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Bad M.I.L.F Vol. 04 - The New Batch Ch. 03

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He thought he was safe, but karma proved him wrong!!
12.8k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/29/2019
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Somehow, Chrystal's head turned robotically in my direction as her mouth opened in a visible display of shock and awe.

"You." She mouthed putting a hand to her cheek. Before I could react, she was running directly at me with murderous intent only to be taken down by studio security.

"GET OFF ME; I'M GOING TO FUCK HIM UP!! I'M GONNA GET YOU FOR THIS, I SWEAR TO GOD!!" I was snatched up by the remaining security staff and escorted off the sound stage. Malaya Padilla had made good on her promise in dramatic detail earning a friend for life as she engineered Chrystal McIntyre's meltdown. I lost myself in the crowd before finding a hiding place in a public restroom. Malaya answered on the first ring.

"Can I cook, or can I cook, eh?"

"Fucking A, bitch; but you probably just got a hit put on me, for real." I felt the walls closing in considering the last twenty four hours of my life. The McIntyre's were going to rally the troops. I knew I supposed to be scared but I couldn't stop smiling.

"Have some faith, I know what I'm doing; you were going to be outed as a sexual offender this afternoon, so I did a surgical strike. I thought you 'd appreciate my work, babe. Just to let you know, Ms. Frakkes is going to be putting out a lot of fires, so she'll have to put you on the back burner. I sent her a little something just to be sure." This exotic woman was talking glibly about the shit storm she'd caused.

"I just have to ask; who are you, Malaya Padilla?"

"I already told you."

"Agent of Chaos, right?"

"You know it; it's time for you to come inside. Don't go back to your place; just go to the address texted." She hung up before I could say more. I managed to make it to the place I'd left my bike without incident twenty minutes later. I looked at the address sent knowing it was on the other side of downtown as I put on my helmet.

BAD M.I.L.F Volume 4-The New Batch Ch. 3

The address turned out to be a supposed youth hostel but had more in common with a flop house other than nice updated signage hanging outside the building. There were some unsavory types hanging outside that gave me pause but I wanted to talk to Malaya face to face and hash some things out. I needed to know what was really going on and what her stake in my personal matters. The interior of the lobby was remodeled sparsely with some youthful looking employees attending what amounted to a partial front desk connected to the staircase leading to the rooms on the upper four floors. It looked like someone's incomplete pet project with the employees milling about in blue uniform t-shirts as the only uniform element in their clothing that demonstrated a shared job. I went to the front desk asking for Malaya and was given a room key after showing my identification. The elevator still needed some work, shakily taking me up to my destination which was at the end of a short corridor. I noted the exposed brick wall and bits of drywall in corners along with an unattended push broom that legitimized my theory the place was a work in progress. All of the rooms were equipped with vin card readers that looked recently installed. The room, 4A was in front of me in moments as I stared around wondering if this was a trap of some sort. I figured that Malaya Padilla was unaffiliated with the McIntyre women, but was unsure at this point whether I really wanted to find out what her deal was, even as I pressed the key card against the door. The display on the key reader turned red denying me entrance. I pressed the card several more times before trying the door.

"Come inside." The door opened while I was trying it revealing some tall, redheaded guy with a buzz cut who looked a little old to be a student. He was dressed kind of nerdy in a navy blue members only jacket and skinny jeans cuffed 50's style over some Chuck Taylors.

"Uhm, I think I have the wrong room."

"You don't have the wrong room; Malaya left your stuff here." I didn't know what to make of the guy who looked like some geek but figured I could take him if shit went sideways.

"My stuff?"

"Yeah, she moved all of your remaining property from your apartment over here last night. Please, come inside; we don't need to talk in the hallway, I like discretion, sir."

"Uhm, sure, uh?"

"My name's Pete and this is my associate, Steve." I found a moderately sized room with a large window facing out towards the whole of the downtown area, a good sized bed, bathroom, walk-in closet and desk which was presently occupied by this short, fat guy dressed similarly to Pete. He was wearing a ballcap and some thick glasses giving me the distinct impression that he was trying to disguise his identity.

"Oh hi, try not to make any noise; I'm concentrating." He sounded a little rude, but I ignored his behavior turning back to Pete.

"Where is Malaya?"

"Busy, stirring the pot as she likes to put it; she will probably contact you later. All of your things are over by the bed if you would like to freshen up. We, Steve and I, have a bit more to do before we leave."

