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Bad Things Cum in Groups of Three

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Cheating and Denial sends him on a journey of Self Discovery.
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It was a hard day at work and I just wanted to go home to my overstuffed home and watch some ball while lounging around in my underwear. I wearily turned the key in my front door and walked into the living room of my one -bedroom dropping the backpack containing my soiled uniform and quickly unbuckling my pants letting them drop to the dirty carpet. My half erect cock was peeking through the front of my jeans and I didn't bother to tuck it back in considering I was home alone and the wife was out buying boxes to put most of the miscellaneous stuff collected in our home into storage. We were borderline hoarders and she'd been watching some show that gave her some half-hearted epiphany about the sorry state of our shared existence. I of course didn't give a fuck if it meant getting her to clean the house even though most of the stuff going into storage belonged to me. They were relics of my days as a free man before getting caught and promptly married off by a rather convenient set of circumstances.

"Uhm; excuse me Andy." I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of another voice in my supposedly empty home and turned to find my wife's best friend looking me in the eye with her mouth agape. "WHAT-What are you doing here Dakota?"

"I came over to help pack up some of this stuff and Christine said I could snag a few of her old clothes for the good will." Dakota was my wife's on again-off again best friend and I generally didn't give a fuck about their state of affairs because it meant that she wasn't home most of the time preferring to hang out with old acquaintances. Dakota was easy going enough and didn't really have any appreciable bad habits that rubbed off on my wife. She was this tall, thin blonde who squandered away a teen modeling career in her youth due to some serious partying which left her with a coke habit so bad that her family had forcibly sequestered her away in rehab during her second semester of college.

"You seriously scared the shit out of me just now Dakota."

"Touché you did the same to me when you came in a few minutes ago; Christine said she was going to pick you up from work." A coworker had been kind enough to drive me home after noticing how burnt out I was during my shift.

"Somebody brought me home; I was really fucked up today and couldn't keep it together. It's a miracle I didn't go on a work related rampage today." I went to fish my phone out of my pocket and noticed that my jeans were in a corona around my ankles. I also realized that my cock was hanging out right before her big blue eyes.

"SHIT!!" I quickly yanked my pants back up struggling to zip up and nipping some of the tender flesh around my junk.

"It's cool don't sweat it Andy; it's not like I haven't seen it before." She started laughing as I remembered that my wife had taken a nude photo of me years ago as I lay asleep and texted it to a group of friends. I'd been livid and kicked her out of my apartment before we'd reconciled later over dinner.

"That shit never goes away Dakota; I would have taken a photo of Christine but she don't care who sees her nude." It was true and my redheaded wife never let me forget how comfortable she was going around in revealing and Ill-fitting clothing. I'd met Christine at the San Diego Comic—Con when some acquaintances of mine had pointed her out in a form fitting silver space suit that looked painted on her thick voluptuous frame. In a weird circumstance I'd run into her while taking a few DVD's back to a local video store. We'd ended up having some drinks at a nearby bar and have been together ever since.

"Yeah she used to get kicked out of school all the time when were young; everybody was always calling her a slut because she wore daisy dukes all the fucking time." My cock lurched a bit as I pictured my wife's huge pale butt cheeks hanging from some torn up jean shorts.

"So she just left you here in our dirty house?"

"Take it easy Andy; it was my idea to help out and I figured that we could kill two birds with one stone. Besides Elvin is getting to be too much lately." Elvin was Dakota's dick of a husband and the low level dealer had a police record as long as my arm.

"Fuck's he been doing now?"

"We just had a little fight because he thought I got into his stash; I swear I'm gonna leave his stupid ass someday." Her words just trailed off as I walked towards her with a raised eyebrow knowing she was full of shit and simply seeking a beer from my fridge. She seemed hesitant to move from my path as I passed her going into my kitchenette and once I was at my destination the reason became clear.

"So Dakota; Elvin "thought" you got into his stash?" There were a few lines of coke on a vanity mirror my wife no longer used since she had me locked down.

