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Bad Poker Hand Ch. 01

Story Info
A girl is forced to pay off a debt with her body.
4.6k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/12/2022
Created 06/05/2006
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When the dealer flipped the final card, Evelyn's heart moved from her throat to the pit of her stomach. She had not only lost all the cash she brought with her, but she had now also lost a lot more.

Evelyn retraced the steps that she had taken to get to this point. She and three friends had come to Vegas to have a 'girl's weekend'. Of the four, Evelyn was the only one who really gambled. She liked poker – Texas Hold'em to be specific, and she actually thought she was quite good at it. Unfortunately, the mid-western city she was from didn't quite have the level of competition that she had just witnessed. Evelyn had been playing in the casino when a couple of the players at the table had asked her to take part in a private cash game in their room. Evelyn wasn't sure if they just needed another player, or if they just wanted her to provide the 'eye candy' for the evening. Evelyn decided that it was probably a little of both, and with the brashness of a rookie she accompanied the other players back to their suite.

Now as Evelyn looked around the table all eyes were on her. There were two other men, a woman and the dealer. One of the men moved his gaze from Evelyn to the dealer.

"Thanks Jeremy," he said, and handed him a $100. "You can go now."

Jeremy somewhat reluctantly gathered his belongings and left the room.

The man looked at Evelyn and voiced his concern, "So Evelyn, it appears that the cards have not gone your way tonight, I am sorry."

"No, it appears not," was all Evelyn could mange to stammer out.

"I trust you will honor your agreement with us then," He let the question hang in the air.

"Yes," Evelyn murmured.

"Just to confirm," the man started, "you agree to be at our disposal for the rest of the weekend until your flight leaves Sunday at noon. You also understand that you will be required to do whatever we tell you to – no protesting or backing out, or we call your husband and tell him what has happened and you will be required to pay us the remaining of the money you now owe."

He held up the piece of paper Evelyn had signed before the final hand indicating her predicament and how she planned to handle it if she were to lose another hand.

Evelyn swallowed hard, she knew she couldn't have her husband finding out nor could she afford the $50K she was now in the hole. Selling her body it appeared, was the only way out. Evelyn also knew that somehow she had to keep all this away from her friends from now until Sunday. Thankfully Evelyn had two friends whom she could trust with this if she had to, but the third woman, Violet, could not ever find out. Violet was one of those women who always wanted to win at any cost. She could usually get what she wanted with her looks, but she wasn't above going outside the lines to get information she could use as leverage for something later on. And sadly, Evelyn thought, it was only Thursday night.

"Good," the man said. "It's settled then. Just to be safe, I will arrange to have someone watch you when you are not with us. We wouldn't want our investment to disappear."

"Jolene," the man turned and spoke to the other woman at the table, "please arrange to pick Evelyn up tomorrow morning and get her fitted."

"Certainly," Jolene smiled. She always loved this part. "I shall pick you up at 10:00am my dear. Please be ready."

And with that, the rest of the table stood up and left the room. Evelyn remained behind, put her head in her hands and wept.

When she raised her head after a few minutes she noticed that a small Chinese man had come in and had stood beside the door. She was about to ask why he was there, but then remembered what the man had said about having someone watch her. Evelyn got up, walked past the man, and got into the elevator. The door closed and she was alone. He can't be that good, she thought, he just let me walk past him and leave. She smiled inside thinking that there might be a way to get out of this mess. Evelyn's smiled faded quickly as the elevator door opened on her floor and the Chinese man was waiting for her.

"What the..." she started to say, but the Chinese man put his fingers to his lips and very quietly made a 'shh' sound. "There is no where to run in this town Miss," he said with a heavy accent, "I know everything and everyone."

Evelyn's knees buckled and she nearly fell. The reality of what she was about to do was setting in.

The next morning Evelyn's friends recanted their tales of the local nightlife and how much fun they had at one of the clubs. They told Evelyn she was wasting her time gambling when she could be out partying with them.

"We're going down to the pool," they said, "hurry up, finish your breakfast and come along."

Evelyn assured them she would be right down. Instead, she pulled on a pair of shorts, pulled a loose fitting tank top over her head and slipped on her favorite pair of sandals. After taking a deep breath and exhaling, Evelyn went down to the lobby to meet Jolene.

