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Badminton Night

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Woman's Range Rover breaks down on a rainy night in Norfolk.
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Badminton Night

Heavy rain was falling against the windscreen of the Range Rover as Vanessa Blake peered anxiously at the dark country road in front of her. Her headlights and wipers were hardly coping with the splashing rain and pitch darkness. There seemed to be no other traffic on the road at this time of night, although it was only 9.10 p.m.

She had just dropped off her friend and badminton partner for the evening at her house about 3 miles back. They had managed to get a court at 7.30 p.m. for a whole hour, so, they had hurriedly made arrangements. Vanessa was keen to keep fit and maintain her social contacts so she had volunteered to do the driving. She had known it was to be a wet night, but, the torrential downpour had not been forecast. She only had about 5 miles to go before she got home, but, on these narrow Norfolk country lanes, that would seem a lot longer. She could hear the rain hammering down on the roof of her vehicle. "Goodness," she murmured, "will it ever stop?" Then her heart missed a beat as she felt the engine splutter and die on her. She glanced at the petrol gauge, but, it seemed O.K. It was either a mechanical fault or the wet had got to the sparking plugs. "Oh God," she whined, "what a place to break down."

The Range Rover stuttered to a stop at the side of the road. She managed to pull over into a make shift lay by, so at least, it was not blocking the road. The car was in darkness, as was everywhere she looked around her. She fumbled in the glove box and produced a torch. At least that was working. She used the light to search her bag for her mobile phone.

Then she stopped in horror, as she realised that she had left it in her other bag at home. The one she had with her was the sports bag she used for the gymnasium and her badminton sessions. She sat in the driving seat, stunned. She relied on her phone so much and having it with her in the car was essential. What had she been thinking of? Roy would be furious with her when he found out.

She looked at her watch. It was now 9.15 p.m. What a god forsaken place for a break down. She was miles from anywhere on a remote country road and the rain was still splashing down. What was she going to do?

She sat in the driving seat and stared out at the unrelenting rain.

The minutes ticked by. It got to 9.25 p.m. She wound down her window and sensed that the rain was easing. She had 2 alternatives. She could stay with the car and flash down a passing motorist or she could run for the nearest phone. She peered out in all directions. There was darkness everywhere. She looked at what she was wearing and groaned. It was a white zip up over a white T shirt and skirt. Well at least someone would easily pick her out in the headlights, she reasoned. She cursed her vanity in buying a particularly short sports skirt which only just covered her knickers. But, she knew she had good legs and liked showing them off.

The rain seemed to ease up somewhat, and, on a sudden impulse, she jumped out and started to run down the road. There was a bend ahead and she hoped to see some house lights somewhere. She got so far down the road and the heavens opened again. The rain was bouncing off the surface of the road. She knew it was impossible then and turned to go back. By the time she got back to her car, she was absolutely drenched. Luckily, there was a small towel in her sports bag and she used it to dry the surplus water off her. It was then that she became aware of some headlights heading her way. Her spirits soared. This was wonderful. Her nightmare could soon be over.

She grabbed the flashlight and jumped out of the car. She had plenty of time as the headlights were still a distance down the road. Once again she was getting very wet.

The small van careered down the road. Mick and Colin were in the front with Andy and Jim in the back. They had been hanging about in the local pubs in town and were on their way to see Mick's cousin, Rob, who lived in a cottage a few miles away. It had once been derelict, but, he had done it up with the help of his mates from the building site where he worked. The radio was on loud and everyone was talking or shouting at the same time. Suddenly, Colin shouted for attention.

"Hey, what's that in the road ahead? Slow down."

Mick who was driving peered through the rain. "It looks like someone has broken down."

Colin had got a better view and exclaimed, "It's a woman, flashing a light.......Hey, look at those legs, man. Is that a short skirt or what?"

The two lads in the back craned forward. "Hey are we stopping? Because, I'd like a piece of that." said Jim.

There were several grunts of approval at the idea and Mick pulled over and stopped. "Let me handle this," he insisted, as he opened the door to get out. "And, behave yourselves.........until we've got her in the car," he added, laughing.

He started to walk towards her in the rain. "What's the trouble, lady?" He shouted.