"Don't judge, I just needed something to take the edge off Andy. Elvin got kind of rough with me today and she picked me up so the least I could do is clean up around here for her." That sounded more like the truth to me knowing my wife's true nature and the fact that she tended to use people more than she should.

"I don't give a fuck what you do as long as my wife isn't involved; she's not doing this shit with you is she?"

"No she's been trying to get me back into rehab, but I'm still trying to make up my mind." I just nodded and fished a tall can from my fridge downing half of it and looking at my wife's buddy visibly squirming in front of me. After a few moments her easy smile returned as she leaned back against the counter and lit a cigarette from a pack next to her husband's stash.

"So uhm; you're really cool with me doing coke?"

"Of course not Dakota but you aren't my responsibility and I'm not really a big fan of fucking Elvin. You're an adult and I'm not generally inclined or qualified to judge anyone." She happily turned back to the counter and did a bump with a rolled up dollar bill. She was wearing a simple red t-shirt and some khaki shorts that seemed a little shorter than normal. Her long lean slightly shapely legs ended at a small pair of feet covered by simple flip flops.

"Thanks I don't think I could take some body judging me right now." She was wiping the residue from her nose.

"Just don't tell my wife about seeing my junk earlier alright?" She started giggling and I immediately took offense.

"What's so damn funny?" She started laughing even more and I figured that it was from the line of coke up her nose when she produced a small cheap looking phone.

"Well you're all bent out of shape about people seeing your dick but I found this earlier." Dakota flipped open the phone and in moments I could hear what sounded like people fucking emanating from the small cheap phone. I face palmed as I realized the phone was my own, another relic from my single days. I'd just gotten the phone and was having quite a time with the camera feature on it when I'd hooked up with this Goth chick at an after-hours club who possessed one hell of a wide partially tattooed butt. I'd spent the better part of that night stoned to high hell while hitting it doggy for a good three hours before clumsily cumming on the back of her half shaved head and getting into a fight with the freak.

"Well that was for my own ahem, pleasure; what are you doing looking at it?"

"Your wife said I could have dibs on whatever I found here and I figured I could sell it for some cash. Used cell phones are all the rage for quick cash Andy; although I'm sure you probably don't anybody seeing any of your movies." I gingerly snatched the phone from her and took a walk down memory lane staring at the grainy footage clearly showing my disembodied cock slamming wetly and repeatedly into "Fantasia's" huge jiggly butt without mercy. The wet smacking sound from the video filled the kitchen and I looked up to see Dakota smiling while taking a few puffs from her cigarette.

"Don't take this the wrong way but you do "good work" Andy." I noticed a tinge of red in her round youthful looking face made all the more so by the slight gap between her front teeth. She had her usually long strawberry blonde hair cut just below the ears giving her an even more youthful appearance than she normally had.

"Excuse me but how else would somebody take a compliment like that after someone's been foraging around through their personal belongings?"

"Well I found it in the back of the silverware drawer and maybe you should have kept it somewhere secure from my prying eyes."

"For your information I haven't seen that phone since I had a fight with my wife (Then girlfriend) about it; she wanted me to delete all the pictures of other girls and that video." I realized that Christine had hid my phone away in the back of the silverware drawer and subtly replaced it a week later with the gift of a new phone. I hadn't even thought about it up since I'd been confronted with it after begging off sex after pulling a double shift at work. Christine was sure I was having an affair with one of my coworkers and I'd refused to delete the phone's content telling her that I'd dump her if she did.

"Oh it looks like I'm gonna have you two fighting before the night is over."

"I'm not going to tell her about this and neither are you; right Dakota?" She nodded before doing another line. I'd seen my wife's friend from time to time throughout our seven year relationship and it was usually when she was in trouble or some other such matter like when she'd been arrested for prostitution in Japan and deported back to the states with little or nothing to show for her time in the land of the rising sun other than the clothes on her back. She claimed that some shady character confiscated her passport when she arrived at her hotel for a "model shoot" forcing her into a situation where she had to "Do Things" to get back to the states. Of course Dakota had no idea that I was even vaguely aware of her past with the origin of my knowledge arising from pillow talk.