"Good morning Evelyn" Jolene motioned with her had for Evelyn to get into her car. It was a sporty little convertible painted bright yellow. "I got her," Jolene said into the phone. "I'll see you soon."

"How are you?" Jolene asked. "Did you sleep well?"

"Not really," answered Evelyn.

"Too bad," countered Jolene, "it's going to be a while before you get to do it again."

With that, the two women pulled out of the hotel and made their way onto the strip. It was early in the morning so the traffic was lighter than it normally is. The girls made decent progress through a couple sets of lights before coming to a stop.

"Evelyn, be a doll and take off that bra you are wearing, I hate seeing a girl's bra strap underneath her tank top," Jolene said nonchalantly.

"Pardon," said Evelyn.

"Your bra, take it off," Repeated Jolene.

"Here?" asked Evelyn incredulously.

"Why of course here stupid, where else? Do I need to remind you of the contract you signed?" replied Jolene.

"No," said Evelyn, "I'll do it."

Evelyn looked around to see who was watching. It was a silly thing to do since it's almost a guarantee that two hot women in a yellow convertible are going to be watched by somebody. Sure enough, she noticed a car a lane over with three guys in it glancing her way. Evelyn leaned forward in the car and reached up behind her back, she unclasped her bra and then slid her arms out. The boys in the other vehicle started hollering encouragement. Evelyn blushed and turned beat red.

"Throw it to them," Jolene said.

Evelyn pretended not to hear.

"You heard what I said. Do it or you will be throwing them your panties too," Jolene's tone had turned menacing.

Evelyn couldn't believe what she was about to do. A married woman in a convertible, about to throw her bra to a car full of guys she didn't know. She suddenly wished she had worn a t-shirt instead of a tank top. Evelyn bundled up the bra in a little ball and threw it across the one lane of traffic. It landed just outside the driver's side door. The guy in the driver's seat opened his door, picked up the bra and screamed like he had just been crowned emperor of the world. Evelyn was mortified.

"Thanks baby, see you later," he said.

The light turned green and both cars sped off.

"Why did you make me do that?" Evelyn asked Jolene.

"Because I could," answered Jolene. "I can do anything I want to you until Sunday at noon. This was a reminder."

The yellow convertible drove for another 15 minutes until it came to a stand alone little store. Evelyn looked at the sign, it was a sex shop, and proud of it apparently. This whole town reeks of sex she thought, this store is no different.

"Out we come," said Jolene cheerfully. "Time to get you some new duds"

Jolene walked into the store like she owned it, Evelyn trailed her with her eyes on the back of Jolene's heals.

"We need to find a few things for my new friend here," Jolene announced to the guy working at the counter.

"What do you have in mind?" he asked.

"Something very sexy but not completely distasteful, she's going to be doing a lot of entertaining," Jolene said.

Jolene's words made Evelyn's ears perk up, it was the first time she had heard any details of what she was getting into.

"This way," beckoned the clerk. "I have some things she can try on over here."

Evelyn always had a great body, and she had kept it that way through five years of marriage. She was a regular at the gym and was the object of many a man's affection. Evelyn was proud of how she looked, but she had never been one to really flaunt it. That was all about to change.

Jolene and Evelyn walked into a room that had a myriad of clothing choices, none of which Evelyn would have ever picked for herself.

"Let's try this on," exclaimed Jolene as she grabbed a corset from the rack. "Please try this on my dear."

Evelyn took the corset from Jolene's hands and started to ask the man where the dressing room was before Jolene cut him off.

"Here is fine," said Jolene.

"But he's standing right there," Evelyn pointed to the clerk.

"Why yes he is," said Jolene. "Now get on with it."

Evelyn turned and faced the other direction "Oh no you don't – you face us when you change," chided Jolene, "Don't you ever face away when I ask you to do something."

Mortified, Evelyn slowly lifted the tank top over her head exposing her beautifully round breasts to the clerk and Jolene.

"My my," said Jolene. "We do have a specimen here don't we. Jump up and down for a bit – let's see if they're natural."

Evelyn was beat red but she did what she was told. Her breasts started bouncing and slapping against each other.

"Impressive aren't they?" Jolene turned to the clerk, "Would you like to feel them?"

"NO!" Evelyn blurted out. She caught herself but it was too late.