I noticed a few dirty milk crates on the floor next to the desk filled with assorted computer parts and other electronic equipment. There were discarded fast food boxes and containers on the floor near Steve's feet.

"What's going on here, what are you guys doing?"

"The job we were hired to do, sir. How did you like our work on that talk show this morning?"

"That was you guys!"

"Yes, Malaya gave us an opportunity that was hard to refuse. I take it you liked the narrative we injected into that talk show?"

"Where'd you get that footage?"

"Cloned phone provided by Malaya; she managed to secure Chrystal's I-Phone long enough to get the job done. She's very resourceful if you haven't figured that out yet." I looked over at Steve's monitor finding the screen filled with what looked like stock market figures.

"You guys are hackers?"

"We prefer contractors as a more acceptable term." Steve seemed agitated as his associate explained, turning in the swivel chair facing us.

"Fuck that nonsense, I want to know if its true that you been stuffing all of the thick broads in the McIntyre family? Is that really true or a load of bullshit?" The short, squat hacker looked of Greek descent, pointedly addressing me sounding like a hater.

"Yeah, it's true if that's any of your fucking business!" I felt like pasting him one in the nose for coming at me like a jerk. Pete raised a calming hand between us, deescalating the situation.

"Sorry, Steve is not trying to offend you. It's that he has somewhat of a vested entrance in the situation as a whole. He uhm, finds the McIntyre family, appealing."

"Huh?" Before I could get some answers there was some light rapping at the door. Pete and Steve seemed distracted with him motioning for me to be quiet as he went to the peep hole in the door. The tall, ginger male relaxed considerably opening the door revealing a third person, some Latin woman, probably of Mexican descent on the other side of the door. I could see over Pete's shoulder that the decidedly tired looking woman was wearing this blue, Kangol bucket hat that kind of made her prominent hook nose stand out. Her eyes appeared half opened which also made the unknown woman look perpetually tired or slow.

"I have food." She declared casually sounding as slow as she looked.

"I hope its not Indian food again; that crap gave me the runs last time; I really hate that shit." Steve relaxed pushing out from the desk revealing a more prominent gut. The empty food boxes and containers spilling out of the waste basket were solely attributed to him in my eyes.

"Burgers, pizza and some of the health food for Pete." She recounted in an almost monotone manner entering the room carrying two large plastic bags of assorted junk food.

"Thanks Daniela."

She stepped into the room appearing to be about five foot four in height, wearing a similar jacket as Steve and Pete but I doubted she was a hacker or "Agent of Chaos" like these guys or Malaya. Her dark hair was smooth and silky descending from under the Kangol past her shoulders. My eyes dipped low going wide and my mouth involuntarily hung open. Her hips were abnormally wide, appearing from under the oversized jacket spectacularly.

"Oh, you have friend, here."

"He's just a guy we're helping out; not a "Friend" Daniela." Steve replied tersely dripping of jealousy that was impossible not to notice.

"Not friend?"

"He's kind of a client, Daniela; let me take those off your hands." Pete took the bags placing them on the table, but Steve was eyeballing me. I kept him in my peripheral view still looking down at the woman's outstanding hips. She was wearing some daisy duke shorts hidden by the hem of the member's only jacket. The exposed pockets were the only clue as I took in her incredibly thick, shapely legs and smallish feet covered only in a pair of cheap looking flipflops.

"He look like friend to me." Both guys glanced at one another, possibly alarmed at her robotic statement.

"I am Daniela. I am what is call, intern with Pete and Steve." She offered her hand, but Steve stepped in front of her taking it instead.

"This is separate from what we all normally do; we're just making a little extra money on the side, Daniela." I looked at both guys, internally insulted to the gills, noticing a look of desperation on Steve's face in particular. Considering that I'd just seen the results of them hacking into a local television station, I didn't want to make any enemies here.

"I think you and Steve are being mean. I don't like it." Her words were still robotic sounding, but her meaning was clear as Steve stood up accidentally knocking the chair over. I kept quiet trying to gauge the relationship in front of me. Daniela glanced over at Steve who fumbled clumsily righting the swivel chair.

"Remember, we told you that sometimes we have other work that we do; it's not being mean at all Daniela. It's not like our business, okay?"

"But he look like our business."

"We're just helping out an acquaintance, doing her a favor like a friend, but it's different."