Vanessa was so glad the little van had stopped. It was really scary out there on the dark road.

"My Range Rover has broken down," she shouted back. "I think the water got through to the engine."

"Let's have a look," he said and took her ignition key and the flashlight. He tried the engine and took a look under the hood. He knew a bit about car engines, but, he shook his head sadly. "You'll not get this going tonight in this rain," he stated firmly. "It would be better to leave it and get it picked up in the morning."

"Yes, that's what I thought" she agreed. "Look, could you give me a lift to a phone or somewhere."

"Yeah sure," he grinned "where do you want to go?" He managed to casually shine the light over her long legs and liked what he saw. He also noted what a smashing looking babe she was.

"Just drop me off at the nearest village or pub," she said.

As they walked to the van, Vanessa had a sudden thought. "Any of you got a mobile phone I could use?" She asked, hopefully.

"No" he said quickly, as his hand closed on the one he had in his pocket. Fuck that, he thought, you're not getting away from us as easy as that.

"Oh" she said, disappointed. "I live near South Green, I don't suppose you are going that way are you?"

"I know where that is," he said. Then he thought a bit. The boys would be straining at the leash to get a good look at her dressed like that. "Yeah, we could take you there. We just have one call to make first though, just for a minute, to drop something off."

She nodded as the rain intensified again. She was getting really wet. "O.K. thanks," she said.

He beckoned her towards the van. "It'll be a bit cramped in there, but, a slim girl like you should squeeze in alright."

The boys got out as they approached and were eying her up. "Bloody hell she's a real beauty," said Andy.

"Jesus, look at those legs," breathed Jim.

Vanessa felt anything but beautiful just then. Her long dark hair had been bunched into a pony tail, but, it was a wet and soggy mess, clinging to her back. She was also soaked to the skin. Her badminton outfit was absolutely sodden.

She looked with dismay at the van. In the back where they expected her to sit was a bench seat barely wide enough for 2. She would have to squeeze in between the youths. In ordinary circumstances she would have declined the offer, but, tonight she had no choice. There were no other cars in sight and it was still raining quite hard. She would just have to get in and make the best of it.

"Are you getting in or what?" Someone growled. So she took a breath and manoeuvred herself into the back.

Mick gunned the engine and was soon speeding down the road with their prize in the back. Maybe it will be our lucky night, he thought.

After a few seconds, she felt Andy's knuckles against her bare thigh. She didn't like it, but, didn't want to make a fuss. Then she felt the side of Jim's hand make contact with her other leg. Again, she said nothing. Hopefully, at the speed they were going the journey would be short. With a bit of luck she could be home in half an hour.

After 10 minutes, they swung down a narrow lane and continued for a distance into pitch blackness. Only the car's headlights provided any light at all.

Vanessa looked around in dismay as she felt Jim's hand brush her thigh, once again.

Where on earth were they going? She was beginning to get really worried when Mick swung to a stop outside a cottage.

Vanessa breathed again. At least there was a cottage. There was a light in the window, so someone would be at home. Perhaps they had a telephone and she could phone her husband.

They all piled out and walked towards the cottage. It was in better condition than she had imagined and had been extended. A new face appeared at the door and Mick explained the situation to him. He was slightly older than the boys she was with, all of whom were 19 except Andy, who was a year younger.

After the situation was explained to him, he turned to the woman.

"Hello," he said "I'm Rob. Pleased to meet you." Vanessa smiled and introduced herself as "Sarah," her middle name.

Rob had a good look at her before saying "You'll drip all over my carpet, love. Better go to the bathroom and dry yourself off."

Gratefully, she got to the bathroom and locked the door. She could hear them talking and laughing, although she couldn't make out what they were actually saying. There was a large bath towel on the rail and it looked clean, so, she loosened her pony tail and dried her hair the best she could. Then she peeled off her clothes, one by one. They were absolutely sodden, even her panties. She bit her lip with concern as she realised she shouldn't really put them back on again. But there again, she couldn't go out into a roomful of young men with just a towel draped around her.

Testing out water, she found it warm, so, she decided to stand in the bath and have a quick shower. She felt a lot better afterwards, but, now faced the problem of what to wear?

She opened the door a fraction. "Rob" she called, "can I see you for a second?"

