effect. I walked out of that office both hands shoved deep in my pockets traversing the corridors outside to find a familiar face at the receptionist's desk.

"OH, HEY CUTIE!!" Malaya Padilla had been sitting on the far end of the receptionist's desk conversing with my rotund nemesis. She hopped up looking anxious like she's been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. I shrugged an acknowledgment walking out of the office to the elevators. She came half running pursuing me as the double doors opened.

"Hey, what happened in there; you get fucked or something by Dean Campbell? Hey man, we're good right?"

"I don't have time for this shit." Malaya followed me into the car as the doors closed.

"What shit are you talking about; you looked a little shaky when you came out and I was worried, man. I thought we were cool, but you're throwing shade all over me!! What's up, like I said, are we good or nah?!" It almost sounded like she was threatening me too.

"I got too much to do and two little time; I'm on probation and I'm being evicted from my place for the party that Courtney threw; you know, the one you were at when we quote, unquote met?" Malaya suddenly snagged my forearm.


"Excuse you, no I didn't; what would if I did, huh?!"

"Chill, I'm not trying to go there with you, cutie; it's complicated but tell you what, we can sort it out over dinner if you want?" She rolled right through the brief verbal dustup between us seemingly ignoring the strained expression on my face.

"Didn't you hear me, I have to find a new place to live." The elevator doors opened, Malaya didn't hesitate following me out of the lobby and campus streets.

"How long do you have?" She bounced beside me with a surplus of playful energy.

"End of the week."

"More than enough time to secure lodgings, come out with me tonight; It'll be cool, I promise."

"You know I got out of jail today, Malaya?"


"Something funny, my unjust incarceration a source of humor for you, Malaya?"

"Of course, not fool; but you probably need to release something, or did you find a "new way" behind bars, enquiring minds want to know?"

"Fuck you." I was serious.

"Fuck me." She wasn't.


Malaya squealed shrilly with her cries echoing off my walls enhanced by my misplaced furniture which remained shoved into the corridor outside my bedroom door and the kitchen proper. Sounds enhanced in tandem with the slapping noises created by my pelvis colliding with her athletic, bubble butt. It was the first time we'd hooked up that I found her wearing panties as I snatched away the knee length flannel skirt, she'd been wearing leaving the long sleeved blouse and black cotton vest on her torso. She instantly went into a serpentine position arching her round butt high into the air while her abdomen rode low on the bed. She was already sopping wet, dripping all over the place on my stripped down mattress. I was well versed in her sexual nature taking her as hard and savagely as humanly possible. Malaya Padilla proved herself a sexual being of the highest rolling and grinding into my crotch, alternating these movements with short bobbing motions that took me to the precipice quicker than I would have thought possible given recent situations involving the family of voluptuous pawgs whose bad side I was currently on at the moment. Truth be told, I just wanted Malaya's body to quell a sexual itch ignited intentionally by the newest member of the McIntyre clan, Ms. Frakkes. She was metallically cold and inaccessible, but attractive in a new kind of way which I hadn't initially picked upon meeting her in that police interrogation room. Ms. Frakkes had the advantage of knowing of me about me prior to our first meeting, concluding it by taking advantage of my supposed weakness by revealing her own huge, butt for my viewing pleasure.

She'd called attention to her generous curves as an aside to stick it to me leaving me unjustly incarcerated at the local precinct. Ms. Frakkes wanted me to know who she was in no uncertain terms. But I noted the flash of emotion in her eyes when I'd called her out for that very same reason. I's been made aware that her mother seemed to make it a habit of taking her daughters to the Caribbean once they reached the cusp of legal adulthood for the purpose of losing their maidenhood to people of my related ethnic group. I would probably never know what happened with Ms. Frakkes, but my ex-girlfriend Chrystal had been irreparably marred by the event, stuck in a pattern of competition with her own, equally scared mother. I'd unwittingly become ensnared in a power struggle between them, perhaps stupidly adding to the situation becoming a victim of my own ego. Yet, my mind wandered back to that briefest of glimpses as she walked over to the heavy steel door that led out to an unforgiving world that had wronged me. I knew there would be another meeting with the platinum blonde, I just didn't know when.

"Not to complain, I should be angry that I'm your jump off; but if that's true, could I least get a little emotional involvement on your part?"

"Does that even matter, you just want me for the dick too, right?"

"I think you know what we've got going on here." Malaya answered not missing a beat.

I went into a prone position covering her body with my own, pounding her face down into my bare mattress. She brought her legs together trapping my girth deep in her honeypot. I used my weight giving it to her as hard as she wanted.

"DAAAAMNN, YOU'VE GOT A FUCKING GOOD COCK!!" Malaya groaned into the mattress, her cries becoming distinctly shrill and bleating like some distressed animal as she began squirting on my mattress.

"Yeah sure, whatever you say." I withdrew rubbing my member between her cheeks letting several bursts of cum spurt out into the base of her spine pooling there enough that some of my semen ran drizzled down to the mattress mixing with her juices.

"What the fuck, you really gonna zone out on me and shit; I just gave you a hell of a fucking and this is the best pillow talk I can get?"

"You in on this shit, aren't you?"

"Huh, what the fuck are you talking about?"

"You know what the fuck I'm talking about; this shit with fucking Dean Brennan and Carry Anne McIntyre; the whole fucking thing, Malaya." She sat up, leaning on her side casually regarding me, before removing her glasses.

"That what you think?"

"Says the self-proclaimed, agent of chaos." It was strange seeing her without her glasses, even in the darkness of my bedroom. I'd found a battery powered lantern which provided a muted bit of illumination allowing me to take in her exotic features. Without her glasses, Malaya Padilla appeared more of an exotic enigma than anything else.

"I'm going to let you in on something; I never do anything without a reason, good or bad. I think you're handsome and the fact that you're "holding" and know how to use it, just adds to your allure for somebody like me. But, you're a party favor brother and nothing else; so, if that make me suspect to you, then more power to you. I can leave right now if you want or we can keep fucking each other raw."

We stared at one another before I reached over letting her hair down taking in her appearance. Malaya rose stripping away her remaining clothing as the low light played across her athletic figure. She ran her fingers through her hair, demurely pulling it to her left side with both hands as I watched. Her small, sloping breasts were magnificent with the light enhancing her piercings. Malaya leaned over me, pressing her plump lips against mine as her tongue slipped into my mouth. Her right hand was already cupping the underside of my balls, kneading and lightly massaging them.

"Does your cock know the difference between good or bad, let's find out."

Her fist was sliding along my shaft in a steady cadence as veins sprouted on the surface of my member. Precum ran freely from the head of my cock lubricating me even more as she mounted my right leg, humping my thigh. The look on her face was intense, focused on one thing as she carefully mounted me pushing down until our mounds were touching.

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