"Pardon?" Jolene said. "What did I just hear you say?"

"N-n-nothing," Evelyn stammered.

"You just said 'no' didn't you?" I heard you so please don't deny it. "Now you know that the punishment for saying no is always going to be worse than the actual task you were being initially asked to perform, so we'll need to find something for you to do that is worse than jumping up and down without a shirt on."

"Kind sir," said Jolene to the clerk, "would you like a picture of this woman?"

"Sure would ma'am," said the clerk excitedly.

"Well then, why don't you take one," Exclaimed Jolene.

The clerk rushed back to his desk and brought out a digital camera. It belonged to the store and was used to take pictures of merchandise for the web site.

"What would you like her to wear for the picture?" asked Jolene.

"How about just a smile?" volunteered the clerk.

"My dear man, you can't sell smiles on the web site, you have to sell clothing. What would you like her to model?" returned Jolene.

Jolene's words slammed into Evelyn's brain like a sledgehammer. Would she really allow this clerk to take a picture of her and post it on the store's web site? She was about to say something in protest, but she didn't like how badly the situation had already become so she kept quiet.

"I really like this new one-piece that came in last week," said the clerk. "We don't have it up online yet, but this could give me some incentive to get on that."

"Very well then," said Jolene. "Put this on Evelyn."

The description 'one-piece' was really a stretch. Yes it was a single piece of material, but it covered all the non-essential areas. Evelyn held up the outfit in front of her and mentally pictured what she would look like in it. As if somehow Jolene read her thoughts, she said "Hurry up Evelyn, you'll see it in all it's glory soon enough."

Remembering not to turn away, Evelyn slowly unbuttoned her shorts and slipped her fingers into the waistband and pulled them down. If she was thankful for anything it was the fact that she had shaved her pussy before coming on vacation in anticipation of wearing a bikini of course, not an outfit like the one she now had in her hands. Now Evelyn stood in front of two people she had just met in only a small thong. She blushed again and began to inch the thong down over her smooth hips when Jolene asked her to stop.

"Lets get an action shot," Jolene said to the clerk. "Evelyn, I want you to turn sideways, keep your legs straight, and pull your panties down to your knees and then look over at the camera – remember to smile."

Evelyn did as she was told, even managing to force a smile. The clerk snapped a few pictures and showed Jolene. Evelyn was certainly a natural model. Her ass was nicely rounded and her legs were perfectly toned. Her breasts hung down and the smile made it look like she was doing everything willingly.

"Perfect," said Jolene, "Now face front and interlock your hands behind your head. Spread your legs as far as your panties will allow. I am going to talk you through some poses and I want you to smile as our friend here takes your picture."

Evelyn felt awkward as she put her hands up behind her head. She noticed how this action lifted her breasts and separated them.

"Please arch your back a little dear – we really want to see you putting your best assets forward," Jolene said.

The clerk snapped a few more pictures before Jolene told Evelyn to bend forward at the waist. As she did, Jolene told her to wait there a moment and she left the room. While she was gone, the clerk moved behind Evelyn. Evelyn could feel his eyes surveying her entire exposed pussy, she tried inching her legs a little closer together, but the clerk noticed and threatened to call Jolene back. Evelyn reluctantly moved her legs back to their wide position and listened as the clerk snapped a few more pictures of her naked ass and pussy.

"I'm back," exclaimed Jolene, "and I have brought another prop for our photo shoot. Don't you wish now that you would have just done what you were asked Evelyn? None of this would have happened."

"What is it?" asked Evelyn as she looked in Jolene's direction.

"Why it's a rather purple large dildo my dear, and I am going to put it in you," Jolene exclaimed gleefully. "Say hello to Barney!"

"First we must get her into the new outfit," said the clerk. "I can't have her modeling that dildo in her panties – we can't sell those old things!"

"Good point," said Jolene. "Off with the panties and on with the one-piece it is."

Evelyn proceeded to bring her legs back together and by doing so allowed the panties to fall to her ankles. As she stepped out of them Jolene reached for them and gave them to the clerk "A present for you" was all she said. The clerk smiled and put the panties in his pocket. Evelyn then attempted to find the correct hole to put her first leg into. She was trying to get the outfit on quickly since this was a public store and anyone could walk into the room they were in at any time – by hurrying Evelyn nearly fell to the ground as her foot found a piece of material on the way down, and not the hole she was anticipating her foot going through. Finally however, Evelyn managed to get both legs in, and pulled the one-piece up putting her arms through the straps to secure it.