When he came, she asked him, apologetically, "Have you anything I can put on? My clothes are so wet."

"I might have something," he said, "but, you'll have to take what you're given."

She heard words exchanged then a fresh burst of laughter. She was certainly causing some amusement.

After a minute or two, he came back and she opened the door a few inches to greet him. He smirked as he pushed a small bundle into her hand through the small opening.

"Give me your stuff and we'll try and dry it," he said.

She bent down and picked up the wet clothes from the floor. It would be good to get them dried out, so she could put them on to go home.

"I'll have that wet towel as well," he ordered, so, she carefully took it off on a peg behind the door, before handing it to him through the narrow gap.

She was naked, as she unravelled what he had given her, a pair of tiny ladies panties and a see through nightgown. She stared at them in horror as she heard more laughter from outside.

Surely, they could do better than this. She opened the door slightly. "Gentlemen," she shouted. "Come on the joke's over. I can't wear these as you very well know."

There was a brief silence before Rob appeared with a man's shirt. "Sorry about our little joke," he said, "but you really will have to do with this until your clothes are dry."

"Let's face it," he added "you weren't wearing much when you came in."

She put on the shirt which just about covered the panties she had been given. It was still not good enough as they all knew, but she was in no position to make further demands, so she made her appearance into the lounge wearing her makeshift outfit.

The 5 men all stared at her and she felt their eyes on her exposed legs. She realised that she was now showing more than she had in her sports skirt. She turned to Rob.

"Have you got a telephone I can use?" She asked hopefully.

"No," he said, "it's been disconnected."

"What about a mobile?"

"Ain't got one," I'm afraid.

She sighed in frustration and sat on the edge of the sofa. They were looking at her as if they had never seen a woman before. Her dark hair was out of the pony-tail now and hung down her back and shoulders. Her bare legs tanned from a recent holiday were being scrutinised carefully. How she wished she had a proper skirt to hide them away.

Rob pushed a drink in her hand, "that should warm you up."

She gratefully drank it down. It tasted like a brandy and lime and she felt it warm up her insides. It had been a rough night for her.

"Are we ready to go?" She asked.

"You'll have to wait for your clothes to dry first," grinned Rob. "You wouldn't want me to take back those clothes I loaned you just yet, would you?"

She blushed profusely. "No, I guess not," she admitted, as they all laughed.

"Besides," continued Rob, "Mike reckons there's something wrong with his spark plugs. He's out there looking at them now."

"Oh no," wailed Vanessa. "I've got to get home as soon as possible. How long is he going to be?"

They all laughed as Rob answered her. "Look, sorry for the inconvenience, but, he's doing the best he can. You'll just have to wait until he's fixed it."

Vanessa was disappointed at this and slumped back onto the sofa. In doing so, she gave the lads a tantalising view of the lemon coloured panties she had been given to wear.

"Whoa," shouted the youths, who also wolf whistled at what they had seen. Vanessa blushed scarlet as she sat upright and tried to tug down the shirt to cover what she could.

"Have another drink, love," laughed Rob thrusting another drink into her hand.

"They're trying to get me drunk," she thought. But, she needed something to get her through this ordeal so she took a large gulp. The lads winked at each other. The evening could turn out to be very interesting.

"How old are you, love?" Asked Rob.

"I'm 27," she told him.

"And how long have you been married?"

"About 2 years," she replied, as she realised that everyone was listening intently to their conversation.

Then they were all laughing and talking and occasionally looking at her. She looked down and realised she had finished her drink. She didn't normally have more than one glass. Her shower, the drink and the warm fire were making her drowsy.

"What about a game to pass the time?" grinned the youth sitting next to her.

A pack of cards was quickly produced, and a coffee table was pushed into the centre of the room. Everyone seemed to find a seat of some sort and the cards were dealt out, Vanessa was included.

Rob gave her a fresh drink as he handed out cans of beer for his other guests.

"Shouldn't someone be helping Mick?" She asked.

Just then Mick came through the door. "It's raining cats and dogs out there at present. I need a break."

Vanessa looked at him, alarmed. "But, I've got to get home. I can't sit here all night."

"Give me a break Lady, I'll get back to it once I've warmed up a bit. It shouldn't take long now, anyway."

