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Bad M.I.L.F Vol. 04 - The New Batch Ch. 04

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BAD M.I.L.F: The Finale.
35.3k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/29/2019
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BAD M.I.L.F: The Finale

My knees were torn and ragged, scraped up from any number of tumbles and falls as I escaped certain death. I'd been through the fire, burnt beyond reasoning finally succumbing at a park fountain. Almost twenty four hours earlier hubris had gotten the better of me as I narrowly avoided people out to do me harm for a variety of offenses against a wealthy family of entitled women. I found it hard not to pat myself on the back for slipping through their fingers even fighting way out of a trap set in a hotel room with a mindless behemoth as my selected opponent. I'd done enough that their chosen fixer was forced to go to extremes to capture me and my self-appointed handler, Malaya Padilla. Karma reared its ugly head like Godzilla as I was beaten senseless with a softball bat by my ex-girlfriend, Chrystal McIntyre. I'd been sleeping and cohabitating with this woman for three months. I thought about all the times we'd told one another how much we loved each other, slept and ate together while talking of a future that included marriage. It was stark, disheartening to find out that I'd been dealt into an antagonistic competition between her and her mother. She claimed that her mother coerced her into a manufactured tryst with her mother, Carry Anne McIntyre. Things had become so much clearer with that bag on my head as Chrystal used my head for batting practice.

There was no way she was going to deny a mother who'd informed her character and person the moment she hit puberty physically maturing into a near carbon copy of the woman herself. I'd never know the exact details casting shade on Carry Anne's account of the paid defloration of her daughter. The only thing left etched in stone was Chrystal's determination to best her mother carnally to the deteriment of all else in her life. It was described as a quirk but was something more, something infinitely more dangerous. I'd never answered her at the conclusion of a threesome with her mother and continued denying her even following what I wrongly thought was makeup sex. I finally understood what was behind her beautiful face, what was roiling around under her blonde hair during the whole sordid affair. She'd never really had any intention of denying her mother access to me sexually. I was supposed to play a large part in plugging up the hole in her mind. I was simply meant to reaffirm that she was the better of the two when asked. My denial had caused that same hole to widen until all of the darkness spilled out contaminating her humanity. Even the male surrogate provided by her mother was of no use in staunching her imploding psyche.

Every time that bat collided with my head, I was gifted another epiphany through searing hot pain. April wasn't lying about the magical qualities of the inside of the bag that covered my head during that beating. The one thing I recalled beside the absence of Carry Anne at the hour of my destruction was the missing sister, Courtney McIntyre. Spoiled rotten and neglected by the ultimate self-absorbed mother, this young, impressionable woman had fallen under the sway of the woman calling herself Malaya Padilla. I surmised Courtney had even been prodded into molesting me while I was drugged up with a concoction created by this same, mysterious woman. The gullible poser more than likely had been similarly directed to commit the acta of vandalism on campus as part of some elaborate distraction for reasons yet unknown. When I thought about the younger McIntyre, I only saw what was essentially a Proto-version of Chrystal. Carry Anne's lax parenting and continuous verbal abuse left her daughter unprepared for the world at large so much, that she'd created a faux-stoner personality. Chrystal was the end result for this young woman if no one intervened as proven by her own selfish attempt at sexual validation involving me. Courtney wanted at this time to know if she measured up to her sister Chrystal and her mother. Few years down the line, she'd be the same bag of crazy as her older sister.

One of the blows brought Catherine Brennan to the fore. Excuse me, Dean Catherine Brennan who'd in initially been discovered inside my kitchen the night after I'd been assaulted by her granddaughter and Malaya. I didn't know what to make of the large, robust woman with exaggerated proportions that boggled the mind. My irritation and unwillingness to listen to reason resulted in yet another tryst and a new low as I instantly became infamous to both families. Catherine found herself stuck between a rock and a hard place with me and Carry Anne as latent proclivities were brought to the surface. I even screwed her several times before that week was over. Ultimately Catherine revealed that she was responsible for her daughter's disposition while declining to get involved. I didn't know if it were even possible for the thick matriarch to reach her daughter. I had to admit that she'd created the problem decades earlier during Carry Anne's youth. My face was thumping from the beating and my left arm hurt as well. I scrambled to an in park fountain / wishing well draping my torso over it. My left hand was submerged in the ice cold water as I threw caution to the wind drinking a palm full and coughing profusely. In short order I became aware of someone just outside of my peripheral vision turning to meet my fate like a wanted felon. I was tired of fighting these people.