"Yeah sure; but I don't see what the big deal is Andy. Christine's no angel herself and I don't know why she'd get bent over something that happened before she was even in the picture."

"Are you sure you're married?" We both laughed as I fished two beers out of my fridge tossing her one which she chugged confirming her past status as a party girl.

"It's big." She commented when the laughter had died down cupping the can with both of her thin hands and drinking from it like a mug of coffee.

"Come again?"

"Your dick; it's a good size is all I'm saying." The next few seconds were uncomfortably quiet as she did another bump and put her cigarette out in my sink while I opened the window to let the smell out. I found her staring at me with a mischievous smirk when I turned back from the window.

"Did I say something wrong Andy?"

"It's cool I know you're just fucking around and I'm not even going there." I did feel a twinge of uncomfortable guilt knowing that since I found her in my home I'd been checking her out here and there. I usually didn't go for the long and lean type but she just had this kind of easy going laid back nature that kind of snuck up on you. That and the fact that my wife had dragged me out on Friday night to miss a perfectly good basketball game to a gallery showing of some photos that had been taken of Dakota during an outing at Burning Man some years during her prime. I had found enough drink and sports talk during the excursion to hold me over until I reached home. While I was walking around buzzed to the tunes of La Roux's "Going in for the Kill". I'd found a large photo of Dakota sitting in an inflatable pool topless. She was partially obscured in the long narrow photo which was eight feet high but there was no mistaking that her right breast was exposed and I focused on the puffy erect nipple longer than I should have. My wife had been watching and drunkenly offered to buy the picture for our living room. I laughed it off with a comment about some detail in the picture other than her best friend's boob and we moved on never to discuss it again.

"Come on don't shit me Andy; you're weirding out because I saw your thing and because of what I said."

"You're tripping out girlfriend; it take a lot more than that to freak me out." I tried to sound casual but I knew she wasn't fooled.

Dakota reached down grabbing the helm of her t-shirt raising it up over her chest hooking it behind her neck. It was known that she didn't like wearing brassieres and I found myself staring at her bare chest with a nice round pair of baseball sized tits staring back at me. She had really puffy areola and slightly inverted nipples which got an immediate reaction out of my cock.

"Oh FUCK no Dakota." I half whispered trying to step out of the kitchen only to have her grab one of my forearms.

"It's only nudity Andy; this is our natural state the way God made us and intended for us to be. You were put off because I saw your thing and I'm just paying it forward." This was sound new age reasoning coming from the cute worn out blonde but she'd never done something like this before and I didn't know how to react.

"Besides I already know you like my tits and I thought I'd give you a little closure."

"What are you talking about?" Before she even began to explain I already knew that she was talking about the gallery incident. Dakota explained that she and my wife had a few laughs about it the following day while they were out having a ladies day together.

"Come on Andy; there's nothing to be ashamed of about liking my tits. They're my best feature over all anyway and was really flattered when I found out how much you wanted them; Christine said you practically railed her that night and I'd like to think I had a little something to do with that display of carnality." It was true that I fucked the hell out of my old lady that night but I was simply performing to divert suspicion away from my earlier actions.

"Here why don't you touch one and close the circle." She brought my right hand up to cup her bare slightly sweaty tit and held it there when I tried to pull away. Her smile was so infectious and calming as I relaxed a bit feeling the nipple harden in my palm while I watched the other harden and elongate into an impressive thickness which I longed to take into my mouth. I squeezed and kneaded the available breast marveling at the frim buoyant feel of it that was so much like a young high school age tit. My fingers started rolling the nipple making her moan and lurch forward towards me and it seemed that she would have fallen to the floor if it weren't for my body being in her direct path. Her hand came up cupping my cheek as her thin lips found my own and we were making out in earnest before either of us realized what we were doing.