Someone pushed some cards into her hand. "What's this," she said, throwing them back onto the table.

"Just a quick game of poker," someone said.

"And you've lost," said Colin counting up her cards.

Suddenly, everyone was looking expectantly in her direction.

"What?" she asked.

"You have to take something off," grinned Jim. "It's the rules."

"What?" She shrieked. "You can't be serious, surely."

"Look, we're playing strip poker and you lost."

"But, I didn't agree to play," she wailed.

"You took the cards in your hand. That meant you were prepared to play. Then you folded by throwing them onto the table," someone explained. "In any case you would have lost."

"Please leave me alone," she protested. "I'm a married woman."

"What's that got to do with it?" One of them shouted.

"I just can't...." she whispered. "I just want to go home."

But there was no sympathy in the room for her.

"Look lady, you've got to pay your debts. There are no exceptions to the rule."

She sat there stubbornly, her arms folded across her chest.

"Oh well, I guess I won't be fixing those plugs tonight." said Mick.

"Looks like we'll all be staying here tonight then," laughed Colin. "And there's only one bedroom."

"Oh, that's just great, 6 in a bed. I'm all for that," grinned Andy.

Vanessa's heart sank. What was she going to do?

She could see that she was in a bad position. "If I take it off, can I put it on again?"

"Yeah, of course you can," said Rob.

"And will you fix the car, Mick?"

"As soon as we finish the game," he promised.

They all watched in silence, waiting. She drained her drink and put the glass down. Surely, she was dreaming the whole thing. It was a nightmare.

Slowly, she stood up and undid the buttons. Closing her eyes, she slipped the shirt over her shoulders and took it off.

The lads all gave low whistles. There wasn't a sound in the room. She could feel every pair of eyes staring at her firm, round, ample breasts. She blushed, as she realised her nipples had hardened under their intense gaze. She reached down to pick up the shirt but Rob was too quick for her.

"You said I could put it back on," she whined.

"Yes, after the game," he emphasised.

She closed her eyes and sighed, "Oh no," she groaned.

All she could do was sit back and cover her breasts with her arms. She should be at home right now, not displaying her breasts for 5 youths to gawp at. What would her husband think of her, if he knew? She felt her head spin with the drinks they had given her.

Why had she drunk anything? She must be mad?

She was dealt another hand and another drink.

"I don't want to play anymore," she said.

"Its too late," said Rob, "cards have been dealt."

She frowned and tried to focus as she picked up the cards. She sipped her drink nervously as she tried to follow the game. The one with the lowest count was the loser. Surely, she wouldn't lose again.

They quickly added up the numbers.

"It looks like you've lost again," they told her.

"I can't have," she protested.

"Look for yourself," they said, spreading out all the hands before her on the table.

She groaned. This was getting worse.

"You have to take your panties off," said Andy all excited. The others growled in unison. They all wanted the same thing.

"Please," she said, "don't make me do it."

She had a sudden thought. "I'll pay you instead," she blurted out.

But then, she realised that she never brought much cash with her when she went out to the Leisure Centre, just enough to pay for the hiring of the court. She would have less than £5 on her in change.

"Oh no, I can't," she said, desperately, shaking her head. Then she had another idea.

"I can owe you £10," she said hopefully.

"No," they all shouted. "Come on, get them off."

She drowned her drink for courage. She had lost count of how many glasses she had drunk. But she knew it was too much. And it was beginning to affect her now.

She stood up. "Please don't tell my husband I did this," she slurred.

There was a deathly silence in the room, as she put her thumbs inside the elastic and started to ease them over her bum and thighs. She pushed them down as elegantly as she could and stepped out of them. Then she picked them up and covered herself with them. But Rob put his hand out. "You have to hand them over until the game finishes," he said coldly.

Defeated now, she meekly gave them to him. Then she sat with one arm covering her breasts and her other hand covering her pussy.

Her eyes widened as more cards were dealt.

"Aren't we finished now?"

"No, we have to play a hand for each person in the game. It won't take long. Then you can put something on and Mick will fix the van."

She sat back and sighed. Well, at least she was out of things now. She had no more to take off. As soon as they finish the damn game we can be on our way, and, hopefully, I'll never see them again.


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