I just wanted it to be over as I turned expecting to be taken out.


"What happen you, who did this?" The sight of her standing over me wide eyed, sent an electric jolt coursing through my body followed by tremors of shame as I looked back down into the pool at my own reflection.

"I-it's okay miss; just leave me."

"NO!" She inched forward stopping when I raised my hand. I noticed big red welts on my palm from where I'd been tied up.

"I'm fine, now you just run along ma'am."

"Kurva, si zranený! Niekto ti to urobil a chceš, aby som išla?! No, you are hurt!! This is bad!!" Gen clutched at her thick jacket looking as if she would shriek. I felt radioactive, toxic, and a potential danger to anyone around me. I didn't want her involved but part of me still wondered if she were a part of this.

"Please-just go!!" Her arms were suddenly cradling me from behind as she curved her thin, athletic figure to my prostrate body caring little about the dirt and filth covering my skin and clothing. Caring little about the heavy stench about my person. I was trembling heavily as she brought a hand cupping my swollen cheek making me cry out in pain.

"You are hurt badly, who did this?!!" Her dusky eye shadow was starting to smear as she cradled my face. Her thin nose was reddened, cheeks flushed with emotion.

"It's my fault; I made this happen. Don't get involved, Gen." I hated myself because I couldn't stop shaking. I didn't know if it was from the beating, the weather or mistrust and fear that Gen might be involved. My head was throbbing and swimming as my field of vision weaved and bobbed making everything around me disorientating.

"It not fault of yours! You need doctor; I take to hospital!!" She was sniffling as she spoke fighting tears back as I stared into her face addled and confused.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I heard myself raggedly snarl as a thick, gooey pool of blood drooled from my mouth.

"No, I won't."

"FUCK YOU BITCH; GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!!" I was doing my best to sound threatening even taking a hard swipe at her that was ill-advised resulting in me keeling over bumping my temple on the edge of the fountain.

"I help." Gen tumbled back out of my reach, distraught.


I just wanted her away from me as I succumbed to my injuries lying at the edge of that fountain breathing hard. I couldn't bear something happening to her and I didn't know if somebody, the cops or even April were out already tracking me down. I didn't want Gen Novak ending up in a punching bag waiting to be beaten to death or something even worse. I was damaged goods and there was nothing going to change what I do to her career and life. I just didn't want anything to happen to this woman who had the misfortune of meeting me. I was ready to go with whoever came to get me, just ready to let go of it all.

"I go, now." She was crying hard.

I watched heartened as she ran out of my field of vision leaving me there at the fountain. Gen would never know how happy she'd made me now that she would be safe from the insanity surrounding me. I didn't care now that she would be safe even as the headlights of an oncoming vehicle illuminated my prone body minutes later. The lights increased in intensity as the vehicle barreled right at me with murderous intent. I closed my eyes waiting for death, caring little who was behind the wheel. I figured Chrystal would be happy once she found out I was gone. Maybe it would even cure her of the raging insanity that had burned away her civilized façade.

"Nebudete zomrieť! Odmietam vám nechať odísť bez toho, aby ste zistili, kto to urobil a odrezať ich gule!" The car turned out to be a white Volkswagen Beetle which barely missed my head as it pulled up beside me. Gen reached over pushing the passenger side door open.

"Gen, no!"

"GET IN CAR; NOW DUMB FUCK!!" My body was wracked with pain as I tried to wave her away.

"Please, they'll get you too."

"Hlúpy človek, vaša pýcha je nebezpečná! Zabijem, kto príde! GET IN CAR-NOW!!" Gen started mashing her fist into the horn frantically. The loud blaring of the horn sounded off throughout the park. I struggled, painfully managing to get my torso onto the passenger seat. Gen reachged over grabbing the belt loop at the back of my pants yanking hard as some of the material tore in her hand. When that didn't work, she started mashing the horn again until I got the rest of my body inside the car.