"He look like friend to me, but you say he is not; so, you two will be friend like he is right now." She seemed calm, serene even as she turned grabbing the door handle to leave.

"SORRY BABE, WE DIDN'T MEAN IT!!" Steve blurted out panicked that she was going to leave.

"Oh, you did not mean it, is that right?" Both guys shook their heads nervously smiling their false reassurance to this girl who wasn't as addled as she appeared. Both hacker's reactions signaled to me something of a polygamous relationship of sorts. Daniela closed the door walking over to me with this sort of pigeon step offering her hand to me.

"Nice to meet you, friend." I introduced myself quickly shaking her hand trying to look non-threatening to the men in front of me.

"Are you, a hacker, too?"

"No, I am Steve and Pete other business." I was thrown for a loop unable to make sense of her answer as Daniela unzipped her jacket revealing a peach colored baby t-shirt that left her abdomen exposed. The member's only jacket slid down her slim shoulders revealing a torso belonging to a much slenderer girl that ended at the cartoonish pronounced curve of her impossibly wide hips. Daniela was indeed wearing a pair of the skimpiest daisy duke shorts I'd ever seen. The faded blue jean, partially shredded material looked like panties, riding high on her hips, also explaining why she wore the jacket while she was out.


"Wait, it's not that; we're not pimps or nothing!" Steve got my meaning raising both hands as Daniela laid her jacket on the bed.

"We run a website that features Daniela here, almost exclusively."

"Huh?" There was a small, backpack by the door that Steve retrieved a thin, laptop from opening to present me with an answer for their behavior. The screen revealed a pay site that featured Daniela as part of the logo. Their fears became apparent from the screen shot which revealed why they were paranoid.

"Oh my god." I looked up wide eyed at the somber sounding girl in front of me along with a smiling Steve and Pete.

"You want, I should turn around now?" All three of us slowly shook our heads simultaneously as Daniela complied with our wishes.

"Holy shit." There was no other way to put it when describing Daniela, but from the top of her head to the widest point of her hips; you could trace a perfect triangle. Quite simply the woman looked like she'd been put together using the halves of two different women. From the back, those skimpy jean shorts were almost a thong. Daniela was casual about the whole thing facing the wall statue still. Her olive colored skin enhanced her "gift" which from our point of view left us nearly drooling at the two, huge ovals that made up the astounding halves of her huge butt.

"You like to hear, clap?" There was a tinge of emotion in her voice highlighting some level of pride.

"NO!!" All three of us yelled in unison knowing that all hell would have broken out if she did. She shrugged going into one of the bags removing her lunch, comically attempting to sit on the chair before silently admitting defeat by squatting on the floor by the window.

"Shit man, I don't know how you two concentrate with her around?" I admitted watching the young woman quietly eating some kind of beef bowl, still looking back at her nude image on the laptop.

"You'd be surprised, but we can barely function when she's not around." Steve sheepishly admitted.

"I totally get it; so, which one of you are...?" Both hackers shared a sideways glance that answered the question.

"OH!! Uhm, okay."

"It works out for both of us; all three of us. You know what we're talking about with all the trim you get, right?" Steve seemed the more infatuated of the two having never taken his eyes off Daniela since she entered the room.

"Purely accidental, I assure you."

"Get the fuck out of here; I wish I had some accidents that looked like Chrystal McIntyre. That chick's a "Once in a Lifetime" deal, brother! Yeah, nowadays you find Caucasian girls with big butts a little more than usual, but she's got-AAAAASSSSSS!!" I recognized the look on his face, now realizing this guy was a fetishist. Steve the hacker was a fan, pure and simple.

"You talk shit, Steve." Daniela raised an eyebrow from her seat on the floor. I marveled at the way her hips flared out dramatically even when she was sitting down.

"Just shop talk, sorry baby." Pete took the laptop opening a steaming site that featured Spanish language programming handing it down to her. This seemed to calm her ire at Pete who turned to me looking almost flushed at the budding conversation.

"No disrespect brother, but where did you find Chrystal?"

"Met her at a campus party, bitch came right up to me with a beer."

"How long before you "did her" if I might be so bold?"

"We got down the first night, she started sucking me off right in front of my apartment door, man. Almost got reported to campus security, but we ended up screwing for nearly forty eight hours after that and never really separated. She moved in weeks later." Steve seemed to want a story.