"Wow," stated the clerk. "Now's there's a piece of clothing that should sell rather quickly! Let's take a few good pics of it."

Jolene and the clerk led Evelyn down a hallway into a back room. Evelyn found it odd that Jolene was actually leading the way – almost like she knew this was going to happen from the beginning.

As they walked into the room Evelyn noticed that there was a large backdrop against the wall – the kind you see in portrait studios. She also noticed a full length mirror – and gasped when she saw her reflection. The outfit she had on didn't really cover anything at all. The spaghetti straps came off her shoulders into a deep V between her breasts, but instead of there being material to cover her breasts, there was a circle cut out on each side exposing her breasts. The material then cut a high line above Evelyn's waist before diving down between her thighs but not going anywhere near her pussy. In fact, the way the outfit was constructed; it actually forced her pussy lips together and made them stick out further than they normally would. Evelyn was appalled.

"Ok," said the clerk, "let's get going here. Please lay down over here; we're going to take a few side shots."

Evelyn lay down on her back on the matted floor. It was cold and soon her nipples were hard. She tried to rub them a little to warm them up, but it didn't work. It made Jolene and the clerk laugh though.

"Please arch your back dear," instructed the clerk. "I want you to push your breasts upwards. Oh, and keep your legs slightly bent at the knee when you do that – beautiful. Smile please."

Evelyn heard the 'poof' of a professional flash being used. Another 'poof' and then another.

"Ok Hon, stand up and face front," the clerk said. "Hands on your hips – give me a little school girl pout. That's it, very nice. Now turn around, hands on your hips, arch your back again – push that tight ass out dear – remember we are trying to sell merchandise here."

After about 15 minutes, the photo shoot was over. Evelyn thought they were going to leave, but she was motioned into a tiny office behind the studio.

"Please sign the model release dear, we can't publish your pictures without it," said the clerk.

Evelyn looked at Jolene, and the second she saw Jolene's gaze she knew that things would get much worse if she didn't do what she was told. Reluctantly, Evelyn signed the paperwork.

"Perfect," said the clerk, "I'll send you the link when the pictures are posted."

Jolene and the clerk both laughed at his joke – Evelyn did not find it so humorous.

"Off we go dear, we have places to go, and you have people to do – chop, chop," squealed Jolene as she pushed Evelyn toward the front of the store.

"What about my clothes?" inquired Evelyn.

"What clothes?" asked Jolene. "Don't you like what you are wearing?"

With that, Jolene pushed Evelyn out the door. As Evelyn looked around she swore she saw the Chinese man from the night before across the parking lot, but it was too far, and she was being pushed too quickly by Jolene.

After the girls had gotten into the car, Jolene pulled out the dildo that Evelyn had all but forgotten about. "Ok, you have a choice my dear, you have three holes, and this dildo is going in one of them. Each hole has a different destination," said Jolene. "Which one is it going to be?"

"What do you mean by different destination?" asked Evelyn.

"Simple," said Jolene. "If you put the dildo in your mouth, we get to drive down the strip with you wearing that outfit and deep-throating the dildo. If you put the dildo in your pussy, we take the highway out and you play with yourself for a while. If you..."

"I'll take the second option," said Evelyn quickly.

No way had she wanted the humiliation of riding up the strip again – especially with a dildo in her mouth. Having the dildo in her ass was out of the question, so that really only left one option – the highway.

"Great," said Jolene. "Stick it in and we'll get going. We don't move until it's all the way in."

Now Evelyn was no stranger to masturbation, but this dildo was much larger than the vibrator she used at home. Plus, she wasn't all that certain that it would even fit. Evelyn struggled a little with the head of the dildo and it appeared to be going in, but the way Evelyn was sitting it wouldn't go all the way in.

"Hurry up dear, or I will give you option three by default," Jolene said sternly.

Just then a car pulled up beside them in the parking lot. Evelyn made an attempt to cover herself but Jolene quickly instructed her to put her hands behind her head. The car doors opened beside them and two girls got out. The girls were probably in their mid twenties, and by the look of them they were probably dancers at one of the local strip clubs.


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