"You crazy; you think I leave you die on street like dog?!" She reached over yanking a seatbelt across my chest, clicking it into place before gunning it across the park grounds onto the streets.

"I don't want you to get hurt."

"Too late." She muttered looking over at me with her large, expressive eyes. Her hand caressed the side of my head as I gasped and struggled to breathe causing a little blood to trickle from my nose. Gen reached over trying to open her glove compartment.

"WATCH OUT!!" She got back behind the wheel narrowly missing a fire truck that sped by alarms blazing. She swerved to the side stopping as more emergency vehicles sped by followed by an ambulance. I went for the door to let myself out, but she was a step ahead locking from her passenger side door. We looked at one another before she took the car out of park, driving onward.

"Who do this to you?"

"I did."

"No, stop make lie and tell me who beat your face."

"Chrystal." Honestly, I was tired of the shit and tired of trying to sound witty. I didn't want to lie about anything to Gen.

"Girlfriend, right?"

"Ex-girlfriend with extreme prejudice and a softball bat." Gen glanced over from the wheel with a flash of emotion.

"It okay to hit back sometime; not be nice to pig!! The anger was palpable in her voice. Her thick accent almost made it hard to understand what she was saying.

"I couldn't, I was tied up." I found some tissues and wipes in her glove compartment.

"I want make her sit on bat; all the way up ass!"

"No, don't Gen. I don't want you getting involved, it's very dangerous, in fact, you can just let me out on the next block."

"No, I will not do that; I have you, safe."

"Where are you taking me?" She turned on the radio as another ambulance sped past us. Gen kept glancing over at me as some ethnic sounding music filled the small car. Gen had this weird hunched over posture as she drove looking ultimately uncomfortable. I figured she didn't drive a lot, mainly chauffeured or driven around by suitors as we left the downtown area. She used side streets avoiding the freeway confirming my suspicions.


We ended up in a quiet, residential area as Gen pulled her car into an alley between a small building at the end of the block and some homes. It was situated behind an ethnic strip mall in a side of town where mostly, old retirees lived. The morning was fast approaching as she tooled down the short, cobblestoned alley parking in front of someone's garage. The specter of fear crept about my person as she put the vehicle in park looking over at me, silent.

"I don't think this is a good idea." I commented breaking the silence.

"I not care, get out."

Gen and I exchanged glances for a prolonged period of time in a battle of wills, briefly before she reached over unsnapping my seat belt allowing my tired frame to slump over in the seat. She yanked her keys out of the ignition stepping angrily out of her car to the back porch of an adjacent building. I watched her unlock and prop open a rear entrance on the first floor porch before returning to the driver's side of the car.

"Come, I help you inside."

"It's not safe Gen, I'm not safe to be around."

"Oh shit, man; Hlúpy zadok, snažím sa ti pomôcť! You get from car or I blow horn til you do!!" She punched the horn on her steering wheel for emphasis As I reluctantly complied half toppling onto the pavement. The thin woman was quickly at my side pulling hard on one of my arms, genuinely using her strength to get me into her apartment. I shooed away her efforts, stumbling into a tiny kitchen collapsing on my butt. It was sparsely furnished with a modest vintage stove, refridgerator, table and chairs. Everything seemed a third smaller than it was supposed to be making me doubt the realitly of the situation even further. My head was throbbing a bit as I foiund myself looking down at the linoleum floor. Gen snapped her fingers right in front of my face motioning to an adjacent corridor equally small and dark. I was feeling it in my abdomen opting to use all fours to enter the bathroom where Iwas shoved into the tub.

"I park car, you stay here!"

I was more exhausted than I realized losing focus a number of times before I realized she had gone. The tub seemed overly deep with the sides riding high with my left leg hanging over the side facing the door. Gen returned sans her hooded jacket wearing a white baseball t-shirt over her bluejeaned jeggings, glancing down at me concerned. Her posture was shaky and nervous, denoting a person that was working things out on the fly. Gen tugged at my shirt finding it difficult due to my dead weight, groaning in frustration when I just laid there.