"Wow, that's awesome, bro; wow man, that must have been incredible having a legitimate P.A.W.G around the house, huh brother?" Daniela looked up from her laptop throwing shade even with a decidedly emotionless face. Pete ran interference handing her a power drink from one of the bags.

"Legitimate P.A.W.G?"

"The term refers to "Phat Ass White Girls" popularized by an urban adult film director named LEE G. during the early 2000's but was quickly coopted by the early burgeoning internet or social media as you would call it. Some time later the term was hijacked assigned to fat women, Latinas and insultingly enough, women of color; black women no less." Steve was more subdued, no less a fan than Steve.

"Legitimate or not; the women of that family are nuts." I felt like I had to add a disclaimer.

"But you did them all, right?" Steve was insistent.

"Well uhm, technically I missed a sister, but I got the grandmother, too."

"Man, that's pretty fucked up." Pete commented as Daniela looked up raising an eyebrow remaining strangely non-committal. I felt like a degenerate letting that slip out.

"Hold on, I'd just left my girlfriend and her mother after having a threesome and found the sister Courtney in my fucking house. She wouldn't leave and stuff kind of happened; so, when I woke up the grandmother was in my damn kitchen and..."

"You think she in on it, too." Daniela completed my sentence drawing our attention to her as she sat the laptop aside annoyed.

"Yeah, like she said." I added as both hackers still looked a little green around the gills.

"She was the mother of all P.A.W.G.S, guys; ah, fuck it if you don't believe me. If you saw her, you'd know where my ex-girlfriend, her mother and all those other bitches got their bodies from. It was a mistake anyway. I really thought she was in on it when I found her shaking that monster ass in my kitchen." I scratched my head as the two hackers processed my words.

"¡Todos ustedes, cabrones, están llenos de mierda! ¡Me cansé de escuchar a todas las chicas blancas de mierda!" Daniela had heard enough of our talk tossing the laptop between us on the bed to get some attention. Her native tongue gave way more emotion than her stone faced appearance as she stepped in front of me still looking at her two partners.

"Daniela, we're just talking shop." Pete tried to intervene again as she turned her gaze upon me.

"¡Hablas mucha mierda como si fueras un gran amante! Apuesto a que tienes una pequeña polla!" She went for my belt unbuckling it with surprisingly nimble fingers. I managed to stop her from drawing my zipper down.

"DANIELA, COME ON BABE; WE'RE TALKING SHOP, THAT'S ALL!!" Steve yelled in a panic as Pete reached over touching her shoulder trying to calm the situation.

"My ass make you lot of money; I don't talk shop. I think this one is liar with a little bitty dick." She shut them down renewing her efforts to get my zipper down. I looked at both guys shrugging before letting her have her way.

"¡Oh, mierda, estás follando gruesa abajo aquí!" Daniela's hand clawed at my member, roughly encirling it as her eyes widened for a split second.

"DANIELA" Both guys screamed as she craned her head staring them both in the face.

"You no liar."She had some difficulty removing her hand from my crotch. We stared at one another before she gave me a half smile. She turned looking at both of her partners, before going into the bathroom slamming the door behind herself. All of us were given a good look at her incredibly huge ass in those daisy dukes before the door closed. The shower soon started as we all looked at one another puzzled.

"Yeah well, if we had any of those women on our site, we'd be set for fucking life. That girls of yours, Chrystal McIntyre is trending all over social media."


"She was already on the come up before we did the hit on her; now, she seems to be white hot." Steve eagerly pulled up my ex-girlfriend's Instagram page on the discarded laptop. There were a larger assortment of pictures of her in that swim suit from the reality show. I knew she posted them because the show hadn't been released yet. She'd posted a number of photos with my supposed nemesis, Big Ham, showing them as the loving couple and a large number of twerking videos. I didn't know how I felt about everything shown to me. It was literally like looking at a different person, a stranger. I wondered if the girl I'd dated, lived with and loved, ever really existed. I took the laptop scrolling up the pictures on her page finding the last one posted hours earlier. It was a photo of us at a local pub. I'll never forget that night because I'd chided Chrystal into entering a twerking contest which she won handily. She'd given me the trophy while she whipped out a selfie stick capturing the moment. We even had a physical version framed in our apartment. It had been kept on the dresser in our bedroom. I felt like the luckiest man in the world that night. Chrystal posted the photo itself cut in two jagged pieces with my face scratched out. There was a caption that read: THIRSTY LOSER!!

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