Her tongue darted into my mouth quickly enticing a reaction from my own as I invaded the recesses of her small mouth only to regret also picking up the taste of nicotine and recoiled from her embrace. Dakota effortless slid down to her knees taking my pants and underwear with her as my cock sprung out hitting her on the cheek. Her thin fingers dug into my pelvis as she leaned forward on the back of her calves to take me whole in her mouth. I shuddered feeling the underside of her tongue run along my glans tickling and teasing me while she pumped her head back and forth. She spread all ten of her fingers running them under my shirt and over my abs before coming to rest encircling the base of my cock. My own fingers were grabbing handfuls of her dirty blonde hair as I began to push into her mouth with urgency forcing thick webs of cum from her lips that ran down her thin chest over those nice little tits.

Dakota was very good at sucking cock making me weak in the knees forcing me to hold onto the counter top to keep from falling to the floor. It felt strange to be suddenly cheating on my wife right there in the kitchen with my rock hard penis embedded in her best friend's mouth. As quickly as it began it was over as Dakota pushed off of my cock gasping for air and standing up to do another line of coke from the counter top. She had this way of bending over that reminded me that she'd been sent to ballet classes early in her childhood before other interests (drugs) took over. Dakota was bent at a perfect ninety degree angle pushing her small narrow behind grazing my erect cock. The khaki shorts had ridden down a bit because of her narrow hips exposing a bit of her ass crack and my fingers dug into the back pockets drawing them the rest of the way down falling to the dirty tiled linoleum of our kitchen floor.

Her butt was small and plump with tight cheeks and dimples where her back met her hips. I lined my cock up along her crack and began sawing myself there feeling heat rising from the area. She indulged me placing her elbows on the counter and resting her head whimsically in her palms looking over her shoulder at my progress. My cock was harder than it had been in months and I "accidentally" poked her sweet spot a few times before sinking half of my length inside her finding a surprisingly tight fit. In about five attempts I finally hit the end of her tunnel and let it rest there as I reached forward cupping both of her tis and rolling her thick nipples. She pushed back on her thin legs bring my pelvis into contact with her tight ass while our lips met again.

"Fuck me hard." She moaned after we'd kissing for a few minutes and I started pounding her roughly from behind making her moan and whine with forbidden pleasure. Her pussy had been slightly wet at the start and instantly became sopping wet a few moments into our coupling. A loud wet smacking noise could be heard throughout the small kitchen as we fucked like animals. I reached down cupping the underside of her thigh and hooked one of her legs over my shoulder while her other remained perfectly balanced on the floor giving testament to her ballet training as I pushed deeper into her body slamming into the end of her love canal repeatedly while her face took on a reddish hue. She threw her arm around my neck and turned in mid-air hooking her other leg over my available shoulder balancing herself with her arms behind her back at a forty five degree angle.

"FUUUCK!!" This position felt heavenly and I royally pounded her into a sobbing mess as tears began to roll down her face until I relented lowering her to the floor with my cock still deep inside her thin body while we made out like long lost lovers. My hands were already spreading her cheeks apart and diddling her backdoor when she shuddered and sucked on my earlobe before sticking her tongue in my ear for a strange toe curling sensation. Dakota placed the palms of her hands on the countertop and sink and pushed her lithe frame up until my cock was free of her snatch quickly dropping to her knees and sucking my cock like her life depended on it. She pursed her lips painfully around me and I took advantage grabbing most of the hair on her scalp and using her mouth like a fleshlight until I finally came in several huge thigh tightening bursts down her throat. She didn't lose one drop as my hands cupped the back of her head and my cock hit the back of her throat spewing straight into her gullet. I looked down to find her looking directly up into my face eliciting a final burst from my abused member.

Dakota remained on her knees as I drew my cock from her mouth catching her breath and coughing a little bit as I slowly zipped up wondering if I'd just made the biggest mistake of my life. She stood up looking a little disappointed to find that she'd run through her pilfered supply of coke and decided to light another cigarette as I found one last remaining can of beer.

"Can I have some of that Andy?" She casually asked when I'd downed half of my drink and I obliged watching every little detail of movement from the laid back blonde for any sign of post coital craziness.

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