"You are hurt, I help but you make it difficult. Bad thing happen to you and you want to lay here like petulant child. I will not let you do this." She reached over tuning the faucet showering me with artic cold water. That did the trick making me sit upright allowing Gen to quickly strip the shirt away from my body. She was quick, soaking some hand towels in bodywash scrubbing the filth from my torso. I wasn't much help, but she took it in stride moderating the temperature of the water until it was lukewarm.

"What this?" She pinched my bicep making me wince. I found what looked like two or three puncture marks there in close proximity to one another.

"What the hell?" It appeared April or somebody else stacked the deck and explained the strange emotional bender I was continuously going in and out of since escaping.

"You shoot up; you hype?"

"No, I don't do drugs, never have Gen. Somebody did this to me, honest." She sat back on her haunches beside the tub, silently evaluating me. It was a long shot she'd believe me considering the condition I'd been found in at the park.

"Drug dealer fucks try to give you hot shot." She commented visibly uneasy.

"I don't shoot up, Gen, I don't do drugs."

"Explain me why you beat up and lay in park like bum?" She leaned over pulling a loofah sponge from a bucket underneath her sink continuing to clean the dirt and leaves from my back.

"I got this call, yeah-call from Malaya telling me to come meet her at this building, but I was unsure, so I tried to find a way to get in without alerting anybody. But I was caught and well, you know the rest. April must have been the one who gave me the drugs, probably after she stripped me."

"You say April person; in car you say shitty girlfriend do this thing."

"She came later, they wanted me to tell them about Malaya."

"What about Malaya?" I realized what I was saying to Gen. This was her friend who'd introduced us in the first place. My mind wandered to Jong Park, another "friend" of Malaya Padilla. I remembered Malaya mentioning Gen the first night I'd hooked up with Jong Park, a sycophant who idolized Carry Anne McIntyre doing her bidding, going so far as to sleep with me on multiple occasions. April wanted to know who Malaya was and she was Gen's friend. I just stared back unsure of how to answer.


"Uhm, they wanted to know where-she was; they were mad at her." She stared at me, her big, expressive eyes darting back and forth processing. The hair on the back of my neck was standing up not knowing what would happen next. I was sitting in a half filled bathtub and she was kneeling beside me in a dominant position if drowning was on her mind. I'd just found out that I'd been shot up with something and I knew Malaya was more than she appeared with extreme prejudice. What about Gen?

"I tell you something?"


"When I little, family was very, very poor. My father was bastard who drink, fuck and beat on mother without end. So, one night we run far; we find life away difficult but better without violence. But mother want things now, she steal and steal until she caught. I sent back to father who beat me and treat me like dog. I meet Malaya, we friends, and I find that she is very different. She do things to make trouble for people, bad people. She help me run away, stay away from father but I pay big price. I want to be strong, tough but she just help me go to school here. I'm happy, Malaya is friend to me." It still felt like Gen was withholding something from me.

"Why are you telling me this now?"

"Because you don't trust; you think I am bad."


"I know eyes, I know what people feel when they look a way. My mother Roma, she pass me this gift of knowing. You think I am bad." Her beautiful face was crestfallen as she dropped the sponge into the dirty bath water. I was still wearing my pants.

"I'm sorry, Gen."

"Okay, I sorry too; you lie to me when I ask Malaya, right?"

"They said she wasn't real; her name wasn't real, Gen. They wanted to find out who she was and why she was causing trouble. Then, the bag went over my head and I got my ass beat." Gen was staring directly into my eyes and it was strange because I could almost feel the intrusion. She'd admitted to being gypsy either half or whole, but I doubted that had anything to do with our situation of tentative trust at this moment.

"Tell me everything, friend, please."

"Malaya was there Gen; they caught her and beat her in front of me with that bat. Uhm, a couple of nights ago, she called me to this place. It was an underground club for rich assholes who uhm, liked their privacy. I did some things while I was there that almost got me hurt. I did something with this woman, my girlfriend's older sister who was there. I wanted revenge for what they did. Ms. Frakkes played me, she got your picture off the net and lied, insinuated she'd paid you to be with me." Gen looked progressively horrified as I explained. I still didn't fully trust her but knew I was in no condition to stop this woman from hurting me if she so chose.

"You fuck this Frakkes?"

"The club was for women; the men inside were escorts; I was pretending to be an escort. We wore masks and April was the promoter, the boss."

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